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Building Dreams

Page 23

by Ginna Gray

  "Get your hands off my wife, Benson, before I tear you apart," Ryan growled.

  Charles released Tess so quickly she staggered back. Horrified, she looked across the room at Ryan, and felt sick. "Ry-Ryan please... it's not ... I wasn't..."

  "Don't upset yourself, my dear," Charles said in his maddeningly imperious manner. "I'll handle this." He faced Ryan with calculated arrogance. "You might as well know, McCall, that I'm taking Tess and Molly back to Boston with me."

  "Charles, what are you saying? You know that's n—"

  "I said stay out of this, Tess." His mouth curled in a sneering little smile that dared Ryan to object. "We're leaving tonight, and there's nothing you can do about it."

  With a little moan, Tess put both hands over her mouth and watched her husband, bracing for his attack. To her surprise, it never came.

  Crossing his arms over his massive chest, he pinned Charles with a hard look and asked calmly, "Oh really? Just out of curiosity, how do you plan to accomplish that? Kidnapping is illegal."

  Charles's face fell. Baffled by the unruffled response, he sputtered and blinked for a couple of seconds, but he tried to brazen it out. "I won't have to resort to kidnapping," he blustered. "Tess wants to go with me. She cares for me. You saw us kissing just now."

  "What I saw was you mauling my wife against her will. Tess loves me, Benson. And I love her. And all your scheming and manipulating isn't going to change that," Ryan said in a dangerously quiet voice.

  Shock rippled through Tess. By the time Ryan had finished speaking, her eyes were awash with happy tears and an incandescent smile lit her face. She couldn't believe it. Joy swelled her heart and overflowed, gushing through her like a bubbling spring.

  "I don't accept that," Charles declared arrogantly. "In her present condition Tess couldn't possibly know what's best for her or what she feels."

  It took a second for the arrogant statement to pierce her elation. When it did, indignation nearly choked her. "Now wait just a darn minute. Who do you think you are?" she demanded. "I am a mature adult. I certainly don't need you or anyone else to tell me what to do or how I feel."

  Charles met her irate glare with a look of pitying condescension that made her want to scream. "Tess, my dear, you must admit this past year has been rough on you—losing Tom so suddenly, then learning you were pregnant, having Molly all alone."

  "She wasn't alone. I was with her."

  Ignoring the remark and the challenging look in Ryan's eyes, Charles went on as though he hadn't spoken. "Dearest, whether you know it or not, those things put you under a severe strain. It's not surprising that you've made some mistakes in judgment."

  Tess gritted her teeth. He was talking to her as though she were a weak-witted child. ''There is nothing wrong with my judgment," she said through her teeth.

  "Now, now. Don't get upset. I don't blame you, Tess. You were lonely and vulnerable. Naturally you were susceptible and easily swayed." He paused to shoot Ryan a nasty look. "This.. .person offered you security and a ht-tle affection and you mistook it for love, but he's totally unsuitable. I know you've realized that this marriage is a disaster." He smiled slyly. "The kiss we shared proved that."

  Tess gasped. "That's not true!" She cast a desperate look at Ryan, her fear returning. "Don't listen to—"

  "Tess. Tess," Charles chided. "My dear, I know you feel obligated to stand by the commitment you've made, no matter how disastrous, and I admire your integrity. Really, I do. But I simply cannot allow you to let a rash decision ruin the rest of your life. Don't worry. This is a mistake that can be corrected easily enough. You just leave everything to me.

  His gall left Tess speechless. She stared at him with her mouth agape. Before she could find her tongue, he grasped her elbow.

  "Come, pick up the baby and let's go. You'll be able to think much more clearly once we're out of here, I promise you."

  Tess tried to pull away. "Charles, let go of me. Ow! You're hurting me!" she cried when his grip tightened cruelly.

  Ryan made a subtle move—the merest squaring of his shoulders, his big body tensing for combat—but it was enough to stop Charles in his tracks.

  "Get your hands off of her, Benson. Now," he snarled in a low rumble. "Or so help me, I'll beat the living hell out of you."

  "If you think you can scare me with your threats—"

  "It's not a threat. Believe me, nothing would give me more pleasure than to put my fist through your face. The only reason I haven't so far is because I didn't want to upset Tess. But I'm fresh out of patience."

  Charles glared defiantly, but uncertainty flickered in his eyes, and after a moment he dropped his hand from her arm. Tess quickly stepped away, rubbing her elbow, her apprehensive gaze sliding back and forth between the two men.

  "Now then," Ryan commanded in the same deadly tone. "You have five seconds to get the hell out of our home."

  Charles glared at him, then at Tess, his face a livid mask. "All right. I'll go. But this isn't the end of it, McCall," he blustered. "That child is a Benson, and she belongs in Boston with her family."

  "I'll see you in hell first. Now get out," Ryan repeated icily.

  Charles's gaze sought Tess. "This is your last chance. Are you coming with me or not?"

  She lifted her chin and looked him straight in the eye. "Goodbye, Charles."

  His aristocratic face hardened and the look in his eyes turned to icy hatred. "Very well, so be it. You'll be hearing from our attorney." Cursing under his breath, he brushed past Ryan and stormed out.

  Ryan watched him go. When the door slammed shut, he turned slowly, and for the first time since arriving, he looked directly at Tess.

  Across the space of the room their gazes met and held— hers soft and adoring, his a vivid ghtter in his solenn face. Waiting. Expectant.

  The air between them quivered with emotion. Finally, breaking the charged silence, Ryan whispered, "Come here, sweetheart."

  With a glad cry, Tess flew across the room into his outstretched arms. "Oh, my darling. My love," she sobbed.

  "Shh. It's okay," he whispered an instant before his mouth closed tenderly over hers. For several minutes no words were necessary. They kissed passionately, deeply, clutching each other with all their might, their hearts free at last.

  When their yearning became more than they could bear, Ryan broke off the kiss and swept Tess up in his arms. His face was stiff and flushed with passion as he strode through the apartment to their bedroom. Beside their bed, he stopped and looked at her intently.

  "I love you, Tess." His deep voice vibrated with emotion, and the look in his eyes made her insides melt.

  Cupping his face with her hand, Tess gave him a quavering smile as tears spilled over onto her cheeks. "I know, my love," she whispered. "I know."




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