Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series

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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series Page 25

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Oh God, Van.”

  “I know.” Evan could barely speak. His orgasm was so close. His stomach warmed up, tying itself in knots. He let out a yell into Ryan’s mouth as it hit him.

  Ryan came seconds later. He rubbed against him hard and when he came, he nearly passed out. It was like nothing he had ever experienced. His whole body shook as it kept it hitting him. Evan was holding him close. Ryan buried his face in Evan’s neck, breathing hard. Evan’s fingers were stroking his hair.

  “God, I love that.” Ryan sighed.

  “Glad I’m not alone.”

  “God, I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I know. But now, things are different. I love you, you love me.”

  “I do. God, I love you, Van.”

  They snuggled in bed wrapped around each other, and Ryan kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes as Evan played with his hair.

  “We’ll see each other soon.” Evan sighed.

  “In the meantime, I’m calling you every day and we can talk on the webcam.”

  “That’s different from before?” Evan chuckled.

  “It is different… because now every time I call you I’m going to tell you how much I love you. I might even get naked on the webcam.”

  “Really?” Evan smiled wide.

  “No.” Ryan chuckled.


  Ryan looked into his eyes. “I love you, Evan Voronova.”

  “I love you, Ryan Cannon.”

  Toby was spread out on the couch. He couldn’t hear anything from the bedroom, which was probably a good thing. He wasn’t jealous. Although he liked Ryan, he couldn’t have liked him that much, since he was currently fantasizing about Cameron Dalton. They had said their goodnights and Cameron had given him the once-over with his eyes again as he walked to his own room. It was enough to give him a full-blown erection.

  The man was gorgeous. It had taken him a bit, but he had remembered reading an article about him. Cameron had been playing a rival team when they had jumped him in the parking lot. He had taken them all out — not just one, but all. It had made the papers because it was considered an attempted gay bashing, but that hadn’t been all. He had made the papers more than once due to the way he played. He and Max Remo had professional teams trying to recruit them straight from high school.

  There was something else, though. He knew he had seen him before. He just couldn’t think of where, and it was driving him nuts. Toby closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on where he had seen him. All he could see were his eyes and his hands and his…

  “Are you fantasizing yet?”

  Toby sat up to see Cameron standing in the corner with his arms crossed. He was in scrub pants with no shirt. Toby closed his eyes. It didn’t help. All he saw was that perfect chest and ripped abs… ah, shit.

  “Nope.” Toby walked over to the fridge.

  “Liar.” Cameron shifted to stand behind him in the open fridge. “Maybe this will cool you off.”

  Toby’s body broke out in goosebumps. He sidestepped him to lean against the counter. When he turned around, Cameron was right in front of him again. “Don’t you find this a little strange?”

  “What? Evan wasn’t my boyfriend. Tell me you don’t find me attractive and I’ll go to my own room and jack off thinking about you.”

  Toby’s jaw dropped. “You really just —”

  “Say what’s on my mind? Yeah, you’ve said that.” Cameron pushed him into the counter. “Right now, I want to taste you.” Cameron leaned in until his lips were almost touching Toby’s. “You are fucking sexy as hell.”

  “I —” Toby couldn’t form a sentence.

  “What? Don’t want me to? Don’t want to feel my lips on yours? My hands running up your body? Tell me you don’t want me to touch you, Toby. Say the words.” Cameron ran his hand up Toby’s thigh. “Tell me what you want.”

  Toby closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breathing. Jesus, just the touch of his hand was doing things to him. He was so close he could almost taste him. “You.”

  Cameron crushed him against the counter, taking his mouth with force. He gripped his hair, tasting all of him. It was just the way he thought it would be. Their tongues anticipated every move. They met, tangled, and Cameron let out a low growl in his mouth.

  Toby’s legs were going out from under him. Cameron’s arm came around him, pulling him in, and he wrapped his arms around his neck. He was off the floor and being devoured by a six-foot-three hot piece of ass. Oh, fuck!

  Cameron broke the kiss, running his lips over Toby’s. “You don’t remember me, do you? I remember you. You’re the reason I started playing football. I was sent to Camp Woodland because I was smaller than the other kids. My dad’s way of making me feel better — go to football camp. I saw you. You were on the big kid’s team and I thought you were beautiful. That’s when I knew I was gay.”

  Toby’s eye went wide. “I knew it. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though…”

  Cameron smiled. He kissed him gently before putting him down. “Now I’m going to bed. Alone. I want you to think about what just happened between us. I want you to think about it when you go home, when you’re lying in bed by yourself. My hands on your body, my lips on yours.” Cameron brushed his lips across Toby’s, letting his tongue trail behind. “And then when school gets out, I’m going to come see you.” Cameron took his hand and kissed the inside of his palm. “Goodnight, Tobias Strong.”

  Toby watched him go to his room and slumped against the door, trying to stand up. He would be thinking about Cameron all right, every second of every day.

  Start the ride from the beginning with: A Marked Man; Alaska with Love; By the light of the Moon; Half Moon Rising; Best Laid Plans; For the Love of Caden; The General’s Lover; Russian Prey; An Ignited Passion; Reflash; The Red Zone; Irish Wishes; Pleading the Fifth ; Betrayed; Summer of Awakenings; Into the Lyons Den; The Nik of Time and The Littlest Assassin-Shifters; Lessons Learned; Broken Bonds and Forbidden; Dirty Ross; Savage Love; Locke and Key, and Tricked, Bewildered and Bitten

  The 12 Olympians: Justice for Skylar; At Year's End; Lux Ex Tenebris; Strange Addiction; Ryde the Lightning, Wraith and The Hard Rhoade

  The Men of Manhattan: A Betting Man; A Marrying Man and A Fighting Man; A Working Man and A Healing Man; A Selfless Man and An Honorable Man

  The Medicine and The Mob; An Eye For an Eye; The Harder they Fall; What Goes Around and Karma; Reflections; Open Doors; Beginnings; Making the Rules; V Is for Vicious, Russian Roulette and Growing up Santorno

  The Rock Series: FRET; Jinxed and Harley's Achilles and Falcon's Fox

  The Angel Series; Second Time Around and Gabriel's Fall

  Join me on my Facebook pages!


  Need a family tree? Here's the link to it!


  BY J.P. MORROW –Releasing September 22nd

  Sif was unsure if her lips met the red-haired woman’s halfway, or it just seemed that way as a mixture of uncertainty and desire flooded her mind. When the gentle pressure of soft, feather-like wisps of heat touched her own, that uncertainty passed. Lost in any sense of thought, Sif brought her hands up around the strangers back, pulled her closer, and was pleased that no resistance was offered. Eyes closed, Sif let the kiss linger as she breathed in the mild scent of mint, and was drawn deeper into the kiss. Lilith’s hands tenderly slid up Sif’s, cupping her face. A long sensual moment passed when Sif gingerly pulled her back, breaking the kiss.

  Both women looked into each other’s eyes, Sif with a look of desirable confusion, Lilith with a child-like look, her eyes downcast, lips parted in a needful expression. A fogginess clouded what would have been questions as to why she was allowing this to happen. As a clarity of purpose g
rew within, she once again pulled Lilith close. Lips touched and parted as purpose fueled the play of tongues, and hands began to explore. Her body began to ache, desire swelling up within her as the years of loneliness and solitude hungered for the touch of another.

  Lost in Lilith’s affections, Sif felt her back press against the pole that supported the roof of her home. Her arms were raised above her head as she felt deft fingers undress her. Her eyes remained closed when the chill in the air kissed naked flesh. Remaining that way, out of fear that the one touching her would look disappointingly upon a body that had known the rigors of life. Crossing her legs and wanting to bring her arms down to cover her breasts, Sif trembled when Lilith’s fingers touched her collar bone and cautiously slipped them down over freckled skin, between her breasts and over her belly. Her legs crossed tighter, this time not in shame or modesty, but in response to the silent moan that filled her. When the tips of Lilith’s fingers pressed further down and rested upon her thighs, the pressure between her legs turned into a fearful yet wanting quake as thumbs slid down the makeshift valley her crossed legs created. Afraid, she began to shake her head no. As Lilith’s attention gently continued to spread her legs, she began to speak. Sif could not understand what was being said, but the voice was strangely musical and calming—calming to the point that the fear she felt melted away as her legs began to part. Exposed, the cold air crept up and touched the heated moist flesh of her sex and sent a shiver of delight throughout her. Still Lilith spoke as Sif felt the hands rise and grasp her waist. Turning her head to the side, Sif pressed her upper teeth into her lower lip when she felt Lilith’s lips kiss her navel. Her knees buckled as lips parted and the gentle caress of a tongue licked the slight hollow, causing a moan to escape her lips. Unsure if she could or would submit to anything further, her mind was made up for her: the presence of Lilith’s lips upon her flesh was removed, and a few moments later, her forearm was grasped, bringing her arm down.

  The soft feel of fabric met her touch as her hand was placed upon the shoulder of her liberator. Again, the sounds of a strange, unearthly, beautiful voice floated on the air, as Sif opened her eyes and gazed into Lilith’s. A smile greeted her that was warm, loving, and slightly lustful. Turning her head toward the hand that rested upon her shoulder, Lilith slid her hand up and covered the back of Sif’s. Continuing to talk in a low whisper, she pressed down and moved her hand off her shoulder. Sif’s fingers pulled down upon the dress, slowly exposing Lilith’s bare shoulder. A languished turn of her head, back to Sif’s gaze, was continued with unknown beautiful words. Words, however unknown, expressed her desire.

  Understanding, and no longer thinking, Sif pulled the dress off of Lilith’s shoulder, then repeated the action upon the other. Slowly the dress dropped down until it rested upon the top of her bosom. Looking down at where it stopped, Lilith lifted her eyes to Sif’s with a pleading look. Hands came to the top hem of the dress, as fingers dug carefully under the fabric and pulled down. Lilith’s response was to close her eyes and lift her head in surrender. As the dress fell, Sif was captivated at the perfection being revealed with each inch of flesh exposed. When the dress hung lightly on hardened pink nipples, it took only the barest of efforts to pull down, and the dress fell to the floor. She was afraid to look, even though the fear at this point was gone. Her breathing came in trembling short inhales as her eyes then looked down fully to gaze upon the naked woman in front of her.

  A soft white body, perfect in proportion, stood in front of her. Breasts that were perky, highlighted by the pleasing sight of slightly darkened pink areolas, were capped by gently rounded nipples. Her stomach was taught as it delved down into a valley of fiery red hair. Her hips were shapely, and her thighs were slightly muscular. Without command, Lilith turned, exposing her back while she lifted her hair up. Bringing her hand up, Sif reached out and touched her back with her fingertips. Lilith turned her head so she could see her and smiled. Fingertips began to descend and move to the center of Lilith’s back, coming to rest upon the base of her spine. Uncertainty over what she should do next caused Sif’s fingers to tremble as she touched Lilith. Feeling the sensation vibrate through her lower back, Lilith turned and faced her.

  The earthen floor of her home was made comfortable as both woman lay upon Sif’s white cloak. How she had been brought to the floor was lost somewhere in the fog of pleasure Sif was now experiencing. As she lay there, her body was worshipped like a Goddess as Lilith began to explore with kisses and a tender lapping of her tongue. All she was aware of, before she eagerly surrendered, was that Gregor no longer remained in the room since the moment he had yelled Lilith’s name before the kiss began.

  Tiny explosions were erupting all over her body as the alabaster-skinned woman kissed her all over. Her hands stroked and played with the redhead’s locks. Her eyes closed as the feeling of her nipple gently being sucked upon brought a smile to her lips as her hands explored her body. As each breast was honored with her touch and a flick or circling of her tongue, Lilith would speak in a husky panting tone that she was sure was lust filled. The hand that had been exploring her body began to slide further down to the warm moist region between Sif’s legs. Her escaping moan was an urging—a groaning signal for more.

  Pleased with the surrender, Lilith began to move her body down, leaving a trail of kisses behind. Her tongue led the descent, until it once again found the hollow of Sif’s navel and again lavished attention to it. Positioning her body from Sif’s side to slide in between her legs, Lilith placed her lips just above the fine hair of her blond mound and raised her eyes. Sif turned her head to the side, completely lost in the sensations her body was feeling. Content that she would not be interrupted or stopped in her plan, Lilith kissed the curly blonde hair, lowered her head some more, kissed again, and stopped, taking a moment to breathe in the warm and musky scent that was escaping Sif’s sex. Kneeling, Lilith then brought her hands in between Sif’s thighs and pushed them apart. Gazing down, the reddened flesh of denied desire glistened in the firelight, as well as the inside of her thighs.

  With Sif’s legs bent, Lilith bent down and kissed the inside of her knee and followed downward with light kisses. Sif’s arse tensed with each kiss as her body squirmed in little gyrations with coming expectations. Lower Lilith continued until she reached the convergence of Sif’s legs and passed over it, only bestowing a light focused blow of breath upon the slickened lips.

  “Please,” groaned Sif as the denial tortured her. Lilith’s response was to then continue her kisses up along the other inside thigh until she reached the opposite knee. Again sitting up on her knees, Lilith looked down upon Sif’s naked form, her own body watering with lustful hunger.

  The wait was becoming unbearable as Sif brought her hands over her own body and began to touch herself, her fingers lightly brushing her skin, breasts and upper thighs. Pleased with the growing wantonness being displayed, Lilith leaned back and lay flat upon the floor between Sif’s legs. The heat pulsing from Sif’s nether mouth was a welcomed ray of sun that washed over Lilith’s face and drew her closer to its source.

  Sif felt Lilith’s head come closer to her rose and brought her hands up to grasp her hair with coming anticipation. When she felt a finger slide between the petals of her rose, her body spasmed as a little climax jolted her body.

  Lilith began to play with the fleshy petals of Sif’s sex, dragging her fingers up and down, side to side, the cloying heat and moisture covering her finger with honey. Withdrawing that finger, Lilith brought it to her lips and licked her finger clean, savoring the taste. The smile that claimed her lips was lecherous, and as she brought that hand back, she opened Sif’s sex wide with her fingers and gazed upon the ripened rose bud that called for attention. Lilith used her middle finger to massage the blood pulsating diamond and was rewarded with Sif attempting to close her legs around her head, to no avail. Her finger teasing, she began to blow lightly upon the wet red folds of flesh that guarded, unsuccessfully, the entrance to h
er womb. Sif’s fleshy buttocks began to quake as tension built within her.

  The smile Lilith wore grew wider, as soon her feast would be ready to devour. The quaking became stronger as her finger pressed and eased its tension upon her rose bud with chaotic movements. No longer content to let her finger complete what she was hungering for, Lilith moved forward, removed her fingers, placed her mouth upon the honeyed hole, and began to lavish her womb with her tongue. Sif could feel Lilith’s face pressed against her, could feel her nose against the mound of hair above her womanhood, nearly cried out when soft cool lips came in contact with needful flesh. Her eyebrows creased down as her eyes squinted, her body arched as she lifted her head up and looked down upon the locks of red covering her stomach, knowing underneath the tangle she was being loved.

  Small ‘ohs’ began to grow and take wing from her lips as she began to gyrate her hips back and forth, rubbing her loins against the mouth that sought to devour her. The mass of red moved up and Sif began to feel Lilith’s tongue begin to swirl around the fleshy nub of her rose bud. Her mouth closed as her teeth bit her lower lip. Her trembling became violent, her body taking full control of its own needs. Almost at the brink of collapse, Sif felt Lilith’s lips close around her nub and suck in. Her body exploded with sensation as waves of release washed over her body and a powerful orgasm rocked her soul. Moans slipped from her mouth, from deep within her body, as her head rolled back and forth, attempting to deny what she felt and accept it at the same time.

  Lilith began to ease her vigilance on her completed task as she went from gently sucking upon Sif’s rose bud to tenderly licking the folds of her sex, enjoying the rewards of her efforts with the nectar that seeped out of Sif’s rose. With the climax dissipating, Sif began to lay once again upon the ground. Catching her breath, she brought her hands down to Lilith’s curly mop of hair. Raising her head as fingers played in the thicket, she looked deep into the eyes of her lover. A wicked smile looked up from between her legs, and as she licked her lips, savoring every last taste, a look of victory appeared upon Lilith’s smiling lips.


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