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Falling For A Hood King 3

Page 5

by Shvonne Latrice

  I looked at my iPhone and saw it was 10pm, so I knew that Julius and that Franceska hoe were already there. We pulled up to Club Rissani and it was a long line outside. I knew it was gone be live as hell tonight for sure; even better. Paula and I exited the car and headed straight up to the front. There was no way I was about to wait in line when my husband owned this damn club.

  “You look nice tonight Natalia,” the bouncer said as he licked his lips. He didn’t ask any questions or give me any grief. He simply removed the rope, with that ugly ass smile plastered on his face.

  “Thank you,” I grinned and walked into the club.

  Just as I expected, the club was packed wall to fucking wall. Everybody was drinking, socializing and freaking on one another on the dance floor. I scanned the VIP booths looking for Julius. I hoped he was in one of them because if not, then that meant he was probably in his office fucking that stupid bitch. Just as I was starting to get worried, I spotted him chilling with that hoe in his lap. My heart started to hurt, but I refused to let it show on my face.

  “Show time,” I smiled at Paula and she smiled back.

  We walked up to the booth next to Julius and his homeboys, and it was full of some boss looking ass dudes. All I did was walk up and flash my smile, and these niggas let me into their VIP. I strutted past them knowing I looked good as hell. The babies I had gave me a little more in all the right areas. I was still small but just had a little more to give.

  “You want a drink sexy?” one of the guys asked me.

  “Yes please,” I replied in a flirty tone and Paula chuckled.

  He poured me a drink and gave one to Paula as well. I hadn't drunk in so long, so it felt like pure rubbing alcohol going down my throat. After a couple drinks, I started to loosen up and the guy that gave me a drink was flirting with me a lot. I looked over and saw Julius was still playing boyfriend and girlfriend with that bitch.

  “I’m Up,” by Omarion came on, and the guy pulled me into his lap for a dance. Fuck it, I told myself. I started grinding in his lap and twerking my ass as he held onto my waist.

  “You sexy as hell, ma,” the guy commented, as he rubbed his big hand on my flat stomach.

  Like fucking clockwork, I heard some commotion and then spotted Julius storming past a group of niggas to get to me. He snatched me up by my arm with the quickness.

  “Fuck you doing Natalia!” he yelled.

  “Aye nigga! We was dancing!” the guy shouted, standing up.

  “Nigga, sit yo’ muthafuckin’ ass down before I fuck you up. My wife is off limits, aight!” Julius hollered back getting in his face. All the guys’ homeboys were surrounding him, yet Julius refused to back down. That was the type of guy he was though, never one to back down from anyone or anything. “Now I suggest y’all sit the fuck back down and continue to enjoy y’all night,” Julius added and then snatched me out the VIP.

  He led me to the back and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw Franceska following in the distance. We finally reached his office and he slammed the door shut. We stared at each other for a little bit and I could see he was angry as fuck. He was so sexy, especially when he clenched his jaw and scowled like that.

  “That’s what the fuck you do now?” he asked with his fists balled up.

  “I don’t see why you care. Looks like you have a girlfriend already,” I said feeling hurt.

  “Don’t you ever do no shit like that again,” he replied breathing heavily.

  “I'm single. I can dance on and fuck whomever I want. Just like you,” I smiled and then headed towards the door.

  Julius grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He rushed me into the wall and towered over me.

  “You not fucking single, you my damn wife.”

  “I'm not your wife! You had that slut all in your lap while I’m at home missing you,” I cried almost.

  He grabbed my face and dipped his tongue in my mouth. We were so caught up in our kiss that we didn't realize someone had walked in. That someone was Franceska's ass.

  “Julius!” she yelled.

  “Aye Franceska, I’m busy,” Julius replied.

  “Busy cheating on me!” she screamed.

  “He ain’t cheating on you, I’m his wife! You a fucking nobody bitch!” I yelled back.

  “Natalia relax,” Julius said.

  “No, I’m not relaxing. Either you leaving with me right now or you can stay here with her and divorce me,” I said giving him an ultimatum. I was done with his fucking games.

  “Aight, go wait for me in the car,” he huffed.

  “For real, Julius?” Franceska yelled.

  “No,” I said folding my arms. I wasn’t about to wait in the car so he could dick this bitch down. Whatever she got from him up until this point, was the last she was gonna get.

  Julius exhaled heavily and then grabbed my hand in his. Franceska shook her head at him as tears rushed down her trashy face. She ran out, being dramatic as fuck, and Julius and I headed out his office.

  “Gimme a kiss with yo’ crazy ass,” he grinned down at me. I smiled back and he kissed my lips. “You look sexy as hell by the way,” he commented, as we headed out the club and to his car.

  Mission accomplished, I thought.

  Chapter 15: Julius

  One of the trap houses kept coming up short with my fucking money and I felt the need to drop by myself. Chico acted like he couldn’t get the job done. Sometimes in life, things were done better when you did them your damn self.

  “These niggas have pretty much signed their death certificate,” I said as I headed over to the house with Tim in tow.

  “Yeah, what did Chico say?” Tim asked frowning.

  “He just said he didn’t know who the fuck it was and for me to check it out,” I responded shaking my head. What did I need his ass for if I was gone do this? I got Hugo on my back, all for a nigga who was slacking.

  “Ain’t that what you hired him for?” Tim questioned as if he was reading my mind.

  “Yeah, but clearly he ain’t a good fit,” I said as we pulled up near the trap.

  Tim and I hopped out the car and headed up the small walkway. When I walked in, everyone was sitting there chilling like they were on a damn vacation or something. Once they noticed me, they all jumped up. I was tempted to just blast the whole damn room with bullets.

  “Why the fuck y’all parlaying when my fucking money is missing?” I boomed.

  “Aye boss, we been trying-”

  “Somebody about to die right fuckin now! Y’all got two options. Tell me who the culprit is, or I’m lighting every single one of you up,” I spat. I was ready too. I had just enough bullets to kill every single one of these little niggas.

  “It was Pat man,” everyone spoke up simultaneously.

  “Man look, I got a good reason. Moms was-” my worker Patrick tried to explain.

  “Get the fuck up and let’s go nigga,” I yelled. Patrick jumped up and walked over by Tim and I.

  “As for the rest of y’all, I’m gone drop by randomly and if I see y’all chilling again, I’m killing everyone,” I said nonchalantly like it was nothing. In all actuality, it was nothing to me to kill each and every one of these niggas.

  “Got it boss,” they replied.

  “Get yo’ ass outside!” Tim yelled as he pushed Patrick outside the house.

  As we walked down the walkway, a black Oldsmobile drove by slowly. The next thing I knew, an AK came out the back window and started filling the three of us up with bullets. I saw a bullet go straight through Patrick’s head and knock him to the floor. I dropped down as well and pulled Tim with me.

  “Hugo said die slow nigga!” the shooter yelled.

  The car sped off, as my workers ran outside with their guns shooting at them. I heard one of them yell to call the ambulance, just before I blacked out. My last thoughts were of my beautiful wife and kids and how I left them here without me.


  I woke up and saw I was in the hospital. I was thanking God
that I was alive, even though I was in pain. I looked around the room and saw only Rashad, Dash, and Leese in the room. Where was my wife? I’m laid up in the hospital and she probably out clubbing again. I shook my head at the thought.

  “Wh-Wh- Natalia,” I said realizing my throat was too dry to talk in full sentences.

  Rashad stood up and poured me some ice water to drink. He handed me the cup and I downed three more refills before feeling like I could speak.

  “Where is Natalia?” I asked again but clearly.

  “She just left,” Rashad replied.

  “Why did she leave?” I frowned.

  “She was here all night and she needed to bathe and feed Jackson and Harmony,” Rashad said as if I was tripping.

  “Yeah right. She probably out being a fucking hoe,” I spat and stared at the blank white wall.

  “Bruh, she literally just left like thirty minutes ago. I’m sure the last thing on her mind is fucking another nigga,” Dash chimed in. “She said she’s coming back in an hour,” he added.

  “What, you fucking her now?” I scowled. Since when did he start wanting to defend Natalia? If he was fucking her, I would kill his ass without the slightest bit of hesitation.

  “Nigga no, I just know she wouldn’t do you like that,” Dash frowned.

  “Whatever. Fuck her,” I replied and laid back down. “Where is Tim?” I asked as I suddenly remembered he was with me when I got shot.

  “He uh, he didn’t make it dawg,” Leese shook his head as he stared at the floor.

  “What? What the fuck you mean he didn’t make it?” I felt myself getting emotional as I sat back up.

  “The bullet went through his eye and entered his head,” Rashad added. I just laid back down because I was speechless.

  I tried to save him and didn’t even succeed. I couldn’t believe Tim was gone. Tim was like another brother to Rashad and I. I couldn’t wait to get back at Hugo. I was mad that he shot me, but I was enraged that he killed my brother from another mother.

  Chapter 16: Natalia

  Now that my kids were fed, bathed and dressed, I could pass them off to Winnie. I knew she was here to do all that for me, but I enjoyed taking care of my own babies. I just needed her to watch them sometimes. I wouldn't have them growing up calling her mommy or crying when I took them away from her. That would definitely break my heart.

  I threw on some black skinny jeans and an army green tube top, so I could head back out to the hospital. I couldn’t believe someone had shot my baby. I prayed nonstop while he was in surgery and God came through for me. I smiled at the thought as I sped back to be by his side.

  My phone buzzed as I was leaving, and I saw it was a text from Lucy. I rolled my eyes up in my head because she had no reason to be contacting me. Our friendship was over in my book. She had stabbed me in the back too many damn times. It was sad to think about because we used to be so close, but oh well, nothing lasts forever.

  I walked down the hallway of the hospital, headed to Julius’ room and ran right into Rashad coming out.

  “Don’t mind his attitude right now,” Rashad commented and shook his head.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, but Rashad just shook his head and walked away.

  I walked into the room and saw Franceska sitting next to Julius, holding his hand. He was laying there staring at the ceiling, like he was in deep thought. I became just as angry as I was at the club that night. I couldn’t keep allowing him to do me this way.

  “Julius, why is she here?” I asked.

  “Cause I’m his girl,” she replied nastily.

  “You’re not his girl! He’s married to me bitch!” I yelled and showed my ring finger in case she needed proof.

  “Natalia, just go back to wherever you just were for the past hour,” Julius said calmly.

  “What?” I was so confused right now. I don’t remember the doctor saying he had memory loss. I was with him the whole damn night. He couldn’t be serious right now.

  “Since you just now showing up, you can take your ass back home,” he said clenching his jaw. “Or to whatever nigga's house you was at,” he added.

  “I was here all night with you! I left for one hour Julius, so that I could take care of our kids and at least shower and feed myself,” I said feeling tears well up. Why was he always on some bullshit? We would be good and then he would always find a reason to trip out on me.

  “Aight well, I got my girl here, so I don’t need your services anymore,” he replied and waved me off. He lifted Franceska’s hand and kissed the back of it while looking me in the eyes. She smirked at me with a face that said, yeah bitch, I won.

  “You want to be with her Julius?” I asked to make sure. I was tired of his games.

  “He already is with me boo,” she replied for him.

  I nodded and slid my rings off my finger. I sat them on the table next to him and he looked at me with a surprised expression. I didn’t say another word as I left the hospital room. Tears escaped my eyes in abundance, as I walked down to the car. I couldn’t keep letting Julius treat me this way. Maybe it was better that we stay apart since it seemed we could never be happy.

  Chapter 17: Julius

  3 Weeks Later

  My little stunt I pulled in the hospital really pissed Natalia off. She was not fucking with me whatsoever. I sent flowers, jewelry, candy, clothes, everything I could think of, and she still wouldn't budge. When I showed up at the house, she would go sleep in the other room if I was in the bedroom. I was still smashing Franceska and she wasn’t giving me any problems since she thought she was finally my girl. I shook my head at the thought. I knew I shouldn’t have been fucking with anybody while trying to get my wife back at the same time, but shit happens.

  I headed to my lawyer, Benjamin’s house because he said he wanted to talk to me about something. I only spoke to him when I had some charges pending or something like that, so I wasn’t sure why he felt the need to meet me. Everything I’d recently done was dancing around in my head, making me wonder if I’d been as careful as I’d thought.

  I pulled up at his crib and pulled out my phone to text Natalia. I would text her all day, hoping that I would get a response one of these days. I was not giving up on her sexy ass, no matter what. I was kicking myself for pulling that bitch move at the hospital. If only a nigga could go back in time.

  “So what’s up Benny?” I smiled and sat down on his couch.

  “I got something I think you want to know Julius,” he said shaking his head and sitting down on the couch across from me.

  “I’m listening,” I replied shrugging.

  “So, I have a friend who works at the lab and he let me know whose prints were on the drugs found in your car,” he started to explain.

  “Menzo?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “A Franceska Cruz,” he replied.

  Did this nigga really just tell me Franceska’s ass set me up? Them fucking lab results couldn’t possibly be right. I didn’t want to believe that I was laid up with this bitch, and she was the one who threw me in jail. She was the reason I was away from my family? Nah, that shit couldn’t have been right. It better not have been right for her sake.

  “You sure Benny?” I frowned.

  “I’m positive Julius. She was the last one to touch the drugs. If we put two and two together, it’s obvious who put them in your vehicle that day,” he said while giving me an assuring look. No wonder she disappeared for a while, after dropping me off at home the day I was released from jail.

  “Thanks Benny,” I said standing up to leave.

  “Take care Julius,” he said as I walked out of his crib.

  I hopped in my G-Wagon and sped to this bitch’s apartment. She was gone fucking die tonight. The thought of me dissing my wife for this bitch made me sick to my damn stomach. Especially when deep down, I didn’t even want her ass. I was fucking up royally and too damn much.

  “Hey daddy, I wish you would’ve told me you were coming throug
h,” Franceska said letting me in her crib.

  “You set me up?” I asked getting straight to the point.

  “What? Hell no. When?” she frowned in confusion. Damn she was a good actress. If I didn’t have proof, I may have believed her.

  “When you put those fucking drugs in my car bitch,” I said through gritted teeth, while closing the gap between us.

  “I-I didn’t-”




  I put my silencer on and shot her ass in the head. I hit up my cleanup crew to get rid of her ass, and wipe the place down. It seemed like all the hoes that I’d recruited in the past were somehow coming back to get me in the worst fucking way. This was all the more reason I needed to get back to the only woman I’ve ever loved and the only woman who has ever had my fucking back, regardless of how fucked up I did her. I needed my lady back and I was gonna get her. I didn’t deserve her which is why I needed to do everything possible to keep her.

  Chapter 18: Natalia

  I was deciding on whether or not I should divorce Julius. I was sure about it after what he did in his hospital room that day, but he had really been trying to make up with me. I was proud of myself though, for being strong and not just letting him come back to me. It had been a long and lonely month without him, but I needed this time to think anyway.

  Today I had some errands to run, so I wanted to get a head start. It was 10am already and I felt like I was running late, so I had Winnie dress my babies. I hated getting started on errands late because you never finished them when that happened.

  “Good morning.”

  I turned around to see Julius walking into the bedroom. His cologne made me feel all warm inside and I knew I missed him. I wanted to run to him and give him a hug, but he didn't deserve that. It was crazy how a simple fragrance did so much to me.

  “I'm about to leave,” I replied. I didn’t know why I said that.

  “Sit down baby girl,” he said closing the door behind him.


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