Jane's Fame
Page 34
‘Catharine, or the Bower’ (Austen, J.) 12, 14, 31, 33, 49, 79
‘Catherine Morland’ (Fénéon, F.) 177
Cecil, Lord David 166, 186, 190, 229–31, 233, 245, 246
Cecilia (Burney, F.) 26–7, 28, 108
Chadha, Gurinder 245
Changing Places (Lodge, D.) 240–42
Chapman, Robert William 181–2, 191–4, 195–8, 201–2, 206–11, 232, 249, 271
Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales 53
Charnes, Linda 244
Chatel, Charles 176
Chatto and Windus (Publisher) 194
Chawton 34, 49–50, 58–9, 100
Cassandra’s later life in 117–19
Chawton Cottage 162–3, 187–9, 220, 222–3, 224 tenancy doubts 77–8
Cheney, R.H. 158, 169
Chesterton, G.K. 194, 246, 249–50
Chronology of Jane Austen (le Faye, D.) 238
Church Quarterly Review 153
Churchill, Winston S. 217–18, 219
Clarendon Press (and Chapman’s edition of Austen’s works) 191, 193, 194, 195, 206, 210, 225
Clarke, Reverend James Stanier 69–71, 75, 144, 211, 274, 280
Clavel, Maurice 98
Clueless (Amy Heckerling film) 257
Cobbett, William 101
Coelebs in Search of a Wife (More, H.) 49
Colburn, Henry (publisher) 66, 93–4, 104
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 109, 110
Coleridge, Sara 110
Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family (Selwyn, D., Ed.) 146
Collins, Wilkie 120
Confessions of an Austen Addict (Rigler, L.V.) 261, 267, 272
Conrad, Joseph 1
Cooke, Revd George 26
Cooke, Mary 71
Cooke, Cassandra 26
Battleridge: An Historical Romance 26, 274
and Camilla 26–9
Cooper, Edward 21, 56–7
Cooper, James Fenimore 97–9, 107–8
Cooper, Jane 14
Cooper, Susan 97–8
Cossy, Valérie 264
The Country and the City (Williams, R.) 233
Country Life 204
Cowper, William 18
Critical Heritage (Southam, B.) 238
Critical Review 26, 52, 61, 273
Cronin, Richard 274
Crosby, Benjamin (publisher) 43, 44, 47–8, 49, 77, 78
Crosby, Richard (publisher) 48, 49
Cruttwell (Bath Bookseller) 43
Culture and Imperialism (Said, E.) 235
Curtis, Hugh 221
Curtis, Richard 252
Daiches, David 226
Daily Telegraph 189–90
d’Arblay, Madame see Burney, Fanny
Darnell, Dorothy 220–21, 222–3
Davies, Andrew 249, 252, 255–6, 258, 262, 263
Deane, Hampshire 17–18, 29, 30
Debits and Credits (Kipling, R.) 183–4
Dent (publishers) 159
Diary and Letters (Burney, F.) 108, 129
Dickens, Charles 104, 120, 197, 214, 225, 260
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) 157, 171, 205
Disraeli, Benjamin 109
Dobson, Austen 161
Donat, Robert 219
Doody, Margaret Anne 79
Dorset, Catherine Ann 53, 87
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 225
Doyle, Sir Francis 156
Duckworth, Alistair 233
Duret, Theodore 177–8
Eagleton, Terry 234
Eckstut, Arielle 268
Eden, Emily 94
Edgeworth, Maria 12, 73, 92, 94, 98, 109, 173, 270, 274
Edlmann, Edith 172
Egerton, Thomas 21, 51, 52, 57–8, 63–4, 65, 67–8, 69, 99, 103
Ehle, Jennifer 255
Elford, Sir William 81
‘Elinor and Marianne’ (Austen, J.) 42, 266 see also Sense and Sensibility
Elinor and Marianne (Tennant, E.) 266
Eliot, George 250, 260
‘The Elliots’ (Austen, J.) 76, 77, 79, 86, 96 see also Persuasion
Elyot, Amanda 266–7
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 164–5
Emma (Austen, J.) 104, 235, 246–7 copyright expiry on 120
distribution of 72–3
French translation of 96
notice in literary press 72
pirated edition of 96
publication of 67–9
relegation to servant’s library 121
sale of, negotiations on 67–8
theatrical presentation of 219–20
wasting of 99
Emma (Douglas McGrath film) 257
Emma in Love (Tennant, E.) 266
Emma (ITV) 258
Encyclopedia Britannica 171
English Women of Letters (Kavanagh, J.) 129
Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine 129, 171
Entertainment Weekly 257, 258
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin, A.) 2, 97
Evelina (Burney, F.) 26, 32, 108
Farrer, Reginald 228
Fawcett, Millicent 171
Fénéon, Félix 175–6, 177, 178
Feuillide, Contesse Eliza de (JA’s cousin) 14, 19, 24, 35, 51, 55, 57, 100, 112
Fielding, Helen 252
Fielding, Henry 19
First Impressions (Holford, M.) 37
Firth, Colin 252, 255–6, 259, 278
Footballers’ Wives (Shed Productions) 267–8
Foreign and Colonial Review 117
Forster, E.M. 2, 160, 206–7, 280
Four Weddings and a Funeral (Mike Newell film) 252, 259
Fowle, Elizabeth Caroline 115
Fowle, Fulwar Craven 18, 115
Fowle, Tom 35, 36, 49, 113
Fowle family 78, 103
Fowler, Karen Joy 5, 267
Fox, Charles James 62
Franklin, Benjamin 244–5
Frederick, Duke of York and Albany 53
Freud, Sigmund 171
Freudian analysis 227
Fulford, Roger 121
Fussell, Paul 180, 181
Gable, Clark 214
Galignani (Parisian publishers) 174
Garber, Marjorie 3
Garrett, Edmund H. 159
Garrick, David 203
Garrod, H.W. 204, 207
Garson, Greer 215, 217
Gaskell, Elizabeth 125–6, 128, 139, 145, 260
Gentleman’s Magazine 72, 95
George, Prince Regent (later George IV) 63, 69, 72, 74, 121, 144, 211
George III 3
Gibson, Mary 134
Gide, André 178
Gifford, William 71, 75
Gilbert, Sandra 234
Gilpin, William 29
Gilson, David 94, 193, 196, 238
Gissing, George 171, 226
Glenarvon (Lamb, C.) 93
Godmersham, Kent 11, 46, 51, 55, 59, 64, 173
Godwin, William 92
Goldsmith, Oliver 12, 179
Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming film) 216
Gore, Catherine 94–5
Gore, John195
Gorer, Geoffrey 227
Gower, Lord Granville 53
Granby (Lister, T.) 94, 95
Grant, Hugh 259
Gray, John 176
Gray, Thomas 18, 230
Great Bookham, Surrey 26
The Great War and Modern Memory (Fussell, P.) 180
Greenfield, Sayre 263
Grundy, Isobel 12
Gubar, Susan 234
Hake, Henry 208–9, 210, 211
Hamilton, Elizabeth 53, 87
Hamilton, Victoria 259
Hammond, Christopher 159
Hancock, Philadelphia 222
Harding, D.W. 227–8, 233, 277, 278–9
Harper’s Monthly 166
Harrison, Suzan 265
Hartley, L.P. 185–7
Hastings, George E. 97, 98
Hawke, Lady Cassandra 25
Hazlitt, William 93
Head, Ed
ith 216
Heath, Edward 232
Heckerling, Amy 257
Henry, Emile 175
Henry VIII 12
Herbert Lacy (Lister, T.) 94
Heyer, Georgette 247
Hicks, Greg 259
Hill, Constance 172–4, 187, 188–9, 276
Hill, Ellen 172–4, 187–9
Hill, Revd Herbert 111
Hill, Walter M. 208
Hilton, Phil 256
‘History of England’ (Austen, J.) 12–13, 14, 29, 194
History of England (Goldsmith, O.) 12, 179
Hitler, Adolf 217, 218
Hodder Headline (publisher) 253
Hogan, Charles Beecher 208–9, 223, 224
Holbert, George 23
Holford, Margaret 37
Hook, Theodore 108
Howard, Richard 196
Howard’s End (James Ivory film) 259
Howells, W.D. 39, 161–2, 166, 187–8
Hubback, Catherine-Anne 116, 122–4, 178
Hubback, John and daughter Edith 178–9, 209
Hubble, Grace 215
Hughes, Gwyneth 265–6
Huntingdon, Margaret Lane, Countess of 193, 232
Hutton, R.H. 150, 168–9, 218
Huxley, Aldous 186, 215–16
Hythe, Kent 76
Ida of Athens (Owenson, S.) 77
Iddesleigh, Stanford Northcote, Earl of 162
The Idler 21
The Impregnable Women (Linklater, E.) 217
The Improvement of the Estate (Duckworth, A.) 233
Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth 12, 40, 157
Independent 256
The Irish Guards in the Great War (Kipling, R.) 185
Jackson, Eleanor (Mrs Henry Austen) 100, 102
Jacobinism 234
James, Henry 2, 4, 166–8, 200–201, 202, 206, 225, 279
Jane Austen, Facts and Problems (Chapman, R.W.) 211
Jane Austen, Her Homes and Her Friends (Hill, C.) 174, 189
Jane Austen: Her Life and Letters (Austen-Leigh, W. and R.A.) 180
Jane Austen: Irony as Defense and Discovery (Mudrick, M.) 233
Jane Austen, sa vie et son oeuvre (Villard, L.) 179
Jane Austen: The World of her Novels (le Faye, D.) 238
Jane Austen and her Art (Lascelles, M.) 225
Jane Austen and the War of Ideas (Butler, M.) 233–4
The Jane Austen Book Club (Fowler, K.J.) 5, 267
Jane Austen Festival, Bath 4
Jane Austen in Hollywood (Troost, L. and Greenfield, S.) 263, 320n31
Jane Austen (Jenkins, E.) 225–6
Jane Austen Society 223, 224, 239
Cecil as President 230
demographics of committee 232
formation of 220–22
Jane Austen Society Collected Reports 238, 239
Jane Austen Society of Australia 239
Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) 239–40
Jane Austen’s Guide to Dating (Henderson, L.) 253
Jane Austen’s Letters to her sister Cassandra and others (Chapman, R.W.) 198, 206, 210, 213, 265, 280
Jane Austen’s Regency World 277
Jane Austen’s Sailor Brothers (Hubback, J.H. and E.C.) 179, 210
Jane Eyre (Brontë, C.) 125, 126
‘Janeism’ 3, 163–4, 181, 183–6, 191, 197, 201–4, 229–30
spread of 203–4
term ‘Janeite,’ coining of 161
Janson-Smith, Patrick 254
Jay, John 98
Jefferies, Richard 226
Jenkins, Elizabeth 195, 211, 221, 222, 225, 232, 272
Johnson, Claudia 4, 235, 239–40
Johnson, Dr Samuel 108, 182
Johnson, Richard Brimley 161
Joyce, James 178
Julia de Gramont (Hawke, C.) 25
Kafka, Franz 187
Kandukondian Kandukondian (Rajiv Menon film) 257
Karup, Carl 174
Kavanagh, Julia 129
Kebbel, Thomas E. 6, 280–81
Kempe, C.E. 163
Kerr, Lady Robert 62
Kettle, Arnold 229
Keynes, Geoffrey 181
King, B.B. 2
King, Larry 268
Kipling, Rudyard 163–4, 183–5, 202–3
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward, Lord Brabourne 151–3, 206–7, 208
Knight, Revd Charles 118
Knight, Edward (JA’s brother) 11, 14, 46, 48, 52, 55, 62, 77, 100, 102–3, 224 attendance at JA’s funeral 81
death of 124
financial help from 49
landed gentleman in Kent 35
Knight, Fanny (later Lady Knatchbull) 52, 62, 64, 71, 76, 77–8, 140–41, 223, 231 Cassandra’s empathy with 46, 112–13
inheritance of Jane’s letters 115, 122
publication of letters Cassandra left to 151
reluctance to divulge letters 132, 135–7, 148
Knight, Major Edward 221
Koeningstein, François Claudius (known as Ravachol) 175
Lamb, Lady Caroline 93
Lang, Andrew 246
Lascelles, Mary 207, 225
The Last of the Mohicans (Cooper, J.F.) 98
Lawrence, D.H. 191
le Croix, Octavius 162–3
le Faye, Deirdre 213, 236, 238–9
Leavis, F.R. 166, 225–6
Leavis, Q.D. 228–9
Lee, Ang 257, 258–9, 267
Lefroy, Fanny Catherine 113
Lefroy, Anne 16, 17, 29, 30
Lefroy, Jane Anna Elizabeth (‘Anna’, JA’s niece) 35, 41, 53–4, 64, 65, 105, 109, 113, 115–6, 122 on Catherine-Anne Hubback’s purloining JA’s work 122–3
and literary reputation of JA 128–9, 130–31, 132–3
manuscript items in possession of 122
on portrait of JA 145
Lefroy, Sophia 64
Lefroy, Tom (Chief Justice of Ireland) 35, 133, 135, 138–9
Lefroy, Tom (nephew of Tom Sr.) 133
Leigh, Augusta 73
Leigh, Dr Theophilus 25–6
Leigh, James Henry 25
Leigh, Mary 25–6
Leigh, Reverend Thomas 26
Leigh Perrot, James 100
Leigh Perrot, Jane 43, 55, 102
Leigh Perrot family 55, 76, 86, 102, 103
Leonard, Robert Z. 214, 215, 216
Letters of Jane Austen (Knatchbull- Hugesson, E., Ed.) 151–3, 206–7, 209
Lewes, G.H. 6, 120, 126–7, 128–9, 166, 200, 202
Liddell, Alvar 232
Life of Byron (Moore, T.) 130
Life of Charlotte Brontë (Gaskell, E.) 125–6, 139
Life of Scott (Lockhart, J.G.) 98, 110, 113, 130
Linklater, Eric 217
Lionel Lincoln (Cooper, J.F.) 107
Lister, Thomas 94, 95, 107
Littleworth, William 118
Litz, A. Walton 228
Lizars, engraver of JA’s portrait 146–7, 178, 210, 253
Lloyd, Martha (later Lady Francis Austen) 9, 14, 37, 57, 71, 100 Cassandra’s intended executrix 114–15
collaboration with Jane on Mansfield Park 64
marriage to Frank Austen 103
and reading of ‘First Impressions’ 36, 123
Lloyd, Mary (later Mrs James Austen) 14, 133, 140
Lockhart, John Gibson 98, 110, 113, 130
Lodge, David 240–42
The Loiterer 21–3, 51, 54, 56
London 51–2, 59, 219
London Bridge 225
London Review of Books 236
Lost In Austen (ITV) 267
Lothian, Philip Kerr, Marquess of 214–15
Love and Freindship (Austen, J.) 23, 194–5, 205, 257
Lovering, Frederick 211, 223
Lowell, James Russell 156
Lowndes, Thomas (publisher) 32
Lucas, E.V. 161, 171
Ludlow, Lady Alice 194
Lyford, Dr Giles King 79
Lynch, Deidre 264
Thomas Babington 6, 108, 120, 130, 202
MacCarthy, Rachel 186
McGrath, Douglas 258
Macmillan (publishers) 159, 160
Macmillan’s Magazine 151
The Madwoman in the Attic (Gilbert, S. and Gubar, S.) 234
Malden, Sarah Fanny 156, 168
Mallarmé, Stephane 175, 176, 178
Malthus, Thomas 93
The Man Who Loved Jane Austen (O’Rourke, S.S.) 267
Mansfield, Katherine 204, 247, 275–6
Mansfield Park (Austen, J.) 33, 104, 235 beginnings of 51, 57
copyright expiry on 120
criticism of 64–5
economies in production of 63–4
French translation of 96
publication of 63–4, 67, 69, 72–3
success of 64, 65–6
themes of 63
wartime references in 274
wasting of 99
Mansfield Park (BBC TV) 259–60
Mansfield Park (ITV) 258, 260, 265
Mansfield Park (Patricia Rozema film) 236, 257, 264
Manydown House, Basingstoke 43–4
Marivaux, Pierre 90
Marmion (Scott, W.) 51
Martin, Mrs of Maidenhead Inn 33–4
Martineau, Harriet 276
Marx, Groucho 158
Mary de Clifford (Brydges, S.E.) 30
Mary Hamilton (Austen, A.) 131
Mathew, Anne (Mrs James Austen) 23
Memoirs of Dr Burney (Burney, F.) 108
Memoir of Jane Austen (Austen- Leigh, J.E.) 7, 40, 131, 133, 193–4, 200, 253, 257, 276 family reading favourites 171–2
portrait of Jane in 146–8
public interest, stirring of 147–8, 149–51, 153–4, 243
reviews and derivatives 155–7, 158–9, 179
Merrill, Stuart 176
Metcalfe, Katherine 192–3, 202
Milbanke, Annabella 60–61, 73
Mills and Boon (publisher) 246, 248
Milne, A.A. 214
Miss Austen Regrets (BBC TV) 265–6
Mitford, Mary Russell 35, 66–7, 81, 145, 270, 280, 306–7n55
Montolieu, Isabelle de 96
Moore, George 248
Moore, Tom 130
More, Hannah 49
Morgan, Lady 93
Morgan, Pierpont 197, 208, 223
Morier, James Justinian 108
Morley, Frances, Countess of 72, 73, 75, 87, 94
Morley, Karen 217
Mudrick, Marvin 228, 233, 236, 250