Bound (Seven Year Itch)

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Bound (Seven Year Itch) Page 3

by Jennifer Foor

  It was a late night at the office. We’d been preparing for a long awaited case regarding a prominent business owner in the area who’d been accused of extortion. Our legal team was spending countless hours gathering as much evidence to ensure a win. It was also the same day I’d gotten the bad news about my inability to conceive a child. I was out of sorts, unable to stay focused with such a burden on my mind. Ben was the first to notice, and suggested I head into my office and take a break for a little while. It wasn’t uncommon for my associates to stay overnight during this process; so most of us had at least a couch in our office for such circumstances. I knew I’d be of little help to them in my current state, but I wasn’t prepared to go home and tell Frank the terrible devastating news. I’d only been asleep for a few hours when I woke to the sound of a loud bang. I sat up and looked around my dark office to find I was still alone. I got up and first peeked down the hallway to discover it was also dark and vacant.

  I followed the sounds of muffled voices until I came to Ben’s office. We all had windows with mini-blinds on them, which most of us kept closed for privacy. At the same time I reached for the handle to open his door, I watched something crash into the metal blinds. It was definitely a body, and once I came to my senses I realized it wasn’t in violence. I heard laughing before backing away from the door. Next came the sounds of two people in the act of fornicating.

  I’m in such shock I’m unable to move. My body remains in the same position as I listen in amazement. That’s when I get my first inclination that this isn’t a one on one encounter. I hear another man’s voice and then a higher pitched female. The men are talking to one another about switching. This heightens my interest, and as I loom in to peer through a small wedge of window blind, I’m struck with awe over what I find.

  A brunette female dressed in full leather stands in the corner. Her breasts are busting out of the top of the corset. She has a camera in her hand and keeps her eyes fixed on Ben and the blonde. A petite redhead pulls another male close to them and begins making out with him only to shove him away. I place my hand over my mouth as I continue to stare through the tiny fold. This has to be a dream, I tell myself. There is no way my boss would be involved in such mischief at the office. He’s not this kind of man. He wouldn’t dare do this.

  But as much as I want to believe it’s not real, I know I can’t deny what is unfolding in front of me.

  The woman in the leather tells them to switch and both men stand at attention. I watch as they fall to their knees and await her to approach. She takes one of her feet and shoves Ben down on his back before proceeding to sit on his face. Then she pulls the blonde he was banging closer in order to taste her.

  I have to turn away. I feel hot and bothered, but also wretched and ashamed. This is inappropriate. I’ve been married long enough to know this is something I’d never partake in. Fivesomes. Orgies. Seeing this unfold was enough to make me question looking for a new job.

  I called out sick that next morning to see if I could shake the uncomfortable feelings enough to be able to face him in the office.

  The following day he stopped me in the parking lot before I could rush in and hide behind piles of paperwork. He was calm and collected, making me feel as if he had no clue what I’d witnessed, up until he spoke.

  “Did you like what you saw the other night? For someone who claims to be straight and narrow I got the inclination you wished you could join us.”

  I shake my head and begin to walk away, as if I can distance us enough to halt the conversation. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ben.”

  He hasn’t followed me, but as I turn to double check I see him standing tall with his hands in his pockets. The grin on his face says it all. “I like when people watch, Mrs. Stone, especially the ones who claim to be off limits.”

  I have no idea what makes me spin around and rush toward him. “How dare you imply that I was anything but disgusted? You’re sick!”

  “You’re in denial.”

  For a moment we stare into each other’s eyes. He’s focused and relaxed, while I’m shaking so badly I know he can see. “I’m going to pretend this conversation never happened, because as far as I’m concerned I want it wiped from my memory. Do us both a favor and give up. I’m happily married, Ben. I’m not interested in fooling around with my associate.”

  “You know where to find me when you change your mind, and trust me, Macy, you will.”

  Back then I found it repulsive. The last thing I needed was my perverted orgy-loving boss making disgusting advances toward me at the office, but it didn’t stop him. He knew his firm could make or break me. He’d once told me that if I ever crossed him he’d see that I was back to being a paralegal at a non-profit organization scrounging for a paycheck.

  Did I mention how much I hated him?

  But again… he’s patient. He’s like a little mouse with his eyes on a large chunk of cheese. He knows eventually the trap will go off, so he waits for something else to trigger it, and then sweeps in to steal the prize.

  Ben always gets what he wants, no matter what the cost. If he has to cross lines, he’ll do it with two bare feet. He is a force to be reckoned with, which is exactly why I’m in this position now. It isn’t his constant taunting; that stopped years ago. He’d backed off and let the seed settle in my mind. I think he’s been aware all along I’d eventually be curious. I’d need to feel that power. I’d want to know what it’s like to be in complete control of my life and my desires.

  He’s seduced me with encouragement, and as I stand in the mirror looking at myself in this designer dress I wonder if maybe he knows more about me than I want to admit.

  The answers I seek are waiting for me outside, and I need to stop pretending I’m going to be able to shake the feelings I have when he’s near. It’s time I give in and let shit play out.

  Chapter 4


  The probability of me winning this battle is becoming less likely by the second. Ben recognizes what buttons to push, and he knows how far to take things before I'll lose my cool. In many ways I admire the attention to detail he exhibits in and out of the courtroom. He’s a skilled people person, able to read body language in order to infiltrate someone into doing what he wants without having to ask directly. In my case it's a bit different. I've been playing hard to get for years, yet he somehow finds a way to hit on me without being blatant about it. As much as it irks me, I have to at least appreciate he doesn't push. His patience also displays his likeliness to use his authority to control certain situations, like this dress for example. He knew my size without asking, which obviously says he pays close enough attention to uncover intimate details I wouldn't normally share. He knew the dress would flatter me, all the more reason for me to allow him a chance he's obviously expecting me to finally give him.

  There's just one thing keeping me from joining him for a night I may never forget.

  My fears. I’ve made the mistake of a failed marriage. I can’t afford to lose my job because of a bit of frolicking, no matter how tempting the prize.

  The horn honks once again, reminding me I’ve run out of precious time to make a settled decision.

  Ben steps out of the vehicle as I approach. I’ve managed to dress and primp in the short window of minutes he’s provided me with. My hair is fuller, and I’ve added some lipstick mostly to deter him from wanting to put his mouth near mine. It’s a bright red with a shimmer, and if I know anything about Ben it’s that he hates to look a mess in public.

  We sit side by side while his familiar driver, Duane, takes us where we need to be. I assume I’ve wasted too much time for us to be able to stop for a bite to eat, but when he pulls up to a fancy restaurant with valet I know I’m mistaken. “This place?” I’ve never been here before. From what I’ve been told you need a reservation two months in advance, and the small portions, though wonderfully prepared, cost more than I make an hour. “You aren’t required to wine and dine me. This is a business
arrangement, remember?”

  He turns to face me and smiles. “I’m hungry. This has nothing to do with you. If you don’t want to join me I’m sure Duane would love a steak.”

  The driver holds up a sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil. “I’m good, boss. I stopped at a food truck earlier.”

  Ben waits for Duane to walk around and open the door for him. He steps out and leans back inside to address me. I watch as his hand extends for me to take. “Would you like to join me for a meal?”

  I sigh. My stomach growls, and I know I’ll hear shit if I don’t do what he says. I’m better off going along with this ridiculous plan and getting the night over with. Being alone and this close to him is making me uncomfortable, and I want nothing more than to surround myself by crowds of people to prevent from acting on compulsion and my simple need to figure this man out.

  We’re seated at a table facing one another. A low instrumental tune resonates in the room, as well as the sound of dinnerware contacting the fancy china plates. We’re given wine menus first, in which Ben orders a bottle of something from nineteen seventy-six. When I’m handed the dinner menu I can tell it’s all in French. I know Spanish and some Latin, so this is like reading hieroglyphics. Ben chuckles behind his own menu. “Having trouble selecting?”

  “I’m afraid what I pick could include snails.”

  “I’ll order for the both of us if that’s all right?”

  I’m trusting him for probably the first time. At least if I hate it I can vomit. It’s not like letting him have his way with me, where I’ll be forced to remember the good, and mostly the bad, if there is any with him. Ben only exerts confidence and power. I hardly think with his experience he’s anything but fantastic in the sex category. If memory serves me right he’s also well endowed, though I’m not partial to the size of a man’s penis if he knows how to use his tongue for pleasure.

  I nod, but my mind travels to Frank and his lack of sexual experience. In hindsight I’ve always needed more.

  “We’ll both be having the Soupe à L’oignon to start, followed by the Coquilles Saint-Jacques, and for our main course we’ll do the Magret de Canard, finishing up the meal with the Café liégeois.” The waiter nods and takes away the menus, leaving me alone with Ben again.

  “Impressive. You’ve obviously been here a few times.”

  He leans back in his chair before raising a freshly poured glass of wine. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”

  I fold my hands over my thighs and stare down at my place setting. “Enlighten me. Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “You’re going to give yourself to me freely, not because I ask, but because it’s what you desire. I live a complex social life that's unlike anything you've ever explored. Most of my extracurricular activities revolve around sex and I'm not ashamed of it. You should try it sometime. I think you'll find if you open yourself up to new experiences you aren’t burdened with so much pent up stress. I never have to worry about upsetting my partner. When we're done we part ways. Emotions can make us crazy. I prefer living for the sole purpose of being fulfilled in every aspect of life. I'd like to include you in that, if you only comply.”

  I stare in another direction to avoid eye contact with the pompous prick. “In your dreams.”

  He continues sipping at his wine as if this doesn’t bother him in the least. He’s ignoring the fact that I’m denying him what he obviously thinks he can take. “Like I said before, I’m patient.”

  Since this can’t get anymore awkward, I decide to take matters into my own hands. “Say I let you have your way with me. What do you think you could do that someone else can’t? Why do you feel as if you’re special? Your confidence intrigues me, I’ll give you that, but I’m skeptical regarding your ability to know for a fact that it’ll be life altering. I hardly think a sexual experience could lead someone to change aspects of their life in a positive manner. Surely you hear the things you’re suggesting.”

  He finishes off the glass, sits it down and dabs his lips before responding with the straightest, most handsome face possible. “I don’t lie, Macy. There’s no reason for me to flaunt if I’m exuding false pretenses to get you into my bed, or wherever else we’ll end up.”

  I swish around the red liquid and reply as if I’m not convinced. “I’m sorry you’ve misinterpreted my kindness for something more, but I’m not buying the act. I’m sure you have your pick of women, so to assume I’m anything out of the ordinary would mean I’m in denial. I know exactly who I am, and what’s at stake if I continue to play these head games with you. Can we just agree to be work associates and nothing more?”

  He taps his glass for the waiter to refill it, again displaying his power over people. While the gentlemen is standing at the table he asks something that shocks the hell out of me. “Have you ever been with another woman, Macy? Have you allowed a female to satisfy you the way a man is unable to succeed at?”

  I wait for the waiter to leave before replying. As low as my voice manages I start on him. “How dare you ask me something inappropriate in public?”

  He’s amused again. His smile makes me wonder if my arms are long enough to reach across the table and smack him. “I take it you haven’t. That’s a shame. A woman’s touch is more sensitive. I’m sure you could learn a lot with the experience.”

  “You have a lot of nerve. You’re disgusting. I’ve never… I wouldn’t…”

  Ben leans forward and speaks with a firm, relaxed tone. “Like I said before, I have patience.”

  I’m thankful when the waiter returns with our first course. I peer down to see roasted scallops cooked inside of a shell filled with some kind of dark sauce. My mouth waters as the aroma radiates from the steam. Ben finally gives up on the conversation and begins to dig into his meal, while I fiddle with my first sea creature before popping it in my mouth to try. It’s exquisite. The flavor is a mixture of the perfect blend of seasonings, and I hardly find that four of these little masterpieces will be enough to satisfy me. “Wow.” It’s how I break the silence and thank him for ordering for me all at the same time. “These are amazing.”

  “They came out of order. Wait until the soup arrives.”

  Like he snapped his fingers, the waiter returns with two bowls of soup. I first notice that the top is encrusted in some kind of hard shell they’ve baked. I watch Ben take his spoon and crack it open before sampling what’s hiding within. He closes his eyes and seems to savor the taste. I follow his lead and stick the piping hot spoon directly into my awaiting mouth. He’s right. It’s superb. I’ve never had anything quite like it. “Now I know why they charge an arm and a leg for this.”

  I seem to have made him smile again, but this time because he thinks I’m funny. I hate this, but I’m enjoying myself for the first time this evening. He remains a bastard, but he knows his food.

  Sharing a meal with Ben has its perks. I've never experienced fine dining like this, and add the fact that I don't have to pay the bill is even better, not to mention the eye candy I’m sitting across from.

  "How often do you come here?"

  He finishes chewing a piece of fancy cut steak before answering. "Do you prefer asking me questions you couldn't care less about over what's really burning a hole in that pretty little brain of yours?"

  I almost choke. He's calling me out and he has every right to. "Are you always so blatant? Do people buy into whatever bullshit comes out of your mouth?" I really want to know.

  "I'm honest, if that's what you're getting at. I say what I want, because I know I'll get it. Take you for instance. You'll continue to deny me what I want, but eventually you won't be able to say no, because a part of you believes I can satisfy you in ways you've never even imagined. All it takes is a simple yes and I'll get right to it. In fact, we can skip the event and head to my place to get started."

  "Started with what?" I play innocent.

  "Your awakening." It's all he offers and it's just enough to make parts of my body heat u
p. I need to get away from this man and go back to fantasizing about him while I'm alone. If this keeps up he'll have me naked before we can make it to the car. If that happens I won't be able to stop myself. I've visualized this for far too long.

  Ben doesn't let the thoughts linger. He enjoys the rest of his meal before paying the check and leading me to his awaiting vehicle. It isn’t until we’re back in the car when I start to think he’s finally going to let it go. He speaks about the people we’ll have to be around at the event, and not to worry much about us arriving together, because he will be the first to ensure they’re aware we’re just business associates. In a way I’m certain he’s saying this to get under my skin. He’s trying to show me rejection without actually doing it.

  Finally, right before we arrive, I decide I have to know what he was meant. “What were you implying by my awakening? Are you assuming I don’t know how to have sex, because I can promise you I’ve done just fine on my own? I’m offended you think you can sit there and judge what you obviously don’t know. I agreed to accompany you because I thought it would be good for the company, but just because you treated me to a wonderful meal doesn’t give you the right to taunt me the way you are. I want you to stop. I need you to assure me you’ll quit bothering me about being with you. I told you once, and I’ll say it again, I’m not interested in anything you have to offer, even if you are the best I’ll never have. Are we clear?”

  He’s still smiling, as if nothing I’ve said has deterred his mood. “If that’s the way you want it.”

  “It is.” I’m glad he can’t tell I’m lying out of my ass. This man scares the shit out of me and the only way I know I’ll be able to handle being in his presence is to reject him until he stops asking.

  “If I’m anything it’s a man of my word. Settle your nerves. I’m not going to expect you to throw yourself at me once we’re around our peers. I’ll wait until the time is right to remind you of my skills in the bedroom.” He finishes the sentence with one of his famous winks. I’d gag if it didn’t give me chills.


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