Bound (Seven Year Itch)

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Bound (Seven Year Itch) Page 12

by Jennifer Foor

  “If you’re serious I’ll set something up.”

  “Don’t make it tomorrow. I need a couple days to recuperate before you throw me under the bus. I want to rest and be prepared.” I wait a few seconds to continue. “Are you sure it won’t be weird for you?” I want him to tell me it will, because it will only fuel my need to make him jealous. He says there’s no room for it in his lifestyle, but if I want any chance at being with him I’m going to have to make it happen. He thinks he’s in control of me, but he’s going to discover he’s very mistaken.

  “Definitely. If anything I’ll feel more comfortable. I’ll plan something for next weekend. Do you want him to come over beforehand?”

  “Sure.” That’ll give me more time to pretend I’m interested.

  “I’ll let him know.”

  I lean forward and kiss Ben on the lips softly. “I hope I can handle it.” I’m not sure if I’m going to hate myself when this is all over, but at least I’ll know for sure Ben isn’t worth my time.

  Chapter 18


  She's killing me with persuasion and I'm finding it hard to find reasons not to let her. I'm elated she showed up, but disappointed I've gone and made her feel like she's easily replaced. It wasn't my intention to upset Macy just because I was looking to relieve some stress. The moment I saw her face I knew I'd never get back what I'd taken from her. When Macy made the decision to stay and participate a part of me knew there would be no going back. I had to let it play out, which makes me feel like I've taken someone with innocence and started the process of spoiling her, and I'm not talking about showering her with gifts. I'm speaking of the type of chemical reaction rotten food amounts to.

  I have rules I live by that keep things like this from happening. My first and most important of them all is that I don't get romantically involved with any of my partners. As Macy lies naked in my arms I know I have to reconsider where this is leading me.

  When I know she's asleep, I head upstairs and walk out onto the covered back porch to make a phone call.

  She picks up on the third ring, probably on purpose to piss me off.

  "What the hell do you want now, Bennington?"

  No one calls me that. It’s her way of getting under my skin from the get-go. "I was wondering if my money hungry step-monster would be able to find enough decency to give me some medical advice."

  She's cackling worse than a wicked witch from OZ. "Screw you. Find someone else to deal with your problems."

  I'm reaching out to her because I think as a doctor she's come to care about Macy. I've made this messy. I've done everything wrong so far when it comes to winning over Macy and bringing her into my world. I have to know how bad it's going to get, and why I can't seem to treat her like my other partners.

  "Say what you want, but you did this to me. You brought me into this life. You seduced your step-son and forced him to submit to you. I'm sure all your hoity-toity friends would love to hear how you took a seventeen year old boy and made him your sex slave while his father was off running a successful law firm. You've been the villain from the beginning. Now do something good for a change and help me figure out how to prevent from hurting Macy."

  "It's too late. Once you invited her into your bed and she accepted the damage was done. There's no going back. She'll fall in love with you just like I did."

  "Spare me the sentimental bullshit. You're incapable of love. I wish I could ruin you, but I'm patient. I'm going to wait until Dad's gone to destroy you."

  "I highly doubt you'll be capable of such since I'll be your boss. Don't forget the firm as well as the estate are still willed to me, with you as a secondary."

  I grit my teeth. She's got me by the balls and there isn't a damn thing I can do yet to rectify it. "You will never take the firm from me."

  "I'm hanging up. I'm not helping you, Ben. I hope you fall hopelessly in love with Macy and then she finds out what you did to get her into your bed. When she does she'll rip out your heart, and you'll finally get what you deserve you little prick."

  I end the call. My jaw is clenching and I'm half tempted to chuck my phone out into the yard.

  Why did that woman have to return to my father's life after being separated from him for nearly a decade? He and I were finally on good terms. He'd retired and gave me the CEO position, and now she tells me the firm will be hers when he dies. Why wouldn’t he have changed it the day she left the first time? This is the worst possible news I've yet to hear. Not even my father deserves to be taken advantage of, and if it wasn't for his bad heart I would have told him what she did a long time ago; how she took a young innocent boy and made him incapable of committing to a normal life.

  Now I'm afraid it's too late. I may have blackmailed her into helping me with Macy, but she's done with favors and declared an outright war with me.

  When I hear the slider I turn to see Macy standing at the door. She's put one of my button up shirts loosely over her arms and folded it over the front of her torso. "You okay? I heard you raising your voice."

  "Yeah, just had to make a call. You okay?"

  "I got up to use the bathroom and wanted to make sure you were all right out here."

  I pull her close and kiss the top of her head. It's exactly these little gestures that are leading her on. "I'm good. Let's go back to bed."

  "Don't you want me to head home?"

  "No." It's the truth. It may be wrong to want it, but I do.

  "Do other women stay over?"

  I shake my head.

  "So this is against the rules?"

  I nod.

  Macy keeps staring at me while sucking on her bottom lip. "You sure?"

  It's not hard to decide to kiss her once more. As I pull away I respond. "I'm not going to change my mind." I smack her on the rear as we part. "Now get your ass back in my bed before I have to punish you."

  She turns and throws me an ornery glance. "Maybe I'll disobey just so you'll do it."

  "I won't deter you."

  "You'd be a fool to, since we both know where it will lead."

  A little later, back in bed, Macy sleeps on her side while I face her wide awake. I can't sleep knowing I'm having feelings I’m unable to shake. This woman has been my main focus for so many years that I'm now becoming a victim instead of her mentor. I'm pissed at myself for allowing this to occur, but mostly for going about it in a way that could cost me everything. If Macy finds out what I've done, if she discovers the truth, I'll lose whatever part of her she's been willing to give me.

  I feel like I have to put forth more effort into making her want to be with me, just in case it all comes crashing down. Maybe if she's fully invested I'll have a better chance at keeping her around.

  The next morning I wake up without an alarm and start to get ready for work as if she isn't in my bed. She looks too peaceful to wake up, so I quietly make my way into the master bedroom shower. I'm halfway done when I hear the door open and see her come in. Through the steam-filled glass I watch the button down shirt fall to the floor and then her approach. I open it to see her looking up at me like she's waiting for permission to join me. I take her hand and lead her inside. "Hi," I say while wetting her hair under the spray of water.

  "Hi yourself."

  "You could have slept in. I'm sure the boss won't give you a hard time."

  "I don't want to push my luck. I hear he can be a real hard ass when he doesn't get his way."

  "Is that so?"

  "Yeah. He likes to win, no matter what the cost."

  She's more right than she knows. "Are you still sure you want to do that thing with James this weekend?"

  "Yeah. Are you?"

  "Definitely. I'm looking forward to it."

  We assist in washing one another before both climbing out. Macy starts gathering her clothes off the floor. "I need to get home and change. I’ll just meet you at the office."

  I pull her close. "I want to tell you how hot you were last night. It's going to be difficult to k
now you're only a couple rooms away and I can't have my way with you."

  "I'll make it up to you Friday. I better get going before traffic becomes a nightmare." She kisses me one more time before leaving me to myself.

  I smile when I hear her car pulling out of the driveway. I have at least an hour before she'll show up at the office, and in that time I'm going to need to come up with some good excuses to get her alone.

  Chapter 19


  I’m in tears by the time I make it to the end of his driveway. I’m ashamed, but not because what I’ve done. I’m a wreck because I liked it.

  Once at home, I rush to get ready for work, only to stop and take a long hard look at the person in the reflection of my mirror. I’m still the same woman, slender, pleasing to look at, and in my opinion sexy, but something has definitely changed. I don’t know what it is, but I feel as if I’m staring into someone else’s life. I wish it were that simple. Nonetheless I’ve made these choices that are leading me down a path of sex and the unknown. I’m scared, but also more excited than I’ve ever been about anything. I want to do this, and somehow find a way to prove I’m more than just a fuck to Ben. As my opinion of him continues to change, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s possible for him to develop feelings for me outside of our frolicking. If it is, this puts a whole new spin on what we’re doing together.

  It’s after nine when I step into the office. I walk down the long hallway and reach my space before anyone can stop me. As soon as I close my door I hurry over to my desk to get started on emails and calls.

  By noon I feel as if I’ve made good progress. I’ve managed to locate a witness who will help prove our client wasn’t involved in the crime she’s being charged with. The only problem is that the witness lives out of state and in order to get a deposition that will hold, we’re going to need to arrange for travel, or go to them. My stomach twirls when I consider what I have to go through, or for better terms, who I have to ask for permission to travel on the firm’s dollar.

  I knock before barging into Ben’s office. He clears his voice and tells me to come in. When he sees me his eyes light up. “Hey. I was starting to think you were avoiding me.”

  “The same can be said for you,” I add.

  “I thought you might want to pretend we still hate each other, at least here at the office.”

  I smirk. I kind of do.

  “Anyway, I’ve been in touch with that guy who can provide the alibi. I’d like to catch the first flight out to Louisiana to obtain his statement so we can get this taken care of and avoid a trial.”

  “I’m impressed. Louisiana you say?”

  I nod. “There’s a five thirty flight that’s direct.”

  “And you’ll be going alone?”

  I’m standing over his desk because I know if I sit down I’ll want to stay, and nothing good can come of it. Being alone with Ben only makes me want him more. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

  “Where in Louisiana?”

  “New Orleans. He owns a small hotel off the French Quarter.”

  “Have you ever been?” He asks.

  I shake my head. “No. Can you suggest a good place to eat?”

  He stands and gives me this look like he’s thinking. “I can show you. What if we went together?”

  “People would talk.”

  “No they wouldn’t. It’s our case. It’s only natural for us to investigate together. You’ll need a witness for the deposition to hold up in court.”

  “A witness not involved with our firm. Quit trying to make your own rules. I passed the bar on my own.”

  “Fine. Let me accompany you so I can take you out for the best food you’ve ever eaten. We’ll walk the French Quarter and listen to an unlimited amount of jazz music.”

  “You and me, like a date?”

  He leans his hands on his desk and shakes his head. “I don’t date, Macy.”

  “Apparently you do, because that sounds like a date, as does the other times you’ve taken me out. We’ve dated.”

  “Fine. Label it if you must.” He chuckles. “I’m not going to approve the travel unless it’s for two people.”

  “You drive a hard bargain. Maybe it’s safer if I fly the witness here.”

  “Are you afraid you might have a good time?”

  “Are you?” I counter.

  “Not when it comes to you.”

  “Then I guess it’s settled.”

  “Leave the arrangements to me. If the flight is at five thirty we’ll need to head home to pack and get to the airport early. I’ll have Duane pick you up at three. Bring comfortable shoes.”

  “You do know we have to work, right?”

  “Oh, don’t you worry. I plan on keeping you busy.”

  An air-filled laugh escapes me as I exit his office. I should have known this wouldn’t be easy.

  Before going back to my house to pack an overnight bag, I travel to a nearby department store. Since Frank was adamant about his distaste in lingerie I don't have a selection at my fingertips that I think will impress Ben, and I'm tired of wearing my same sets that are the only remaining ones without holes or the elastic worn out of them.

  It's funny how uncomfortable I feel when I enter into the department and begin browsing. I'm not really sure what Ben would like. He seems to prefer me naked, but after seeing Lisa I think I'd like to reward myself with something I can feel sexy in.

  I choose several pieces; one of them includes the garters and stockings. It's all lace and totally see thru, so I'll have to make sure I've shaved all the right places before prancing around in it. I obviously have a problem with hair.

  After making my purchases, I head home to gather my things. My bags are packed within a few minutes, so I jump in the shower to freshen up. When I step out my phone chimes with a text message. It's Ben and he's telling me they are already on the way to get me. Feeling a little excitement over going away for the night with him, I pose for the camera with nothing on and send it to him.

  I watch my cell display that he's read it, but he doesn't respond, so I quickly dress and begin drying my hair. I no sooner turn off the blower to see a man standing in the mirror's reflection. It's Ben and he seems to be entertained that I've just noticed him. Of course, this startles me. My hand goes directly to my chest as I try to calm down. "What the hell?"

  "I knocked. Honestly I was hoping you hadn't dressed so we could fuck before heading out."

  I push him out of the way. "Maybe later I'll let you have your way with me. Maybe I'll invite you to my room."

  "That won't be necessary since I only booked one."

  I'm not surprised. "What if I wanted to bring someone back with me and give him a good time, because I'm single and obviously desirable in the sheets?"

  He delivers a cocky grin. "He can watch."

  "What if I want you to watch?" I toy with him.

  "I'd have to abide to your wishes." I'm surprised this is his answer, but he is used to this lifestyle. "But I wouldn't like it."

  "You don't own me," I remind him.

  "Trust me, I'm aware."

  He takes my bags from me and helps me carry them out to the car where Duane is waiting."

  During the ride Ben remains quiet. He's doing something on his phone, so I pretend to do the same. When we arrive at the airport Duane gets our things from the trunk and sees us off. We travel through security and even have enough time to grab a snack before boarding the plane.

  The seats are in the business class, which gives us more room between us. I take the window spot and gaze out as we take off. We fly into a patch of rain and it immediately gets turbulent. Ben senses my unease and rubs on my knee, leaving his palm there for assurance. Without thinking about how it will seem, I place my hand over his and hold it there. For a few minutes we just stare into each other's eyes. I'm wondering the whole time about what he's thinking. I want it to be how he can change so we can be a normal couple, but I doubt that's what it is. "You should probab
ly take a nap. I have a full night planned for us."

  "Should I be worried?"

  "I'm not."

  "Does it involve being naked?" I inquire.

  "Some of it."

  "How many people will be involved in the naked part?"

  He's smiling. "How many would you like it to be?"

  This time I'm honest. "Just two."

  He reaches for my chin and kisses me softly. "I'd like that." He speaks in a whisper.

  I'm surprised. "Really? It's not too boring?"

  "You're not boring, Macy."

  I'm eager to find out what this means. "I think I'm getting to you. I think you've finally met someone who challenges your beliefs."

  "Don't be ridiculous," he argues. "I can't be changed."

  "That's not true. You said it yourself that people have gone off and lived happy lives."

  "Nothing lasts forever."

  I hate hearing him talk so negatively. "I don't believe that."

  "You're a dreamer, while I live in the real world. People do change, but only to benefit them."

  "Maybe we should discuss this in private," I suggest.

  "Or drop it. I can't change." He raises my hand and kisses it. "I know it's difficult for you to understand. You're different for me. That much is true, but I know I won't change, so I refuse to lead you on with false hope that we could ever be more than we are. Take it or leave it, Macy. It's always your choice."

  I'm left to wonder if this plan of mine will get me nowhere, but I'm determined to see it through. “I only ask because you do things with me that you don’t do with others.”

  “I waited for you to come around. Perhaps finally having my way makes this circumstance different. I’m inclined to assume you and I have something more because we’re not strangers. I don’t spend much time with the people I have sex with. We don’t sit around and chat about our lives. You know me personally, which makes it easier to connect. When I fuck you I’m doing it knowing I’m going to see you again, because it’s inevitable. Even if you left the firm to work for another, I’d still see you in the courtroom. There’s no avoiding each other, that’s why I’m adamant to bring you into my lifestyle, so we can both enjoy the perks of each other without the labels. It’s always about the labels with people. Why can’t we just fuck?”


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