Bound (Seven Year Itch)

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Bound (Seven Year Itch) Page 13

by Jennifer Foor

  My eyes widen. There are people around us, and even though he’s speaking quietly I’d hate for someone to overhear. “Ben, be quiet.”

  He’s whispering softer now. “We have chemistry. I wanted you. I still do.”

  “It’s the same for me.”

  “But you could also have chemistry with someone else. Why burden yourself with a commitment when one isn’t needed?”

  I hate when he has a point. “I think we should agree to disagree and drop the subject. I can see we’re not going to get anywhere.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “I’m trying to show you how to enjoy your life without burdens.”

  “I know.” I truly do. I’m just afraid it’s more for me. I’ve fought my feelings for him for too long to ignore them. There is something between us, even if he won’t admit it; I know it’s there.

  Chapter 20


  It was only a matter of time before she came to me with questions she wouldn't like the answer to. I'd like to be able to tell her she's special enough to change me, but what if this fling loses it luster? What if a few months down the road I get bored and make a call to someone who can entertain my itch? I refuse to lead Macy on, even if she withdraws because of it.

  The hotel I’ve arranged for us to stay at isn’t the one the witness owns. It’s better we keep our personal romps away from anything involved with a case. Macy may have seemed surprised that I’ve only reserved one room, but I’d have it no other way. I want her at my beck and call, and now I know she will be.

  Since it’s the evening, we’ve arranged to meet with the witness in the early hours of the morning before we catch a flight home. We have plenty enough time to explore the city and grab a nice meal before we head back to our room, where I know we’ll get little sleep.

  Macy puts her bag down and stretches once we’re inside. “I hate sitting for that long on a plane, don’t you?”

  “I tend to normally work the whole flight.”

  “Guess I ruined that for you.”

  “Macy, let’s get something straight. You don’t ruin things for me. I make my own choices. If I choose to speak with you the entire flight it’s on me. If I want you in my bed I’ll tell you. Do you understand?”

  She comes up to me and drags her nails up my sport’s jacket before pulling it over my shoulders. “I understand.”

  “What are you doing? Don’t you want to leave?”

  “You always wear a suit. How about you lose the jacket for tonight?”

  “Speaking of which, will you be wearing that skirt and blouse? You look like a principal.”

  “Does that turn you on?” She asks.

  “Not in the least.”

  She sticks out of her pouty lip at me. “Well, that’s not nice.”

  “I’d rather you be a nurse, or better yet, a sexy lawyer.”

  She peers down at her business attire. “I guess I should put something else on. When she grabs her bag and heads toward the bathroom I immediately put a stop to it. “Where are you going?”

  “To change.”

  “You can’t change here?” I toss my jacket on the edge of the bed and kick off my shoes. I’ve brought a pair of jeans and another shirt to put on in case the weather was warmer. When I’m down to my boxers she realizes she has nothing to hide from me. I’ve seen it all.

  The bag falls to the opposite side of the bed and I watch as she begins to strip out of her clothing. She unbuttons her blouse and removes it from her arms. Then she unzips her skirt at the side and shimmies it over her thighs. Standing in a red lace thong, with a matching bra she glares at me as if she’s waiting for a response.


  “That’s all you have to say?” I watch her release the barrette that’s been holding half of her hair away from her face. She shakes it out to make it fuller and begins to crawl over the bed toward me. I wait until she’s got her hands on my boxers to address the situation. “Seducing me now might prevent us from having that authentic meal you were hoping for.”

  She bites down on her lip before leaning in to brush over mine. She’s teasing me by barely making contact with my skin, while her eyes remain fixed on mine. I feel the back of her hand driving up my groin until she’s grazing my dick. She gets the reaction she’s looking for, and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to refrain from touching her.

  When she speaks her lips course over mine. “I’m hungry for something else at the moment.” She licks over my lips before ducking down until she’s sitting with her feet hanging off the bed, staring right at my crotch. She yanks the boxers down and I spring to life. This excites her. A wild growl escapes her before she takes a hold if it and begins stroking. Her eyes are on mine as I move her hair out of the way in order to watch her take her first lick. She sucks hard on the tip until it draws the blood to that one area. I attempt to back away, but she continues. Macy takes me into her mouth until she begins to gag, then she drags her teeth all the way back out. She dips underneath and laps up the base of my shaft before riding the vein to the tip again. Macy is toying with me and I love it. When her stroking becomes more provoked, I wait until she latches on and push her head down further. She’s sucking me so hard I can feel it through every one of my limbs. The more she goes at it the slipperier it becomes. She’s massaging my balls with her free hand and using her fingernails to tickle my taint. When she starts toying at my asshole I know I’ll soon lose it. She tests me to see if I’ll stop her, and when I don’t she drives it in, just as she’s got me halfway down her throat. I cling to her hair, holding her in place as my hot cum floods the walls of her mouth. I wait for a second to let go, just in case it hasn’t all come out, and then finally she backs away. She brings her shining lips up to mine and tries to kiss me, but I jerk away. Macy grabs me by the hair and forces me back until her lips are dragging against mine. I’m trying to refrain from the kiss, but I’m too turned on to deny her. It’s salty as her tongue finds mine. She’s swallowed most but the taste still remains. I lean forward until she’s flat on her back and I’m hovering over her. We kiss for a few minutes before I’m forcing myself to pull away and take her in. She runs her hands up her abdomen until she’s cupping both breasts. She tugs down the lace fabric on either side and pinches her own nipples while licking her top lip. “How about you give me a prelude of tonight?” I watch her map the way down between her legs and pull over the front of her panties to show me her pussy. She’s drawing up the fabric and running it between her lower lips.

  I can’t deny her this. I’m hungry to pleasure her, so I dive down and lick up the fabric, pulling her panties down over her hips and then off her ankles. I suck her full pussy into my mouth and savor her essence before attacking her exposed clit. Her body bucks as I work a circular motion over her bud. In no time at all she’s coming off the bed screaming something that makes no sense. To pay her back for earlier, I bring my mouth up to hers and we crash into a fulfilling kiss. She’s breathless as I back away, savoring the sight of how she looks after her high.

  I wipe the remnants of her from my face and toss her a towel from the bathroom. “If we don’t get out of here in the next two minutes I’m ordering room service and fucking you into tomorrow. You’re so damn sexy I can’t stand it. What the hell are you doing to me?”

  “Why? Do you like it?”

  I help her stand and bring both hands up to cup her face. “You’re full of surprises.”

  “So are you.”

  “I want you, Macy. You have to know that. I want you to be a part of this life with me. I’ve wanted it for a long time, but never knew how much until now.”

  “I want you too, and I’m willing to do what I have to in order to be a part of your crazy life, but I don’t like the idea of sharing you.”

  I want to tell her I feel the same, but it’s not fair to lead her on. James is going to be a big test for me. I trust him more than the others, but if Macy ends up enjoying herself the gloves are going to come off.
I can’t let this one go, even if it means I need to reevaluate our current situation, or give her up altogether to ensure I don’t lose her to someone else.

  Chapter 21


  Ben takes me to a riverside restaurant where we feast on real Cajun cuisine. We have authentic French desserts and finish off the evening taking a walk down Bourbon Street where the roads are filled with people and the sounds of smooth jazz. For a place I’ve never been, I’m in awe. I wish we could stay longer, but I know we have to get back to reality.

  Ben waves down a horse driven carriage that takes us to the front door of the hotel we’re staying in. He helps me down from the buggy and holds my hand as we walk into the establishment.

  I feel like he’s coming around. We’re happy as we enter the elevator, and before the doors close his lips are on mine. I already know what’s in store when we get back to the room, so I’m just enjoying this little appetizer beforehand.

  We no sooner get inside of our room when clothes are starting to come off. Ben backs away and pulls the V-neck shirt over his head, revealing that chest I can’t get enough of seeing. I saunter toward him and run my hands up it as our lips crash together. I force him onto the king size bed and crouch down to rip his pants from his legs. I slither over him like a reptile and lick my way up his neck. When I know I have his undivided attention I back off the bed and stand. Stripping in front of him is something I’ve gotten used to. I’ve never liked being naked until he showed me how powerful it can make me feel. Before Ben I felt worthless, but piece-by-piece he’s proving I’m more than just a woman who can never conceive. He wants me. He wants every part of me and I’m willing to give it to him if he’d only admit it.

  The clothes have been removed and I have a choice. I can climb back on the bed or I can make this night we have worthwhile.

  I point one finger in the air. “I’ll be right back. Wait here.”

  He leans up on his elbows but doesn’t get off the bed.

  I hurry into the bathroom to change into my sexy outfit, hoping he doesn’t think I’m being ridiculous for purchasing it. Once I’m dressed and both garters are holding my thigh high stockings up, I peer into the mirror to admire my reflection. I’ve never felt more sexy, more beautiful, but mostly this alive. The excitement he brings me sends chills throughout my body. I’m elated to be in this beautiful historic hotel with him to share my bed with.

  After taking a few breaths to get the nerve to amble out into the room and show him what I’ve got, I make my descent.

  Ben remains in the same place I left him. As I round the corner, his attention is on me. His eyes travel from mine and then downward. He pauses when he gets to my breasts. The see-thru fabric hides nothing, but with this particular piece it pushes them up further. If I bend over once my nipples will pop out.

  My hands find my hips as I tiptoe in his direction. It takes every bit of courage I have in me to dip down and come back up. I twirl around, displaying the little string going into my crack. When I bend over I don’t have to worry he’s not looking. I already know he’s captivated. I smack my ass cheek and turn my head to be able to see him. “Is this what you like, Ben?”

  It’s hard to walk in heels all day at work, but six-inch platforms make my ankles feel broken. I had them in the back of my closet from when I was in college. I’m lucky they haven’t dry-rotted, but reminded why I hated them from the get-go. I take one heel and stick it between his legs, pushing just enough for him to suck in a breath and worry.

  I search the room for an object I can use to make this more erotic. Hung above the brass headboard are two sets of taper candles. As soon as I see them I know what to do. I head over to the phone and call the desk to ask for a pack of matches. I know they’ll take a few minutes to get to me, so I climb onto the bed and straddle my big bad boss. “You aren’t saying much.”

  He grins. “I didn’t think words were required. You’re beautiful.”

  I’m blushing, but keep rocking my body over his. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “I can’t get enough of you. You make me want things I shouldn’t.”

  I lick my lips before speaking. “Like what?”

  He pulls me down to kiss me. “This. All of you.”

  Before I can fight him he’s flipping me over. “What do you need matches for? Have you taken up smoking?”

  I shake my head and smile. “Nope.”

  “Then what? Are you planning on burning me? Is it a secret fetish of yours?”

  I giggle. “Maybe.”

  He’s hovering over me, his eyes inhibit his urgency, while his fingers trace over my lips. “I love when you look at me like that.”

  I can’t stop the smile from forming again. “You make me feel so many emotions. I never thought I’d experience this with you.”

  He smiles just as someone knocks on the door. I sit up and realize I’m not in any position to answer it. He halts me and stands, completely naked himself. “Stay there. I’ll get your matches.”

  I hear him talking to the person at the door and then the sound of it closing again. When he rounds the corner he tosses the small box onto the bed. “What now?”

  I pat my hand on the mattress. “I need you here, on your back.”

  He does as I order him, and even lets me spread his legs. I take his hands and put them over his head, pulling off one of the socks from his feet and using it to bind his wrists together. “This is getting interesting.”

  “I learned it from you.” I toss him a wink as I work my way back down to sit on his waist. I find it pleasurable when I drag a breast over his mouth and back away before he can lick the fabric of the bra. “I’m going to make you beg to fuck me.”

  “Give it your best shot. I waited years for that pussy. I think I can withstand your advances for a few hours.”

  I like the challenge. “We’ll see about that.”

  I climb off the bed and reach for my phone, turning on a playlist I can dance to. Ben has never seen me this way. He’s probably imagined it in his perverted mind, but I’ve never had the opportunity to show him I have rhythm. I move my hips from side to side, watching as he manages to sit up and bring his tied hands to his lap. I lean forward and steal a chaste kiss before turning around, bending over and giving him a show I know he’ll appreciate. As I move I can hear him making sounds. I shake my body, moving slow enough to insinuate it’s turning me on. It’s not hard. Every part of my body yearns to feel his touch. I keep moving until the first song changes to another. His eyes are getting heavy, and not because he’s tired. When I take a quick glance between his legs I know exactly what’s on his mind. I wink and keep dancing, running my hands through my hair and then bringing them down to drag over his thighs. When the third song starts to play I know it’s time to step up my game. I twirl around with my back facing him and loosen my bra. As it falls, I take my hands and cup my nipples so when I turn he’s unable to see them. I dip down and then back up, spinning and freeing my hold. Next I play with the elastic of the thong, shoving them over my hips and then back up again. I look over my shoulder and see him staring at me. “Had enough yet?”

  He shakes his head. “Not even close.”

  “No worries. I’m just getting started, dirty boy.”

  I bend down and jiggle my ass to the tune, and as I straighten my body I begin to shimmy my panties around until they fall at my ankles and are kicked across the room.

  Now, in only a pair of heels, a garter and thigh highs, I climb onto the mattress and start dancing above him. He has a perfect view of everything I keep dear and I’m getting turned on teasing him with it. I grab ahold of his hair and guide him toward it. When I feel his first kiss I shove him away hard enough to send him flat on his back. I keep dancing, dipping down and then back up again. I touch my body, dragging my fingertips over my pussy and between the lips, then offer him a taste before withdrawing. I know he’s coming apart at the seams, but refuses to submit to defeat, so I keep at it. My hips hurt,
and I’m sure I’ll have blisters on my feet, but it’ll be worth it. This man needs to know what I’m capable of. He needs to understand that I’m not an innocent flower he has to protect. I can be wild and adventurous. I can be everything he needs.

  After the third song I’m a bit out of breath. I reach up and take a candle off the wall and squat down to sit at his hips. His hands are back above his head, even as I light the match and add the flame to the candle. He knows what’s coming, and appears to find it as exciting as I do. The red wax begins to drip down over his chest. I move it around listening to him sucking in as it first makes contact. I drip it over each nipple and dip down to suck it off. He licks his lips and continues watching me. My ass grinds against him in the right spot. He groans and starts to show signs of giving in. “Let me have a turn.”

  I shake my head. “No way. Not until I hear you beg.” I suck hard on my lip and wait. “Say it. Tell me how bad you want this pussy.” I drag my hand over my breast. “Tell me you want to touch me, that you want to drag your lips over my nipples until they’re rock hard.” I reach between my legs. “I’m so wet thinking about it. Just say it, Ben. Admit you want this more than you’ve ever wanted anything.”

  His lips part and I’m shuddering by what he says. “I do. You know I do. Free my hands and let me prove it, baby. You have me begging. I need to be inside you. I want that pussy. If anything, sit that ass on my face and let me show you how hot I think you are. Let me lick you clean just so I can soak you again.”

  The wax continues to drip while I consider my options. I wriggle up his body until my pussy is in his face. He’s staring at it, blowing air where he’s unable to reach. “Is this what you want?”

  He nods but keeps his eyes locked on the prize. “Fuck, you’re making me crazy.”


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