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The Sheikh's Scheming Sweetheart

Page 37

by Holly Rayner

  Emma looked as clearly disinterested and uncomfortable as Kathy had ever seen a woman look, turned practically sideways in an effort to disengage, looking anywhere but at Mitchell, nodding and smiling but saying nothing, not wanting to encourage the conversation. Kathy could tell she was maintaining politeness only because Mitchell was her boss and she didn't want to lose her job.

  Eventually, it was too painful to keep watching. Kathy wandered over, casual as you please, unnoticed by Mitchell who was focused entirely on Emma. Kathy moved behind him, pretending to examine the prizes for 'Pin the Arrow on Cupid' and, very casually, dumped her champagne down the back of Mitchell's shirt. He shouted in surprise at the sudden cold liquid.

  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" Kathy exclaimed, hamming it up with a shocked expression. "I'm such a klutz! I've ruined your nice shirt."

  The nice shirt in question was a black T-shirt with a picture of a tuxedo front printed on it. Mitchell scowled.

  "Damn it, Burgess!" he shouted. "If you can't handle a little champagne then lay off the bar! You should be avoiding the extra calories anyway."

  Kathy's smile soured fast and she briefly contemplated breaking the champagne glass on his face.

  "You're right, my bad," she said. "Can I get you some napkins?"

  But Mitchell was already storming off to the bathroom to see the damage. Emma breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Thank you," the young woman said. "I'm about ninety percent sure he was about to try slipping something into my drink."

  "Nah, Mitchell isn't that subtle," Kathy replied dryly. "He'd probably just threaten to fire you if you didn't go home with him."

  "What a creep." Emma shook her head, disgusted. "You know, I heard he has cameras in the women's bathrooms!"

  "I would not be surprised," Kathy said honestly.

  "I'm going to get out of here before he comes back," Emma said, pulling her bag up onto her shoulder. "Thank you again for the rescue."

  "No problem," Kathy assured her. "Women have to stick up for each other. We sure as hell can't expect the men to do it. I'll cover for you. Have a nice night."

  Emma waved and hurried out of the party. Kathy went to fetch another glass of champagne, glad that, if nothing else, she'd at least thwarted Mitchell's disgusting plans for the evening. She'd make sure Emma got away clear, then she'd head out and join Tessa, who was already texting her.

  Got the first movie picked out and the pizza is on its way, Tessa's text read, accompanied by several celebratory emojis. How much longer are you going to be?

  I'll probably show up around the same time as the pizza, Kathy wrote back, plucking a fresh glass of champagne off the table with her free hand. I'm leaving in just a minute. I already ruined Mitchell's night and nothing is going to top that.

  You go girl. Dance emoji surrounded by fireworks. Give me the details when you get here.

  Kathy was about to text back when a familiar voice caught her by surprise.

  "Fancy seeing you here."

  Kathy turned around quickly, her eyes widening as she saw the Sheikh standing behind her. He looked a little tanner than the last time she'd seen him from his week in the sun of Abu Sadah, and he was wearing a loose, stylish gray suit with no tie. She smiled as soon as she saw him. The delight that washed over her was genuine and unexpected.

  "Tehar!" she said. "You're back! I didn't think you'd be leaving until Monday. Is Shadaf all right?"

  "He's fine," Tehar assured her. "He's doing much better. Enough to be tired of my hovering over his shoulder and insisting I get back to my life at once."

  "And your first visit on getting back is to this lame office party?" Kathy asked, amused.

  "Well, you mentioned you would be here," Tehar replied, with a little amused smile of his own. Kathy was embarrassed by how her heart skipped a beat to hear him say that, and tried to quickly dismiss the feeling.

  "Are you planning to stay long?" she asked. "You've probably got better parties to go to tonight, right?"

  "Actually, this is my only engagement for the evening." When he saw her look of surprise, Tehar chuckled and reached past her for a glass, so close that his jacket brushed against her for a moment. "I did tell you I was single."

  "I guess I can't shake the image of you as some kind of glamorous socialite," Kathy said, knowing it was a little silly. "But if you're planning to stay here for a while, I wouldn't mind hanging around."

  "I would like that," he said.

  He had a way of smiling that felt warm and distant at the same time, like a candle in a faraway window. There was genuine kindness and affection there, but kept at a polite distance, beyond Kathy's reach.

  It was probably for the best, Kathy reminded herself. He was her boss and there was no one who respected the importance of remaining professional more than he did. Like he'd said the other day, QIC Media couldn't afford another scandal. Their relationship could never be more than cordial, businesslike. No wonder his smile seemed so far away. Kathy felt herself pulling away a little just thinking about it. Still.

  "I'd like that too," she said.

  She texted Tessa briefly, updating her on the situation.

  Going to be back later than I thought. I'll pay for the pizza. Go ahead and start without me.

  Did someone catch your eye? Tessa guessed, followed by a suspicious emoji.

  Tehar is here, Kathy typed back.

  Hell yeah, Tessa replied instantly. Enjoy! Followed by a paragraph-full of kissing faces. Kathy, face red, turned off her phone and shoved it into her bag.

  Champagne in hand, she and Tehar wandered for a bit, talking to the other singles who had nothing better to do, or were, like Kathy, obligated to attend as major faces of the company.

  After a few glasses of champagne and some of the rum balls someone from accounting had brought, they even agreed to play some of the games. Amber from HR had thrown the corny little shindig together and was doing her best to keep it fun. She'd even brought a couple of prizes. Amber ushered them over to ‘Pin the Arrow on the Cupid’ and, with a wink, encouraged Tehar to blindfold Kathy.

  They shared a wry look at the silliness of it all, but Tehar accepted the blindfold anyway, stepping behind Kathy to drape it over her as though it were a diamond necklace and not a dollar store tie covered in hearts. Then, he took her gently by the shoulders and spun her until she stumbled, dizzy and giggling, against him.

  Laughing himself, he pointed her towards the cupid and she took a few unsteady steps forward, both hands out, one holding the arrow she was supposed to pin, the other groping for a point of reference.

  "Two more steps forward!" Tehar coached her. "Aim for about the level of your nose."

  She followed his advice, though Amber from HR scolded him playfully for cheating, carefully taking another two steps until she felt the wall under her fingers. About the level of her nose, he'd said. She jabbed the pin in and stepped back, pulling off the blindfold.

  "Well, it's close enough," Tehar said with a rumbling laugh. She'd stuck the cupid right in the face.

  "All right, your turn, smart guy," Kathy teased, holding up the blindfold.

  They played several more times, shouting each other intentionally misleading intentions to try and get the arrow stuck in increasingly ridiculous places. In the end, Amber from HR handed Kathy a pair of novelty heart-shaped sunglasses and Tehar, who had actually struck the bull's eye on one of his turns, a box of rather nice chocolates. Kathy and Tehar retreated, having attracted others to the game with their exuberance.

  "I'm not sure if these are quite my style," Kathy commented, looking at Tehar over the top of her new sunglasses.

  "It's a very bold look," Tehar said with a chuckle. "You should wear them on set."

  "Oh no," Kathy laughed. "Actually, I think they would look much better on you."

  She took them off and stood on her toes to put them on Tehar, who held obligingly still, grinning.

  "Oh yeah, definitely," Kathy confirmed. "That's your look. You should ke
ep them. In fact, I insist we get a photo right now."

  She dragged him off, laughing, to the photo spot, where he insisted that, if he was going to wear the shades, she had to wear the blindfold tie. Amber from HR gladly loaned it to them while they had their photo taken, Kathy gleefully encouraging Tehar into cheesy prom night poses.

  After that, Amber had set up a little charity auction. Most of the items up for bid were fairly simple: a coconut cake that Tehar tripled the starting bet on immediately, a giant stuffed bear, more of the rum balls from the genius in accounting, an incredibly goofy lingerie set.

  The item that went for the most was the promise of a massage from Tammy in meteorology. The bidding war over that had been fierce. Kathy watched Tammy practically glowing with satisfaction as the price rose, and wondered if maybe she shouldn't have gone into weather.

  Tehar lost the cake but won the giant bear, which he presented to Kathy with a slightly wobbly bow. Kathy accepted it with an equally unsteady curtsy. They'd both definitely had too much champagne.

  So far, no one had really used the little dance floor except for a brief, embarrassing chicken dance interlude, but the two of them stumbled out onto it as a familiar ballad began to play. Kathy wasn't much of a dancer, but Tehar clearly had ballroom dancing experience. Even as tipsy as they both were, he had perfect form, leading her in a graceful, looping waltz across the floor. Kathy felt like a princess.

  "Thank you for staying with me tonight," Tehar said as they spun, the cheap fairy lights above them twinkling like stars. "I haven't had this much fun in a while."

  "Well, I couldn't leave the father of my future child alone on Valentine's Day," Kathy said with a grin, her voice low and conspiratorial. Tehar looked mildly embarrassed. "Thank you for coming back. And for all the phone calls and everything. When you left so soon after making the decision, I was worried…"

  "That I would back out?" Tehar guessed.

  "No." Kathy shook her head, searching for the right words in her slightly fuzzy brain. "I was worried that that was just how it was going to be. I want this to be a business arrangement, but I guess I didn't want it to be so impersonal that we didn't really talk or spend time together except for making decisions. I guess I'm indecisive."

  "It's a rare person who knows exactly what they want," Tehar replied. "There's nothing wrong with changing your mind."

  "In this instance, there are a few things wrong," Kathy murmured.

  "Not with wanting to be more involved," Tehar spoke softly, his eyes strangely intense.

  He guided her through a fanciful spin, the kind that made her wish she was wearing a ball gown that could fan out around her, then he pulled her close. Suddenly, his eyes were so close to her own that she could look nowhere else. Her heart seemed to stop in her chest. She could feel his beating, loud as her own in her ears. His hand was on the small of her back, holding her tightly against him, strong and warm. She might not have known what she wanted, but, for a moment, she was sure they both wanted the same thing.

  Then he cleared his throat and stepped back, letting her go. She could almost see things closing off behind his eyes, like curtains being drawn.

  "Don't do that," she said, surprised by the sound of yearning in her own voice as she reached for him. "Don't go away."

  "I'm right here," Tehar replied. "I'm not going anywhere."

  She shook her head.

  "You always do that," she said. "You keep yourself so far removed from everything around you. What happened that you feel like you have to stay so distant? You can be here, with me."

  Her hand was on his cheek, his skin warm under her fingers, his pulse racing. She could feel it in his chest where her other hand rested. He held on to his self-control just long enough for them to slip out of the conference room and into the hall.

  In the dark of the studio hallway, he pressed her against a closed door, his hunger for her suddenly voracious, uncontainable. Kathy felt her heart leap at the thrill as her back met the wood, and then his mouth was on hers and she could think of nothing else.

  He was taller than her, his body a warmth that seemed to surround her, consuming her in a world of his touch and his heat and the spicy scent of his cologne. One hand was on her hip, squeezing, pressing her up against him, the other in her hair, pulling her closer.

  There was a clumsiness to the desperation of it, the press of his teeth sharp, their breath ragged when they stopped long enough to take it. It was so far removed from his usual aloof formality that it left Kathy stunned and intrigued.

  His lips found her throat and Kathy bit off a moan, remembering how exposed they were, even in this shaded hallway. Tehar seemed to remember at the same time, but couldn't make himself pull away. Instead, he picked her up, continuing to kiss her as he fumbled his way down the hall and forced open the door to his office.

  He shoved everything off of his desk with one impatient sweep of his arm and laid Kathy across it, the cool wood a shock against her skin as his kisses fell from her mouth to her throat to her breast.

  She shouldn't be doing this. She knew it was a mistake. She wasn't so drunk that she couldn't control herself. But she wanted this, wanted him. She had for a long time. And to have him suddenly so close was a temptation she couldn't refuse.

  She gave in.

  No longer just reacting, she pulled at his clothing, eager to feel his skin under her hands. She roamed the plains of his chest, muscles of his arms and stomach, enjoying the way they leapt when she trailed delicate fingernails across them.

  He held her so tightly it was though he were afraid if he loosened his grip for even a moment she would melt away. But she wasn't going anywhere. There was nowhere she'd rather be. Her hands caught his hair and pulled him down against her and she released a needy, fluttering moan, the first of many.

  By the time they regained their self-control, they were both quite sober and the party had long since ended. Alone, they slipped through the dark, empty building as he walked her to her car.

  "Come home with me," Tehar asked, his eyes still intense. She could feel the heat there like she could still feel the ghost of his lips on her skin. He held her hand, reluctant even now to let go.

  "I shouldn't," she said, better sense winning out despite how much of her wanted to banish it forever. "I want to, but…"

  He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again she could already see him distancing himself. He nodded and let her hand slip out of his.

  "You're right," he agreed. "I think we both know that this should never have happened."

  "I'm glad it did," Kathy said softly and a flash of something almost like pain crossed Tehar's face. He pulled her closer and pressed a brief, chaste kiss to her cheek.

  "Be safe," he said, stroking her hair as he stepped away. Then he hurried off to his car, leaving her alone in the suddenly very cold parking lot. Kathy drove home with nothing but him in her thoughts.

  She opened her apartment door to find Tessa asleep on her couch, surrounded by the remains of their Valentine's feast. A classic horror flick was still playing on the TV. Kathy tried not to wake her friend but stumbled taking off her shoes.

  "You're back!" Tessa said, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes, her voice gravely. "How'd it go? What time is it?"

  She checked her watch and swore.

  "Wow! You must have gone more rounds than a championship boxer. Congrats!"

  "Can we not talk about it?" Kathy pleaded, embarrassed and a little heartbroken.

  "What happened?" Tessa asked, picking up on Kathy's feelings at once. "I thought you'd be happy. You've had a crush on that guy for ages."

  Kathy shook her head and sank onto the sofa, realizing she did need to talk about it, as much as she didn't want to.

  "Yeah, and I never acted on it because it wouldn't work. He's my boss. He built this company on his reputation. Neither of us would risk our careers on an inter-office relationship. It's just not going to happen."

  "But it did happen," Tessa
pointed out. "It just happened! It's obvious you both want this. It should have been obvious when you decided to have a baby together."

  "That's different," Kathy said in flat denial. "And tonight was a mistake. It won't happen again."

  "And why's that?" Tessa asked.

  "Because I know what I want," Kathy said firmly. "I want my career. I want this baby with no strings attached. I got turned around because I thought I wanted a relationship too, but those things just aren't compatible. Especially not with him. Tomorrow, it's going to be like this never happened, and we'll go back to the business relationship which is all both of us wanted in the first place."

  "Is that really what you want?" Tessa asked. "Really?"

  "Yes," Kathy said, trying to convince herself as much as Tessa. "We can't be together and have what we want. That's all there is to it."

  She went to bed and slept restlessly, tossing and turning for an hour as she fought with herself over what she really wanted. When she did sleep, she dreamed of Tehar. She dreamed of being with him in a world where only they existed, where the only thing that mattered was her hands on his body, his lips on her skin, their limbs tangled around each other forever. It didn't make things any easier when she woke up.

  Chapter Eight

  At work, Kathy learned that Tehar had left on the first flight that morning, back to Abu Sadah on some family business. She worried if Shadaf was all right, but she didn't dare text Tehar to ask.

  There was going to be no more talking to him about anything that wasn't related to work or the baby. She'd made up her mind. That last pained look he'd given her before they separated the night before haunted her, but she told herself that they both knew it wasn't possible. They both had things that were simply more important.

  It was a long, exhausting day. Kathy was a little hungover and preoccupied with her situation. She went through the motions of her work, unable to focus. Near the end of the day, she took a break, hoping the fresh air would clear her head.

  She shouldered her way through the heavy parking lot door, making sure the brick was in place to hold it open. It was another unseasonably warm day. Her mood wanted it to be gray and overcast, but the sky was as cheerfully blue as ever, oblivious to the plight and personal struggles of the people living under it.


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