by Gabbi Grey
He grinned, holding my gaze for a moment. Then he snagged the bottle of lube, coating his fingers. And wasn’t that the sexiest sight ever? Encouraging my knees up and out, he touched my hole. The lube was cold, but his touch warmed me. With one finger, he pressed inside me. I’d done this myself, but a world of difference existed between self-service and getting pleasure delivered by someone else. He moved his finger slowly, giving me time to adjust.
“Please.” I wasn’t above begging.
Two fingers replaced the one, and the sensation of being filled increased. He scissored, he twisted, then he hit my prostate. I saw stars. I’d done this before, but now it overwhelmed. Threatened to take me right over the cliff. He poked and prodded a few more times before removing his hand. I nearly cried for the loss of sensation, but then he donned a condom with amazing speed and slathered his cock. He added more lube to my hole, and then he stopped.
Actually stopped.
Holding my gaze, his eyes were soft in the waning light. “I want you on top. That way you can control the penetration.”
Such a stark word brought me out of my haze of desire. And bought tears to my eyes. I’d never seen this kindness before. I managed to nod and scooted over so he could take my place. Once he settled, I straddled him with my thighs on either side of his.
And faltered. This was all so new for me. I had no idea what to do.
As if sensing my discomfort, he grasped his cock and encouraged me to rise and position myself over him. Slowly, with infinite care, I sank down. No lie, it hurt. He was big, my body untested. I almost pulled out before his head breached me completely. Okay, that full sensation was back. And fiercer than ever.
“Breathe, Thomas.”
His hands rested on my hips, ready to pull me off if I needed him to. But I didn’t. As I got used to it, something again shifted inside me. Not just physical, but emotional. I did breathe and even managed to relax a fraction.
I sank deeper, and then, without warning, he nudged my prostate. My cock sprang to life, thrilled.
“You can do it.”
And I could. I sank farther until his balls hit my ass. Discomfort was no longer the most prominent feeling. Liberated and freed. Unshackled from my previous solitude. Connected intimately to another human being. To the most amazing man I’d ever met.
“You set the pace.”
He reminded me we were nowhere near finished. I placed my hands on his stomach and moved experimentally. Up and breathe in, down and exhale. Up and down. Previously untapped pleasure sang through me, and I increased my pace, needing more friction. Each nudge of his cock against my prostate shot pleasure through me. Words were impossible. I needed more. How to ask for it? Didn’t have the words.
“I’m going to jack you off. Tell me if you’re too sensitive.”
Was such a thing possible? He fisted me and pumped in time with the rhythm I’d set. Ahhh. The faster I wanted him to jack me, the quicker I had to pick up the pace. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, meeting my stare. The intensity robbed me of the breath I’d struggled for, and I came. Suddenly and sharply, I let go and spurted cum all over his hands. He let go of my cock, grabbed my hips, and pumped up into me several times. Now I felt sensitive, but it was a good discomfort. No pain but something that made me feel alive inside.
His face contorted, and he pushed out a “fuck, yes” through gritted teeth.
Yeah, that was pretty much how I felt.
He pulled me down toward him and against his chest.
I wrapped my arms around him, using his pec as a pillow. He angled his hips so he could wrap his thighs on the outside mine, allowing him to hold me close, tucked into his warm embrace.
I wanted to stay there forever.
Chapter Eleven
There had been fucking involved, to be sure, but as I held Thomas in my arms, a previously unknown emotion overwhelmed. Affection. Okay, to be honest, love. And I wasn’t just thinking with my now-deflated cock. The strength it’d taken for him to be vulnerable with me—about the rape and his brother’s death? That’d taken courage. Although I’d been gentle with Desmond near the end of his life, there’d been a time when hard and fast had been the preference. There hadn’t been moments of connection like the one I’d just enjoyed.
Holding this young man in my arms, sticky as we were, contentment descended and enveloped me as surely as his embrace. Only when he shivered did I consider moving. “We should shower.”
He shook his head. “I want to stay like this forever.”
Shock ricocheted through me at his words. He echoed my exact sentiments. Did he mean it literally? That he never wanted to be apart? Were we ready for that after such a short acquaintance?
“At least let me pull up the duvet.”
After a moment, he eased off me and grabbed it himself, pulling it over us. I removed the condom, tied it off, and placed it in a trash can. I rolled onto my side and pulled him in against me, much as we had been last night. He was taller, so I couldn’t tuck his head beneath my chin, but I could rest my cheek against the back of his head. My front protected his back, and my crotch wrapped around his ass. Thigh to thigh, we cuddled limbs. I pulled him against me, pressing my hand to his sternum.
His breathing stuttered, then slowed. “That was…” He swallowed. “I know that was my first real time. Because the first didn’t count.” The words came out in a rush.
Good. Let tonight have been the first, the most special.
“And after the first time, you’re supposed to act all cool and shit.”
“Says who?”
“Well, you know, like, guys say that you have to play it off like it’s no big deal.”
Whoever these guys were, I wasn’t liking them. “Thomas, you don’t have to play at anything. If you need time to understand what happened, I respect that.”
“I don’t. Need time.” He blew out a breath. “I don’t want to be greedy.”
“What do you mean?” Intrigued, I stroked my hand up and down his chest.
“Greedy like wanting more. Like wanting to share over and over again.”
Ah. “Well, if I want the same thing, then it isn’t greed—it’s mutual attraction.”
“But it’s more than attraction.” Another strong exhalation.
In for a penny and all that shit. “I care about you, Thomas. I think in time it could develop into more than that.” If this wasn’t where he was going, then I might’ve just scared him right out of the room.
He wrapped his hands around my hand and drew it up to his mouth, dropping a gentle kiss to the tips of my fingers. “I think it could be more as well. But I don’t want you to think it’s just sex.”
“I don’t.” The night down at the seawall flashed into my mind. I think I’d known even then there was something special about this man. That he could become special to me. “Let’s just take this as it comes, right?”
“Yeah, I can do that.” Snuggling back into me, he repeated, “I can do that.”
Hours later we awoke, very sticky and in need of a shower. I bestowed another hand job upon him, and he gave me a blow job. His first. He used a little too much teeth for my liking, but there’d be time to work on technique. Knowing I was his first in so many different things was something amazing. A headiness I’d never have predicted.
Once we were clean and dry, I dragged him back to bed. After tucking him in, I headed down to the kitchen, grateful the service had followed my directions. A large tip was in order for those who’d taken care of us. I headed back upstairs with two bowls.
Thomas scooted up when he saw me. He leaned against the headboard, and his eyes lit when he spotted the ice cream. “Tiger tail?”
He squealed like a young child, and my heart soared. Such pleasure from a simple gesture. My money meant nothing to him, of that I was certain. I handed over his bowl and settled next to him, tuggin
g the covers up to my chest. The sun had descended, and the temperature outside was dropping, bringing down the temperature in the room. Another reason to share body warmth. As if we needed an excuse to cuddle.
“So, uh, you ever been to California?”
Thomas cocked his head. “Nah. Did a shoot down in Olympia a couple of years ago, but I tend to stick close to home. I have a job I love and nature just beyond the city limits.”
Nothing in LA was likely to tempt him.
“You ever consider Vancouver?”
His words stopped me. I hadn’t, of course, because my life was in LA. Had been in LA, I corrected myself. With Desmond gone, nothing tethered me. I didn’t go out, didn’t need to see and be seen. I could maintain a house down there when I was filming and doing other business, but as for an actual home…
“Vancouver, eh?”
Thomas grinned. “See, we’re already rubbing off on you.”
In more ways than one.
“I’ll think about it.”
His eyes lit. “I’d love to show you around.”
“You think you could help me find a place to live?”
He dragged his lower lip through his teeth. “Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Real estate prices are insane.”
His earnestness spoke to me. I took his empty bowl and put them both on the nightstand. I pulled him into my arms. Good, he came easily. Eagerly. He tucked himself against my side, resting his head on my chest.
“I can afford it, Thomas. And if it means I get to be with you, it’ll be a good investment.” Because it was just money. My heart was already here—now only logistics remained.
He angled his face up, smiling shyly.
“Thank you. For everything.”
I could pretend I didn’t know what he meant, but I did. “My pleasure.”
We fell asleep soon afterward and slept the whole night wrapped around each other.
As Sarah held aloft the necklace Thomas had bought her, her grin was infectious.
I was grateful for the beatific smile on her face because my man had fretted about the gift for days. We’d shopped together down in Gastown and had located a native artisan who did exquisite pieces.
The pendant was a raven midflight, wings flapping. The piece was at once simple and majestic.
And from what little I knew of Sarah, absolutely perfect. Thomas comprehended his sister. He’d shared many anecdotes of the little spitfire. And little was accurate—she was barely five feet tall. When Thomas hugged her, he enveloped her.
Norma, their mother, was also petite. She had the same dark-brown hair and blue eyes as her daughter. Bart had the same coloring as his remaining son—blond hair and brown eyes. He was a tall and proud man, aging well. If Thomas continued to take after him, he’d be even more handsome as time passed.
I’d let go of most of my reservations about our age gap. Life was to be embraced, and if my lover didn’t mind the difference, who was I to argue?
We were ensconced in the backyard of our Shaughnessy home. The sun dipped low in the sky, and all was right in the world. Shooting had ended yesterday, and after an epic wrap party, Thomas and I had dragged ourselves home at some ungodly hour in the morning. Good thing we’d decided to host his sister’s birthday party tonight, giving us hours to recuperate. Not that we’d indulged in alcohol so much as reveled in the end of what looked to be a brilliant film. Lisette swore awards, but I didn’t care. This film would always be precious because I met my Thomas.
Possessive much?
I pushed aside the quiet voice. Even this house had been a compromise. I’d wanted a mansion, and Thomas had quietly balked at the expense. So I’d opted for a smaller home in a nice neighborhood available for immediate possession. Somewhere we weren’t likely to garner a lot of attention. With beautiful tree-lined streets that begged to be walked. Strolled hand in hand. A place for our kids to ride their bikes.
It still blew my mind. Seemed Thomas had always harbored the desire for kids, and once he shared that yearning, I realized part of me wanted that as well. I’d figured it wasn’t in the cards, but once I opened my heart to the possibility…well, everything changed. It was too soon to figure things out, but Sarah dropped the hint she’d be willing to be a surrogate. She was young, though. Of course she was also a strong young woman who knew what she wanted. If she made her mind up about this, I suspected Thomas and I would have few arguments.
Bart patted his stomach. “I think those were the best ribs I’ve ever had.” He glanced over at Norma. “Except yours, of course, my dear.”
She waved him off. “No, they were better than mine. I’m not ashamed to admit it.”
I’d bribed the chef from Whistler to come down and cater this dinner party for us. I only had one chance to make a good first impression with Thomas’s family, and having delicious food would go a long way. It had, if the murmurs of appreciation were anything to go by. I’d also secured the recipe for the future, should I figure out a way to cook. It wasn’t my specialty, but I was willing to learn.
After all, Thomas was going back to work on Vigilante Justice in just over a week, and aside from a few business meetings that could be done via conference call, I wouldn’t have much to do for the next few months. I’d started investigating some charities in Vancouver who could use help, but that’d be behind the scenes. Something to keep me busy. I’d also consented to an interview to discuss my relationship with Desmond. With his family’s blessing, of course. Apparently, I really was the worst-kept secret ever.
“I wish you could stay longer.” Thomas had already expressed this once, but his longing was clear. He loved and missed his family. Their visit meant everything to him, even if I was the reason for their appearance.
“We’ll see you again tomorrow.” His mother’s gaze was a little misty.
“I wish you would stay here.” Now his tone was a little petulant.
“You guys need your space. Not for the future in-laws to descend.” Bart grasped his wife’s hand. “I remember what it’s like during the beginning of the relationship. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”
Both Thomas and Sarah groaned. Something they’d heard often before, I suspected. I couldn’t argue with him, though. Thomas and I did spend a lot of time just touching. I’d never get enough of his hands all over me. The moments that were tender and sensual as opposed to sexual and demanding were just as intoxicating. My favorite times of day were first thing in the morning while in our bed and late at night as we drifted off.
Holding him tight meant everything.
Hell, I’d even consented to be held a few times. And to be fucked. After all, equality was important, and Thomas was still discovering more and more about sex. I still remembered the first time I ate him out.
Going down that track of thought was likely to have me sporting a woody, so I rose and offered a hand to Thomas. Without hesitation, he grabbed on and let me pull him to his feet. Pulling him in, I kissed him hard and fast. “I’ll put the dishes in the kitchen.”
“I’ll help.”
Before I could argue, Norma was on her feet. Since crossing the determined woman wasn’t a good idea, I nodded, and we organized the plates together. Once in the kitchen, I pointed to the counter. “We’ll wash them in the morning.”
She was already scraping bones into the trash and rinsing the plates before loading them into the dishwasher. The real estate agent had promised me we wouldn’t need to do that, but again, I wasn’t going to argue. I pulled the ice cream cake from the freezer and put a candle in the middle.
Sarah was turning twenty-one, and Thomas assured me placing twenty-one candles on the cake wasn’t likely to go over well. She was an adult and insisted upon being treated as one. Only kids needed all the candles.
“Not tiger tail, I hope.”
“No, ma’am. Vanilla and chocolate.”
“It’s Norma. Bart made an inappropriate joke about us being future
in-laws, but I see how you look at my son.”
“Like the sun and moon rise because of him. Like I’d do anything in the world for him. Like I’d give my life for him.”
She snickered. “A little melodramatic, but I’ll take it. After Luke died, he withdrew from life. My young daredevil disappeared, and he couldn’t leave Prince George fast enough. I know he blames himself for Luke’s death. Or thinks we do. We don’t, of course. Shit happens.”
Her vulgarity hit hard because she’d come across as prim and proper. Maybe I’d misjudged.
“Something else happened to Thomas that night, and although I had my suspicions, I never said anything. I hoped one day he’d open up to me, but instead he ran away. Every time I’ve seen him, there have been shadows in his eyes. He’s been haunted. But not this time. He’s different.”
What was I supposed to say? That she was right? That Thomas had finally opened up, and that some of those demons had truly fled? I didn’t want to take credit—I wanted to believe one day he would’ve met someone, but I’m not so sure. If not for that fateful taste of tiger tail, I’m not sure either of us would’ve found the strength to come out of the closet.
“I love him.” Plain and simple.
She placed a hand on my cheek. “I know you do. We had to come down and see it for ourselves because we never believed this day would come.”
“I’ve put him on the deed of the house—”
“Something I suspect did not impress him.”
She knew him well. As a mother should. As my mother had. Perhaps, one day, I might be able to see Norma as my mother. Surrogate mother. Mother-in-law.
Calvin leapt on the counter and sniffed the ice cream cake. With more care than he deserved, I scooped him up and lowered him to the floor. He cast me a caustic glare, then went over to his very expensive kibble and deigned to eat a few pieces.
He was growing on me.
“I do plan to propose. I can’t see myself living without him.” I met Norma’s gaze, hoping my sincerity shone through.
“And he’ll accept when the time’s right, but don’t be ostentatious. Make it simple.”