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The Price of Pleasure

Page 7

by Connie Mason

  She was only dimly aware of his husky voice urging her on, barely cognizant of the ridges of scarred flesh beneath her fingertips. Reduced to a bundle of quivering nerve endings, she clung to him, rocking her hips as her cries of pleasure filled the space around them.

  Moments later she convulsed, soaring higher than she’d ever soared before, visited places she had never seen. The view from the top shook her to the very core. When she felt Reed stiffen and go still, heard his hoarse cry, she grasped his hand to welcome him to paradise.

  Reed’s eyes closed in sensual pleasure that bordered on pain as Fleur trembled and quaked beneath him. When she grasped his hand and clutched it tightly, he could no longer help himself. Thrusting in a raw, urgent rhythm, he felt the explosion rip through him. He cried out his own savage release, his body clenching and shuddering with pent-up wildness, finally ending his enforced celibacy.

  Fleur had never experienced anything quite like what had just happened between her and Reed. She closed her eyes to better enjoy the aftermath, relishing the weight of Reed’s body atop hers.

  It was a memory to savor, to store and retrieve at will after Reed left. Emotionally drained, overwhelmed, Fleur felt Reed soften inside her and his weight lift away from her. He sagged to his side on the mattress, still breathing hard. During the lull, Fleur recalled the purpose of Reed’s nocturnal visit.

  “It won’t work, you know,” Fleur said.

  He rolled on his side to face her. “What won’t work?”

  “Using sex to convince me to leave.”

  “You misjudge me. Making love to you wasn’t my intention when I came to your chamber.”

  “You don’t need to explain, Reed. You haven’t had a woman in a long time, and I was handy. I don’t blame you for what happened between us. I understand your need, although I don’t understand mine.”

  “Didn’t you enjoy sex with your husband?”

  “Yes, I enjoyed that aspect of marriage.” She looked at him, then glanced away. “Though I have to admit what you and I did in no way compares to what I experienced during my marriage.”

  “Should I be insulted?”

  A long pause. “No, Reed, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I never knew I was capable of responding as I did to you. It was . . . intense.”

  “You were magnificent. When we return to England, we can see each other as often as we like. We’re both adults; we need answer to no one about our actions. Do you see now why I can’t leave you behind, Fleur?”

  Fleur saw a great deal. “I’m not looking for a casual affair, Reed. I’m not looking for a man at all. And as I told you before, I’m not leaving France until I absolutely have to.”

  “Fleur . . . ”

  “Say no more, Reed. Your grandmother moved heaven and earth to get you back home. The earldom needs an heir and you have a duty to marry well and provide one. Even if I returned with you to England, our lives would take different paths. And I absolutely refuse to become your mistress.”

  “I didn’t ask that of you and never will.”

  “Are you saying you want to marry me?”

  Fleur smiled when Reed appeared stunned by her question.

  “I wouldn’t rule that out,” Reed said after a long, telling silence. “You are as well-born as I am and certainly appropriate.”

  “No, I’m not,” Fleur confessed. “We don’t really know each other, and I can’t have children.”

  “What? You don’t know that.”

  “I didn’t conceive during my marriage to Pierre.”

  Another long silence ensued before Reed said with a hint of resignation, “Is there nothing I can say to make you understand the danger you would be in should you remain in France?”

  “I know the work I do is dangerous. I’m not stupid. But it’s what I want to do, what I need to do. Go home and forget me, Reed. Perhaps one day, when my work here is done, we will meet again and laugh over this little . . . episode in our lives.”

  “Laugh? I hardly think so.”

  It was true that Reed was in no hurry to wed. Spending months in prison and weeks before that working undercover had left him eager to indulge the passionate side of his nature. Before leaving England, he had gained a reputation as a talented lover. But there had been no urgency to settle down then. He wasn’t the heir and had expected his brother to produce children. So Reed had abandoned himself to wicked pursuits, enjoying every one of them.

  His reckless quest for adventure was what had attracted him to his current position: that of a British agent in revolutionary France. Though Reed knew Grandmamma would insist that he wed soon and set up his nursery, he had earned a bit of carousing before settling down to wedded bliss.

  “You should leave,” Fleur said, interrupting Reed’s introspection. “Thank you for making me feel alive again. I needed this night as much as you did.”

  “We’re not done yet, sweetheart. The night is still young; we have hours left to make up for months of deprivation.”

  Before Fleur knew what he intended, he dragged her on top of him and pulled her head down for his kiss.

  The hours passed too swiftly as Fleur and Reed explored each other’s bodies, both aware that their time together was drawing to an end. They made love slowly, with Fleur on top, controlling the movement until the very end. Then Reed took over, his wildness driving them both over the edge. Nothing was sacrosanct, nothing off limits. After, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, only to awaken again before dawn and make love again.

  Chapter Five

  Fleur became Reed’s lover during the time left to him on French shores. They both knew it was only a matter of days before Reed left France and Fleur continued her dangerous game.

  Sensing Fleur’s withdrawal whenever Reed urged her to leave France, he stopped mentioning it. Instead, he began considering the possibility of remaining in France and continuing his undercover work for the Crown. The earldom could wait for him until Napoleon’s march to conquer the world was halted.

  Reed’s only hesitation came when he thought of his grandmother, who anxiously awaited his return. To Grandmamma, nothing was more important than preserving the earldom for future generations, and that meant he must wed. But taking a wife was the last thing on Reed’s list of priorities. There was still a great deal he could do to help his country.

  A fortnight after Fleur sent word to Andre that Reed was well enough to travel, a message arrived via Antoine. Reed and Fleur were seated in the parlor when Antoine relayed Andre’s response. An English sloop would arrive to pick Reed up two nights hence. Andre would be waiting at the rendezvous on the beach to see Reed off. Reed received the message with ill humor.

  “Why are you scowling, Reed?” Fleur asked after Antoine had delivered the message and departed. “You’ll be home soon, taking your rightful place in Society.”

  “I never cared a fig about Society. Jason was the heir; it was his duty to maintain the Hunthurst dignity, marry and produce heirs. I never wanted the title. I was perfectly happy indulging myself shamelessly and pursuing danger and adventure. Becoming a secret operative suited me just fine.” His voice broke. “I’ll never forgive Jason for dying.”

  Fleur knew Reed was speaking from grief. He might not verbally admit it, but he loved his brother and mourned his death. Reed needed to return home and take over as head of the family. And she needed to remain in France, where rescuing men like Reed was essential to her country.

  “I want to talk to Andre,” Reed said. “Now. Can Antoine arrange it?”

  “I doubt it,” Fleur replied. “Andre appears only at a prearranged time and day. He won’t show himself again until the night of your departure.”

  “Where, pray tell, is that?”

  “There’s a small cove about two miles up the coast. The ship will anchor in the bay and send a small boat ashore for you. There’s an alternative route farther up the coast in case the first becomes unavailable to us. If the night is stormy, the ship will wait beyond the cove until the
weather clears before sending out a boat. We’ve done this before and know how it works.”

  Before Reed could answer, Lisette walked into the small parlor. “Antoine tells me we’ll be losing our guest soon.”

  “It’s true, Lisette,” Fleur replied. “Once our guest returns to England, his family doctor can take over his care.”

  “I doubt I will receive better care anywhere than I did from you and your mistress, Lisette,” Reed said. “Had I remained in Devil’s Chateau, I would have been dead long before now. Your simple but delicious meals were instrumental in returning me to health.”

  Lisette blushed at the compliment. “You give me too much credit, monsieur. Have you seen Gaston, Fleur? I thought he might pick some vegetables from the garden for our dinner tonight.”

  “Perhaps I can help,” Reed offered.

  “We have plans to go over, Reed,” Fleur said. “Gaston can do Lisette’s bidding. I believe you’ll find him stacking wood behind the house, Lisette.”

  Lisette took her leave.

  “Will you come to meet the ship with me?” Reed asked.

  Fleur glanced at him and looked away. “I think not. Usually Antoine drives the cart and Gaston goes along in case of trouble. That’s how it’s done.”

  Reed nodded. “I suppose it’s for the best. Keeping you safe is my main concern. Can I come to you tonight? It might be the last time for us to be together.”

  She lifted her eyes to him. “Come to me after the household settles down for the night.”

  They parted then. Fleur stopped into the kitchen to visit with Lisette while Reed went outside to help Gaston in the garden. Lisette greeted Fleur with a scowl.

  “Do you think it wise to become involved with our guest, chèrie? The heart is a fragile thing, easily broken. I do not wish to see you pining for a man so far out of your reach. It could affect your work and bon Dieu knows you need your wits about you.”

  “I will be fine, Lisette, truly,” Fleur assured her. “My heart is not involved.”

  Fleur nearly bit her tongue at that untruth. Though she couldn’t exactly say she loved Reed, she cared about him in a way that surprised her. Fleur had cared deeply about her husband, but it hadn’t been a passionate, tempestuous love. With Reed the passion was all-consuming, but Fleur knew that kind of wild passion could not last. Pierre had given her peace of mind, comfort and a warm regard that would have lasted a lifetime had he lived. What she experienced with Reed was too searing to bring peace into her life. And once her work in France ended, Fleur wanted peace and quiet.

  Besides, Reed needed an heir, and she couldn’t give him one. Even if he was still interested in her once she returned to England, which was doubtful, nothing would come of their relationship. London was filled with eligible debs looking for a titled husband. How long could Reed hold out against them? Not long if his grandmother had anything to say about it.

  “You’re not fooling me, ma petite,” Lisette said as she poured two cups of tea and handed one to Fleur. “I know you have taken our guest as a lover. He is the first since your husband.”

  Fleur sipped her tea slowly. “I was lonely. Do not scold me, Lisette, for I know what I am about. Reed leaves tomorrow night—I thought you might prepare something special for supper tomorrow. His appetite is insatiable of late.”

  “Monsieur seems to have an insatiable appetite for many things,” Lisette grumbled beneath her breath.

  “What did you say, Lisette?”

  “Pay me no heed. I just pray you know what you are doing.”

  Reed found Gaston in the garden, gathering vegetables. He stood and watched awhile, then offered to help. Gaston declined his offer, saying he had already picked what was needed for tonight’s meal. Reed wandered off down the lane. He had a great deal to think about.

  Foremost in his thoughts were the responsibilities he must shoulder as the Earl of Hunthurst. Was he up to them? Was he prepared to settle down and take a wife? That question was easily answered. No, he was not. How could a man accustomed to facing dangerous situations and living precariously be satisfied with a mild-mannered Society miss whose most daring adventure was a walk in the park with a gentleman, accompanied by her mama or a maid?

  Grandmamma was going to be disappointed if she expected him to settle down and set up a nursery any time soon. None of the society debs was Fleur. Reed caught his breath. Where had that thought come from? Except as a temporary fling, Fleur wasn’t for him. Despite their mutual commitment to the Crown, their lives followed diverse paths.

  After a long walk, Reed returned to his bedchamber for a nap. If he was to spend his last night in Fleur’s bed, he wanted to be well rested.

  Reed awakened refreshed and went to the kitchen to partake of another of Lisette’s excellent meals. There was even a fine Bordeaux wine to accompany the ragout, and fresh bread and a dessert to die for. Reed cleaned his plate and asked for seconds of the dessert.

  Conversation centered on plans for Reed’s departure. Reed listened carefully, then asked a few questions of his own.

  “Will I finally meet Andre?” he asked.

  Antoine supplied the answer. “Oui, he will be waiting for you on the beach.”

  Reed excused himself after the meal and went directly to his bedchamber, where he counted the minutes until the house quieted and he was free to go to Fleur. He left his chamber and walked the short distance to Fleur’s. He opened the door without knocking and stepped inside, closing the door softly behind him. Fleur was waiting; she turned from the window at the sound of his entry, her luminous eyes as dark as melted chocolate in the golden glow of a single candle.

  She had stripped down to her shift, a white, diaphanous garment that revealed more than it concealed. Reed stopped in midstep, his silver eyes darkening as he admired her haunting beauty. Then she opened her arms to him, and Reed walked into them.

  “Fleur, I . . . ”

  “No, don’t say anything, Reed. What is there to say that hasn’t already been said? Let us enjoy the moment. They don’t come very often for people like us.”

  “All you have to do is step aboard that ship with me for our liaison to continue,” Reed reminded her.

  “You don’t mean that, Reed. Think about it. You and I are but a moment in time.”

  Though Reed knew Fleur was right, he wasn’t ready for their relationship to end. “Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much? If we have only this moment, let us enjoy it.”

  She gazed at him, her brown eyes soft with desire and alight with eagerness. He was charmed that she could feel and show more than one emotion at once. But that wasn’t the only thing he admired about Fleur. He had never met a woman like her.

  “Kiss me, Reed. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until you came to us, and when you leave I shall be lonely again.”

  Reed didn’t hesitate. He wanted to kiss Fleur as badly as she wanted to kiss him. He had thought of nothing else all day. That and how many times he could make love to her before dawn.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, setting his lips to the fragrant turn of her neck, then to her shoulder and finally over her mouth. He thrust his tongue past her open lips and stroked inside, offering a promise of pleasure to come. Her arms circled his neck as she melted into him, returning his kiss passionately.

  A deep groan escaped his lips as he ended the kiss and broke contact with her body. His gaze never left hers as he slipped one finger beneath the strap of her shift and pushed it off her shoulder. Then he released the other strap; the garment drifted down her body to the floor.

  Fleur smiled into his eyes as she grasped the lapels of his jacket and pushed it down his shoulders. He shrugged it off as she worked on the buttons of his shirt. After the shirt came off, he tugged his breeches down his hips and stepped out of them. His shoes and stockings were the last to go.

  “Seeing you as you are now,” Fleur said, “one would never believe you were the same man I carried away from Devil’s Chateau.”

sp; Reed sent her a wry smile. “Unfortunately, the scars on my body tell their own story. And in case you haven’t noticed, there are demons inside me that threaten my sanity at inconvenient times.

  “But this isn’t one of those times,” he said, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed. He followed her down, propping himself on his elbows so he could stare into her eyes.

  She touched his face. “I firmly believe you will defeat those demons, Reed. Time has a way of healing all wounds. Let me give you a happy memory to take back to England with you.”

  She rose to her knees and pushed him down. She straddled him, dropping tiny kisses over his chest and shoulders. Her mouth found his nipples, and she nibbled gently. He arched and tried to unseat her, but she refused to budge.

  “No, let me love you,” she whispered. “I want to do this.”

  His erection strained against her bottom as she kissed a path down his torso, teasing him with nipping little kisses up and down his body.

  A growl rumbled from his throat as Fleur’s lips moved lower, dangerously lower. She hesitated and looked up at him, her eyes kindling with heat as she scooted back and stroked the rigid length of his cock.

  “You don’t have to . . . ”

  But she did. His whole body trembled with delight as she bent her head and licked the head of his cock. Then she took him in her mouth, tasting, sucking, driving him to the edge of madness.

  When she ran her tongue the length of his cock and over the tip, he shuddered violently. And when her hand slipped between his legs to cup his bollocks, Reed tipped his head back and gasped her name through clenched teeth. Raw, primitive lust surged through his veins. He was close, so very close, but he wanted to be inside her when he came.

  Fleur grew bolder, licking down and over his wet slickness again and again. Reed stiffened. She had to stop before he . . .

  “No more, love. I cannot bear it.”

  Grasping her slender waist, he lifted her up and away, depositing her beside him on the bed. Panting harshly, he reared up and mounted her, his face stark, his silver eyes glittering hungrily. “Now it’s my turn to love you.”


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