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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  She would only have to have James as a friend, her father wouldn’t allow anything more. She tried to tell herself it was for the best but she had a hollow feeling in her stomach.

  Her Wolf was howling in protest inside her head, giving her the beginnings of a migraine. She turned and walked towards the cabin, she was tired and needed to rest. She hoped when she woke that her mind had come to its senses.

  Chapter 5

  Zach drove away from where Lisa had got out, his enhanced sight ensuring he didn’t hit too many rocks in the road, but he drove slowly anyway. He came to the fork she had spoken of and took the right one. This was little more than a dirt track, and the ride was bumpy.

  After another few miles, he came across the cabin. It was larger than he had thought and had a veranda all the way around. It looked peaceful here – good.

  Zach parked and went in, finding some of the lamps and lighting them, shedding a soft glow in the main living area. There was a kitchen area leading onto a lounge, with sofas set around the large fireplace. The stairs led to a second floor and he went up those to ready a room for Alexina.

  He found two rooms up there, one was very large and he decided that was where they would be. He lit the lamps on either side of the bed, then went back down for his love.

  He carried her gently upstairs, then lay the quilt from the plane on top of the covers – he would need to clean his mate before placing her in the clean sheets. He made sure she was comfortable, then went down to unload the SUV. First the cases which he took straight upstairs, then the supplies that Lisa had put together for them.

  He was pleasantly surprised, as there was plenty of bottled water, bread, milk, coffee, tea and lots of tins ranging from soup to fruit. At the very back was a box which, he was surprised to see, held several bottles of wine, one of vodka and one of a good Scots whisky. Did she think they were there for a party? Nevertheless, he took it all inside and set to getting the stove working. He would need hot water to cleanse Alexina.

  It took him a while to get it going, then more time to heat the water in large pots. He decanted them to a large tin tub which he had taken upstairs. The tub was large and heavy, but didn’t bother Zach, it felt light in his hands. Back to basics – no large walk-in showers here.

  When the tub had enough water in it, he looked for some toiletries, soap and shampoo which he found in the small loo attached to the main bedroom. It had a toilet and sink and running water, thank goodness. There was a cabinet on the wall and there were a variety of toiletries in there. He took what he needed, then moved back through to his mate.

  He undressed her, dropping the blood-soaked clothes on the floor; he would burn them later. When she was naked, he easily picked her up, taking her to the tub. He placed her down into the water, keeping a hand near her head to stop it slipping down into the water. Zach lathered her body and gently cleansed her, including the stitches across her belly where David had operated.

  Looking at the wound made his stomach clench in fear … that would be one of the first signs that she had got through the first part of the turning. If they started to heal, then she had made it past the first stage.

  He continued until she was completely free of any blood, then gently soaped her hair. He used one of the pots to pour water over it once it was washed, to clear the soapy bubbles away. Picking her up, he placed her on top of the bedsheets, throwing the dirty quilt from the plane on the floor, next to her clothes.

  Zach got their cases and looked for some nightwear for her, noting Irina had packed well, there was plenty of clothing. He found one of her favourite nighties almost immediately. He put it on her and then moved her over slightly, making room for him to lie next to her.

  He covered her up and then went looking for another cover. A large wooden chest at the bottom of the bed held extra bedding and he took a quilt out and placed it on top of the covers already there. Only then did he start the clean-up, opening the window in the room wide then, easily with his strength, picking up the tub and pouring the water out.

  He took the dirty quilt and clothes, made his way back to the kitchen area and the large stove. He contemplated ripping the items up and burning them there, but thought it better to do it in the fireplace.

  That meant he had to set the fire and light it. The logs were dry and went up quickly, soon there was a roaring fire adding both heat and light. Ripping the quilt with his bare hands, he threw the pieces into the flames where they burned brightly, his mate’s clothes joining the flames soon after.

  He could smell her blood as it burned away and he wondered if he would ever smell it again.

  Alexina’s blood was unique, he loved it. The smell, taste, texture ... it was his ambrosia, and thinking that he would never be able to taste it again hurt him deep within his soul.

  He tried not to think on it and pulled his phone out, hitting speed dial for Vlad. It rang twice and then Vlad answered. “Zach, is that you? Is everything okay?”

  Zach sighed, just hearing his friend’s voice somehow lifting him slightly. “Hi, Vlad – yes, all okay here. That’s us in the cabin now. I’ve just got Alexina settled in the bed. It was just to let you know that James is going to come back up here. He’s got it in his head he doesn’t want me to be alone.”

  Vlad broke in, “Yes, Zach, I know, he’s already been back and left again. He seemed in a bit of a hurry.”

  Zach smiled slightly, “Yes he said he would leave straight away. I’m not sure I want him here, but to be honest I didn’t have the strength to argue the point.” He sighed as he finished the sentence, feeling completely drained.

  “Zach, you need to go rest. If the turning works, you’re going to have your hands full. You need to be alert and on point Zach, so, my friend, go rest. Before you ask, the twins are fine, we’re at your place. Tatiana has put a small bed in the nursery and she’ll sleep there, for a while anyway, and me and Irina are in your room, hope you don’t mind?”

  Zach thought that was a good idea. The babies should be in their own home, and Tatiana shouldn’t be doing it on her own.

  He told Vlad this and then said he was going to lie down. “I’ll call you late tomorrow, I should have a clue as to what’s happening by then.”

  Vlad could only answer with a quiet “Okay.”

  Zach stood, making sure the fire was safe from any falling logs, then he made his way upstairs, each step taking him closer to exhaustion. He took off his clothes and moved under the covers naked, wanting to feel Alexina’s skin against his. He pulled her to him and then closed his eyes, sleep pulling him deeper and deeper.

  For the first time since he was first turned, he had nightmares ... of her dying, of her turning and wreaking havoc on innocents, leaving him no option but to hunt her down, with Vlad at his side telling him she had to die. She had gone rogue.

  Zach woke several hours later and was not rested nearly enough for what was to come. He laid there not wanting to get up and tried once more to doze. He managed a few bouts of naps, and felt a bit better when he finally decided to get up. It was late afternoon and about seventeen hours into the turning.

  He grabbed his clothes from the night before and got dressed. He checked Alexina for any signs but knew it was too soon. She lay completely immobile and he left her to make some coffee. Since Alexina had been in his home, he had started to join her in her morning coffee ... he hoped they would do so again.

  The fire was nearly out, so Zach added some more logs to keep it going, but the stove was no longer warm. Getting more wood and relighting it, he placed an old worn kettle on to boil. He found mugs in a cupboard and put some instant coffee in one. Not the same as their usual filtered, but it would have to do.

  Once the kettle boiled, he filled the mug and took it outside on the veranda to sip.

  His ears picked up a noise – what was that?

  Singing? Who the hell was near here and singing? He would have thought the Pack would have been warned not to come near.

  The singing
got louder the nearer it got, and he thought he recognised the voice – Lisa. Very soon she appeared walking down the dirt track. Had she walked all the way from the Pack?

  When Lisa saw Zach she smiled and raised a hand in a wave, coming ever closer. Zach scowled and as soon as she was near enough he barked out at her. “What are you doing here, Lisa? Don’t you know how dangerous it is to be around a newly-turned Vampire?”

  His tone was not welcoming and Lisa’s steps stalled. She looked at his scowl and he knew he would look downright scary.

  “Sorry Zach, one of the others said nothing would happen for at least twenty-four hours, so I thought it would be okay to check on you. See if there’s anything you need?” Her voice had lost all of its normal cheerfulness and Zach cringed – she was only trying to help.

  His tone was not as harsh as he spoke again. “Yes Lisa that’s right, about the twenty-four hours thing. I’m just a bit uptight ... I want to make sure everyone is safe. Did you walk all the way from the Pack?”

  She shook her head with a smile. “Not exactly, I was out running in Wolf form, I needed some space. Going Wolf always makes me feel good and the distance is not a lot to my Wolf.”

  Zach should have guessed that. It was some hike on two feet ... on four large paws, cross-country, maybe not so far.

  She didn’t come any nearer. “I don’t want to upset you even more,” she said quietly, “So, do you need anything? I can get it dropped off later when I bring James if you do.”

  Zach thought, did they need anything? No ... only a miracle for his Alexina to make it through the turning.

  He didn’t think Lisa was in the position to grant miracles, so he just shook his head. “No Lisa, that’s okay, we’ll be fine. If I want any meat or such I’ll just catch something. Thanks for thinking of us, though. Has James phoned?”

  As soon as Zach said that, her face lit up with a big smile on it, as she answered “Yes, he did, he’s on his way, has been for hours, it shouldn’t be too much longer ‘til he arrives at the meeting point. That’s where I’m going after here.”

  Zach frowned, that meant James was driving during the day, something that he usually didn’t do. “Okay Lisa, well take care, before you get here have James phone me – just to make sure it’s safe for you. Okay?”

  She nodded her head and turned, she started to run and mid-step changed to Wolf.

  Zach’s eyes widened. God she was huge, nearly as big as most male Wolves. It was the colour that took his breath away. Pure white ... no blemish on the fur, not one stray darker hair, completely, utterly white.

  Her Wolf let out a growl as it sped off down the road. Zach didn’t take his eyes off it until finally, she darted into the tree line and he could no longer see her. She was one gorgeous wild animal. He had no doubt there was a lot of power in her, she would be able to handle herself no trouble.

  Zach turned and made his way back inside. He was going to try and rest a bit more, then sit beside Alexina, waiting on the first signs. Either the turning would start ... or she would just cease to exist.

  Chapter 6

  Irina was once more feeding the twins. She had never known babies to be this hungry – surely it wasn’t normal?

  Tatiana walked in and watched her finish feeding the babies, a smile twitching at the side of her mouth. Irina looked so content with a babe in arms and her own in her belly, soon she would be a mother herself. Tatiana knew Irina was going to be a great mother to her child, this was just a little extra experience for her.

  The Fairy walked over to the cot, the twins now lying together. They had tried to get them to sleep at each end of the cot but they wouldn’t have any of that. They wouldn’t settle until they had been placed side by side, so that’s how they put them down to sleep now.

  Less than two days old and they were already showing signs of growing. They ate twice as much as normal newborns, but Tatiana thought they were going to need the extra feeds. If they continued on like this, well she didn’t know what would happen ... would they grow quickly like they had in the womb? They would have to wait and see.

  Irina looked into Tatiana’s eyes, and the Fairy could see the worry etched on her face. “Irina you look tired, go and rest, I’ll watch them for now. I’ve already made up another batch of bottles for them so we’re all set for their next feed.”

  Irina nodded slightly to the Fairy, then made to leave but stopped, and turned round, her voice low as she spoke. “Tatiana … do you think Alex will make it? I can’t bear the thought of all she’s gone through, and then not be there to raise her kids ... it’s heartbreaking.” Irina’s voice broke and a slight sob left her throat.

  Tatiana walked over and embraced her around her waist. The Fairy’s voice was clear from doubt as she answered, “Irina, I’m sure she’ll be fine, her and Zach will be back soon, don’t worry.” Irina nodded her head and left, heading to the other bedroom to lie down.

  Tatiana was once more amazed at how she could say these things, when her head was full of doubt. She had no idea if Alex or Zach would make it back, but she had to hope. That was all she had at the moment: hope.

  She turned and sat in the rocking chair near the cot, having moved it from beside the piano and put it in the nursery. A rocking chair was always good for feeding and getting a babe to sleep. She moved the cushion, placing her head on it, rocking back and forth, thinking of ‘her girl’ and hoping that all would be well.


  Vlad had been so busy, the clean-up was a mammoth task. The streets had bodies and blood galore and the open ground where the main battle had been … well, that was beyond words.

  He was standing at the open area between the forest and the town. In front of him lay the bodies of their own dead. Far fewer than he had thought but still far too many. Nearly a hundred of his kinsmen lay dead, sheets covering them.

  He found this part particularly hard – the identification process. At this moment he was with an Alpha from a Pack of Wolves from Idaho. The Alpha had just identified a couple from his Pack. A mated couple who had refused to stay home, who had fought together.

  The Alpha had seen what happened and had just told Vlad. The female Wolf was thrown aside by the large Demon and her mate had gone to her aid, only for the Demon to grab him and nearly crush his entire body.

  Vlad nearly lost it when the Alpha advised that they had three teenagers back at the Pack. Fuck – Vlad was trying very hard to remain professional.

  He asked the Alpha what he wanted to do with the bodies. The Alpha said what most of the Wolves had done: “They’re coming home with us – we’ll have the proper ceremony on Pack land. They need to be near their kids, that’s what they would’ve wanted.” Vlad nodded his head and added this information to his paperwork.

  He turned and motioned to two large Vampires to come forward. Once they were in front of him he told the Alpha, “Just tell them where you want them to take the bodies – we’ll make sure they get home.” The Alpha nodded and turned towards the Vampires while Vlad moved on to the next in line.

  After a few more hours he couldn’t take it any longer, he needed his mate. He needed to hold the twins ... when he held them he always felt better. Calmed in some way, and fuck if he didn’t need that now.

  He passed his paperwork to Dmitri and his Russian friend took over for him, for a while anyway. As he walked to his car his thoughts went to Alex, he was glad she wasn’t here. He knew this would have been too harrowing for her. She was too good, too pure of heart, for the realities of war.

  He had also banned Irina from coming here, his little Wolf would cry herself to sleep for weeks if she saw all this horror. He couldn’t let that happen, so she was completely banned from coming anywhere near here.

  Just as he neared his car he heard his name being called. As he turned, his heart sank – Thadius and Viktor were coming towards him. Just what he needed.

  Viktor started talking before he had stopped walking. “How many Vlad, what’s the total dead?”
  Vlad wiped his face with one of his hands before answering. “Nearly a hundred of ours dead, Viktor, thousands of theirs. Most of the identifications have been made, apart from a few who are basically unrecognisable. The details are all in the paperwork. Dmitri has it just now, I’m going for a break.”

  “Are the arrangements in place for moving the bodies of any that are to go back to their own land?”

  Vlad nodded. “Yes, it’s a big operation but it’s all taken care of. Some of the Vampires weren’t affiliated to anyone so we will deal with those here – there’s not a lot. Most of the other Vampires will also be dealt with here, we will have a funeral pyre by tomorrow and then the ceremonies can begin.”

  Viktor didn’t seem to notice Vlad’s utter exhaustion as he continued, “Good Vlad, very good. You’ve done an immaculate job, the Council sends its thanks.”

  Vlad just stared at Viktor – was this guy for real? Did Viktor think he cared what the fucking Council thought of him?

  Thadius saw the look of anger cross Vlad’s face and stepped forward. “How are the twins?”

  Vlad turned and smiled, Thadius knew asking about the twins would defuse the situation. “They’re doing great, Thadius, really good and Irina just loves looking after them. They’re real good too. None of that crying all the time I’ve heard so much about, thank goodness.”

  Thadius also smiled, this was information he knew, Tatiana had already told him.

  “Good, Vlad. Why don’t you get off for a rest.” Thadius turned to Viktor, “Come, Viktor – we’ve still got a lot of paperwork to do.” And he turned and walked away, forcing Viktor to follow.

  As they moved away Viktor snapped at Thadius, “I wanted to ask if he had any information regarding Alex’s turning!”

  Thadius didn’t even look at Viktor as he replied, “Viktor, we will hear when we hear. I know the time is nearing for the second stage, however, Vlad has more than enough on his hands just now. Leave him be.”


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