Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  Thadius nodded again. “Okay, we’ve got a few houses big enough, and I would place a Guard to stay with them just in case.”

  Lisa was getting excited – they may be able to get her mom out!

  Thadius went on. “James, as you took Lisa away from the Pack and mated with her – the old way for eloping – her father can ask for restitution. You know that, don’t you?”

  James thought hard before answering. “Thadius, as you know I have money, however that sad son of a bitch isn’t getting any of it. If he asks, tell him I refuse to pay him and want the right to fight him – I was led to believe that was an alternative?” James tone was cold and Lisa shivered.

  Thadius nodded his head before answering. “Yes indeed James, and although I’m supposed to be impartial in these dealings I must admit that would’ve been my course of action too. However, I will refrain from telling him this at the moment – it sounds as if he would once more take his anger out on his mate. If we manage to get her and the children out, it would give me great pleasure in delivering that condition to him.”

  James smiled. Thadius wasn’t so bad after all!

  James was also getting excited. “Okay, I’m going to go see Vlad. Lisa, do you want to come or stay here for a bit?”

  It was Tatiana who spoke. “Oh leave Lisa here, James, I want to get to know her better.”

  Lisa nodded. This little woman beside her made her feel safe, and she had just met her – weird.

  James nodded and left the room, heading straight towards the Security Offices.

  He found Vlad in his office going over some paperwork with Dmitri. Both smiled when they saw him. “Hi there James. I’m surprised to see you out and about! Thought you would be locked up in the bedroom for days!” Vlad laughed.

  James actually blushed. “Shut up Vlad! I’m here on business, so can I have your attention please?” James’s tone was curt and Vlad sat up in his chair.

  “Okay James, what’s up?” Vlad asked, once more businesslike.

  James told them everything about Lisa’s mom, her brothers and sister, her mom’s injuries … and at that Dmitri growled. Dmitri had a strict code that he lived by and hitting women was top of the NO list! James carried on with part of a plan.

  Vlad nodded. “You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”

  James only nodded. Vlad took his phone out and pressed speed dial. “Hi Vlad, what’s up?” It was Zach.

  “Is Alex okay to leave for a few minutes?” he asked. The next second, Zach was standing in the room!

  “Fuck!” Vlad shouted. “I so wish I could do that!”

  James took a step back – he had been startled at the appearance of another body in the room!

  Zach laughed. “Yeah I bet you do, Vlad! So what’s going on? Alex is sleeping but I don’t know for how much longer, so can we do this quick?”

  Vlad told him and Zach looked thoughtful. “I can carry one person on a long distance move – several on shorter distances – so we need to tweak this plan a bit.”

  James broke in. “How’s Alex?”

  Zach laughed. “She’s doing great. I was thinking of leaving in a few days, a week at the most.” Zach’s voice was proud, proud that his mate was learning so quickly.

  James nodded and Vlad continued, tweaking the plan. After a few minutes they had nearly agreed – nearly.

  James was shaking his head. “No – I want to be the one to go when it’s time!” he nearly shouted.

  It was Zach who answered him. “James, I’m sorry but the answer’s no. You’re too close to this. You might do something out of anger and if this is to work, I can’t chance that. So I’m going to be taking Dmitri.”

  Vlad raised an eyebrow. “Dmitri? I was looking forward to a little action.”

  Zach shook his head. “Sorry Vlad, I want Dmitri on this. If things go south I may just need his brawn!” Dmitri laughed, the sound more like a rumbling than a laugh.

  “Okay, it’s your show. So when are we talking about?”

  “A week from today. I want to make sure Alex is fine and also train her a bit more. She’s very powerful so it’s just honing her abilities. Okay – I’m off.” And Zach disappeared. Once more Vlad cursed – he really wished he could do that.

  “Okay James, I’ll let Thadius know what’s going on and you can use this week for Lisa to try and let her mother know what’s going to happen. If she is aware then it would go more smoothly. Remember,–they need to leave everything behind. Zach won’t be able to move cases and such.”

  James nodded, turned and left. He couldn’t wait to let Lisa know.

  As James knocked and entered the office, he saw Lisa still sitting talking to Tatiana. The babies were gone. Irina must have them, he thought.

  Tatiana smiled. “Hello James. Business all taken care of?”

  James nodded. “Thadius if you have a minute, I can let you know what we’ve got planned? Vlad will send over a formal report with more details but I can give you the bare bones of the plan now?”

  Thadius looked at James and nodded. “If you’re quick, James, I’ve got a lot on today.”

  James told Thadius what was going to happen and he heard Lisa making noises – getting excited. When he had finished Thadius nodded and answered “Okay. I’ll get paperwork for five new residents. Any preference on names, Lisa?” She shook her head. “Okay, on you go then – I’m busy.”

  His head went back to the paperwork in front of him. Tatiana and Lisa said goodbyes and James took his mate’s hand as they left.

  As soon as they were outside, Lisa was jumping up and down, excited. “This is so good, I hope it all works. Oh by the way – what is Tatiana? My Wolf couldn’t place her scent. She’s obviously not human but I don’t know what she is?”

  James chuckled. “I know, you might have a hard time believing this but I swear it’s true – she’s a Fairy.”

  Lisa stopped dead. “What? Really? I didn’t think they were real! Oh she’s the Fairy in the story you told me about Alex and Zach, isn’t she?”

  James tugged her forward as he answered “Yea she is and I know it’s hard to believe, but that’s what she is. She was Alex’s guardian before all this stuff started and she’s stayed on. I’m pretty sure her and Thadius are together. It’s rare now to see one without the other. Oh and by the way – there’s also been Angels.”

  Lisa squealed. “No! Angels? What did they look like?”

  James was laughing now. “Large – very large – and the wings were white and silver. The sight was incredible, not something you forget!”

  Lisa was nodding her head. “I would’ve loved to have seen them!”

  James sobered. “No honey, you wouldn’t have. They came to help in the battle. It was a gory sight, bodies all over the place … blood … jeez, I didn’t think the place would ever be clean again. But hey, Vlad’s done wonders. You wouldn’t realise that these streets were covered in blood and bodies not so long ago.”

  Lisa looked around her. No, she couldn’t see anything but she could smell the faintest tinge of blood.

  As they continued on, Irina came walking towards them with the twins in a large buggy. She smiled and didn’t stare at James, she focused on Lisa. “Hi – Lisa isn’t it?”

  Lisa nodded. James did the introductions. “Lisa, this is Irina, Vlad’s mate and Irina this is Lisa – my mate.”

  Lisa gave a large smile. “Hi Irina, thank you very much for the toiletries. My favourite was in the basket ...”

  Irina interrupted “The bath bomb!”

  Lisa laughed. “Yeah – I love them!”

  They spoke for a little bit, then James said they had to go and pulled Lisa away. “What?” Lisa asked him. He turned with a look on his face that told her exactly what he wanted. She smiled and quickened her steps, wanting to get back home. Home? Yeah that’s exactly what it was!

  They spent the rest of the day in and out of bed and by early evening were relaxing after having a meal and watching some TV. Soon L
isa was yawning and she stood up. “Time for bed, James,” and she pulled him up. He resisted, then went with her. She made him strip down and join her in his boxers – he didn’t own any pyjamas. Once in bed she snuggled up close and very soon was asleep.

  I’ll just stay for a bit, he thought, make sure she’s sound asleep, then I’ll get up. However, his body was tired due to many years of avoiding sleep and being so comfortable, so he soon fell asleep.

  Lisa jerked awake. James was having another nightmare and she was searching her brain – what should she do? She didn’t want to just wake him again and have him turn his back on her. He was lying on his back with his head going from side to side, noises coming from his throat spoke of the agony he was in.

  She ran her hand down his front – his stomach rock hard. He flinched at her touch but she continued. She went lower and soon reached the waistband of his boxers. Her hand went underneath and as soon as her fingers touched him, he was hard. He was still asleep, and moaning as if he was in pain. She took him in her hand and moved slightly, as soon as she felt him hard she made a decision.

  Lisa moved down, pulled the boxers down a little and held him away from his body. She took him in her mouth and started sucking. James continued to moan in pain for a few moments then his body jerked and his moans were ones of pleasure.

  James came awake from his nightmare to feelings of extreme pleasure coursing through his body. What? He tried to focus on his body and realised that a mouth was around his very hard erection.

  He looked down and saw Lisa on her knees at his side, her mouth around his hardness and working him. Jesus H Fucking Christ! He had never seen anything more erotic and the thought of his nightmare left him immediately. He placed his hand in her hair and held her firmly in place.

  His breath hitched as she moved her eyes to look at him. He pushed into her mouth now, keeping her head immobile, thrusting deep and he noticed she had remembered what to do when he reached the rear of her mouth. She relaxed and he felt himself going over – over – into her throat.

  “Fuck!” he yelled and his seed erupted, sliding down his mate’s throat. A few more thrusts and she finally released him and made her way up to his side.

  He grasped her to him. “Dear God, Lisa – what made you do that? I’m not complaining, but why?”

  She smiled at her mate. “You were in pain, James. I wanted to stop it. I thought that might do it,” she answered quietly, waiting to see what he said.

  He pulled her even closer and rubbed his hand up and down her back. “Honey, thank you. Jesus, that was the best wake up call I’ve ever had!” He laughed – Lisa joined him. “In a way I hope I continue to have the nightmares, if that’s what’s going to happen.”

  Lisa nipped him – hard!

  “James, I don’t care how long it takes, but I’m going to stop them – or stop the feeling you have when you come out of one. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  James said the only thing he could. “I love you Lisa … more than I can say. You complete me. I know that sounds lame, but it’s true.”

  She hugged him tighter and they both fell back asleep. For the first time, James slept for a couple of hours without a nightmare.

  He woke first and Lisa woke squealing – he had returned the favour!

  Chapter 21

  Over the next few days, Lisa tried to keep in touch with her mom. She only managed to get her twice. She told her that she was going to get her out and her mom cried. It broke Lisa’s heart – she realised now that over the years when her mom had bruises and said she had fallen or something just as stupid, that it had been her dad.

  Christ, she had been a stupid little girl, not realising what was going on and she felt guilty.

  She should have realised and she should have done something about it. What precisely, she didn’t know, but she felt she should have. She told her mom everything and when it was going to happen. Her mom was only worried about her kids, and said she wouldn’t go anywhere without them. Lisa told her she didn’t have to – the kids were coming too.

  Lisa was on tenterhooks, worrying constantly, and she couldn’t wait till it was over and her mom was safe. James did his very best to take her mind off things and his ministrations were wonderful. They talked long and hard about everything – from TV, to music, to sex! They had a long conversation about babies! When James had seen her with one of the twins in her arms, he had worried that she would be upset at not having any of her own. Lisa had told him in no uncertain terms that although she liked others’ babies, the thought of her own had always terrified her, she didn’t want any. James had never been so relieved in his life and soon the talk returned to what appeared to be Lisa’s favourite subject – sex!

  Lisa particularly liked the sex talk and she was amazed at how her body would respond. “So what do you think?”

  “I’m not sure James, I guess we just need to try stuff and if I don’t like it I can say no? Can’t I?”

  He nodded. “Of course you can, Lisa. Please never ever think you have to do something to just please me. I would hate it if you did that. I want you to enjoy whatever we do as much as me. In fact I want to pleasure you more than I want for myself.”

  She smiled. “So tell me again?”

  “Well you know I like being the dominant one in the bedroom?”

  Lisa laughed. “Indeed I do, my Alpha!”

  James pulled her closer. “So that time I spanked your behind for being naughty? Did you like it or did you hate it?”

  Lisa thought back to the time in the woods. God, she loved it, not like, loved. He hadn’t really hurt her – it stung a bit – but then the rubbing over it he did afterwards nearly made her come on its own.

  She looked up at him through her lashes. “I liked it, James. Does that make me weird or something? I mean, I absolutely hate what my dad’s done to my mom, hurting someone is wrong. But that day, jeez, my breathing, I couldn’t – breathe I mean. I liked it.”

  James was nodding his head as he answered “Yeah I thought so, I could smell your arousal, getting more and more. It was such a turn on! You must know though that I would never hurt you like your dad’s hurt your mom? Don’t you?”

  She nodded, of course she did. James continued “Well there are some games we can play, naughty girl … and your behind … fuck, just thinking about spanking it gets me all worked up!”

  James shook his head before going on. “So right, spanking’s an okay?” Lisa nodded. “Right well there’s other stuff – role playing and such – where I most definitely play the dominant and you the submissive. I would never do anything to degrade you, some people like that but I don’t. I would again say I would never do anything you don’t want. So our first thing is to decide on a safe word. That’s the word you would say if you want something to stop. What do you want it to be?”

  Lisa wasn’t sure. Then she came out with a word that had James trying desperately not to laugh. “Fluffy, I want ‘Fluffy’ as my safe word. It was a pet rabbit I used to have.”

  It took James a minute before he could continue. Lisa’s face was serious so Fluffy it was going to be! “Okay then – Fluffy it is. So if we are playing, if you say stop, what will happen?”

  Lisa thought over what they had been discussing. “Nothing.”

  “Exactly. You can say ‘stop it James, no James, let me go, get off’ – anything like that and I won’t stop Lisa, you have to understand that I won’t stop. But if you say ‘Fluffy’ – I will. Immediately I will stop what we’re doing. Do you think you can remember that?”

  She nodded, getting excited. What had he in mind that would have her say stop, or no? She found she was dying to find out!

  James looked into her eyes. “Is there anything that you want? Any fantasies you’ve had? Anything at all, if you have any tell me, I’ll do my damnedest to make your fantasies come true.”

  She immediately looked down and a blush crept up her face!

  Ahh – she did. He just had to get it out of h
er. He put a hand out and raised her chin. “Tell me. Now.” He used his strong dominant tone, the one that made her weak at the knees.

  Her face went redder and he raised an eyebrow. She stuttered trying to talk. “Well, uhm … I’m kidnapped by a bandit and he ties me to a pole with my wrists bound and well – uhm – you know!” she got out.

  James was getting hard just thinking about it. Fuck, that was an easy one, he would do that in a very short while. “What else?”

  Again she looked away. “James, I’m not so good at talking about this. My fantasies, well that’s just what they were – my fantasies.”

  James ran a hand up her thigh. “Lisa, I will do all I can to make them true – tell me.”

  She tried to continue, even if she was extremely embarrassed. “I’m tied down ... and whomever ... forces me to do stuff, forces me, to take him ... every way. None of that wishy-washy lovey-dovey ways in the books. Harsh – forced.”

  Oh dear God, she couldn’t look him in the eyes! Saying it out loud sounded awful. Who would want that?

  James spoke in a calming voice. “Lisa, it’s only a fantasy. I know that you wouldn’t want a real stranger doing those things – that’s why it’s a fantasy. However, fantasies between two people who love each other, well we can do those, all of those, in a safe environment. Please don’t be embarrassed. I’ll have you know you’ve turned me on something fierce right now!”

  She looked at him and he had a definite shine in his eyes! He tried to continue. “So we’ve got a couple of fantasies and a good spanking, that’s a start. Lisa, I’m a very talented coach in some rare areas and I would love to see if you would want to partake. Please stay calm and remember I would never truly hurt you. However, as you liked the spanking … what about if I used something other than my hand?”

  “Like what, James?” she asked him.

  Again his hand was travelling up and down her thigh and she was finding it difficult to think. “Lisa … before the bomb I had practised a form of pleasure and pain for over 150 years. I was an expert in the field. I’m talking about a riding crop, small whip, rope, many many things. Again – I would never want you to do anything if you really didn’t want to, and you have Fluffy to fall back on. What do you think?”


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