Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  She called forth her Wolf. She needed its strength but without the change – she was one of only a few in her Pack that could do this. At this point she was glad that she could. She very strongly held James, placing his head in her lap and stroking his hair gently.

  She spoke down at him. “It’s okay James, I’m here … I won’t let anything hurt you honey. Relax … come now James … come back to me, my mate.” Her voice got a little louder the more times she spoke to him and finally she felt him relax just slightly, then some more, and then he opened his eyes.

  His eyes were full of pain as if he had only just been blown up by the bomb, as if he was still on fire! It was the most terrible thing Lisa had ever seen in anybody’s eyes and her heart went out to him.

  “Hi there … it’s okay James, I’ve got you, my mate. I won’t let anything hurt you,” she whispered down to him and his eyes cleared as she watched them.

  Suddenly he sat up. “Shit … shit shit shit. I’m sorry Lisa. I told you, I’ve got scars within as well as on my skin.” His voice was so low she strained to hear it and the anguish tore at her.

  She smiled over at him. “James it’s okay, really. I just want to help, that’s all.”

  James stood up from the bed and moved to the bathroom. “Nobody can help, Lisa.” He went in and closed the door.

  James was in the bathroom for ages and when he came out he wouldn’t look at Lisa. He crawled back into bed and laid on his side, facing away from her. That act hurt her – why would he turn from her? His mate? She scooted up behind him and put an arm over his waist and whispered “I love you, James.”

  James sighed heavily and replied “I love you too Lisa, go to sleep.”

  Lisa didn’t rest for the remainder of the night. Thoughts swirled through her head. She wanted to help him but he obviously had strong feelings about what had happened. If she didn’t know better she would say that shame and anger were the two feelings she had sensed. But that didn’t make sense – did it?

  She wished she could talk to her mom. She was always the one people came to for advice. Lisa didn’t know how but she was determined to help him. She loved him beyond reason and refused to let him suffer like this.

  As dawn was breaking, she got up and went through to the kitchen. The supplies were low, she would need to do some grocery shopping, but she did find some orange juice and coffee. She sat drinking her juice and then she heard her name – “Lisa!” The tone was one which she couldn’t quite understand – fear?

  She ran through to the bedroom and James was standing in the middle of the floor, a look of unadulterated dread masking his face!

  She ran to him. “I’m here James – I’m here!” He grabbed her, holding her very, very tight! James was shaking – what was wrong?

  She tried to pull back a little to look into his face but he wouldn’t release her, so she spoke while her face was pressed against his chest. “James, what’s wrong?”

  He started to relax but his voice was low and stuttered as he spoke. “I thought you had gone – after last night – I thought you had left.”

  She managed to get her arms around his waist and hugged him back, just as tight. “No James, I won’t ever leave, you’ve got to know that. I love you James, I don’t think I could breathe if I wasn’t with you.”

  She could feel him relax a little more. “James, we need to talk – I mean really talk.”

  She could feel him nod his head. “I know, but it’s not something I’ve spoken about to anyone, Lisa. Never.”

  She felt bad. How could he have endured this on his own? He didn’t need to do that, not now she was here.

  Lisa pulled him towards the bed and sat down, bringing him with her. She scooted up so that she was sitting against the headboard and motioned for James to follow. He did but his eyes wouldn’t meet hers.

  “Okay James, last night you had nightmares – which I assume are about the bomb?”

  He nodded his head. “Yeah … I get them every time I sleep. I try not to sleep very often.”

  Lisa’s heart was going out to him but she tried to think about how her mom would deal with this. “Okay so you have nightmares … have you ever sought any help?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, of course not!”

  “Why not, James?”

  He just kept shaking his head as he answered. “I was part of the elite squad – the hardest of the hard – and you want me to ask for a shrink?” The laugh that followed was harsh.

  Ahh … now she realised. He didn’t want to show weakness. Okay, how to deal with this? God, she wished her mom was there.

  As her mom wasn’t there she did the only thing she could – speak from her heart. “Okay James, firstly … do you love me?”

  He nodded. “Why would you ask me that? Of course I do – with all my heart Lisa!”

  She smiled and continued. “And you know that I love you, more than anything else in this world?” Once more he nodded and she saw a smile on his face. “Okay, so I’m going to ask you NOT to do something – ever again. Never turn your back on me. Please James, no matter what – please don’t do that again?”

  Her tone was low and pleading and his jaw clenched before he answered. “I’ll try. I can’t promise, Lisa. I know that’s not the answer you want but it’s all I can give at the moment.”

  His answer did hurt her a little but she also understood so she nodded. “Okay James, all I ask is that you try. Next, you’re going to come to bed with me every night ...”

  James interrupted with a cheeky smile. “That won’t be a problem, my Wolf!”

  She laughed before going on. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re going to go to bed every night and sleep, no matter what and we’ll deal with what happens. Every night – okay?”

  He was shaking his head. “Lisa, I try not to sleep. I’m not sure I can do that but I’ll try.”

  She smiled. So all she had to do was find a way to make sure he didn’t have those nightmares for the rest of his life. She didn’t know how she was going to do it – but she was.

  Lisa’s stomach took that moment to rumble loudly. James’s eyes opened. “Shit Lisa, sorry I don’t have any stuff in. I won’t be long.” James jumped up, grabbed some clean clothes and dressed in a flash. The next minute he was gone!

  Lisa went to the kitchen and got her orange juice and waited for her man.

  He was back quick, with bags and bags of groceries! He put them down and said “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I got everything.” He started pulling out a host of food, bacon, eggs, bread, milk, cereal – lots and lots of food!

  She laughed. “Okay … now if I eat all that I’m going to be as big as a house, James.”

  She went to work making breakfast, scrambled eggs and bacon with toast. James even had a little too, he didn’t want her eating alone. After they were finished, they loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and put the rest of the groceries away. As she bent down to put the eggs in the under-counter fridge, she felt him at her back – and his hardness was pressing into her! She smiled and stood up.

  James picked her up, sat her on the counter and kissed her deeply. Her nightie was suddenly bunched up and he moved her legs to gain access. She gasped “James – we’re in the kitchen!”

  Her little squeal turning him on all the more. His tongue ran up her throat and mumbled “So?”

  Lisa’s heart was beating wildly – the kitchen? On the counter? Oh my!

  James made her purr again, and again … and she thought she was in heaven! Afterwards he picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He started to run the bath and when it was ready, hot and full of bubbles, he picked her up again and took her through.

  Her nightie fell to the floor and she hadn’t realised he had taken it off her. The bath was just large enough for both of them and bathing took on a whole new meaning for her!

  Once they were dressed, her thoughts once more went to her mom. She pulled her phone out and decided to t
ry and reach her. The phone rang for ages but was finally picked up. The voice on the other end was her mother’s but didn’t sound like her.

  “Lisa, is that you? Are you okay?” her mom asked.

  Lisa took a deep breath. “Mom, what’s wrong – you sound funny?” Her mom’s breathing was funny too, what was going on?

  “I’ll be okay hon … soon as I heal … please don’t worry about me. I’m just glad you got away.”

  Heal? What was she talking about? “Were you in an accident? What’s going on? Mom don’t lie to me – tell me!” Lisa no longer sounded like her mother’s daughter, but spoke to her as an equal. She almost didn’t recognise her own voice!

  Her mom spoke quietly. “Well, your father wasn’t too happy when he got back. He made the rest of the kids leave … then he took it out on me. I’m pretty sure my jaw was broken but it’s already starting to heal, you know us Wolves heal fast.”

  Lisa was shocked and she all but screamed down the phone, alerting James something was wrong. “The fucker! I’m going to make him pay – just you wait – I’m going to make him pay! What else Mom, what else did he do?”

  Her mom answered quietly. “My ribs … they’re awfully sore and it hurts to breathe … I think they’re broken. He won’t let the healer in. I think he’s embarrassed, he doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s done. He also won’t let me change – says it’s my punishment.”

  Lisa was shaking in anger. “I’m sorry Mom, this is my fault.” James was at her side now with a questioning look on his face. Tears were now running down Lisa’s face.

  “No honey. I’m just glad you got out. Don’t worry about me. I’m stuck – he won’t let me out of his sight now. I’m in the bathroom just now. If he knew I still had my phone he would take it off me.”

  Lisa’s head was swirling – she had to help her mom.

  “What about the kids, Mom, where are they?” The thought of leaving her family with such an asshole ate at her stomach!

  “They’re over at the healer’s house, at the very edge of the camp, so they don’t know what’s going on. Obviously they were far enough away they didn’t hear anything. Though I’m sure others heard – I can sense the unease in the camp.”

  Lisa didn’t know what to say, what to do?

  “Oh mom – I’m sorry …”

  Lisa couldn’t stop the crying now. She heard her mom say “Please don’t cry honey, please. It was worth it, you got out. I just wish I went with you. I should’ve been stronger and took the kids and left. Now … I don’t think I’ll get off Pack land ever now. Look Lisa, I’ve got to go, I can hear him coming up the stairs. Bye darling – love your mate with all your heart, honey. I love you.” And the phone went dead.

  James was now holding Lisa. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  She looked distraught. “My mom … Dad took it out on her. She’s got broken ribs and he broke her jaw. He’s moved my brothers and sister to the healer’s house on the edge of camp so they don’t even know what’s going on. Oh fuck, James – what am I going to do?”

  James jaw was clenched tight. He should’ve confronted her father – he should’ve fought him. If he had killed the fucker, none of this would’ve happened.

  He didn’t know what to do. “I don’t know honey, what would happen if your mom left and took the kids?”

  Lisa thought about this. “I’m not sure. I’ve never heard of that happening before, but she can’t – he’s got her locked up tight and the kids aren’t even in the house.”

  James’s mind was working overtime. How could they do this?

  “Okay, but if we could get your mom and the kids out, would she come?”

  Lisa thought she would, but couldn’t see how they could do it without an all-out war!

  James continued forming a plan. It might work, though it would cause problems. Fuck – Thadius would go nuts.

  Chapter 20

  They continued talking for ages and before they knew it, it was past lunchtime. They had a meeting with Thadius.

  James steeled himself. He took Lisa’s hand as they walked out and he decided to walk the short distance to the offices. He would need to get used to being out and about. He couldn’t expect Lisa to live like he had – a hermit! So he took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

  A few people were around and each one waved and shouted ‘hello’. Obviously their news was out! James was stiff as a board but Lisa waved back and shouted a ‘hello’ in return. She started rubbing her thumb over his hand in a calming circle, letting him know she was there, letting him know that she knew how hard this was for him.

  Finally they made it to the offices and Lisa baulked at the two Guards on the door. As usual they were large, scary, tough men and she cowered into James – her Wolf upbringing coming forward in the face of these very strong Alpha types.

  James whispered “Don’t worry, they’re there to help and protect, they would never hurt you Lisa.” She relaxed but only slightly.

  One of them opened the door for them and they walked through. Lisa gasped at the grandness. James laughed. “Yeah, it gets everyone like that the first time they see it.”

  Lisa’s eyes were darting all over – the place was like something out of a movie!

  James took her hand and led her up the staircase. “Oh my, James … it’s even grander than the one in Gone with the Wind!” Lisa whispered.

  James looked down at her face. “You don’t need to whisper, honey.” She laughed and once more the sound broke through the ice around his heart!

  James was more than a little nervous. Thadius was usually fair in all his dealings but he was one tough cookie! He knocked on the door, opened it and went in, pulling Lisa with him.

  Thadius was behind his desk and looked all business. James noticed Tatiana sitting on one of the sofas with one baby in her arms and the other on a mat in front of her.

  Lisa squealed and moved over to them, cooing and aahhing as most women did at the sight of babies. Tatiana smiled at her. “Do you want to pick that little one up?” she asked Lisa, who nodded vigorously and picked the babe up.

  She smiled down at a pair of eyes that made her stop dead. The eyes held knowing in them that no baby should have. She sat beside the small woman and held the babe close. She liked other people’s little ones, but she didn’t want one of her own … why? She didn’t know, that’s just the way it was! Tatiana introduced herself and the babies and James stood watching, not knowing what to do.

  Thadius coughed. “Right, down to business. James, as you know Lisa’s father Kade, the Alpha of his Pack, has lodged a formal complaint of abduction. I have to go through the motions so firstly I need to ask – is this true?”

  James straightened. “No Thadius, that is not true. Lisa is my mate and we have bonded by blood. At no time was she coerced into coming with me. In fact she was in fear for her own safety and this was justified by the Wolves that chased her as we left.”

  Thadius nodded then looked at Lisa who, though still holding the baby, was watching what was going on. “Lisa, are your Alpha’s allegations true or false? Please believe me when I say you can speak the truth in this room. You will be protected, from either your father or in fact James, if that need arises.”

  Thadius’s voice was strong, brooking no argument. Lisa could instinctively tell that Thadius was an old, very powerful Alpha Wolf. They both knew it was impossible for Lisa to lie to his face – just as she couldn’t lie to her own father.

  James wasn’t happy. He didn’t like the implied connotation. He would never harm Lisa.

  But Lisa smiled. “My father is the one lying. James is my true mate and I had to escape to be with him. I would like to add some information if I may?” she said with a firm tone. Thadius nodded for her to continue.

  “I spoke with my mother this morning. My father has removed my siblings from the family home and placed them with the Pack healer. Once he had done that, he proceeded to beat my mother so severely that she
has broken ribs and a broken jaw. She is in much pain trying to heal as he wouldn’t allow the healer to come and help her or let her change to Wolf to heal.” Lisa’s voice broke on this last part – thinking of her mother in pain with nobody helping her.

  Thadius’s face grew hard, angry, and his words came out fast. “What? That’s outrageous! I know in theory an Alpha can basically do what he wants, but to beat his mate? Because you ran away to be with your mate? That’s not something we can condone. Is there anything we can do to help?”

  Lisa didn’t know – could they help? At this point James stepped forward. “Thadius, I may have a plan but it will take a lot of work. I’m going to go and see Vlad after this. Firstly I have a question. If I can get Lisa’s mom and siblings out, can they have sanctuary here?”

  Thadius looked thoughtful, quietly processing what could be done. James knew he was quite inventive with the Laws when the situation required it.

  “Okay listen up. If you can get them out, get them here … I may have a plan. An Alpha can lawfully request the return of a mate and children, regardless of the circumstances. However – what is your mother’s name?”

  “Dawn Kavanagh.”

  “Right, so if – and this is speculation – your mother changed her name to, say, Donna Ross, then Kade asked for the return of Dawn Kavanagh … well, we could legally say that the person was not in our town?”

  Lisa let out a gasp. Would it work? James was nodding his head. “Thadius – that’s genius. However, if her father physically came here, he may see them?”

  Thadius nodded. “Yes, however, anyone coming onto the grounds needs permission. I, in my position, would withhold that – and use Lisa as the reason. Plus we would place them somewhere that they had protection, especially in the beginning. How many siblings do you have?”

  Lisa answered “Four – I have three brothers and a sister, ranging from five to fifteen.”


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