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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 16

by A. K. Michaels

  His mother smiled at him. “No son, don’t give him that power – don’t let him change you – don’t let him make you live a life of anger. We’re getting out of here now and none of us is coming back.”

  The rest of the kids were either quiet or silently crying. Dmitri’s anger visibly went up another notch!

  Zach asked the healer “Can you do something with Dawn’s ankle, strap it up or something?”

  The healer nodded, got some supplies and went to work as Zach continued. “Okay, now I’m going to get you out of here. Firstly I’m going to take the youngest three. You need to hold hands and close your eyes … okay, that’s good.”

  Zach took hold of the oldest of the three and said “Don’t worry, I’m taking you to a nice lady who will watch you. Just for a few minutes and then your mom and brother will join you, okay? I need you to be brave now and close your eyes.”

  As soon as their eyes were closed, he moved.

  Alex was standing outside the jeep, bottled water on the hood of the vehicle, and suddenly Zach was there – with three kids in tow. All of them opened their eyes and looked scared. Then one after the other, they bent forward and puked!

  Zach nodded at her and disappeared again. She moved forward. “It’s okay, little ones, Mom will be here soon. Here’s some water, I know you’re feeling sick, this will help.” The kids looked at her, wary and scared.

  She smiled as they took the water bottles. Alex had to open the bottles for the smallest two and then handed them back. The kids took a mouthful and Alex told them “Okay, first couple of mouthfuls swirl around your mouth, get rid of that nasty taste, and spit it out. That’s good, now drink some and you’ll feel better soon – I promise.”

  Back at the cabin, everyone but Dmitri had gasped. The healer’s eyes were wide open in shock. “What the hell just happened?”

  Dmitri answered “Zach is very powerful – he can move between places. The kids are now outside the compound and with his mate and a jeep. They will be safe, we will join them in a minute.”

  At that, Zach reappeared. The oldest boy was still standing next to his mother but his mouth was open in a large ‘oh’ and he looked at Zach as if he was a god or something.

  The healer finished strapping up Dawn’s ankle. “I’m afraid it’s broken, Dawn, but it’s already started to heal. Get a doctor to look at it when you can. Your ribs also, there are more than a few broken. You need to be careful, one could puncture a lung and that could cause real problems. If I had time I could get you strapped up?”

  Dawn shook her head. “I’ll be fine – I need to get my kids away. You take care and thanks for watching them for me.”

  The healer nodded then turned to Zach. “Hit me,” she commanded.

  Zach frowned at her. “I’m not going to hit you, woman. Why would I do that?”

  “You’ve not thought this through, have you? What do I say when Dawn and the kids are found gone? I slept through while she hobbled about on a broken ankle collecting her kids? No, that won’t do at all. If I’m to get through this unpunished, you need to hit me. A good one too – nothing pansy, Vampire. You need to knock me out so just shut up and get on with it.”

  The healer stuck her chin out, waiting on the blow. Zach looked at Dmitri and the large Russian nodded. “You have to, Zach.”

  Dawn looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back.

  Zach shook his head. “Fuck – I don’t hit women!” he said and then gave her a punch to the face, aiming for the part of the jaw that went down to the lips, knowing that would cause her lip to split and a lot of blood – it would look a lot worse than it was. The healer’s legs collapsed. Zach caught her before she hit the floor and laid her down gently.

  He stood up. “Okay, you need to be in contact.” The boy held his mother’s hand and Zach held his, and in an instant they were next to Alex. The boy immediately bent over and threw up. Dawn nearly did too, but everyone could see her holding it back, refusing to be sick. Alex was surprised at her fortitude.

  Alex gave everyone water and Dmitri put Dawn in the passenger seat. The first three kids were already seated in the back of the jeep, very quiet, not saying a word. Once the oldest boy stopped puking, he joined them.

  Dmitri got in the driver’s side and Zach stuck his head in the window. “Okay, now Dmitri here, he’s one hard mo...” Zach stopped, he was going to say ‘motherfucker’ but realised that was probably not appropriate for the kids. “…He’s very tough. Nobody will mess with him, but if they do he just needs to call me and I’ll be right back – poof – straight away. Okay?”

  All the kids nodded – they looked terrified.

  Zach continued “Dmitri is going to drive you, look after you, bring you back to our town where you’ll all be safe. He has money to stop off and buy you all some stuff – clothes and food and the like. But any stops have to be quick, no hanging around, got it? Because in the morning or even before, they’re going to know you and your mom are gone. They might come after you, so you need to be brave. Dmitri will get you back safely, I promise.”

  Zach saw the oldest boy nod his head before speaking. “We’ll be fine, and if there’s any trouble I’ll help Dmitri – I’m a good fighter!” He said this with pride and both Zach and Dmitri smiled – the boy had guts!

  Dawn had tears in her eyes, but she was holding them back, being strong in front of her children. Her voice was soft as she said “Thank you. I know that’s not enough for what you’ve done, but thank you. We’ll be okay and hope to see you soon.”

  Dmitri started the jeep and drove away, with a nod to Zach.

  Zach turned to his mate, sighing heavily. “Now Alexina … now we go home, I’m a little tired after all that.” He took her hand and the next minute they were standing in their living room.

  Chapter 23

  As soon as Alex appeared she took several deep breaths, not wanting to be sick. Then she moved fast towards the nursery. The door was open and a night light on and she went in – slowly now, scared, but not knowing why.

  Tatiana was sitting in the rocking chair … and her babies were in their cot. Tatiana smiled and Alex saw her stare at her intently. “It’s me Tatiana, I’m still me.”

  Tatiana nodded her head. “You look paler, but you also look younger and healthy. Are you sure you’re okay?” Tatiana frowned, cocking her head to the side as if trying to ‘read’ her.

  Alex nodded. “Yes, I’m fine, honestly and I’ve got everything under control. Zach wouldn’t have brought me home otherwise. You don’t have anything to worry about, Tatiana.”

  The little Fairy smiled. “I’m glad you’re home but it’s going to take some getting used to. You’re now a Vampire and it’s probably going to take a little while for that to sink in. Now, come, see your babies!”

  Alex moved closer. Oh God, there they were – her babies. Tears were now flowing down her cheeks. Zach was right behind her, he put his arms around her and looked over her head at their twins.

  “Oh my,” Alex whispered. “They are gorgeous. Zach look, aren’t they gorgeous? We made them, Zach, they’re ours.” And her voice broke.

  He tightened his grip on her. “Yes darling, they are, but they are sound asleep so maybe we should leave them for the moment.”

  Alex didn’t want to. She wanted to hold them, but knew that she should leave them be. So she walked through to the living room again, and Tatiana followed.

  Alex grabbed Tatiana and hugged her tight. “Thank you for looking after them,” she said, again with a hitch in her voice.

  Tatiana smiled. “Honey, it was my pleasure. Now there are bottles already made up and all you have to do it warm them a little. The bottle warmer is on the kitchen counter and it’s really simple – just put a bottle in and turn the timer and when it beeps, it’s ready. I know you both have super-hearing, but there’s also a baby monitor at the side of your bed. Irina and Vlad are at home, we knew you would be back tonight. Everything else is set up in the nursery – disposable na
ppies, clothes and so on. I’ll come back in the morning to see how you’re getting on and if you need me I’ll stay to help out. I’m off home, Thadius is waiting up for me and you two can go to your own bed.”

  Zach nodded and Tatiana turned to leave.

  As she left Alex felt a wave of panic. Zach felt it and cuddled her. “It’s going to be okay, Tatiana and Irina are only a phone call away, if you need them they’ll be here honey, so stop worrying. Come – I can’t wait to be in our own bed!”

  Alex smiled up at him, feeling stupid for worrying. She knew if she was in any way unsure about things that Tatiana and Irina would help. She would soon get the hang of it – looking after her babies!

  Zach took her hand and led her to their room.

  The bed had clean bedding on it and everything else looked like it had the last time she had seen it.

  Zach started to undress her and her passion came on quick. She was needy and wanted Zach to soothe her in only the way that he could!

  Zach smiled at her and whispered “Remember, we have little ones just down the hall … no screaming!” She laughed, went over and closed the door – just in case!

  The rest of the night was spent enjoying each other’s bodies, totally relaxed in their own home. Afterwards, Zach said “Come, meine Kleine, we need a shower!”

  He had that look on his face. She smiled and ran to the ensuite, Zach coming after her fast.

  Zach put the shower on and moved behind Alex. Her breath picked up, remembering the first time he had done that. Zach’s smile was lazy and sexy as he looked at her in the mirror. “Oh so you’re remembering that time too?”

  Zach’s hand cupped a breast and teased her nipple. She gasped, then he moved her forward just a little and placed her hands on the sink unit. He moved her head forward and down and pulled her behind back and upwards just a bit. All the while staring at her in the mirror. God she was going to burst!

  “Do you remember, Alexina, the first time I took you like this? You were blushing something awful … you looked so damn sexy!” His voice was a low growl and a hell of a lot more husky than normal.

  Alex nodded again and pushed her behind into his hardness. Zach snarled and put a hand round her waist, pulling her to him. His other hand he laid between her shoulder blades, forcing her downward and keeping her in place, then he positioned himself and thrust hard. Never once taking his eyes from hers in the mirror. She gasped, let out a low moan and stayed still, watching her Vampire take her in the mirror.

  Zach was not as gentle as that first time and he thrust harder, taking her to the brink then stilling inside her, then starting again. He was driving her nuts and she was desperate for her release. Zach laughed a low sexy laugh. “No meine Kleine, not yet.”

  He worked her up again, only to still his movements once more.

  She whimpered and then she did that sound – the one she did during sex which drove him wild – and he thrust in earnest, watching her face then moving his eyes to look at her breasts moving as he thrust into her. This time he didn’t slow, didn’t stop, and soon they were both near their peak.

  He bent down and said her hair “This was where I tasted you for the first time too, remember?”

  Alex couldn’t talk so she only nodded her head, watching his fangs elongate and move towards her neck. She moved her head a little more to make sure he could get onto her neck, and when he pierced her skin he did so hard! No gentle lapping, sucking hard on her neck, gulping down her blood.

  Alex spiralled into a host of sensations and her knees gave way, Zach’s arm around her body holding her up. His fangs came out and he whispered again “Your knees gave way then too.” On a final thrust he threw back his head and moaned, trying not to roar – he didn’t want to frighten the twins!

  Zach withdrew and picked Alex up. “Shower time I think,” he said with a grin. Alex laughed – it was great to be home!

  Chapter 24

  After Dmitri started driving, Dawn asked if he had a phone. Kade had found hers and destroyed it last night!

  Dmitri nodded and fished his out of his pocket. He held it out to her and their fingers touched – he got a shock. What the hell was that?

  Dawn jumped back, she had felt it too. She was all mumbles and blushes as she tried to dial Lisa’s number. Finally she remembered it, punched in the number and pressed dial.

  The phone rang only once on the other end before she heard her daughter’s voice. “Mom? Mom, is that you? Are you okay? Are the kids okay?”

  Lisa’s voice was frantic and Dawn was trying hard not to cry as she answered “Yes Lisa, I’m fine now. We’re in the jeep and Dmitri’s driving, the kids are here too ...”

  At that all the kids started chattering, shouting “Hi Lisa!” “Can’t wait to see you!” and stuff like that.

  Lisa was now crying and she went on. “Okay Mom, I’ll see you soon. We’ve got a house here, all ready for you and the kids. Oh God, Mom, are you sure you’re okay?”

  Dawn answered “I will be, hon, I will be.”

  Then James took over. “Hi Dawn, it’s James. I’m glad you’re out. Can I talk to Dmitri please?”

  Dawn held out her hand with the phone. “James wants to talk to you.” Dmitri’s hand reached for the phone. Their fingers touched and once more he felt a little shock, tingle … something. Dawn’s hand shot back away from him.

  “Dmitri here.”

  “Are they okay?” James asked.

  Dmitri answered truthfully. “Dawn is hurt – broken ribs, broken ankle. That’s strapped up at the moment and it’s starting to heal but she’ll need the doc when we get there. Kids are okay, just a little scared is all.”

  James gasped. “That fucker … Christ, Dmitri, I wish I could fucking rip his throat out!”

  Dmitri smiled. “Yes, that thought had crossed my mind also.”

  James blew out a breath before going on. “Yeah well, we might get the chance, big guy. If he comes here, well, I’m going to give him a taste of his own medicine – no doubt in my mind!”

  Dmitri thought James might just get the chance! Looking at Dawn, he didn’t think the Alpha was going to let her go without a fight. He knew he wouldn’t. What the hell … his mind was playing tricks on him.

  “Okay James, gotta go – driving here.”

  “Let us know how you get on and your ETA when you get the chance. Drive careful, Dmitri – see you soon.”

  James hung up. Dmitri replaced his phone in his pocket and continued on.

  After a while he noticed the kids had gone quiet and he looked in the rear view mirror. Three were asleep and the oldest boy, Fin, was staring out the window, an angry look on his face.

  Dmitri knew that look all too well. He thought he might just take this one under his wing … teach him about fighting. About when to fight and when to walk away, pick your battles wisely. It was something every young man should know. Don’t let the anger eat away at you – channel it into something worthwhile. Fin was a strong young lad, and he hoped he could help him to rid himself of that hatred he saw in his face. Hate could eat away at you – he knew! Once he was done studying, he could get a job in the Guards if he was good enough.

  Dmitri thought he would make sure Fin was good enough and nodded to himself. Yeah, he would help him.

  Dawn was quiet and soon even she fell asleep. Dmitri realised he kept glancing over at her. It was involuntary and he didn’t know why. She was battered and bruised and downright filthy. She had obviously been in the cellar for a few days and he realised she was probably hungry too. Once everyone woke, he would stop and get them some food – she looked like she could use a good meal.

  First she needed to get cleaned up and some clothes. That was easy enough, there were malls everywhere. All he needed to do was put a search in the sat nav and it would pop up the nearest. That’s what he would do: once they were awake, he would find a mall, get her cleaned and into some decent clothing and food.

  He drove on and the kids slept for several ho
urs. It was daylight before they stirred. As soon as they did, Dawn sat up straight, rubbing her eyes. Dmitri didn’t miss the wince she gave on moving, she was obviously in pain and trying to hide it. She didn’t want the kids to be upset.

  As soon as they were awake, Dmitri started keying in a search on the sat nav and hey presto – a large mall was only about half an hour away. He followed the directions and soon was pulling into the massive car park. He found a space near the entrance.

  He turned to Dawn. “Okay, so we’ll go get some clothes and then you can go to the bathroom, get cleaned a bit and changed. Then we’ll get you all something to eat and some supplies for the journey. I’m going to fill up with gas here so we don’t need to stop for a while. I want to keep moving – just in case.”

  Dawn nodded and had the kids out of the car and lined up in a minute. She opened her door and tried to get out, but struggled, holding her ribs, and when she put weight on her ankle it gave way. Dmitri was there in a second and helped her.

  Once she was out, she could put a little weight on her ankle and limped along, Dmitri still helping her and Fin in charge of the kids. They went into the first shop they came to for some clothes.

  Dmitri got some filthy looks from anyone in the vicinity – obviously thinking it was him that had got Dawn into this state!

  He didn’t care, he knew the truth and fuck anyone who thought different.

  The kids all got two changes of clothing and underwear and Dawn just got underwear, a pair of jeans and two tops. Dmitri found the nearest toilets and Annemarie – the second oldest kid, a girl of about twelve – helped her mom. Dmitri stood outside with the rest, none needing to go to the loo at the moment.

  A few minutes later, Dawn returned and the difference was amazing. Clean and dressed in something other than filthy clothes, she looked lovely. Dmitri frowned. What the fuck was going on with his mind? How dare he even look at another woman – far less think she looked nice! He felt as if he was cheating on Ludmilla, his mate that had been killed so many years ago.


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