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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 18

by A. K. Michaels

  “They’re just great, Thadius. None of the problems that everyone had warned us about. They sleep all night, which is great,” Zach told him.

  Thadius straightened up. “So what do you want to discuss?”

  Alex walked over to the sofa, Tatiana was in her usual place in the corner of it. “Firstly Tatiana, could we ask if you would be okay with some babysitting, overnight stuff possibly?”

  Tatiana’s face was a huge smile. “Of course, Alex, I would be happy to help,” the Fairy answered.

  “But we’re talking on a regular basis – say once a week?”

  Again Tatiana confirmed that would be more than fine, so Zach took over. “Good. Thadius, I would like to get back to work but with the twins, we would need to start off slow. Say one job a week? Also to save travelling time I would move Alex and I to wherever we needed to be. We would want to get as much work done on the case before leaving and that would cut down on the time we were away and on Tatiana’s babysitting.”

  Thadius looked thoughtful before he replied. “I think we could work around that, Zach. I don’t see it causing any real problems, so long as Tatiana doesn’t mind?”

  Thadius directed this last comment to his Fairy. Tatiana shook her head. “No Thadius, I don’t mind watching the twins. They’re good little ones and as Zach said, they sleep through the night so it wouldn’t be any great imposition.”

  Thadius stuck his hand out to Zach who took it in a firm grip. “Welcome back Zach.”

  Zach relaxed. Thank goodness – that had gone better than he had thought it would!

  Alex and Zach stayed for a little while, visiting with Tatiana and then left, with Thadius advising there was a job requiring Zach’s skills. It would be a couple of days before everything was sorted, all the data collected ,and it seemed an easy retrieval of a Wolf who had gone rogue.

  Zach said he would bring the cot over and offered to put it together. Thadius harrumphed and said that wouldn’t be necessary – he was sure he could put it together! Alex smirked, she would like to be a fly on the wall for that. When Zach had put together the one in their house, it had taken him ages and he cursed for hours!

  That first job was the hardest – being away for the first time. Alex found it difficult! However, now she was a Vampire – a powerful one, to boot – Alex no longer stayed in a safe place awaiting Zach’s return from the mission. She went with him and that first one, although a fairly simple one, was exhilarating for her.

  As they handed the Wolf over to the local Council for trial, she turned and hugged Zach. “Oh my God – that was great! What a rush! I know why you love your job Zach, apart from helping folk that is, the feeling is ... well I don’t have a word for it!”

  Zach nodded. “Yeah I know, it’s bloody fantastic isn’t it?”

  Alex nodded her head vigorously and looked up at her mate. Her eyes were shining.

  Zach laughed. “Oh so that’s how you feel is it?” and Alex smiled, fuck – it was that sexy smile of hers that always made him hard! “You, my little one, are a vixen! You know that? You always do that when we are in a public place!” he growled down at her.

  She grabbed his arm and spoke low, sultry. “Get us home now, Zach, we have the rest of the night on our own – the babies are with Tatiana.”

  Zach didn’t need telling twice and in a moment they were in their bedroom.

  Alex grabbed her stomach. “Will this get better with time?” she asked, the move making her feel sick!

  “Yes hon, after another few times you won’t feel it at all. Come – let me make you feel better!” and he bent down, picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  When she landed on the bed she realised he had actually undressed her on the way. How did he do that? Her Vampire stood towering over her as he stripped and her breath caught in her throat – she would never get tired of looking at him. Watching his body, tall, strong, and his muscles … God, she couldn’t wait to feel them beneath her hands!

  Zach raised an eyebrow. “You do remember I can read your mind?” he smirked and she only nodded.

  They made love that evening with an abandon that they hadn’t had for a while, having the house to themselves and not needing to be quiet because of the babies. Alex finally lay down with her head on Zach’s chest … satiated, but it had taken a while. Her smile was large as she drifted off into a doze.

  The next few weeks, they got into a routine and only once did the mission take longer than was thought. That one was a Vampire who had got away, as if he had been tipped off. It made Alex mad as hell and by the time they caught him, well Alex let him have it with both guns firing.

  Zach had stood back and watched as his tiny mate took on a large and angry Vamp. It had been some sight – her power was immense and sometimes it worried Zach. He could only assume it was because of his age and power and that he had somehow passed some onto her in the turning.

  Whatever it was, she took down that Vamp and didn’t even break a sweat!

  Their sex that night was like nothing they had done before and Zach had actually thought at one point he wouldn’t be able to keep up! Something that had never happened in his very long life!

  Alex’s tastes had changed ever so slightly in the bedroom department and Zach was extremely happy that she had lost her shyness in that respect. She would initiate things, she came up with exciting scenarios that they would play out. Zach loved it when she was dominant and loved it even more when she was submissive. They had a host of things that they did now and Zach just couldn’t believe this was the same female he had first met. Who hadn’t even known how to use her mouth on him to begin with. Who had never been tied up. God, what they did now was a universe away from where they started. She could still make him hard with a look, a smile, a comment or just running her hand up his thigh while he was driving.

  They spoke openly now about and during sex, something that Alex had a real problem with before. She knew now how much Zach had held back before and she loved him all the more for it.

  Chapter 26

  Lisa was ecstatic – her mom, brothers and sister were now in Unity. She would visit them and they her. She still got angry, every time her mom limped. Her broken ankle had been left too long without care and had set wrong. David, the doctor at the clinic, had said he could operate, break and reset it, but her mom had said no. Lisa couldn’t understand why but it was her decision.

  One day she had been visiting her mom when Dmitri came in. Vlad said there was still a threat so Dmitri was still staying there. Though he seemed distant, gruff, and Lisa wasn’t sure what was wrong with him. She had asked her mom who told her she didn’t know either, so Lisa left it. She was just glad that the huge Russian was still there watching out for her family.

  She wandered home. It was a bit of a walk as her mom was at the opposite side of the town, but she liked just meandering, saying ‘hello’ and stopping for a chat to folk. She had left James at home. He had been pottering about in the cellar for days now and wouldn’t tell her what he was up to. She was curious but knew men had their hobbies or things they wanted separate from their mates, so left him to it.

  She smiled as she thought about James, and the first time her family had met him. Her mom was her usual gracious self and the kids – well, the boys all thought his scars were ‘cool’ but her sister had been a little scared at first. Soon James’s quiet nature had won her over and now they were all relaxed in each other’s company. When James had told them that he had given her dad a good ‘seeing to’ she smiled, happy that he had got a taste of what he had been dishing out!

  She had a smile on her face remembering this as she walked through the front door, heading for the kitchen to get a cold drink. Just as she reached for a glass, she was grabbed from behind – her arms tugged to her back and restrained. A mask went over her eyes and she struggled. James’s scent was in her nostrils and she knew it was him. His voice in her ear said “Now my little maid, you’re mine,” and the sound of his tone almost made he
r knees go weak. He laughed and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder! He carried her and then she realised they were going down stairs. The basement? Her excitement started in earnest … what had he planned?

  Suddenly she was thrown down on a bed. A bed? There wasn’t a bed in the basement. She was flipped over onto her stomach and her hands unbound. Immediately he ripped her clothes off and then securely fastened one hand then the other, out to the side and up a bit, and then her feet. She was bound spread-eagled but had enough give in her restraints for her to move about a bit. Her breathing was coming in gasps – her excitement high. Suddenly her mask was ripped off, she blinked several times then looked around.

  She was in the middle of a large bed – a four poster which had a canopy and very thick drapes at the sides. James was standing in nothing but his jeans, top button undone and hanging low on his hips!

  He had a very severe look on his face. “You’re mine now, to do with as I wish. If you don’t you will be punished. Do you understand? No talking, just move your head.”

  He seemed a little scary, and this excited her all the more. She nodded once. James then closed all the curtains around her and left her there lying in near-darkness. She heard him go out and up the stairs. What? She thought about one of the fantasies she had told him. Being kidnapped and used and abused! Oh my – that’s what this is, she realised. She lay waiting on his return, her breathing coming quicker.

  After quite a long time, she heard him coming back. He pulled the curtain open and was standing naked, his arousal up in front. He didn’t smile, only got onto the bed and knelt over her, his knees either side of her breasts. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, pushed his erection into her mouth.

  “Please me – now!” he ordered her. The Alpha tone in his voice affecting her Wolf so that it was lying panting in her brain.

  She opened her mouth and did her best to please him, getting more and more moist as she went on. James had a firm grip on her hair and started thrusting, going deeper and deeper. Not once did he let up or talk to her – finally coming down her throat.

  “Clean me,” he ordered and she did. Then he got up and walked away again! Shit, she thought, why did he leave? I’m all worked up here!

  It was some time before he came back, once more naked and once more with his manhood standing erect. Lisa had struggled while he was gone but soon realised she was stuck, couldn’t get out of the restraints.

  James went to the foot of the bed and repositioned her legs, pulling them wide and she gasped. He crawled onto the bed, stalking her with a very wicked look on his face. “Now I’ll see if you’re worth the money I paid for you,” he said, staying in character. This more than anything aroused Lisa.

  He was doing this for her. She had told him about this fantasy of hers and he was fulfilling it! She whimpered and said “No, please sir – no, I’m a virgin maid – please no.” She tried to inject fear into her voice but failed miserably, only sounding wanton and aroused!

  “I know fair maiden, I paid a lot of money for a virgin. Now I’ll see if it was money well spent!”

  James climbed until his head was over hers, his arms holding his body up and roughly pushed his manhood at her entrance. Lisa gasped again. “Be gentle,” she whined.

  “NO!” he shouted and thrust in – hard. She moaned and it was one of pleasure, she was not good at pretending she wasn’t aroused.

  James smirked, trying not to laugh. He thought he had done a good job of being the hard kidnapper and all he had heard in Lisa’s voice was lust.

  He kept her immobile as he continued and thoroughly ravaged her! She moaned louder and James gave up being the ‘bad man’. He bent down and kissed her deeply and the sound that came from her throat nearly undid him. He moved a hand between them and found her sensitive area and started to rub in circles. She bucked under him and moaned louder.

  Very soon he heard her breathing coming in short gasps, her heart stutter, and her muscles tightened around him inside. He bent down and bit into her shoulder and she bucked all the more, this time screaming his name and he followed shortly after! He collapsed on top of her, trying to keep his weight on his elbows so as not to crush her.

  He rolled to the side, released her hand above him then moved to release the other. She grabbed him in a tight embrace. “Oh my God, James, you did this – all of this for me?”

  “Of course, anything you want that I have in my power to give you, well you’ll have it, Lisa. Though I must say you didn’t sound scared at all and I’m sure you sounded extremely wanton for a ‘virgin maid’, my Wolf,” and he burst out laughing!

  She blushed. “Yeah I know, we’re going to have to practise! Lots and lots of practise!” and she cuddled into him. God, how lucky was she – her mate was amazing!

  She went to move over him and realised her feet were still bound. James moved and released her. “So James, what’s next? Is there one you want to do?”

  Her heart stopped at his look as he answered “Oh yeah Lisa, lots and lots!”

  The next few days, James was busy. He had a few jobs to do and was away, flying the jet to who knows where for who knew what. All she knew was that she missed him like crazy. She might see if she could get a part time job.

  She spent a lot of time either at her mom’s or over at Alex’s, helping with the twins.

  It was on one of these visits that Alex said that Julia was looking for someone to help her, just one day a week and to cover holidays. Alex saw Lisa’s face light up and told her to go and see about it – so she did. Julia hired her on the spot!

  She couldn’t wait for James to be home so she could tell him. He had told her over and over that they didn’t need the money, but she thought it might be good to get out and meet more people and give her something to do.

  James was due home so she made sure the house was spotless and got ready. A nice thin dress with spaghetti straps, no bra and a lace thong. She did her hair and put some make-up on. She was nervous, he had been away for four days and it had been the longest they’d been apart. She hoped he had missed her as much as she had missed him!

  The clock was ticking slowly, far too slowly – she couldn’t wait!

  Then she heard him. She would know his steps anywhere and with her Wolf hearing she heard him long before he got to the door. She went out and stood in the hall, holding her breath. He opened the door and immediately was shouting “Lisa? Where are you?” Then he stopped – saw her – banged the door shut behind him and moved so fast Lisa couldn’t see him get from the door to in front of her!

  His hand came up and stroked down the side of her face. “I’ve missed you, my mate.” He spoke in a very husky voice, more so than the rasp that his scars caused.

  Her breath caught and she mirrored his movement, stroking the side of his face. “I’ve missed you, my mate.” She spoke his words back at him.

  He pulled her roughly to him and started kissing her with such lust that she was immediately ready for him, shit she had been ready as soon as she heard his steps! Their lovemaking was rough, being apart making them all the more desperate for each other’s bodies.

  Quite some time later, they lay in each other’s arms and Lisa said “Guess what? I’ve got a job!” She was excited and wanted to share this with James.

  His body stiffened!

  “What? I told you we don’t need the money, Lisa, you don’t need to work!”

  His tone was anything but what she had expected and she drew back a bit before answering. “I know James, but it’s not full time or anything – not even part time really. It’s only one day a week and to cover Julia if she’s on holiday or something.”

  James was still stiff. “I’d rather you didn’t, Lisa, I really would prefer you to stay home.”

  James’s tone wasn’t one that she had heard before and it upset her.

  “James, I would like to do it,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “No Lisa. You know I love you but I’m not going to cha
nge my mind on this. So you can just tell Julia that you can’t do it.”

  Lisa was near tears, but his tone – pure Alpha – had the desired effect on her and her Wolf, submitting to his will. “Okay,” she said and went to the bathroom, where she let her tears fall.

  What was wrong? Why had he done that?

  It was the first time they had any kind of disagreement and it didn’t sound like he was going to change his mind.

  There was a knock on the door. “Lisa, please don’t be upset. Come back to bed.” James’s tone was soft, cajoling, and she gave in. God he was perfect in every way, except this. Who was she to upset her mate!

  She sloshed cold water on her face and walked back out. He grabbed her and kissed her deeply, fondling her body, her response immediate. “I can smell your arousal, little minx. I think we’ll do it my favourite way. Up on the bed Lisa – all fours!”

  His voice was sexy in her ear and she immediately did as he wanted. He was gentle this time, taking his time, making her purr like a kitten. In the afterglow she had completely forgotten about the job!

  Lisa fell asleep and when she woke James was in the kitchen making her a late dinner. It was her favourite and she smiled. She sat down and James said “I’ve called Julia, it’s all taken care of. She understands I want my mate to myself for now.”

  Lisa frowned. Surely she should have been the one to phone Julia?

  James turned round, a set line to his mouth. “Before you say anything – I’m being selfish, I know that. But Lisa, I want you here, each and every time I have to go on a job. I want you standing in the hall waiting for me when I come through that door. Please understand, at this moment in time, I can’t share you. I need for you to be here. I need for you to understand how much it means to me.”

  His tone was one of … fear? If Lisa didn’t know better that’s what she would’ve said.

  She went to her mate. “Okay James, this time I’ll not argue. I’m not saying this won’t come up again, but for now, my mate, I’ll do as you wish.”


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