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Visitors Page 11

by Woods, Karen

  Susie looked relieved when the names for the visits were called out. She helped Vicky up from her seat and tried to take her mind from the drugs sitting in her bra. “If you fancy it tonight, we can go out for a drink?”

  Vicky looked shocked. This woman was class, and she didn’t think in a million years she would ever mix with her sort. Remembering her son she held a sour look on her face. “I can’t, I haven’t got anyone to mind Declan.”

  Susie looked in deep thought. With her fingers on her lips she giggled. “Well I’ll come to your house then. That’s if you don’t mind?” Vicky was over the moon and wanted to hug Susie but refrained. As they walked to the prison’s entrance the drugs concealed in her bra didn’t seem to matter anymore. Vicky had a new friend, or so she thought.

  The screws seemed to be looking at Vicky longer than necessary. Her mouth looked dry as the female guard rubbed her hands up and down over her body. Susie was watching from a distance and twisted her fingers repeatedly. Vicky had passed the first test. Now it was time to go upstairs to the next level. Vicky prayed the sniffer dog wasn’t there. As if she just realised what she was doing, she turned and was getting ready to go back down the stairs. Susie gripped her arm and hissed into her face. “Where the fuck are you going. Just get ya arse back here. You’re nearly in now.” Vicky looked scared. Susie was at her side and the look in her eyes told her she meant business.

  Stood waiting outside the main visiting door, Vicky looked like she’d shit her knickers. There was no dog there today and she looked relieved as the screw opened the door. Susie was behind her and pushed her in the back to move forward. You could see the in-mates waiting at their tables. Susie held back now and seemed to be waiting for something. As all the visitors went inside she watched the screw lock the door behind them. Walking slowly back to him she waved Vicky on without her.

  Susie stood facing Jenkins. He smiled at her and remembered her from the last visit. “Hello Miss. Can I help you?” His voice was sweet and he certainly knew how to flirt with the ladies. Susie looked at him and held her head to the side. Licking the front of her teeth in a sexual manner the screw thought he was on a winner.

  “I hope you can help me sir.” Her voice was low as she dug her hands in the small pocket of her jeans. The security check hadn’t located it, and she knew her plan was getting ready to step up to the next level. Keeping the small white folded paper out of sight she held it in her grip. She offered a handshake to the screw and watched his face as he felt something in his palm. The officer smiled. This woman was good. She was giving him her phone number and making sure nobody else could see it. Without looking at the note he placed it into his black pants and watched the sexy young woman leave his side. His mouth was watering as his eyes watched her arse swing away in the distance. Placing his hand on his crotch he tried to control the urge of his manhood trying to stand tall in his trousers.

  Susie sat with Tim and he was asking her why she was talking to Jenkins. “Oh just asking what you have to do, to bring you some clothes in that’s all. He said you need to make an application in the jail or summat,” she lied. Tim didn’t need to know her cunning plan yet until the ball was in motion.

  Tim nodded. “Yeah I know that,” he looked angry. His eyes were screwed up small. He hadn’t even asked for any food from the canteen yet and Susie knew something was on his mind. Trying to keep calm she leant over and kissed his cheek. He scowled and pushed her back down. “What’s fucking up with you,” she moaned. His teeth were showing and his face looked hot. Sweat was visible on his head as he jerked forward.

  “What’s up with me? I’ll tell you what’s up with me, you dirty tramp. Why is Ashley buying you fucking flowers and all that?” He grabbed her hand over the table and you could see her skin turning white where he was applying pressure. She dragged her hand away and sat back down, so he couldn’t grip her anymore.

  Moving her hair from her face, she spat over the table at him. Her face looked serious as she rammed her finger over the table at him. “Ashley got me some flowers because I was upset. Not that you give a flying fuck about how I feel, do you?” Tim was not having none of it, you could see his nostrils flaring and the vein in his neck pumping with rage. He waited for her to continue. Susie knew she would have to pull a good act out of her bag, and forced a few tears from her eyes. As they fell onto her cheeks she spoke in a dramatic voice. “I was crying all the time Tim and I felt really, really down. Ashley just tried to cheer me up. Is that a sin?”

  Tim held his head back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. Looking back at her he still seemed angry. “Why fucking flowers. He’s never bought a bird flowers before.”

  “I don’t know,” she sobbed. People were looking at them now and a screw walked over and stood near the table letting his presence be felt. Tim grabbed her hands and dropped his head onto the table. The warden walked away looking happy that nothing serious was going on.

  Tim opened his heart hoping she could put his mind at rest. “It’s just being in here, everything just seems twice as bad. I know Ashley never meant anything by the flowers, but you have to understand where I’m coming from. My head’s up my arse and I’m thinking loads of different shit about you.”

  Susie agreed and looked at the canteen. She needed to get away for a minute and get her story straight. “Do you want a drink?” Tim nodded; Susie was soon at the canteen window.

  “Are you off your fucking head, bringing drugs in jail,” Blake snapped. He was livid and at one stage, he was nearly getting up from his seat to leave the visit. Vicky looked a nervous wreck.

  “Just take them this one time, that’s all I’m asking.” Her voice was desperate and she knew she’d made a mistake by bringing the drugs into prison.

  “Who’s the guy I have to give it to?” he said with a pissed off voice. Vicky could see Susie at the canteen. She discretely told Blake who she was and to watch her back to her seat, to see the inmate she was visiting. “How the fuck have you ended up doing this, you crank. You could get years if ya get caught ya muppet,” he was stressing. Blake sat back and shook his head. It was his fault she was in this position and he knew it more than anyone. He’d let his woman down big time and he could see what she had to do to make ends meet. Vicky looked defenceless as he scanned every inch of her body. Susie walked past and Vicky pierced her eyes at Blake.

  “That’s her, watch were she sits,” Vicky whispered. Blake’s eyes followed the woman’s every movement and he sat out of his seat a little to watch where she was heading. Vicky froze and her hands were shaking. Her chest seemed to be rising as her hand gripped around her neck. “Blake, I’m shitting it now. Should I just take the drugs back out with me and give them back to her?” Blake never replied, he looked in deep thought. If he was bringing drugs into the prison, surely he must benefit too. He leant over the table. Scanning her blouse, he tried to see if he could see the drugs. There were no traces to be seen.

  “Right at the end of the visit I’ll grab it from you.” Vicky’s face looked relieved. “I’m never doing it again, honest.” Blake smiled. He never thought she had it in her to do anything like this, and he grabbed her closer for a kiss. The two of them looked lost in the moment and you could see the love they shared was true. Well at least for now.

  Susie explained to Tim what was going on and he looked happy now that he was getting a parcel inside the jail. He shot a look over at Blake and the men exchanged a nod. Tim looked at Vicky in more detail. The girl was pretty, a bit scruffy, but with a bit of work she could be a darling. He winked at Vicky.

  Susie had talked her way out of the mess she was in and Tim seemed to have bought her bullshit. His mind was now focussed on the drugs and he was eager to meet Blake to get the drop from him. Susie had done well and he kissed her hand softly. They spoke about the brothel and she told him that Joan was definitely on the fiddle. Tim didn’t seem too bothered and told her to do whatever she needed to do.

  The visit came to an end. You could see a
ll the inmates kissing their loved ones goodbye. Tim looked over at Vicky and smiled at her. Her heart was in her mouth. He was drop- dead gorgeous and she liked the attention she was getting from him, she flicked her head back and straightened her clothes. Susie had always seemed like she wasn’t interested in Tim anyway, and if that was the case, it was time for Vicky to strut her stuff. Tim could change her life and she smiled back at him, letting the guy know she was more than interested.

  Blake’s hand was rummaging in Vicky’s bra. He was quick and nobody saw anything. The drugs were now in his grip and he sat back down at the table trying to shove the drugs up his arsehole. Nobody was watching him, they were all saying goodbye to their loved ones. He got the drugs out of sight before his body search.

  Susie waved her hand in the air to Tim. She blew a kiss and watched Vicky heading towards her. She would have to pay the daft bitch now she thought; she hated parting with any cash. Vicky looked happy for a change. In fact it was the happiest Susie had ever seen her. They both walked to the exit with the other visitors.

  Jenkins stood at the door letting people out. Vicky looked at Susie. The officer never took his eyes from her and he held a peculiar look in his eyes as he watched them pass. Susie smirked at him and walked past him with a wiggle in her walk.

  “Fucking hell, what’s, his problem?” Vicky asked.

  “Dunno love. Probably needs a good shag or summit,” Susie giggled.

  The colour was back in Vicky’s face and she looked like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She whispered as she leant into Susie’s ear. “I’m never doing that again. My heart was in my mouth all the way through the visit. I fucking shit myself, yanno.” Susie was walking at speed. All she wanted to do was to get out of the place. Tim was doing her head in and she was thinking of sending him a “Dear John” letter telling him it was all over. Vicky could see the change in her and asked if she was okay. Susie never replied.

  Once they’d collected their belongings from the visitors’ centre, Susie told Vicky she would give her a lift home. Susie was quiet for a change. Vicky looked concerned as she spoke to her. “Are you okay love? You just look sad.” Susie carried on walking and headed for the car. She did need someone to talk to without a shadow of doubt and Vicky wasn’t in her circle of friends, so what was the harm in telling her what was playing on her mind?

  Susie looked serious as they sat in the car. Lighting a cig she passed Vicky one. The poor girl never had any fags and she took the cig from her with a smile on her face. Susie rested her hands on the steering wheel as she inhaled deeply on her cigarette. Her head looked out of the window as she started talking. Vicky was listening eagerly. “I’m so pissed off with it all Vicky. You don’t know the half of it.” Her head turned to Vicky and looked away again. She looked like she didn’t want her to see her face as she confessed her sins.

  Vicky was hanging on her every word. “A problem shared and all that,” she coaxed.

  Susie rotated her head back to her and looked at her for a few seconds. It looked like she was debating whether she could be trusted. Her fingernail rested on her teeth. After a few seconds Susie began. “I’ve been seeing Ashley, Tim’s best friend. I have been for some time now.” Vicky’s mouth dropped and her eyes opened fully. Tim was gorgeous, why the fuck was she cheating on him? If he was her man she would have been more than happy. This woman wouldn’t know a good thing if it hit her in the face. Susie continued, her face looked red and she looked embarrassed.

  Vicky knew she couldn’t show any signs of the way she felt and giggled. “Good on you girl, as long as you’re happy.”

  Susie screwed up her face and sighed. “I was happy to start with, but I just seemed to have jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. If you know what I mean?” Vicky nodded. “It was all exciting at first and Ashley was everything I ever wanted,” she paused and looked like she was going to cry. Vicky reached over and patted her leg. Susie pushed her hand away. She wasn’t a soft arse and didn’t need any comfort. Susie wanted people to see her as strong and by breaking down in front of this young girl, she was doing herself no favours. Vicky backed off and sat waiting for her to continue. “Ashley wants me to tell Tim about us. I mean, come on, the man’s in fucking nick for crying out loud. Even I’m not that ruthless to do that to him while he’s serving a sentence.”

  Vicky loved the gossip. Nothing exciting ever happened in her life, and this was like her own personal Jeremy Kyle show. She agreed with Susie. “Nar you can’t finish with him when he’s in jail that would be proper tight. This guy Ashley should know that. Just tell him straight love, he should understand.”

  Susie couldn’t hold back the tears and no matter how much she tried they just ran from her eyes. This time she accepted the comfort from her new friend. Vicky held her close as she sobbed. She inhaled her fragrance and closed her eyes. Susie smelt fresh and clean and she wished she was the one leading her life.

  After Susie had visited the bank Vicky held the cash in her hands and felt alive. She sniffed the money and held it to her chest. Susie had left her now and she was debating what to spend the money on. With a spring in her step she headed for ‘Cash Generator’ in Harpurhey. Months before she’d pawned her laptop, and now was her chance to get it back out. Facebook was her only chance of any company and the thought of speaking to all her long lost friends put a smile back on her face.

  Vicky queued up in the shop. Pulling the crumpled ticket from her bag she tried to straighten it out. Lots of people were in the shop and she could see the look of desperation on their faces. They had televisions, CD players and phones to trade in for cash. Vicky had only pawned her laptop for thirty quid and now she was at the front of the queue she was debating whether or not she could afford to get it back. Passing the ticket underneath the counter she smiled at the shop assistant. “Can I get that out please?” The woman read the ticket and left the window. Once she returned Vicky smiled and passed her the cash.

  Susie went straight home feeling depressed. Everything looked to be getting on top of her. Throwing her bag on the table she plonked herself into a chair and kicked her shoes off. She loved the time she was spending on her own and reached for the TV remote. There it was, just what she needed. A chick flick, ‘P.S. I Love You’ was one of her favourite films and she snuggled down on the sofa to enjoy every minute of it. Susie looked upset as she watched the storyline on the telly. Her arms were wrapped around her body as she watched the main character crying on screen. The sound of her mobile ringing could be heard. “Fuck off,” she screamed at it, as she placed a pillow over it to drown out its tone. Standing to her feet she headed for the kitchen. Opening the fridge she cast her eyes over the food inside. Grabbing a half eaten bar of chocolate she looked content.

  Susie’s phone rang again. “For fucks sake.” Pulling the cushion from it she stared at the screen. It wasn’t a number she knew. “Hello,” she answered in a low voice. Her face turned white, it was Tim. “How have you got a phone in nick?” Susie said. Tim told her he’d picked up a Blackberry phone in jail. He said it had cost him over two hundred quid. He was buzzing with it. Tim had done well with the drugs he’d got in on the visit and already he was trading with the prisoners for drugs. Tim asked Susie to get him a top-up for the phone. Her face was angry, but she agreed to it. He was gone.

  Susie stored Tim’s prison phone number in her mobile. That was all she needed - him phoning her all the time. Gripping her phone in her hand she looked like she was going to launch it at the wall. Lying flat on the sofa she pulled a soft cream fur throw over her. The film was kicking in now and she promised herself she would watch it to the end. Susie switched her phone off. Sucking on the chocolate bar she cuddled up and turned the volume higher.

  Vicky sat on her sofa dusting her laptop off. Declan was watching a DVD and was being quiet for a change. Plugging her computer in she sat upright in her chair and prepared herself to log into Facebook.

  Vicky felt alive again. All her old frien
ds were there to see. Pressing the chat button she watched all her friends pop up eager to talk with her. Vicky had over twenty two friend requests. Clicking the blue box to reveal the names, she sat hypnotised by the screen. Most of the people wanting her friendship were men. Chewing her fingernail she clicked on each new friend. The men were dishy and she giggled as she accepted their requests.

  Susie said she’d call at Vicky’s tonight about nine o’clock to have a drink with her. She was looking forward to some company for a change instead of being sat on her own. Scrolling down on the screen she typed Susie’s name in the search engine. She was hoping that she had enough information to find her. Eyes piercing into the computer, a list of all the Susie’s from Manchester came up. Vicky leant forward and checked out each profile picture. After a few minutes she found her. Clicking on her full profile she could see her there in her full glory. She was a right posing bitch. Vicky’s eyes scanned her picture albums. Tim was there on them too and she could see his second name was Marshall because he’d been tagged in some snapshots.

  Vicky looked about the front room, her fingers were tapping on the keyboard and she had an urge to try and find Tim on the social network. After a few minutes she located him. There he was, his full profile looking back at her. Vicky hid her face with her hands. She looked excited. He was so sexy. Pressing the ‘friend request’ button she asked for his friendship. She knew he was in prison but when he got out surely he would look at his facebook and accept her as one of his friends; after all she’d brought drugs into the prison for him.


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