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Visitors Page 12

by Woods, Karen

  Vicky carried on talking to her friends. Suddenly a red alert message came to the top of her screen. She clicked on it. Rubbing her hands together she blew a deep breath. Tim Marshall had accepted her friend request. “How the fuck has he done that,” she mumbled. Then she remembered that Blake had told her about some of the inmates getting mobile phones in the nick. Staring at the screen she looked on the live chat. This was somewhere you could speak to people directly. Tim’s name was there in the list of friends and her fingers were twitching to write him a message. Lighting a cigarette she just sat staring at the screen. A blue box now appeared at the bottom of her facebook page with Tim’s name spread across it. Slowly clicking on it, she could see the full message he’d wrote. “Hi sexy,” he’d written, with a kiss at the end of it. Vicky’s heart was pounding in her chest and she dragged at her hair as she read the message over and over again. Another message appeared. “Don’t tell Susie you’ve been talking to me. Let’s keep this our secret.” Vicky felt sick and her face was on fire. Quickly without thinking she typed a message back to him. “Hi Tim, glad you got your stuff in. If you need me again, just ask. And don’t worry I won’t tell Susie we’ve been talking.” She pressed the send button and sat back in the chair waiting for his reply. He was back in a flash. Declan was at her side now and she quickly moved him away from her computer. “Go and get a biscuit, I’m busy.” The kid was moaning but she used her leg to move him from her side. She was on a roll now and nobody was going to spoil it. Vicky felt alive and kept bursting into fits of laughter. Her fingers were tapping at the keyboard constantly.

  As time passed, Tim said goodbye to Vicky on facebook. He was so sexy and he made her heart skip a beat. Looking at the time she quickly pulled Declan up from the floor. He was half asleep now and he moaned as she took him upstairs to bed. Susie was due any time soon, and she wanted to make sure he was fast asleep before she got there.

  Running a quick bath Vicky decided to make an effort to look nice for when Susie got there. Peeling her clothes from her body she stood shivering in the bathroom. Quickly submerging her body into the tub, she swilled the hot water all over her skin. Looking down at her scrawny body she realised how much she’d let herself go. Her pubic mound was like an overgrown bush, and black hairs were growing all over her inner thighs. Grabbing an old razor blade from the side she tried to trim her lady-garden into a nice neat pattern. The razor was gliding frantically over her crotch. Within minutes she was laughing her head off. She’d gone way over the top and all that was left of her bush was something the size of Adolf Hitler’s moustache.

  Vicky was just pulling her skinny jeans on, when she heard someone at the front door. Pulling the net curtain back from the window she peeped outside hoping it wasn’t the loan man. She hadn’t paid him for a month and he was calling at all hours of the night trying to catch her. Vicky tapped on the bedroom window when she saw it was Susie. “One minute,” she shouted as she placed one finger to the window. Susie looked pissed off.

  “Hiya come in,” Vicky said as she opened the front door to her. Susie walked inside and you could see her pulling her face. It was obvious she didn’t really want to be there. Taking her into the front room Vicky looked embarrassed. She’d tried to straighten the house up, but it still looked scruffy. “Get some glasses love. I’m dying for a drink. I need it after the day I’ve had,” Susie moaned. Vicky started to head into the kitchen and Susie was still shouting to her. “That nob-head has only got a phone now. He’s already been on to me giving me more orders.”

  Vicky froze as she reached into the cupboards to get the glasses. “How’s he got a phone in prison?” she answered back.

  “You can get owt in jail love, if you have the money. The fucker’s got a Blackberry phone, so he can even see what I’m doing on facebook now.”

  Vicky held the glasses in her hand and started to make her way back into the living room. She was blushing. Susie kicked her shoes off and curled her feet up on the sofa. Grabbing a tall glass she twisted the lid from the vodka. Reaching into her bag she pulled out some lemonade. “Here, get a glass of this down ya neck.” Vicky held her empty glass over to Susie; she half-filled it with vodka, and only added a drop of lemonade.

  Music was playing in the background and Susie was mouthing the words to some song that was playing on the radio. She was pissed out of her head. “Can I just use your toilet love?” Susie asked as she struggled to stand up.

  “Yeah straight upstairs and second on the right,” Vicky said. “Fucking hell Susie you’re wrecked.” Susie turned her head and smiled as she kept one hand on the wall near the door frame.

  “I know love, but ay, who gives a fuck.”

  Vicky chuckled. “Go on; get to the toilet before you piss ya knickers.” Susie was gone.

  Vicky could see Susie’s shoes staring at her. They were from River Island she could see the label inside the shoe. With one ear held at the door, she listened carefully. Susie could be heard being sick upstairs. Slowly Vicky gripped the shoe in her hand, and held it up in front of her. Feeling like Cinderella, she slid her narrow foot inside the multi-coloured shoe. It fitted perfectly. Grabbing the other one, she walked round the living room in Susie’s heels. She looked confident as she made her way to the mirror that hung on the wall. Dipping her face nearer she smiled at herself with a cunning grin. “This is the life,” she whispered.

  “What the fuck are ya doing with my shoes on,” Susie ranted. Vicky deflated and sat back down dragging them off her feet as if they were on fire.

  “Orrr I’m sorry, I just love them and wanted to see what I would look like wearing them.” The shoes were placed back next to Susie.

  With a smile on her face Susie stared at Vicky. Reaching down to the shoes she picked them up and dangled them in her hands. “You can have them love. I’ve got loads of shoes anyway.”

  Vicky shook her head. “Nar fuck off. I was only trying them on. They belong to you.”

  Susie held her head back and laughed. Throwing the shoes over to Vicky she slurred, “I can get a new pair any time I want. Ashley will buy them for me. You need them more than me, you’ve got fuck all.”

  Vicky snarled. “Cheeky bitch,” she mumbled, but she knew she was right. Holding the shoes in her hands she kicked her flip-flops off and slid them over to Susie. “Here then, you’ll need something to go home in.” Susie’s eyes looked tired. Her phone started ringing. Flopping over into her handbag she pulled her mobile phone out from it. Her eyes were screwed up as she focused on the screen. Jerking her head back she blew a breath from the side of her mouth.

  “Here he is now, my prince charming.” Pressing the green button on the phone she fell back onto the sofa. “Hello sexy.” Vicky stood up and walked across the front room with her new shoes on. She was twisting her legs one way and then the other. Vicky listened as Susie asked Ashley to come and pick her up. She threw her phone back inside her bag. Vicky knew she didn’t have long and wanted to get into her for information about Tim. Necking a big mouthful of vodka, she lit a cig and sat forward looking directly at Susie.

  “So tell me love, you don’t want to be with Tim anymore, because you love Ashley. Is that right?” Susie stared at her as if she was gathering her thoughts. Coughing to clear her throat she sat back in her chair and twisted her hair around her finger.

  “Me and Tim have outgrown each other. If I’m being honest with you, I’ve never really loved him. He just had everything I needed, and I knew I could have a better life with him. Come on,” she paused. Her hands were held out in front of her now as she cradled her knees. “I’m from a council estate and men like Tim are much sought after. Who wants a boyfriend with fuck all?”

  Vicky was nodding. “Yeah I know what you’re saying.” Vicky listened carefully and she fully understood what Susie had done to get by in life. Money did buy happiness and as soon as Vicky got a taste of it, there was no way she was ever letting go. A plan seemed to be hatching in her mind.

  A car was hon
king its horn outside, Susie stood to her feet. “Here’s Ash,” she giggled. Gripping Vicky in her arms, she pecked her on the cheek. “Listen I’ve had a good night and you’ve cheered me up, God knows I needed it. We’ll have to go out next time instead of sitting in this shit-tip.”

  Vicky saw red and opened fire, who did this stuck-up cow think she was, calling her humble abode. “Ay Lady fucking muck, less of the shit-tip. This is my home and I do my best, alright. I’m not like you dripping in cash.”

  Susie shook her head. “Orr I’m sorry love. You know I don’t mean it like that. I just mean it would be good to get you out and about for a change, instead of being sat in here staring at four walls, that’s all.”

  Vicky let her off the hook and led her to the front door. Ashley’s tunes could be heard pumping outside and she could see him looking over at her. Vicky waved slowly. Fucking hell Susie had the lot, men dropping at her feet and more cash than sense. What a lucky bitch she was! Vicky wanted her life. Waving at the front door she watched them drive off.

  Sat alone with the music still playing, she felt lonely. Vicky looked down at her new shoes and loved them. Reaching down the side of the sofa she lifted her laptop up to the arm of the chair. Quickly logging onto facebook she searched for any of her friends that might be online. Vicky was pissed and she was struggling to keep her eyes opened. Tim’s name now popped up. “What you up to honey,” the message read. Vicky didn’t think twice about replying and before she knew it they were talking non-stop for over an hour. Tim had told her to come and visit on her own, so they could get to know each other better. He told her Susie rarely came to see him anymore, so she would never need to know. Vicky thought about her own boyfriend Blake. Tim was right, no one would ever know. With that in mind she typed back her reply telling him she would come and see him in prison.

  Vicky flicked the computer off and headed upstairs to bed. Her eyes were nearly closing as her head fell onto her double bed. With the shoes still on her feet she pulled the blankets over her and snuggled down to get some shut-eye. Life was worth living after all, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.


  Helen sat reading the white piece of paper in front of her over and over again, she looked a mess. Her mother was trying to console her but she was still upset. “Mam, what the fuck am I going to do? Why, are the benefits people coming to see me regarding some information they have received?”

  “Well someone must have grassed you up that’s all I can think of,” her mother huffed, “you just need to see it through and deny any accusations they throw at you.” Grabbing the letter from Helen’s hand she read it through again. “So it’s at two today they’re coming then?”

  Helen fidgeted about and looked white in the face. “Yeah fucking two o’clock. I’m shitting my knickers.” Her partner Mike came into the front room and Helen snarled at him. He looked like a beanpole compared to her “Aren’t you ready yet? You know the Social are coming soon. So you need to fuck off out of here before they see you.”

  Mike sighed. He was such an easy going guy and hated the life he was living with Helen. She was a control freak. “I’m going, fucking hell give me chance will you. You moaning twat.”

  Helen bolted up from her chair and ran at him. “If you was fucking working we wouldn’t be in this position would we, ya clampet?”

  Mike backed down from her straight away. He knew she wouldn’t think twice about punching his lights out. Grabbing his coat from the side of the sofa, he looked at his partner’s mother. “Right I’m off to the job centre.” He raised his eyes to the ceiling and left. The sound of the front door being slammed could be heard.

  Helen sank back into her chair and lit another cig. She’d been chain-smoking all morning. With her head in her hands, she shook it from side to side. “Have you got all his stuff out of the wardrobe and out of the house, because they’ll be looking for signs of a man living here, yanno. So get rid of everything?” Tim’s mother said.

  Helen panicked. “Fuck off mam, they won’t go that far will they.” Her mother rolled her eyes.

  “Well they did with my friend Chelsea. They checked everywhere in the bastard house, even the bathroom looking for razors and that.”

  Helen jerked up from the chair. “Oh, for crying out loud! Mam you better watch the kids while I go upstairs and cart all Mike’s stuff.” Helen’s two small children were lying on the floor watching the telly. “Go on then get a move on they’ll be here soon.” Helen went into the kitchen and came back with a roll of black bin liners. “Right I won’t be long,” she moaned as she left the room.

  Helen was like a woman possessed. Grabbing all Mike’s clothes from the wardrobe she sank them deep inside the black bag. He didn’t have a lot of stuff so it didn’t take her long. Heading into the bathroom she grabbed his razor from the sink. Her eyes scanned around the bathroom as she reached for the ‘Lynx’ deodorant on the side. Her body was sweating and two large wet patches appeared underneath her arms. She was a right sweaty bitch. Wiping her head with the side of her arm she carried on trying to locate any more signs that a man was living with her.

  Helen sat clock watching, she looked nervous as she chewed on her fingernails. Her mother had taken the kids out; she didn’t trust them mentioning their dad’s name in front of the fraud investigators. Peeping out of the window constantly Helen was stood smoking. She could see a blue car pulling up outside her house. Stubbing her cig out in the ashtray she ran for the air-freshener to spray about the living room. Taking deep breaths she looked like she was going to pass out. There was a knock on the front door.

  Helen slowly walked to the door. She could see the shadow of two people stood there. One looked like a man. Her fingers gripped the lock and she slowly opened it. Looking at the man and woman she tried to raise a smile. “Hello Helen Marshall, we have an appointment booked with you regarding your claim for benefit.”

  Helen nodded as she invited them both inside the house. Walking into the hallway the two fraud investigators were already looking all over the place. “Nosey twats,” Helen whispered.

  “Do you want a brew or owt?” Helen asked with an animated smile on her face. They both declined. The woman sat on the sofa and reached into her black briefcase. Helen plonked on the chair facing her and held her hands under her chin. “So why are you here?” Helen piped up. The woman introduced herself and her colleague.

  “Right Helen, my name is Carol Smith and my colleague is James Harrison. I’m just going to read something out to you before we start the interview. Is that alright?”

  Helen sighed. “Yes no worries.” James looked at her with a stern face, and she knew he was going to be hard work. Carol read out some legal documents and then once she was finished, she held her white writing pad in her hands and tapped her blue pen on her teeth.

  “Helen we have received a phone call reporting that you are living with your partner Mike Skerrit. You are claiming single parent benefit you know.”

  Helen was up in arms. She’d promised herself she would try not to lose control but it was too late, she’d lost the plot. “Am I fuck, living with anyone. Who’s said that?”

  Carol shook her head. “The person made the accusations anonymously, so we don’t have any names just the information they’ve given us.”

  Helen gritted her teeth. “Yeah that’s fucking typical. Do you know what? I’ve got fuck all. I could understand if I was rolling in money and all that, but honestly, I’ve got nowt. Not a pot to piss in to be exact.”

  Carol started to give her some of the information that they’d received. “Is Mike the father of your children?”

  Helen swallowed hard. Looking the woman straight in the face she answered her. “Yeah he is, but there is no way I’m having any kind of relationship with him. The man’s a tosser.”

  Carol looked at her workmate. “Is he registered as the father on your children’s birth certificates?”

  Helen hunched her shoulders and sat back in her
chair as she chuckled. “Course he is. He’s their dad.”

  Carol sat back and James, her workmate took over. He was champing at the bit and eager to get involved. “Well we have documents here that say Mike has his giro sent to this address.” He held a piece of paper up towards Helen.

  Licking her dry lips Helen looked agitated. “Yeah he does have his mail sent here. It’s just a postal address that’s all. And anyway, the guys a shirt-lifter.”

  Carol and John looked at each other in shock. “What do you mean Helen?”

  Helen held a mischievous grin on her face. Grabbing a cig from her packet she walked about the front room as she stood with her back to them looking out of the window. “Mike is gay. I caught him in bed with a man.”

  Coughing could be heard and James looked uncomfortable. Carol spoke again. “So if he’s gay how come you have children with him? Has he always been gay?”

  Helen turned slowly; she could see them hanging onto her every word. “No not always. It must have been something that has always been in him. I mean being gay doesn’t happen overnight, does it?”

  James scowled, he wasn’t having any of it and he knew she was lying. “Helen no matter if he’s gay or not. We’ve still had reports that’s he’s living here with you and your children.”

  Helen forced some tears from her eyes and hugged herself as she fell back into her chair. She could feel their eyes on her and played the part of the leading lady in her own show. Snivelling, she continued. “Do you know how much it hurts me to say that the man I loved is gay?” Carol was caught up in the moment and was edging to the side of her chair; she looked like she wanted to comfort the woman in front of her. Helen continued. “Mike was my everything, yanno? When I caught him in the arms of another man my world collapsed around me. I mean, come on.” Helen wiped the crocodile tears from her eyes. “You can compete with another woman can’t you, but another man. It’s a different ballgame.” Carol told Helen to take a minute to calm down before they carried on.


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