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Page 19

by Woods, Karen

  She snapped as she tried to reach his hands. Tim pushed her away as she pleaded with him. “I didn’t leave you to rot. I was sorting out all the shit for you on the out.” Her hands were all over the place now and she was dragging at her hair in desperation. “You left me to cope on my own Tim. It’s hard, yanno.” He yawned and stretched his arms over his head. She looked stressed as she stretched over the table towards him. “I want my old life back, and I want you back too.”

  Tim was gobsmacked. Blowing his breath he gritted his teeth together. Making sure no one could hear him he snarled at her. “What’s up? Has Ashley fucked you off now?”

  The colour drained from her face, she was stuttering. “What do you mean has Ashley fucked me off?” Tim realised what he’d said and backpedalled. There was no way he wanted her to know he knew about her sordid affair with his best mate.

  He calmed down and sipped at his brew. His fingers were tapping on the table. “I mean Ashley was helping you out wasn’t he, has he fucked you off now?” Susie looked relieved. She was off the hook. She didn’t have a clue he was onto her.

  “Yeah he’s a full time prick, a complete waste of space.” Tim’s eyes were all over the prison he wasn’t listening to a word she said. He was constantly scanning the area. A few lads were getting drops in today and he hoped the drugs got in without any problems. Seeing one inmate on a table not far from him he started to relax. The convict winked at Tim and nodded his head slowly, the drugs were in. At least now he could make a few quid when the parcel got back to the landing.

  Tim was one of the top suppliers in the jail now thanks to Jenkins, and everyone was up his arse. He was the main man on his wing. Sipping his coffee from a white plastic cup he looked at Susie in more detail. At that moment he knew he didn’t love her anymore. She was an evil self- centred bitch and he planned to hurt her, just like she’d hurt him.

  Susie pleaded with Tim throughout the visit but although he knew in his heart she was sorry, he was done with her. Vicky was his girl now and Susie was his past. Pulling Susie closer he whispered into her ear. “Right I need you bringing some parcels in here for me.”

  Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped. “What, me bring drugs in jail, are you being serious, I’ve already sorted it so Jenkins lets the drugs in here, so why do you need me involved?”

  Tim nodded. “I can’t afford to pay anyone anymore so it’s up to you to do it. I’m on my arse in here and need to make a crust.” He was lying through his teeth. Tim was raking the cash in and he was never short of anything. Everyone was his mate in the jail and he could get anything he wanted for a few bags of smack. Susie looked deflated, dropping her head onto her folded arms she rested there for a few seconds. Raising her head up, she shot a look at Tim.

  “Right I’ll do it.”

  Tim rubbed his palms together. He was right after all, Susie would do anything to earn a bit of money. She was playing right into his hands and he smiled back at her. Licking his teeth slowly he looked happy. “Good girl. We both can earn a bit of cash now can’t we?”

  Susie raised a struggled smile back at him. “Hopefully,” she said.

  The screw Jenkins was at the table. “Finish your visits now please,” he shouted in a loud firm voice. Patting Tim on his shoulder he walked to the next table.

  “No worries boss,” Tim replied as he walked by. Susie kept her eyes low and tried not to look at the officer. She was an evil bitch and she deserved everything that was coming to her.


  Susie stood on the corner of Rochdale Road. Once a passing car honked its horn at her she ran back to her car. Jumping in her vehicle she quickly pulled out of the car park. The male driver of the other car was pulling over with his hazard lights flashing at the side of the road. Driving next to it Susie made the driver aware she was ready for him to follow her. Both cars drove up Rochdale Road.

  Susie turned her music down and stared in her rear-view mirror. She could see Jenkins driving up her arse. He looked serious. Turning her music down, she headed up Charlestown Road and made her way to the park up there. Boggart Hole Clough would be deserted at this time of the night. It was an ideal place to carry out her business. Turning the heating on full she struggled to keep warm.

  As predicted the park was empty. The lighting was poor and nothing but one dimly lit street light, lit up the area. Susie pulled up and turned her engine off. Her chest was rising at speed and she looked nervous. The sound of a car door slamming could be heard. Twisting her head over the passenger seat she could see Jenkins approaching.

  Paul Jenkins was thirty- two years of age. He’s been a screw for over five years at Strangeways prison. He loved his job and his wife. The woman he was meeting was ruining his life and he wanted it to stop as soon as possible. His home life had been struggled during the last few months. He and his wife Julie had lost their son to cot death. She was suffering from depression at the moment and any sex with him was a million miles away from her mind. Visiting Delia’s was just a one- off for him. He was a man with needs and paying a brass for sex was so out of character for him. His mate James was the one to blame for his downfall and he regretted ever telling him he was going short of sex at home. Paul was just caught up in the moment and only agreed to sleep with a prostitute to look the big man in front of his mate.

  Jenkins looked angry as he dragged the car door open. Darting his eyes at Susie he looked like he was going to do her in there and then. Pulling the car door shut he turned to face Susie. You could tell he’d prepared a speech before he joined her. Paul was a good- looking man and if Susie wasn’t up shit- Street she would have seriously thought about shagging his brains out. Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel she waited for him to begin. Paul sniffed hard and banged his hand on the dashboard. “Right just tell me what you want from me, I can’t do this anymore. You’ve already had over two thousand pounds from me.”

  He looked stressed and he was close to tears. Susie smirked. Looking into her rear-view mirror she straightened her hair. “I don’t want any more money love…”

  “Thank fuck for that, because I haven’t got any.”

  Susie chuckled. Taking a deep breath she turned to face him. “I need to get some more parcels into the jail.”

  Paul shook his head. This was putting his job on the line and if he was caught he could end up in jail too. “Are you joking?”

  “Nope, I’m being deadly serious.”

  Paul dropped his head into his hands. “This is my life you’re messing about with, you stupid bitch.” He stretched his body over to her and yanked at her clothes. Pulling her closer he screamed into her face. “You’re a grabbing bitch. You’re ruining my life. I have a wife you know.”

  Susie yanked herself from his grip and pushed him away. “You should have thought about that before you started paying for sex.”

  Tears filled Paul’s eyes as he punched his fist onto the dashboard. Gritting his teeth he turned his head to her. Quickly checking the area he grabbed her by the throat and started to squeeze it hard. Susie was struggling to breathe and her legs were kicking hard under the steering wheel. His warm breath was on her face. “See that’s how easy it is to do you in. Nobody would miss you. I could take you over to the bushes and leave your sorry arse to rot.” He scanned the area for signs of life. He was definitely thinking of killing her. Suddenly his face changed and he fell back onto his seat. His hands were shaking. Lifting them up to his eyes he screamed out. “Look what you have made me. I’m not a violent man, but you’re making me do this.”

  Susie gasped for breath. Opening the door she fell forward and started vomiting. Paul jumped out of the car and ran to her side. As she spewed up he rubbed her back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he moaned.

  Susie was taking in deep breaths and panting like a dog. Once she’d recovered she jumped back in the car. Holding her neck she looked at Jenkins at the side of her. “Get back in the car, prick.”

  Paul trudged back to the othe
r side of the car. Jumping back in, he stared at her. “Right I’ll sort it. But I want the photos you took, this ends here, do you hear me, this is the last time.”

  Susie was still trying to find her breath. Coughing loudly she nodded. “Once I get a few parcels inside the nick, then you can have the photographs.”

  “Listen, you conniving bitch. You can do the drops but I want the pictures before I sort anything out. I mean, how do I know I can trust you.”

  Susie giggled as she pressed the button to open the window. “You can trust me mate. Do I look like someone who would have you over?”

  Paul reached in his jacket pocket. Grabbing a cigarette he searched for his lighter. Flicking it, he stuck his head down towards the flame and sucked his cheeks in. His mouth blew the smoke into Susie’s eyes. Wafting her hands she choked. Everything was making her feel sick these days and if this was what it was like to be pregnant she wanted the baby out of her as soon as possible.

  “Right I’m gonna be in the jail over the next few months,” Susie continued, “I just need to do a few drops then all of this nightmare will be over for you. I need you to watch my back and tell me the best days to come and where to sit.”

  Paul huffed and blew a struggled breath. After a few minutes he agreed. Gripping the handle to open the car door he turned his head to her before he left. “I want those photos. If you think for one minute you can blackmail me forever, think again. Because if this doesn’t stop soon. I’ll do you in. Do you hear me? I’ll kill you.”

  Susie smiled at him. Inside she was shitting her knickers but she had to keep a straight face. “I’ve told you Paul, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” He was gone. Susie was panting. Rubbing her neck she clicked the central locking. Jenkins was a mad man and she knew she’d pushed him too far this time. Watching him pull away from the car park she turned her engine on. Susie’s face was on fire and she had to open the car window. Driving along the cold night air blew onto her face.

  Susie drove down Moston Lane and the aroma of the takeaways filtered into the car. She’d not eaten a scrap all day. Pulling over at Pizza Lane she grabbed her handbag from the back seat. Heading inside she scanned the menu and licked her lips. There were a few people in the shop and she didn’t notice Tim’s sister Helen sat on the chair in the corner of the shop. Susie walked to the counter and waited for the Asian man to come and take her order. Leaning on the counter she tapped her nails on the surface. Once the bearded Asian stood in front of her, she reeled off her hearts desires. “Can I have a Doner kebab in a Nan bread with chilli sauce on it, and one lot of chips please.”

  The man was writing her request on a small piece of white paper in front of him. “Is that it,” he asked.

  Susie cast her eyes on the large menu board. “Nope, can I have a portion of onion bhajis and a can of Coke as well please?” The assistant left her side and shouted in a foreign language to his co-worker. Susie backed away from the counter and stood at the back wall of the shop.

  “You’ll end up like me if you carry on eating like that!”

  Susie twisted her head to look for the familiar voice. Once she saw Helen she smirked. Helen wasn’t that bad she thought and after all she needed cheering up. She plodded over to her. “See, you’re still on the eat all you can diet.”

  Helen held her belly as she chuckled. “Yep you know me. I can’t be arsed with all that dieting anyway. I’m fat and that’s the end of it. Why should I be hungry and sad all the fucking time?”

  The two men at the side of them giggled. One of them agreed with Helen and patted the middle of her arm. “That’s right, cock. You eat what ya want. Fuck all them skinny cows, us men love a woman who has a bit of meat on them, don’t we Eddie?”

  His mate was laughing out loud as he answered him. “Correct mate. You don’t look at the mantelpiece when ya poking the fire.” The two men were pissed out of their heads and they were both swaying about as they waited for their food. Helen had a bit of banter with them and they finally left the shop carrying their food.

  Helen leant forward and rested her elbows on her knees. With a gasping breath she spoke. “So what’s new with you?”

  Susie now dropped her handbag on the floor. “Nowt really, just a bit pissed off lately that’s all.”

  Helen looked shocked. “What do you have to be pissed off about Lady Muck, you have everything. It’s me who should be fed up. I mean, no job, crying kids. Do I need to go on?” Lifting her eyes to the ceiling she sat back in her chair. “Come on then tell me what’s up?” Susie was cagey at first but after a few minutes she filled her in about the trouble at Delia’s. “Fucking hell,” Helen gasped. She knew exactly what had gone on but acted like she didn’t have a clue. “So Tim has had you flung out of there for good?”

  Helen tried to hide a smirk as she asked more questions. “Yep Tim has carted me. I went to see him today though, so hopefully I’ll be back in his circle of trust pretty soon.”

  Helen cupped her hands together and rested them under her chin. “So how are you doing for money then? I mean you won’t have any cash coming in now will you?”

  Susie tapped the side of her nose and giggled. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, so hopefully I’ll be back on track pretty soon.” Helen screwed her face up; you could tell she hated the thought of Susie getting back on her feet. Susie’s order was ready.

  The assistant placed a brown paper bag on the counter and read out the order. Standing to her feet Susie went and paid for her food. Helen’s order was ready now too and she stood at the side of Susie patting her stomach. “Oh I’m gonna enjoy this scran, I’m starving,” she chuckled. Once they’d both paid they walked outside together into the night air. There was silence for a minute and they both looked uncomfortable. “Any chance of a lift home, or what?” Helen said finally.

  “Fucking hell, some things never change do they? Come on then, jump in.” Susie sighed. Helen held onto her food for dear life as she opened the passenger door. Susie placed her food neatly on the back seat and joined her in the front. Helen had made a hole in her wrapper and was pulling out long pieces of meat through the gap she’d made in the paper.

  “Just wait until you get in, you starver.” Helen ignored her and carried on stuffing her face.

  The roads were quiet; the only sound you could hear was Helen munching on her food. Susie headed to drop Helen off. Sat waiting at the traffic lights she spoke to her. “Why don’t you come on a visit to see Tim? I bet he would love to see you.”

  Helen nearly choked. Spluttering, she stuttered her words. “Yeah I would love to see our kid. Just give me a shout when you’re going and I’ll sort the kids out with a babysitter.” Helen was buzzing, she sat nodding her head. “I’ve not been to see anyone in nick for years,” her eyes shot over to Susie who was driving. “Ay, I could have got slammed when the benefits were on my case. Good job I got off with it innit, otherwise you might have been visiting me too,” she cackled but she was still watching Susie’s face to see if she showed any sign of being the snitch. Susie completely ignored her; she looked like she was thinking.

  Pulling up outside Helen’s house she could see every light on inside it. Helen blew her breath as she grabbed her food from the floor. “Fucking hell, it’s like Blackpool illuminations in there. Why do they need every fucking light on in the house?”

  Susie giggled. “I bet your electric bills are sky-high?”

  Helen nodded and leant closer to her. “We have it on the fiddle, even the gas too. Fuck that, I couldn’t afford to pay them big bills.”

  Susie shook her head in disbelief. This woman didn’t have an ounce of shame. “If you want, I can rig yours up too. It won’t take me long,” Helen offered.

  “No you’re alright,” Susie replied.

  “Well if you ever change your mind, just give me a shout. I’ve done loads of people’s on the estate. I only charge fifty quid.”

  Susie knew Helen would sell her own mother to earn a few quid. “Right I
’m gonna get off. I’ll be in touch about the visit as soon as you’ve booked it. Is that okay?” she said as she lumbered out of the car clutching her food.

  “Yep, no worries.” Susie giggled to herself as she saw Helen yanking her trackie bottoms up as she walked away. You could almost see the cheeks of her arse. “Fucking skank,” Susie said.


  Days passed and Vicky was doing everything she could to get by. As she in lay in bed with her son, her face looked tired. Her eyes seemed heavy and the amount of cigs she was now smoking was visible on her face.

  Declan was lying beside his mother in bed. He was kicking his legs up and down and pulling the blankets from her body as the morning light streamed in through the window. “Stop it ya little nob-head,” Vicky growled at him. Turning over to face the wall he was still jumping all over her body. “For fuck sake, if you jump on me one more time, you can get in your own bed.” The child was still bouncing about and her face went red with anger, she was losing her patience. Jumping up from the mattress she dragged him by the scruff of the neck. He was moaning and trying to fight her off. “Don’t you ever listen to a word I say?” she screamed.

  Vicky was carrying him back into his bedroom now. “Bitch, bastard,” he yelled at the top of his voice. Throwing him onto his bed by one and arm and leg she turned and walked out of the room. One of his toys just missed her head as she slammed the door shut behind her.

  Vicky was at her wits end. She hadn’t been getting much sleep lately. Tim was always on the phone until late and last night was no different, she didn’t get asleep until three in the morning. Tim had told her about his visit with Susie and she was unsure of how to feel anymore about their relationship. He’d told her point-blank that he and Susie were more than over but she had a gut feeling he was lying to her. All he seemed to do these days was to ask her to talk dirty down the phone to him. She didn’t mind it at first but it was boring her now. Vicky was all about earning some decent cash and tried to put her feelings for Tim to the back of her mind.


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