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Page 22

by Woods, Karen

  Tim looked through his collection of photographs. Holding one of Susie to his face he gritted his teeth together. “Now it’s your turn bitch.” Laughter filled the room and he looked menacing. His fingers scraped at the snapshot and he flicked at Susie’s face with the end of his finger. Tossing it on the floor he turned the radio on and tuned in for the late night love hour. Tim snuggled down under his sheets and his eyes lay staring into space as he listened to the love songs being played on the radio station. Nodding his head slowly you could see his feet tapping to the beat of the song. His eyes were closing.


  Vicky zipped her coat up as she pulled the curtain back to look out of the window. The wind looked fierce and she was dreading going out into the cold weather. “It looks fucking freezing out there,” she moaned.

  Blake was by her side drooling all over her. He draped his hand over her shoulder as he pulled her in towards his chest. “You and me baby. Once we get that cash, we’re off from this shit-hole and starting our new life.”

  Declan ran to his side and he yanked him up by one arm pulling him up, Vicky smiled. This was all she ever wanted. Looking at her son’s smiling face she knew she’d made the right decision, she pulled away from Blake. “Right I’m going. Joan said she’ll be at the brass gaff to meet me at two o’clock, so I’d better move my arse.”

  Blake watched her with cunning eyes. His lips met hers one more time and he looked so in love with her. “Yeah, hurry up, don’t leave us on our jacks for hours, I’ll miss you too much,” he chuckled at her with endearing eyes.

  Vicky hugged him quickly and made her way to the front door. “See you later,” she shouted as she pulled her hood up over her head

  The wind gripped her body and she was struggling to walk out from the street at first. Her head was dipped low and you could only see her eyes peering out from her hood. Vicky walked at speed and finally reached the bus-stop. Placing her hand inside her pocket she found her money for the fare. The bus was approaching. Vicky had a smile on her face.

  Sitting on the crowded bus she gawped about at all the different characters sat near her. Pulling her hood down her face looked hot. With one hand she straightened her hair and tried to look half decent. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled deeply. The man in front of her stank of stale cheese. Shaking her head she looked out of the window. “Fucking scruff,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Joan was sat smoking in the reception when Vicky walked in, she looked flustered. “Hiya love, I won’t be a minute,” she moaned. Joan looked off her head again. Her eyes were dancing about and her words were slurred. Joan stood to her feet and left Vicky alone for a minute. Tim had arranged for some cash to be dropped off there for her. She was expecting over six grand in total. Rubbing her arms she felt cold. Plonking herself down on the sofa she could hear Joan having a coughing fit in the distance. She sounded as if she was on her last legs. Standing to her feet she trudged towards the door. With a hard tug she pulled it open. Joan’s face was white and she was struggling for breath. Vicky quickened her step and stood at the side of her.

  “Fuck me Joan, you need to go to the doctor’s with that cough, you sound as if you’re dying,” Vicky said, patting her back with a flat palm. Loud coughing could be heard and Vicky led her to the chair at the side of them so she could rest. Vicky looked concerned. “Park ya arse there love, I’ll go and get you a drink of water.”

  Joan reached for her hand and looked at her with desperate eyes, regaining her breath she spoke. “Orr love, go down to my office and get my vodka that will sort me out, it always does.”

  Vicky sighed and blew a laboured breath. “What are you like you, Joan? You’re gonna end up dead, if ya carry on.” Joan was having another coughing fit and she just waved her hand out at Vicky for her to leave her.

  The office was a mess. It stank of cat piss. Vicky cast her eyes to the table and could see the half a bottle of vodka. Reaching down to the table for it, her eyes caught sight of a wad of cash nearby. Vicky froze for a minute. Slowly walking towards it she checked nobody was about. Her fingers stroked the money slowly. There was a piece of paper stuck on top of it with numbers written on it. The money was the monthly takings from Delia’s, she was sure of it. Four thousand pound it said on the yellow piece of paper stuck on the top of it. Without thinking any further she rammed the money into her coat pocket. She looked white as she fidgeted about trying to conceal the cash. Gripping the neck of the vodka she quickly turned around and went back to Joan.

  Joan was sat on the chair with her head dipped between her legs. Vicky came into view on the corridor. Joan heard her footsteps and lifted her head up. “Oh thank fuck for that love, give it here while I have a quick mouthful.” Vicky passed her the alcohol. Her hand was shaking as she tried to get the top off it. Licking her lips frantically she finally unscrewed the bottle. Joan gulped at it as if her life depended on it. She’d drunk at least half of it before she came up for breath. Taking a few minutes to steady herself she looked at Vicky. “I needed that, yanno. Whenever I start coughing like this,” she held her throat with one hand. “This shit sorts me right out.”

  Holding the bottle towards Vicky, she offered her a swig. Vicky shook her head. “Nar I have to hurry up,” she lied. Joan’s breathing returned to normal, she was right; the vodka did sort her out. Standing to her feet Vicky walked with her back to the reception. “Have you got that money from Tim,” Vicky asked in a low voice. You could see her hand in her pocket and she was constantly feeling the stolen money. “Yeah, just bare with me a minute and I’ll sort it out for you,” Joan mumbled.

  Joan went behind the reception desk and dipped down, she was out of sight. Pulling out an old box, she dug deep inside it. With a smile across her face she sighed as she lifted her head back up. “I’ve put it in here as a hideaway. You never know, anyone could run in this place and try to have us over, that’s why I always stash the money away from prying eyes.” Joan pulled out a brown envelope. It looked full. Vicky held her hand out for the package, but Joan was still waffling on about when she had to fight off two men who came into the gaff demanding money.

  Vicky coughed and swung her body about nervously. “Joan I have to get going.” Joan huffed and passed the money over to her. With a quick goodbye Vicky was halfway down the stairs before she could get another word in. She shoved the envelope inside the front of her jeans and was holding onto it for dear life.

  Blake sat watching the clock; Declan was doing his head in at the side of him. His face looked stressed as he tapped his fingers on the kitchen table. “Come on Vicky, where the fuck are ya? How long does it take you to pick up a bit of fucking money?” he mumbled. Declan was pulling at his sleeve trying to drag him from his chair. He snapped at him, “Will you fuck off, you little cunt,” he snarled. Declan knew he meant business and slowly melted into the background. Blake picked up the blue pen from the table and carried on writing his letter. He was guarding the words he was writing with his life. Once he’d finished writing it, he shoved the piece of paper into a white envelope and tucked it inside his pocket. He smirked as he patted the paper down.

  Vicky neared home. Her cheeks were red and she was sweating. Once she saw her house in the distance she picked up speed and started to jog. She could see a face at the kitchen window; she waved her hands in the air. Blake was stood at the front door with his hands tucked down the front of his tracksuit- bottoms looking anxious. He shouted to her as she walked towards him. “Hurry up slug, fucking hell; I’ve been worried out of my mind. Did you get it?” Blake’s eyes were all over her like a rash as he licked his lips. Vicky nodded her head; he dragged her inside the house by her arm.

  Stood in the hall way Blake bounced about. “Let me see it, let me see it,” he said in a stressed voice. Vicky peeled her coat from her shoulders and threw it over the banister. “Hold your fucking horses,” she chuckled. Marching into the front room Blake and Declan followed her inside like two ducklings. Her hands dipped in
side her jeans. Pulling out an envelope she held it out in front of her with a great big smile spread right across her face. “There you go, that’s our future Blake,” his eyes shot straight to the money. Reaching over he hugged her and made sure he got his hands on the cash. The two of them stood kissing passionately in the front room. Holding her face in his hands he squeezed her cheeks together. “Well done Vicky, it’s just what we needed.”

  She pulled her head back from him as she broke free. “Hold on, that’s not it,” his face looked surprised.

  “What do ya mean, it’s not it?” her hands slid back into her jeans.

  “There’s another four grand in there, I had the takings away as well.”

  Blake’s eyes danced about with excitement as he rubbed his hands together. “Fuck off, no way, did ya?”

  Vicky looked proud. “I sure did, it was just there staring at me, so I thought fuck it.”

  Blake was pacing the front room, nodding his head; he made his way to the sofa. “Give me a cig Vicky, my nerves are shattered.”

  “Yours are, I’m fucking shitting myself,” she giggled as she came and sat by his side. Her face looked concerned as she spoke.

  “Once Joan clocks the money missing, she’ll be on the war path for me, she’ll know it’s me straightaway, I can just feel it.”

  They both lit a cig each, inhaling deeply Blake spoke. “Right, let’s get things moving. Give me the cash and I’ll go and get us a runner. We don’t need out flash do we? Just something for about six ton, we need a car don’t we?”

  Vicky nodded her head. “Yeah, you go and buy a car and I’ll start packing our stuff up.” Gathering all the money together she passed it to him. “Blake we’re gonna be alright aren’t we?” she whispered as her eyes watched Declan playing with his car at the side of her. Blake coughed loudly as he stood to his feet. “Yeah, yeah course we are, I’m gonna get off now, and sort us some wheels out.”

  Vicky smiled. “Right get going then, the sooner you’re gone, the sooner you’ll be back, and then we can get out of this depressing place.” Blake grabbed his coat from the side. He paused for a minute and stood frozen. Turning back towards them both, he leant down and kissed Declan. “I love you son,” he whispered. He was gone.

  Vicky sat tapping her fingers on her teeth. After another cig, she jumped up from her seat and headed into the kitchen. Bending down she searched under the sink. Grabbing some black bags she shouted out to Declan. “Come on son, I’m going upstairs, we need to start packing our stuff up.” He followed her, and they both went up the stairs together.

  Vicky was like a mad woman, as she opened the wardrobe doors and started scooping piles of clothing into bin-liners. She did the same with all the drawers. The sound of her mobile phone ringing could be heard. Digging her hands deep inside her jeans pocket she struggled to pull it out. Her face looked distraught, it was Tim again. He’d not stopped ringing her all day. Holding the phone tightly in her grip she sighed. It stopped ringing now and she threw it onto the bed. “Right Declan, I need you to help mummy. Go in your bedroom and get all the toys you want to take to our new house.” She passed him a black bag.

  Declan started stamping his feet, he was having a strop. “I don’t want to go to a new house, I want to stay here.”

  Walking to his side she bent her legs down and was at eye level with him. She spoke in an animated voice. “Declan we’re going to a better place and you’ll love it.”

  The child fell to the floor and started rolling about. “No I’m staying here,” he bawled.

  Blake walked up Rochdale Road. His arms were swinging at the side of him. Seeing a post box not far from him, he sat on a nearby wall. Grabbing a pen from his coat he pulled out the white envelope from his back pocket. Once he’d scrawled the address on the letter he jogged to the red postbox. His hands held the letter for the last time; he held a cunning look in his eyes. The envelope disappeared inside the box and he carried on walking to his destination. Pulling his mobile phone from his jacket he dialled a number. Holding the phone to his ear he was waiting for someone to answer. “Yo Conrad, its Blake, what’s happening bro?” he was laughing out loud. “Yeah mate wait there, I’m on my way. I’ve had a good earner so get ya partying clothes on.”

  Vicky sat with piles of black bags next to her, they were scattered all about the living room. She kept looking at the clock on the wall and looking out of the kitchen window. There was no sign of her boyfriend, he’d been gone ages. She tried ringing his phone, but it just kept going to voicemail. Lighting a cig up, she stared at the TV. Smoke filled the room and she waved her hand in front of her face to try and see clearly. Declan was munching some crisps at the side of her and he was restless, his body was moving about all the time. He was bugging her, “Keep fucking still,” she snapped.

  “I wanna go out,” he yelled.

  Pulling his body from hers she answered him. “We will soon, we’re just waiting for your dad to come back, and then we can go to McDonald’s for something to eat.”

  Declan was cheering, jumping about on a chair. “I wanna go now, I wanna go now,” he screamed out. Vicky gasped her breath and tried to console him, he was doing her head in and she was losing patience.

  Night time fell and there was still no sign of Blake. Declan had fallen asleep ages ago and Vicky decided to put him in bed. Smoking another cig, she stood at the front door and pulled it open. The night air was cold and she was shivering. Her eyes scanned the area looking for her boyfriend. Vicky stood on her tiptoes to see if she could see him in the distance, he was nowhere in sight. “Where the fuck are you?” she moaned under her breath. Turning around, she trudged back inside the house. Lying on the sofa she dragged her coat over her body, she looked perished. Her eyes looked tired and she was struggling to stay awake. After hours of staring into space, Vicky finally fell asleep.

  Vicky opened her eyes, it was morning time. The telly was still on and she realised she’d been asleep. The sound of the letterbox being flicked up and down made her jump up from the sofa. She thought it was Blake returning. Running into the hallway she could see two letters on the floor. Opening the door, she glanced outside and could see the postman walking away with his bag held over his shoulder. Bending down she picked up the two letters. Heading back to the front room she reached for her phone and tried Blake’s number again. She looked worried; the call was going to voice mail again.

  Declan could be heard shouting from upstairs. “Mummy can I have some Coco pops for my breakfast.”

  “Yeah, come down here then.” She could hear his footsteps coming down the stairs, he was singing.

  Declan sat on the floor with his bowl of cereal. They were dropping all over the floor and Vicky was shouting at him. “Scruffy twat,” she moaned as she picked up the mess from the carpet. Once he was sorted out she plonked her body back on the sofa, she looked deflated. Seeing the two letters nearby, her hands reached over and grabbed at them. The first one looked like a bill; she flung it to one side. A white envelope now stared back at her, her face frowned as she recognised the handwriting on the front of it. The writing was Blake’s, she was sure of it. Her fingers quickly ripped the letter open she looked distraught as she sat reading. Every word she read was like a knife being twisted deep inside her heart.

  Yo Vicky,

  Hope you slept well? Did you really think I was gonna have you back after you cheated on me? Get a grip ya daft slag. I wouldn’t touch you with a bargepole now. The money is ... let’s call it disturbance money for all the sleepless nights you caused me when I was lying in my prison cell. I hope you get everything you deserve and people see you for the cheap little slut you really are. Goodbye Sucker, I wish you nothing but bad luck, you’re a life wrecking bitch,


  Vicky dropped the letter from her hands and her mouth was wide open. “No,” she screamed. She bolted up from her chair and was punching her fists into the wall. With the last blow she fell to her knees and curled up like an injured animal.
Declan was at his mother’s side, he looked scared. Sitting next to her he just scraped his fingers into the carpet and looked about the room.

  Vicky remained lay in the same spot for over an hour. Turning her body over you could see the tears she’d cried. Her face looked swelled and pieces of hair were stuck across her forehead. Sitting up, she brought her knees up to her chest and rocked about in the same position. Shaking her head from side to side, she sobbed.

  A loud banging noise could be heard. Jumping to her feet she ran to grab Declan in her grip. The living room door swung open and she could see Joan stood there with two stocky looking men. Joan growled at her. “You know why I’m here don’t you, you cheeky bitch.”

  Vicky cowered in the corner and held her son close to her body. “Joan please, my son’s here, he’s scared, please.”

  Joan walked to where she stood and yanked the screaming child from her grip. Declan was punching and kicking her but it made no odds. Joan passed him to one of the men at the side of her. “Sort that crying cunt out will you, while I deal with this thieving fucker.” The man obeyed her orders and dragged Declan out from the room. Joan pounced on Vicky like a preying lioness.

  A piercing scream could be heard, Vicky was curled up in a ball on the floor, pleading for her life. Joan’s face was on fire. Her hand went into her pocket and a small silver blade could be seen. Gripping it tightly in her hand she swiped it across Vicky’s face with one quick movement. “You won’t rob from me again in a hurry, you low life slut.” Blood surged from Vicky’s face and she was yelling at the top of her voice for help, no one came.

  Joan ragged Vicky by her hair. “Where’s my fucking money,” she growled into her face with her teeth gritted, Vicky remained silent. “Don’t make me ask you again.” Vicky knew she was in danger, and pleaded with her. “Joan please, it was Blake who made me do it. I don’t have the money, he’s got off with it and the money Tim gave me too. Read the letter over there, if you don’t believe me.”


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