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Visitors Page 25

by Woods, Karen

  The reception was quiet as she pushed the door slowly open. Joan waited for her with one hand placed firmly on her hip. Walking inside she quickly grabbed her face in her hands, as she chuckled loudly. “It’s healing nicely innit?” Vicky didn’t reply. Joan looked proud as she examined every inch of the wound. She felt no remorse for her actions and held a cunning look in her eyes. Joan gritted her teeth as she spoke. “That’s what you get when you think you can have me over, darling; let that be a lesson to you.” Vicky stood with her head held low; she was afraid. The sound of the side door opening could be heard.

  Pippa came to join them, her eyes shot at Vicky as she looked her up and down with a cocky look on her face. Clearing her throat she pointed a finger into Vicky’s face. “My, how the mighty have fallen, I knew from the first minute I set my eyes on you, you were a wrong ‘un,” she turned her head to Joan. “Didn’t I tell you Joan? I could feel it in my waters?”

  Joan nodded and snarled at Vicky. “You sure did love, she’s a cunning little slapper this one is. We’ll have to keep a close eye on her.”

  Pippa laughed out loud and spoke, “Right, show her the room where’s she’s gonna be working, she can start with next punter who comes through the door.” Joan told Vicky to follow her and started walking towards the corridor. Pippa sat down and lit up a cig, she was watching every movement Vicky made, she didn’t trust her one little bit.

  The room was dimly lit and nothing but a small lamp in the corner of the room gave off any light. A double bed sat in the middle of the room, with black silk sheets spread across it. There was a smell on the bedding that could only be described as wet dog. A few mirrors were on the wall behind the headboard. Vicky quickly turned her head from them, she couldn’t stand looking at herself and the person she’d become. Joan’s voice was calm and low; she reached for Vicky’s hand and told her to sit down on the bed next to her. Once they were both seated Joan shook her head as she watched the nervous kid in front of her. She knew exactly how she felt and remembered the first time she’d sold her body, she gasped.

  “This is all your own fault, yanno? I mean that money wasn’t mine; Tim would have dealt with me if I didn’t sort it out for him. You’re lucky the lads didn’t come looking for you, because believe me honey,” she blew a hard breath and shook her head before she continued, “you would have had more than a little scratch on your face, darling. They would have raped you, shaved your hair off, you name it, and the sick twats would have done it to you, so count yourself lucky.”

  Joan dug deep inside her pocket and pulled out a spliff. Passing it to Vicky she stood to her feet. “Here, smoke some of that, once you’re off ya head you won’t give a fuck who you’re shagging. It’s a job that’s all, don’t let it get to you, because you’re gonna be here for a long, long time, to pay off what you owe. Do you hear me?” Vicky looked close to tears and her lips were trembling. Joan paused and she looked ready to throw her arms around the girl but hesitated, she headed to the door shaking her head. “Fucking life is a bitch, and then you die,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Vicky watched the door close, she was alone now. Lighting the spliff, she sank back into the stale smelling mattress. Smoke circled over her head and you could see her eyes slowly closing. Her body seemed to be melting into the bed. Once she’d smoked the weed she dragged herself up and looked about. Dragging her coat from her body she threw it on a nearby chair. Her eyes looked glazed over, as she sat staring at the door waiting for someone to come in. She could hear someone outside the room and looked anxious. Chewing on her fingernails she watched the silver door handle slowly move down. Pippa was stood there with a middle-aged man at her side. The smirk on her face told Vicky she loved every minute of her pain. Stepping inside the room she escorted the punter inside. “This is Vicky; she’s going to entertain you tonight.” Pippa stood for a moment and watched the man sit on the edge of the bed. Holding her head back Pippa chuckled as she left the room. “Bitch,” Vicky growled.

  The punter sat looking at Vicky; he held a seedy look in his eyes as he slid his discoloured tongue over his lips. Moving closer to her he stroked his fat fingers across her neck, he stank of sweat. “You’re new here, aren’t you?” Vicky nodded as he continued. “I thought you were, because I’m a regular and I’ve never seen you before.” Standing to his feet he rolled his nylon pants down over his knees, he kicked them off his legs to the side of the room. The man left his shirt on and his black socks and climbed onto the top of the bed. Looping his hands behind his head he smiled at Vicky. “Come on love, get up here next to me, I don’t bite.” He patted the bed next to him. Vicky looked like she was struggling to breathe as she stood to her feet. Swaying to the top of the bed she plonked down next to the punter. His hands gripped her tiny waist as he helped her onto the bed. “Get ya mouth round that love, I won’t take long, I never do.” He chuckled and grabbed her head in his hands pushing it down towards his crotch.

  Vicky could see his manhood and cringed as she grabbed it in both her hands. She could already hear groans from the top of the bed and knew the man was going to be shooting his load within minutes. His penis was small and fat and looked like a coiled worm. Licking her lips she sank his penis deep into her mouth. The man started jerking his arse up and down and at one point he was nearly choking her. “Swallow it all ya dirty bitch,” she heard him saying from the top of the bed. Turning her head to the side she could see his face. The man looked like he was going to burst; he looked like a pig in a fit. His face was bright red and he looked like he was in pain. More moans could be heard and Vicky slid her mouth as fast as she could around his erect member. “Yes, yes,” he groaned. Vicky pulled her mouth away from him just in time; she could see him ejaculating. His toes were curling and she knew within seconds her ordeal would be over.

  “Thank fuck for that,” he groaned. She snarled as her face screwed up.

  Vicky watched her first punter grab his pants from the floor. She was watching him like a hawk as he started to put them on. Fastening his belt he turned his head to face her with a smile spread across his face. “The girls call me a jerk and a squirt you know. I’ve always been the same, I just can’t control it.”

  Vicky was wiping her mouth on her sleeve and just wanted him to leave. “No worries,” she said.

  The man focused on her face. “You don’t talk a lot do you?”

  Vicky shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “Nar, I’m new to this game, and it’s just a bit stressful that’s all.” The man walked to her side and his eyes were fixed on the scar on her face. Slowly he raised his hand and stroked his fingers slowly across her cheek. Vicky pulled her head away from him and looked shocked. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  The man backed off and looked at her as he shook his head. “I’m only showing that I care love, that looks sore. It’s obvious you’ve had some trouble in your life and I’m just letting you know I care.”

  Vicky walked to the door and yanked it open. Stood looking at him she spoke in a sarcastic tone. “Listen I’m here to do a job, I don’t need a fucking counselling service.” The man sighed as he grabbed his coat, he looked angry. “ You’re a nasty little bitch you are, tell you what, if you carry on like this, no one will want to come and see you, so take a bit of advice, stop it with the attitude.” Vicky dipped her head as she watched him leave. Once he was gone she rubbed at her mouth with her sleeve and slid her clothing over her tongue. She ran to the small sink and spewed her ring up.

  The night went on more or less the same; all in all Vicky had four more punters. Each of them had wanted full blown sex and by the look on her face she was desperate to get home and out of this place. Pippa and Joan walked into the room after the last man had left. Joan was stood watching Vicky and nudged Pippa in the waist. “She did alright, didn’t she?”

  Pippa snarled and shot her eyes over to Vicky. “Yeah she done okay, we might make a woman of her yet.”

  The sound of laughter filled the room.
Vicky grabbed her coat from the side and walked to where they both were stood. “Right I’m off home now, is that okay with you two?” her voice was sarcastic as she raised her eyes at them both.

  Pippa snapped at her, “Ay, you cocky bitch, we’re doing you a favour letting you work here, if it wasn’t for us you’d be lying in some ditch somewhere half dead.”

  Vicky gritted her teeth, she was ready to explode and you could see the anger on her face. Pippa could see Vicky’s fist clenching at the side of her and stepped in towards her face. “Do you want to say something love?”

  Vicky backed off; she knew Pippa would rip her in two in an instant. “No I’m just tired that’s all. I just wanna go home.”

  “I thought so,” Pippa scowled.

  Joan could see Pippa was ready to bang the girl out, and tried to diffuse the situation. “Right ladies, come on now; we’ve all had a long night. See you tomorrow Vicky.” Joan opened the door and waved her past with her hand. “Get some sleep love, the worst is over now, it only gets better.”

  Vicky walked past her towards the exit. She could feel Pippa’s eyes on her and knew she would have to watch her back in the future. “Goodnight,” Vicky shouted as she left the brothel. Vicky was shivering as the midnight air gripped her body. Pulling her coat tightly around her she lit a cigarette. Her face looked distressed and a single tear fell down her face. “Bastards, dirty load of bastards,” she sobbed all the way home.


  Time passed and Susie and Helen had been found guilty of the crimes they’d committed. Susie sat anxiously in the courtroom waiting for sentence to be passed. Helen was at the side of her and the two of them were eager to hear what the judge had to say. Helen’s family were in the courtroom and her mother kept looking at her daughter and shaking her head. Not one member of Susie’s family came to the courtroom to show any support for her. They all said she could rot in jail for all they cared. Susie had always been a bitch with her family and wouldn’t give them the time of day. She made out she was better than them and always made them feel like the scum of the earth. Today she looked sad and lonely.

  The judge returned to the courtroom and everyone stood to their feet. As Susie stood from her chair you could see the bottom part of her stomach sticking out from underneath her clothing. Nobody knew she was pregnant yet and she was still hoping that she would be a free woman and be able to sort it out. Susie looked tired; her eyes had dark circles underneath them through lack of sleep. Helen looked like a different woman, the weight had fallen from her, and she must have lost at least two stones. The two women sat back down and the courtroom became silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

  Susie’s barrister summed up her case and hoped he’d done enough to keep her out of prison. He’d told Susie millions of times to expect jail but he knew she was still hoping to walk free. As he finished talking he pleaded with Judge Merdock one last time to be lenient with his client. Susie sat on the edge of her seat as she listened to Helen’s barrister speak on her behalf. Helen was nudging Susie in the waist all the time and whispering into her ear. “He seems a right cunt, look at his serious face, we’re definitely getting slammed.”

  “Will you shut the fuck up, Grim Reaper,” Susie snapped, “and let me listen to what he’s saying.” Helen sighed and sat forward in her seat. Her head was resting into her hands and she was hanging onto every word her barrister said. Susie looked frozen and white with fear. The judge now had all he needed to sentence the two women in front of him.

  Susie was asked to stand to her feet. The judge peered over his thick lens glasses as he spoke to her. Her hands were gripping a nearby chair and her knuckles were turning white, you could see her legs shaking as she tried to remain calm. The judge spoke about the crime she’d committed and heard the whispering from the public gallery. Turning his head to the usher he made sure that silence was maintained before he gave out any sentences. Susie’s lips looked dry and cracked as she slowly slid her tongue over them. All eyes were on her now and she could feel her heart beating in her ears. Holding one hand to her chest she tried to calm her breathing down, she was blowing her breath slowly from her mouth. The words of the judge made her legs give way. “Five years imprisonment,” was all that she heard before she fell to the floor. Helen was distraught and ran to her side, but she was pushed away as the security guards helped her co-accused back to her feet. Susie looked like death warmed up, her mouth dropped and she was struggling to speak. The judge gave the nod to the security men and she was led from the courtroom in a daze.

  Helen stood to hear her fate. She held a look of sadness over her face as she looked at her mother and boyfriend inside the courtroom. The judge sentenced Helen to the same prison term. He told her that he didn’t believe for one minute the story she’d given him and for that reason she was treated the same as her co-accused. Helen pummelled her fist onto the glass panel that held her inside the dock. She was yelling at the top of her voice. “Ay, ya prick, I’m innocent. I told you I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  The judge waved his hand at her and dismissed any words she was saying. “Take her down,” he repeated to the security guards.

  Helen gripped the side of the chair and held onto it with all her might. “I’m going nowhere, me mate. I’ve got kids, for fuck sake, who’s gonna look after my children?” Helen’s mother covered her face with her hands as she sobbed. Her boyfriend looked like he was going to collapse where he stood. Helen was being twisted up inside the dock and it was only a matter of minutes before she was silenced. “Get your fucking hands of me, ya wankers,” she screamed as she was being carried from the courtroom.

  Susie sat in her cell waiting to be moved to a prison. Her hands were rubbing at her arms and she couldn’t stop shaking. Holding her stomach she cradled the lower part of it and sobbed. Banging noises could be heard and Susie could hear Helen shouting outside her door. “I’m fucking innocent. I want my solicitor here now. I’m appealing against the sentence. Fucking five years, is he having a laugh the daft cunt.”

  Susie stood to her feet and banged her fist onto the door. “Helen it’s me Susie, what did you get?”

  Helen could hear her voice and stopped fighting with the guards for a minute. “Susie, you bastard, just you wait until I get my hands on you. Five fucking years I got, what about my kids.” Hysterical screams could be heard and after a few minutes you could hear a door being slammed. Susie walked back to the small platform at the back of the room and lay down. Bringing her knees up to her chest she rocked her body to and fro.

  “Right come on love, you’re getting shipped out to Styal prison.” The warden stood at Susie’s door and looked at the white piece of paper in front of her. “Come on, I haven’t got all day,” the officer moaned. Susie stood to her feet and trudged to the door. Her face was red and the river of tears she’d cried was more than visible on her face. She looked weak and struggled to walk. Her body was shivering and she asked the security guard could she please have something to wrap around her body to keep her warm. Susie was passed a grey coat. Shoving it on her body her lips were trembling uncontrollably. All the female prisoners were led down a corridor. Helen was in the line of six women. Susie turned her head back to her and quickly carried on walking. Helen didn’t scare her one little bit and she knew by the time they’d got to the prison she would have calmed down.

  All the convicts were put into the sweat boxes in the white van. Each compartment was the same, holding just a chair and a window. Susie watched the door being closed behind her and sat with her head resting on the window. Banging her head against the glass panel she cried her eyes out. Tim had so much to answer for and she knew without any doubt in her mind that he’d set her up with Jenkins. Gritting her teeth she punched into the side of the van. “Tim, I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but mark my words you bastard, I’ll pay you back for every day I spend in prison.” The sound of the engine starting could be heard and Susie held herself
. Pulling out onto the road she knew it would be a long time before she would see these Manchester roads again. Familiar landmarks were now in view and she sank her head as she passed the CIS Building in the town centre.

  Helen looked dead inside and once they reached their destination she stepped from the van with a hateful look on her face. All the women were covering their eyes as they stepped into the daylight. One woman at the side of Helen was rattling for drugs and she looked ready to fall to the ground. Helen shouted the guards over and pleaded with them to help the convict. The screws came to Helen’s side and laughed into her face. “Ay Samaritan, she’s a drug addict roasting for drugs, she’ll get sorted when we get inside the prison, so keep your nose out, alright.”

  Helen looked at the woman shaking at the side of her and sighed. “Well I didn’t fucking know did I, God, shoot a woman for fucking caring.” The female screw nodded her head at her and that was enough to let Helen know that she was treading on thin ice. All the inmates marched inside the prison. Helen was pushing past the others in the line, trying to get next to Susie.

  Susie shot a look at Helen as she barged next to her. She was preparing herself for trouble and her nostrils were flaring. “Let’s stick together us two, ay,” she whispered behind her hand. Susie looked relieved; all the prisoners went into a small room inside the prison. “I’m fucking proper done in me Susie. Mike’s never going to be able to cope with the kids while I’m in here. My mam will have to help him out, he’s fucking useless,” she sobbed.


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