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Blayne Edwards

Page 7

by Caine

  “I want inside you,” he growled.

  He pressed his prick between her legs and Chloe felt him flex his thighs against her in anticipation. But he didn’t take her yet. Chloe suspected that the force she felt causing the muscles of his legs to quiver against the backs of her thighs would cause her pain if he were to completely let it out. His need held within it the power to destroy even with its ability to create.

  Chloe had watched male animals in the most extreme depths of their need as they killed one another in their quests to ensure their species’ survival. She had seen female animals collapse from having been mounted and mated to the point of exhaustion and then kicked and battered to death by their mates when their bodies could take no more of the attempts at procreation. It was a bloody and cruel thing to see. It was vile. Repugnant.

  And completely natural.

  To find a man who knew this. Felt this. One who at least wanted to allow himself to give in to his more natural tendencies when he made love to his woman was what Chloe had always wanted. She didn’t want to die. She had no desire to be fucked to death.

  But she wanted to know that the man fucking her knew and openly accepted that he had the ability to do it, just the same. And she wanted to know who was bringing the male part of their being to their bed and who was bringing the female part.

  She felt him reach around and take a breast within his palm. He squeezed it. Almost hard enough to make her cry out but still not as hard as he could have gripped. He then wrapped his other arm around her mid section and pulled her back to press against him in an action of apology for merely playing his part.

  “Spread your legs and lean back on me,” he ordered.

  Chloe felt the furred, hard wall of his chest on her back as she settled against him. He lowered their bodies backward on the bed, her butt resting back on the tops of his thighs. Luke reached around her and parted her legs even more than she had to allow his cock to wedge even more firmly against her.

  “Reach down and open up your pussy for me,” he whispered. “Use my cock to play with yourself.”

  Her cunt dripped against the shaft of his prick as Chloe reached down to bring it forward. Closer to the mouth of her sex. She pressed up against the head of his organ. Into her clit. And then began to move on it. Stimulating herself with the satiny end of his dick.

  Luke moaned and Chloe felt him begin to move his cock back and forth against her.

  “You want it inside you, don’t you, Chloe?” he breathed to her. “You want me in your pussy.”

  She nodded and pressed his head up into herself even more. She liked the shape of his erection. Its head was large and would feel wonderful when he pulled himself fully from her womb and then plunged back inside her. There would be no slipping carefully into her cunt with a cock such as this. Chloe would feel each and every pass of that head. Every single inch of him would have the way cleared by their leader and Chloe’s pussy would be forced to stretch to accommodate the head’s girth and then immediately close up around his shaft. Surrounding his sex. Enveloping him.

  “Take it,” he murmured. “Push it up inside yourself,” he ordered quietly.

  She shifted and pressed his cock upward. Sucked in a breath when the head popped just inside her and then gasped when she felt him quickly pull out of her. Luke’s hands ran down the lengths of her arms. Down to her hands once again, bending her elbows as they went, and he lifted them both and then leaned over her. Pressing her down to all fours.

  “Do you want the rest of it now?” he asked.

  Chloe nodded and reached for a pillow to grip as she felt the fingers of one of his hands wrap and secure themselves in her hair. Steadying her. His other hand went to her clit. And then farther back, to the opening of her cunt. Spreading her lips and then wetting them even more when his fingers pushed inside her and dragged moisture from her.

  The intensity of the situation scared Chloe. And it wasn’t merely the intensity she felt coming from Luke. Her own feelings. Her own emotions caused her to rethink for a moment what she was about to do. She had no doubts about wanting to fuck this man. And there was no hesitation present in her body or mind to take him inside her. But there was a fear she felt growing as the act began to evolve into something that neither of them would be able to undo.

  She had to consider for the first time that although she had never felt exactly what she wanted to with a man, now that the feelings she had craved were beginning to flow, they frightened her. They made her wonder, once part of this man was in her body and after he had come inside her, how was she going to feel if he was what she had searched for. And if she did fall in love with this man, what would she wish for then? What would her dreams consist of if she got exactly what she wanted? And how would she ever be happy again if anything were to happen to him?

  It was insane. Ridiculous. After all, they’d known each other for the extent of twelve hours or so. Chloe had absolutely no right to feel so much anxiety over this man. She barely knew him. And, truth be told, she knew better than to think that she had any idea of who the man in her bed was.

  But she did know that an animal could identify a breeding partner within seconds. They can smell one another. The recognition of an animal’s mate is as certain to their sense of smell as the color red is to the human eye.

  Or love to the human heart.

  But it couldn’t be love. Chloe knew that love was something that took time and effort to find. It wasn’t something that simply became when the right two people somehow met up and touched and tasted and heard something silent and intuitive speak to one another.

  Was it?

  And besides, had it been love, wouldn’t she have felt it when they had first met earlier that day as opposed to just now? She doubted she would ever know the answer to that question. And within seconds, it wouldn’t matter. Luke Caine was about to fuck her beyond any kind of intelligent thought anyway.

  At least Chloe hoped he was.

  * * * * *

  She was ovulating. It had started as she slept. And he was just as painfully aware of how badly Chloe wanted to breed.

  Unfortunately, she wanted his twin to be the one fucking her.

  The thought of Chloe making love to Luke was something that made Caine’s blood boil. She had spoken of Luke’s making her feel freer than she ever had felt, but Caine knew the truth.

  His twin was not the man Chloe Evans was supposed to be with. Chloe belonged to Caine. She was to be his alpha bitch, if only to give him his firstborn. This was as obvious to Caine as her excitement was now that he had started to mate with her. And if it took his hurting her to make her see that she belonged to him and not his brother, then that was something he was prepared to do.

  Luke was cruel when he mated. Hard and unfeeling. Brutal at times.

  Caine could be the same way. Especially when he had to ensure that the bitch in question didn’t mate and create young with the wrong man. His desire to protect his alpha status and his right to breed had forced him to take these measures. Chloe’s spoken desire to have Luke mount her had urged the actions along.

  He knew he had to fuck Chloe as Luke would have fucked her. With the force they had both been born with inside them. And then he would have to be cold toward her to hurt her heart. Caine knew that once she saw what Luke truly was like, she wouldn’t want the man ever again.

  It wasn’t something the man in Caine wanted to do, but it was necessary. And it was necessary that Caine allow her to believe that it was Luke and not he making love to her.

  And the fact that the man in Caine had already fallen in love with her had no bearing on the situation or his reaction to it whatsoever. Not even when Caine looked up to the glass doors to see the eyes of his twin ready to watch him make love to his new mate for the very first time.

  Chapter Six


  She was breathing as if at the end of some spurt she’d had to run to escape a territorial dispute. He was teasing her by not giving her what
she wanted, but his own breathing was also labored and indicated that he needed to wait before he made love to her for some reason.

  “Chloe, sweetheart, let’s go into the other room.”

  The request was odd. Very. And it had come at a very strange time as well. Especially considering the fact that the man behind her was about to explode if he didn’t drive completely into her soon.

  She felt his arms wrap around her chest and pull her upright again. The stubble on his jaw scraped against her cheek when he kissed her before pressing his lips to her ear.


  The man could have asked her to shave off her eyebrows at that point and Chloe would have used a rusty razor to do it for him. She nodded and felt him move them both to the edge of the bed. His fingers gripped hers in the darkness and she giggled when he stubbed his toe on the footboard and cursed out loud.

  “Be careful,” she chuckled and snuggled against his chest as they blindly made their way toward the couch. She started as the bedroom door was slammed shut behind them.

  “Don’t you like my bed?”

  He didn’t answer her. But he did begin to kiss her only a half a second before pushing her down to the couch and driving his cock into her body with enough force to cause her eyes to water.

  Never in her life had she felt so much man and so many emotions battling to occupy the same space at one time. Something in him was demanding that he do bestial, unpleasant things to her as he fucked her while his mind insisted that his mouth and hands remain somewhat human as he made love to her. It was a territorial dispute of another kind. And it was being fought within the boundaries of his own body.

  Chloe was clueless as to why he was so emotionally torn as he made love to her. But regardless, whatever the internal conflict the man was having, Chloe was quite sure of one thing.

  She had never been fucked or loved like this before.

  To any woman not on the receiving end of it, his actions would have appeared vicious and painful and the last thing in the world that would have seemed pleasant. The entire weight of his body pounded in between her thighs each time he entered her and Chloe had to reach up to grip the arm of the couch to steady herself as he thrust into her. His cock drove as far into her as it could and then he pushed it even farther after each stroke. Testing the limits of her womb with a thud that felt as though a metal rod ran the length of his cock. Hitting the very top of her sex on occasion with that magnificent head that felt like a fist plunging into her over and over again.

  He gripped her breasts. Her hair. The nape of her neck. Something in the man tried everything to maintain as much control as possible as he pumped into her with his prick. As if random distribution would lessen any discomfort he was inflicting upon her, he gripped and squeezed and pulled at her hair and flesh. But it was useless. He was hard and horny and needed to fuck.

  Nothing could have pleased Chloe more.

  She felt his hands go up under her ass as he lifted and moved her to an almost sitting position. His cock felt wonderful against the innermost part of her cunt as he thrust, even harder now from the new angle. She gripped his hair in both hands and tried to pull his face to hers, whimpering as he resisted her attempts to taste him.

  When he gave in and allowed her to drag his face to hers, his mouth came down on hers and he pulled her bottom lip into him. Sucking with enough pressure to break the tender skin and draw blood. Chloe tasted the salty twang before she felt him clean her wound with his tongue.

  “I’m hurting you, aren’t I?”

  He had gritted the words through teeth clamped painfully together in his own mouth to keep them from sinking into her and drawing more blood. Her lips couldn’t respond to his question. Even had she possessed the breath she needed to form words, Chloe still wouldn’t have known which ones to use. Yes, he was hurting her. But it felt like a kind of passion she had never been witness to before and so no, it was not something she wanted him to stop doing to her.


  He had started to hold back. Chloe could feel it in the tight strain of his hips as he fought to be more careful. Less intense as he fucked her. Until she told him it was all right that he do this to her. Or until she somehow let him know that she was enjoying what he was doing as much as he was.

  Chloe reached around him, digging her nails into his ass and pulling him so far into herself that she could feel his cock hit the innermost barrier of her sex. Her thighs flexed and then reflexed at the feeling of being stretched so far apart as he reached underneath her and parted her legs even more.

  He ground into her and grunted with the effort of his doing it. His cock alternately thrusting and circling, gradually causing her pussy to give and loosen to his demands as he worked himself deeper and deeper into her and as his mouth and teeth bit and sucked and left marks of passion and desire everywhere they sought skin.

  Chloe grasped at his back and ass and neck, pulling him even closer. Not wanting his mouth to leave her skin, even when his bites caused her to cry out. Even as the hair on his chest burned in the friction it created against her bare breasts, she wanted him closer to her. She wanted all of him. Every inch of him. Every ounce of him. And she wanted all of him inside her.

  The emptiness she had felt for the whole of her life, the very one that had created the need for her fantasies, was slowly being filled by this man. It was being eaten away from her skin by his lips and teeth and pushed out of her soul by his cock. The physical void she suspected all women feel on occasion and to varying degrees was merely part of it. The emotional absence she knew every human being felt was also being destroyed, as she took as much of this man as he could give her. She took his body in powerful thrusts and abrasive scrapes against her flesh. And she yielded to his soul as his heart conveyed to hers through the unspoken tenderness at the very tips of his fingers and in the soft caress of his lips against her ear.

  Her sex and her heart were now working together. Toward the same goal. They both wanted to devour this man. Consume him. Make him part of her. And her a part of him.

  No mere sex had ever felt like this before. And Chloe suspected that no man would ever come this close to being exactly what she needed him to be to complete her.

  Chloe felt him pull her tightly against him and then felt him rock backwards. Moving her legs to straddle him as he lay back. The trembling in his legs and hands told her that this was not exactly what his body wanted. His cock and balls wanted to come. Everything in the man’s body wanted to spill into her. But he also wanted her to be happy as well.

  He moved her at first. His fingers dug deeply into the muscles of her thighs as he shifted her back and forth on his dick. Chloe could feel the glans of his erection as it rubbed back and forth against the walls of her cunt. She looked down and ran her fingers through the crisp bristle where their bodies joined, wishing the light was better so she could see the contrast of her reddish blonde pubic hair against his own undoubtedly thick, black patch.

  “I want to watch you come, Chloe.”

  Her fingers slid within and between the hair of their sexes at his statement. Chloe found her clit and she gripped it. Rose up on her knees a little and allowed him to find it as well. Her fingers guided his. Encouraged him even though he seemed already to know how hard, how much pressure, how quickly she needed to feel his stroke.

  “Come for me, sweetheart.”

  She tingled at his voice and his words. Her fingers and toes and every cell in between started to respond to him. Chloe leaned over him and pressed her cunt down on his cock and her clit against his hand. She ground herself against him now. Selfishly. Chloe felt his erection grow even harder as she began to become more assertive in taking her own pleasure from the situation. His breath and trembling and his painful grip on her thigh told her that something in this man liked being fucked even more than he liked fucking. Some secret masochistic streak that he possessed, but rarely allowed to show, she suspected.

  Chloe had also long suspected that
they all had that streak in them. But only the sexiest and most secure ever let it out.

  “That feels good, doesn’t it?”

  She rocked her hips sharply as she nodded. Felt the head of his cock as it popped back and forth inside her. Chloe moved quickly, smoothly, and powerfully as she unabashedly fucked the man underneath her, all the while delighting in the feeling of his fingers being trampled for her own benefit between his own flesh and the aching bud of her clit.

  “Please come for me,” he moaned as his fingers dug into her hips.

  Chloe could have come at any moment. She should have taken it for herself. But she didn’t want to. Something in her wanted to wait. Hold out. Make this event with this man last for as long as possible.

  Unfortunately, he was having much more difficulty restraining his own pleasure. Chloe could feel his impatience as he grasped at her hips and roughly moved her back and forth on him, bruising the flesh on her hips with his demands. Insisting that she come so that he could release himself. He was waiting on her. Waiting for her to be pleased.

  The frustration of not getting what he wanted was something Chloe knew she could use to her benefit.

  She slowed her movements. Barely ground herself against him. Even allowed her body’s excitement to fade a little to have the time to tease him as viciously as she wanted. To get what she wanted from him.

  “I want to wait,” she whispered. “I want to just feel you inside me.”

  The flexing upward of his hips told her that he was extremely frustrated with her decision. Angry, she would have thought had she not felt the warmth flowing from him in the same intensity as the irritation was. He pushed her up with his hands and held her there. Fucked upwards into her. Banging himself against her even from this less than comfortable position for himself.


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