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Page 23

by Valerie Reyes

  Rasenth was eagerly waiting for Syrenth to arrive, so as soon as he landed, Rasenth went to his side. Like before, there was a nice fire burning for Syrenth, so he could be warm.

  “A bit tired from the journey, are we?” Rasenth asked, going over to the Inferno dragon and taking the elk he left, tossing them to Lyshara, who was waiting at the entrance of the cave, to deliver to the mother and her hatchlings. Then he sat next to Syrenth, so he could talk a bit with the younger dragon.

  “Yeah. That’s a tough wind around these mountains. My wings just can’t take it,” Syrenth replied, shaking the bits of snow and ice off his body and scooching a little closer to the fire. He simply wished to take in as much heat as he could while he could.

  “It is rather tough, but you’ll get the hang of it sooner or later. If not, maybe I’ll just have to start helping you up to the caves, as well as back down,” Rasenth said, chuckling. Noticing that Syrenth was still looking cold, however, Rasenth got a few more logs and threw them onto the fire for him. He would have gotten closer to Syrenth to share some heat, but in his dragon form Rasenth would make Syrenth even colder.

  “No, no. I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself,” Syrenth chuckled, and was content to snuggle up by the fire. He was beginning to feel a little warmer as his scales soaked up the heat from the fire. It was wonderful. Truly it was. He still felt tired, but he was happy to sit and chat with Rasenth.

  “How long will I be allowed to stay?” Syrenth asked the elder dragon, as he needed to know if he was going to be kicked out straight away, or if he was allowed the liberty of sharing a bed again. He hoped it would be the latter, as he had no real desire to be forced into that storm.

  “You can stay for as long as you wish, Sy. You’re my guest,” Rasenth replied. Lyshara would hate for Syrenth to stay another night, but it would be a dream for Rasenth, so he wouldn’t say no.

  “Thank you, Rasenth. Maybe I can learn some more about the ice dragons while I’m here. May as well see it from the other side,” Syrenth suggested, as he wanted to learn more. They were an intriguing species, so why not take the chance? Maybe then, Syrenth could convince his father that they were worth trading with.

  “I would be glad to teach you anything you want to know about my people. I know much about our history, particularly in this region of the world,” Rasenth replied. “I’ve primarily lived here for a thousand years, give or take some travels during my more ambitious youth.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time. I’d be happy to learn whatever you are willing to teach then. I’m just over a hundred myself. Turned a hundred last spring,” Syrenth spoke, rather proudly, like a human male would at reaching the grand peak of twenty one. He was certainly full of youth, but eager to learn from an experienced and wise elder. Knowledge is wonderful after all.

  “Why, you’re still quite young, then,” Rasenth chuckled, just to tease Syrenth for seeming so proud of his age. “A fledgling even. But perhaps I’ll start by telling you something that very few of your clan even remember. The clan I was a part of in my youth, around eight hundred years ago, actually used to occupy the fjord that your people now call home. Of course, my clan was getting too large with too many elders in it. Everyone began fighting for the position of the alpha in the clan, and we didn’t even worry about protecting ourselves. Needless to say, we were chased off by a powerful bunch of fire dragons, though fortunately we realized we were outmatched and left without much of a fight,” Rasenth said. “Though ice dragons are rather famous for fighting with each other, we don’t enter into battles that we can’t win.”

  Syrenth listened to the story, as he had never quite heard one like it. There hadn’t been a civil war, or at least not one that Syrenth could remember, in their own herd. That was mainly due to Tazour, as few would ever challenge him, and those that did, tended to get beaten down. So, this was very interesting. It almost frightened him, to think Dragons of the same clan would harm and kill one another. What a waste it was.

  “Was my dad part of the ones that chased you out?” Syrenth asked, curious to see if his father was involved, or even his grandfather Cyzing. It was a long time ago, so he wanted to see if his family had really caused all that to happen. Then again, it was probably a good thing in some respects, it probably caused the ice dragons to stop fighting among themselves, or that was what Syrenth guessed anyway.

  “Yes, but he even younger than you during that time. Cyzing and a few others were the ones who led the assault. After that rather humiliating defeat, my tribesmen were all too embarrassed to even stay in the region besides me, and we split into five different clans and went our separate ways. For a while, I remained alone--a phenomenon that isn’t seen too often. However, I slowly began to amass a clan of my own, and we’ve stayed here for the protection of the mountains and lack of competition,” Rasenth replied. Ice capped mountains like these were brilliant hide aways for ice dragons such as himself. They were like fortresses, and the only dragons that could threaten their hold on the area were fellow ice dragons.

  “Well, at least it stopped you guys from fighting each other,” Syrenth suggested, mainly because he wanted to play the middle ground. He couldn’t exactly rub in the achievements of his family, nor could he disgrace what they did. That seemed like the safest thing to say.

  “That’s one way of looking at it. Clans of ice dragons tend to get very dangerous when they get too large. We are all alpha’s in our own mind, you see, and that tends to cause quite a few internal conflicts,” Rasenth replied. “You fire dragons seem to have a more agreeable and kindred spirit, though, which is rather fortunate for you.”

  “It’s probably just because of the heat. Normally, it just keeps us relaxed and happy. Granted, it can rial up people’s temperature, but others rarely challenge my father. So, we don’t really have reason to fight,” Syrenth explained, as the heat certainly had its advantages. Everyone was rather relaxed, and enjoyed to spread their wings in the warmth of the sun. They could only be dangerous or unsettled during the winter, when it was cold, and not many hours of the day. However, they usually had little to fight about, so, they could get along most of the time.

  “Perhaps what we’re missing is a bit of warmth in our lives?” Rasenth said, chuckling there a bit. “Then again, the warmer we are, the weaker powers tend to be. We definitely couldn’t fight then. Though the more I think of it, my people usually did fight a lot more in the winter--when we were at our strongest.”

  “Then maybe the warmth would help? Dragons won’t fight as much if they are unsure of their power, and the power of others then,” Syrenth replied, as that seemed to be the case. Who would go into a fight when they were unsure of their own abilities, let alone their opponents? It would be suicide.

  “Perhaps. Maybe I’ll have to keep you around for your warmth,” Rasenth joked, as Syrenth’s body heat was certainly very real in this icy realm, plus the fire. Even if Rasenth was challenged right now, he would be hesitant to engage in any fighting due to how warm it was. Warmth was an ice dragon’s worst enemy, though it could certainly stop them from fighting

  “Well, you can keep me around as much as you want over the next few days,” Syrenth replied with a chuckle, as he was more than happy to stick around, so long as Rasenth would have him anyway. It was a nice change from the village.

  “I’ll have to take you up on that offer,” Rasenth replied. “Now, if you’re ready, we could head off to bed? It’s getting rather late.”

  “Sure, I wouldn’t mind snuggling up in a blanket,” Syrenth said, and turned into his human form so he could walk with Rasenth to his chamber. He felt no threat from the ice dragons, at least not yet, so he was content with being in his more vulnerable form for now.

  Rasenth led Syrenth to his chambers and went through the same ritual as before, dressing behind the divan and letting Syrenth pick out something warm and get himself dressed, then he in bed and waited for his guest to join him.

  Syrenth got changed into the warmest c
lothes he could find, and happily slipped into them. It was such a feeling of relief to be covered in this wonderful wool, especially seeing as these caves were so cold. Now that he was dressed properly, he crawled into bed and laid down on his back, staring up at the ceiling and just thinking to himself. He was really enjoying his little adventure.

  With the night getting colder, Rasenth moved closer to Syrenth so that the boy could be warm, but he didn’t take it any further than that to avoid scaring the young boy.

  Syrenth turned and smiled at the elder dragon as he moved closer. He’d never had the opportunity to be so close to the older dragon, and it was the first time he had been able to gaze at his features without obstruction or unnecessary chit chat. As they were so close, he was able to take in Rasenth’s scent, which filled his senses with the smells of lavender and camomile. It was intriguing, and very beautiful. It almost made Syrenth shiver.

  There was a lot about Rasenth that the young dragon hadn’t even realised. How handsome he was. His chiseled features and smart appearance. His scent especially had really dazzled a few hormones in his body, and he couldn’t help but shimmy a little closer to the elder, taking in more of his warmth and more of his scent.

  The apparent interest that Syrenth was showing in him didn’t go unnoticed by Rasenth, and he smiled, putting his arm around Syrenth when he inched closer and pulling him into his embrace. “Are you cold?” he asked, just to justify him being so forward with his newfound friend.

  “A little, yeah,” Syrenth replied softly, and accepted Rasenth’s embrace. He nestled into the elder’s chest and wrapped his arms around Rasenth’s body, now fully able to take in his warmth and his scent. It was wonderful.

  “I happen to know something that can warm you right up,” Rasenth replied, giving Syrenth a kiss on the forehead to hint at what that something was.

  “Oh?” Syrenth began, looking up at Rasenth with his honey coloured eyes. Though, he didn’t need that answered after the kiss. He caught on rather quickly. It made him feel rather nervous, but excited at the same time. He’d never had a mate before. Tazour said he was far too young to engage in that sort of behaviour, but his father wasn’t here. In this cave, Syrenth could do whatever he wanted and no one in his clan would know.

  “I suppose you could warm me up then. Having a little more heat never hurt,” he replied with a smile, his body shivering with anticipation.

  “I better start right away, if you’re going to start shivering on me,” Rasenth said in a low and husky voice, locking his lips with Syrenth’s and letting their tongues dance in one another’s mouths while he slipped his hand under Syrenth’s shirt and began exploring his broad, muscular chest. He wasted no time in getting Syrenth as worked up as possible, tweaking his nipples and breaking off the kiss so he could begin to suck and nip on Syrenth’s neck.

  Syrenth almost couldn’t believe this was happening. He was taking away by Rasenth’s expert tongue swirling around his mouth, and he soon caught on and kissed back. His heart began to pump madly as his body reacted to the elder’s touch. It was so warm, and precise. Rasenth seemed to know every little part of his skin that would make him shiver with excitement, and Syrenth wanted to return the favour.

  With the elder dragon so close, Syrenth let his arms move up and brush through his hair, pulling it a little bit as he wanted to pull the other male as close to him as possible. He felt such a rush of adrenaline, and he wanted more of what Rasenth could offer him.

  Rasenth was certainly not going to let Syrenth down, and so he continue to explore Syrenth’s chest, getting on top of him and letting their hips line up, then grinding his growing erection against Syrenth’s.

  With the feel of Rasenth’s hips thrusting against Syrenth’s, the younger dragon had to break off the kiss so he could breath and moan. This was the most incredible feeling he had ever had, and he honestly wanted more. He didn’t know how loud he could be though. The young dragon wanted to scream at the top of his lungs with pleasure, but he figured he had to keep it down so no one overheard. He would do so until his permission was given to be as loud as he liked.

  Regrettably Rasenth couldn’t let them get much louder than what they were already, simply because it would have certainly caught the ear of the other dragons in the caves. Lyshara was angry enough with him just having Syrenth stay the night. If she found out what his intentions were, and what he was doing to the young dragon, she would have been livid. So, for the time being at least, Rasenth was going to keep things as quiet as possible.

  Just being quiet didn’t mean that they couldn’t enjoy themselves, though. Rasenth wanted to really cut loose and have some fun here. It’d been years since he last had another dragon in his bed like this, and so he was excited to get things started, though regrettably his first time in so long had to be constrained. Still, his excitement grew as he felt Syrenth getting hard beneath him, and he began kissing on Syrenth’s neck while slowly working on getting his clothes off so that there could be more skin to play with.

  Syrenth assisted Rasenth in whatever way he could to strip down down to the bare minimum. His senses were being overcome by lust and excitement, he was at the elder dragon’s mercy. Truth be told, he had no idea what he was doing, or how to do it. He needed guidance and direction, however, he had complete and utter faith in Rasenth. As each soft, luscious kiss was placed onto his neck, Syrenth became more and more riled. He let his nails drift quickly over to the older dragon’s shoulders and lightly dug them into his skin, just to help him cope with the upcoming pleasure.

  Once Syrenth’s clothes were off, Rasenth didn’t hesitate to lavish him with as many kisses, and nips on his broad chest as he could. Not an inch of skin was ignored, and he especially enjoyed all of Syrenth’s reactions. It was obvious to Rasenth that his partner had never enjoyed this sort of treatment before, which was a shame considering his age. Still, Rasenth would do his best to give as much pleasure to Syrenth as he could, just to make sure that Syrenth didn’t ever look for the pleasure elsewhere. Rasenth certainly planned on keeping this little fire wyrm all to himself.

  The pleasure was just mounting up for Syrenth. He felt like he was being played with, but he just wanted to be taken. This was all so new and so wonderful, and the young dragon wanted to find out all he could about this new found pleasure. Syrenth leaned up a little and started nibbling on the elder’s ear, letting his tongue snake it’s way in to the crevice to tantalize his new lover. Instinct was all Syrenth was using to guide his thoughts, and he was listening and watching Rasenth closely, making sure that his movements were hitting the spot.

  The younger dragon’s enthusiasm was certainly appreciated by Rasenth, and he moaned slightly when he felt Rasenth’s tongue slide inside of his ear. The clothes he was wearing began to feel oppressive and he just started hastily taking them off and throwing all of them to the side, then he gave Syrenth a nice, long kiss while their hot bodies were entangled under the sheets. He continued the grinding motion of before to increase the pleasure, now that there were not any pieces of clothing to get in the way.

  “Oh please… just take me,” Syrenth whispered into Rasenth’s ear as he moaned softly, though they were getting more and more difficult to suppress. Everything Rasenth was doing was driving him crazy, and Syrenth didn’t want to be teased anymore. He pushed up his hips to meet with the elder’s so they could collide with more force. The young dragon was eager to please, and be pleased.

  “How could I say no to you?” Rasenth asked with a smile and gave Syrenth a nice long kiss before he moved down on the bed a bit and settled between Syrenth’s legs, holding his legs apart and his thighs up, then beginning to lick at his entrance to make sure this was as painless as possible for the young dragon.

  As Rasenth moved down, Syrenth had to admit he was surprised when his hips were moved up. He honestly thought Rasenth would just stick it in. It was probably for the best he wasn’t in charge; he was too naive for his own good. Still, he let the elder dragon do wha
t he had to do, and bit down on his pillow while Rasenth had his way with him. It was the best way to keep the noise down.

  Rasenth was thankful that Syrenth had the good sense to be quiet, as the last thing he needed was to be cut short by some of the other dragons, which if they heard a lot of impassioned moaning coming from Rasenth’s room, they most certainly would come to check out what was going on. That would have been a less than ideal situation, but for now Rasenth would just keep pleasuring Syrenth, unless Syrenth did start to get a little out of hand with the noise.

  As long as he was quiet, he would be well taken care of, though. So, he continued to kiss Syrenth’s entrance, moving his tongue in and out, while he also stroked Syrenth’s hard cock to get him off, as he was sure to have a lot of stamina given his age.

  Syrenth kept his jaw tightly locked onto the pillow, and reached his hand down to brush through the elder’s hair, to encourage him to keep going. The pleasure was just building up in his system. He just couldn’t keep himself still. With each stroke and every tantalizing tease of Rasenth’s tongue, Syrenth could just feel the excitement mounting, and he didn’t think he would last long.

  “I think it’s going to happen,” Syrenth whispered, as he didn’t know what was going to happen, but something was certainly building. As the strokes grew more intense, his load was finally shot. A suppressed moan managed to seep past his lips as he felt the juices being squirted out. It was so alien, but incredible. He’d never felt anything like it before, and this was just the beginning.

  Rasenth was happy to make Syrenth come, though he had so stop himself from chuckling when he heard Syrenth refer to the act of orgasming so innocently. He really was quite the virgin, but Rasenth would soon cure him of that.


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