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Unexpected Hero (Skyline Trilogy Book 1)

Page 6

by Willow Summers

  Out of nowhere, a smile tickled his lips as the memory of her, flushed in anger, tickled other parts.

  Unlike her reject boyfriend, she knew exactly what she was standing up to—he had no doubt—but she didn’t give two craps. She refused to let Josh intimidate her.

  It was a first.

  Fuck, she was hot. This was not good.

  Trying to ignore his pounding cock, he walked back into the clearing and called everyone over. It was time to get going again. He no longer trusted himself to stay idle. She might come and talk to him again, and he didn’t know what he’d do.

  Chapter Seven

  “Having fun, Ada?” Jenna asked as everyone trudged along the packed dirt of the trail.

  The older woman grimaced. “Massages, facials, and mud baths in a five-star hotel are my version of fun. I’m not sure how I’ll do with no showers. And real mud.”

  Jenna laughed. “I’m with you. A beach or pool, a cabana boy, and a hot man between my thighs sounds good to me. Yet here we are in the middle of a green, dirty hell.”

  “At least you can still have a hot man between your thighs.” Ada laughed.

  Jenna had to concede that point. She was looking forward to tent time.

  “What could Don have been thinking?” Ada wondered.

  “I was thinking about that earlier. Maybe he wants us to keep working without distractions. We have nothing else to do, right?”

  “Besides look at spiders and snakes?”


  With that, Jenna started bouncing ideas off her. While the rest of the group gathered to look at one aspect of nature or another, Jenna and Ada talked shop. She had never been very close with the woman; they came from extremely different backgrounds. Ada had got into Cornell University riding a large donation and whispered words in the right ears from her father, while Jenna had made it in by being smart, doing well in school, and sacrificing the first eighteen years of her life to a career that paid well but ate away her soul. They had both graduated and got jobs in the same place. They bled the same school colors, and it helped cement their ability to work together.

  Toward evening, Chuck led them all to a large clearing that had large, square metal boxes lined up near the trees. There were a few fire pits, some camping stoves, and large, rustic grills. Jenna’s feet were on fire. Her shoes were cute, but they weren’t made for walking all day.

  “Okay, everyone,” Chuck said, adding volume to his deep voice. “Please remember, we are Camp Red. Shortly, we will be joined by the other groups and we’ll all eat dinner together. Tonight Camp Red will be responsible for the protein portion of the meal. I will assign each of you tasks. For now, however, please choose a pitch for your tents and start setting up. Please let me know if you need help.”

  Jenna raised her hand.

  Chuck’s eyes flashed to her. “Yes, Miss Anderson? Question?”

  “Call me Jenna. Are we going to be hiking any more today?”

  “No. We’ll stop here for the night. Any other questions?”

  “Yes,” Jenna continued. “Is it okay if I wear flip-flops?”

  Chuck stared at her a moment. “Yes. Please be careful you don’t stub your toe.”

  Jenna looked at him askew. He didn’t smile, and his voice didn’t waver with suppressed laughter, but the impression that he was mocking her again crowded the sound waves. He was poking the hornets’ nest. “Thanks.”

  Pushing his glimmering eyes from her thoughts, she turned to find a flat area in which to put her tent. Her body was buzzing with need. She needed cover and her boyfriend to douse the hunger.

  A half-hour and an argument about how to set up a tent later, Lewis and Jenna climbed into a flimsy canvas dome. Neither had set up a tent before, and each had their own idea of how to do it. It wasn’t hard, but working in opposition made the process tedious.

  “So, this is a tent,” Lewis said as he looked around the orange walls with interest. Shadows of trees lined the walls to create an abstract graphic. “We need to get our sleeping bags.”

  “Later,” Jenna said, her body soaked with desire. She reached for his zipper, not sure where the fever was coming from, just knowing she needed his hard length inside her with a desperation she hadn’t experienced before. “Hurry.” She yanked on his fly, popping buttons.

  “Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?” Lewis blocked her hands.

  “Hush,” she said as she battled for his zipper.

  “Jenna, what’s gotten into you?”

  “Touch me, Lewis,” she murmured as she ripped open his fly and reached in. She slid her palm along that silky-soft skin.

  His rapid breathing filled the tent, his hesitation gone. He kneaded her breast before working at her pants, any sign of hesitation clearly forgotten. She sighed and let her head fall back as he got his hand down the front of her panties. She leaned back onto the hard tent floor, releasing his cock long enough for him to strip her bottoms and push his down. His fingers ran along her slit.

  “Hmm, Jenna. You’re so wet.” A finger dipped into her body, making her moan. “Condom?”

  She cursed softly. Their packs were still outside the tent.

  “Erika!” she yelled, feeling sheepish, but she wasn’t stopping. She needed this. Right now!

  A deep rumble sounded a ways off. Must’ve been Chuck. A flush of embarrassment heated Jenna’s face. Shuffling steps approached the tent. “Did you call me?” Erika asked.

  The shadow of a hand disturbed the zipper.

  “God no, Erika, don’t open the tent,” Jenna choked out.

  “Why? What are you doing in— Oh. What do you want? I’m not into three-ways.”

  Lewis moved between her spread thighs. “I need a favor.” His tongue licked up her center and then circled her clit. Jenna’s eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  “What? Hurry up; this is grossing me out.”

  “Go in my pack and get the little blue bag,” Jenna whispered hoarsely.

  Erika made a sound like argh! “I’ll just get you one of mine. Hold on.”

  Jenna loved New York women—always came prepared, even to the woods without a boyfriend.

  Lewis kneaded her thighs and kissed up her stomach, moving her shirt up and over her breasts. He suckled a nipple, teasing the other with his fingers. The tent was disturbed again.


  “Yeah. Here.” A square purple package dropped through the smallest of openings before the zipper was lowered again.

  “Flavored, huh?” Jenna laughed.

  “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

  She had that right.

  Lewis ripped it open with lightning quickness. He was on her the next second, thrusting, entering her body hard and fast. She wrapped her legs around his middle and strained, trying to angle herself just right. He pounded, smacking into her without any real finesse.

  “Just…” She gyrated up, catching the movement she was after. Pleasure spiraled through her body, burning. “There.”

  “Mmm, Jenna,” Lewis said, lowering so he could pound faster.

  She dug her fingers into his arms and rocked her hips up, soaking up the sensation. She felt her core swell then tighten, needing this so bad, wanting to climax hard and fast. “Almost—”

  “Yeah, Jenna!” Lewis shook over her. Two final, hard thrusts quickly turned jerky.

  Her core throbbed, needing him to keep going. Almost there. “A bit longer,” she begged, moving her hips in a circle for the friction.

  “I’ll try.”

  She rolled him over and straddled him, careful not to dislodge his softening member. She moved and rocked, manipulating herself for maximum effect. It wasn’t working. He was losing steam too quickly. Finally, unfinished, she gave up.

  “Did you?” he asked, half asleep.

  “No. It’s okay. We can give it another go later on.”


  Jenna sighed, re-dressed enough to grab her bag and haul it in, and changed into mor
e comfortable clothes. Her skin felt too tight over her bones, stretched too thin. Her movements were jerky and stilted. She just needed one little push to crest the hill and unleash a climax.

  With a last look at the handsome man on the ground at her feet, she clambered out of the tent. Maybe later.

  The clearing was alive with activity, people erecting tents with smiles and chatter. A couple with fanny packs and sun visors looked up at the trees to her left. The woman pointed and made a delighted sound.

  Across the way Erika stood with Chuck, leaning toward the bark of a tree.

  “Look at this, Jenna,” Erika said, glancing at Jenna as she walked up. “Uh oh, didn’t get what you needed?” A shit-eating grin lit up Erika’s face.

  Chuck glanced at her in disinterest, then looked back at the bark.

  “What are you guys looking at?” Jenna asked, ignoring Erika.

  “Oh.” Erika looked closely at the tree. “There is this awesome centipede. I’ve never seen one. Chuck has, like, superhuman eyesight.”

  “Huh.” A spatter of laughter announced the Orange group entering the clearing. The way their heads swiveled and their eyes rounded, they looked like children spotting big, bright bugs. Actually, they probably were doing just that.

  “Where’s Dale?” Jenna asked. She didn’t like not keeping tabs on him. It would be a nasty surprise if he turned up when she was peeing.

  Chuck didn’t even look up. “Opposite side of the clearing, on the right, looking into the barbecue grill.”

  “Wow, you’re good. Do you have GPS on us or something?” Jenna asked, finding Dale where Chuck said.

  “Robot! That would explain the incredible eyesight.” Erika looked into Chuck’s face.

  Dale glanced up, spotted Jenna looking at him, and leered. She shivered, feeling those invisible spiders crawling all over her skin again. “I need to pee. Where do I go?”

  Chuck straightened and turned to her. Butterflies filled her stomach. She knew he was over six feet, but it was the first time they had stood right next to each other, and she hadn’t realized how absolutely large he was. His height, which must’ve been six three, coupled with those broad shoulders, thick-set chest, and muscular arms—the man was massive. It wasn’t often a person made her feel small, but he did. Easily. It was kind of nice.

  “Do you know how to pee in the woods?” Chuck asked. “There are no toilets.”

  “I’ve had to pee in the wilderness on photo shoots many, many times. I think I can manage.”

  “Understood. The best option would be due west. There is biodegradable toilet paper in your bag. I have a small group shovel in case you need to dig a hole. If you do dig a hole, make sure you properly cover it up. If someone else falls into your hole, they will not be happy. Do you need the shovel and do you know which direction west is?”

  “Ew. No, Nurse Chuck, I don’t need a shovel. And yes, I do know west. It is opposite east. You are extremely helpful, thank you.” The sarcasm dripped off each word.

  Chuck nodded once. If he would remove that dang stone mask, she knew he would be smiling. His eyes were practically blinding her with their twinkling.

  She slipped into the woods while Dale was looking at the newcomers. Before she was out of earshot, Erika yelled, “And finish yourself off. You’re an edgy bitch when you’re sexually frustrated!”

  Great, thanks, Erika.

  She walked until she was far enough away that no one would accidentally find her, and did her business. As she was finishing up, Erika’s words came back to her. She stretched and ran her palms down her chest, feeling the thrill of pleasure as her palms slid over her taut nipples.

  Maybe she should finish herself off. No one would know.

  With a sly grin, she found a comfortable place that was totally obscured, and leaned back against a sloping trunk. Taking a deep breath, she slipped her hand under her cotton dress and down the front of her silk panties. She sucked in a breath as her fingers ran over her clit.

  Yes, this was a very good idea.

  She was tracing her nub delicately when she heard a snap.

  She froze and listened, thinking of Dale. Rustling signaled a branch moving, scratching against another.

  There was someone out there.

  Chapter Eight

  Josh watched Jenna walk into the woods, her shoulders tensing with Erika’s comment. The two broads were funny as hell. Real, down to earth, and a handful. It was more entertainment than he’d had in a long time.

  “Bet you want to give your spiel about insects more often, huh?” Erika asked as she stared at the centipede.

  She was fascinated by living things. As a woman who lived in the concrete jungle, he hadn’t expected the interest. He wondered if Manhattan was really the place for her.

  “Not as such, no,” he said.

  “Well, that’s good, because I’m the only one who seems to care, and that won’t last forever. ADD.” Erika tapped her temple before she went rigid. She looked over his shoulder as a splash of worry and disgust crossed her face.

  Josh didn’t have to guess who she was watching. “Excuse me?”

  “He’s going after—”

  “I know. I won’t let him near her.” Josh moved quickly around the tree and then jogged off to the side, giving Dale plenty of room. The creep walked with light steps, scanning to the right and left, obviously looking for someone. He was a city boy, though, hunting with just his eyes. It made stalking him easy. If Josh had the inclination, Dale would never know he had company until he was bleeding from his throat.

  Too bad he was only allowed to scare the little turd.

  Josh stalked through the trees, keeping close to the path so Dale was always visible. Footfalls silent, he overtook the other man and then disguised himself in the foliage, and waited. A few moments later the loud thumps of the smaller man’s tread approached, three feet away now. Two.

  Dale had no idea that a larger predator waited.

  A foot away, Josh struck, snatching Dale by the neck. In a rough voice aimed to terrify, he said, “What are you doing out here, Dale?”

  Dale jumped and clutched at Josh’s wrist with wild eyes. Face bleeding of color, the man looked up and met Josh’s glare. The fight went out of him and his body fell limp.

  “You should get back to camp, don’t you think?” Josh asked quietly.

  Dale nodded, his hands trembling.

  Josh let go, but didn’t back away. “These girls are in my charge. If I find you going after one of them again, you won’t like the outcome. Clear?”

  Dale’s Adam’s apple bobbed with his swallow and he gave a couple of rapid nods.

  “Go.” Josh motioned him away.

  Dale scurried away like a rodent. This would only keep him at bay for a short time. The man had a disease, that was plain. It was as corrosive as it was sick. He needed to be removed from society. Josh would be glad to be the one to do it.

  He scoured the ground and found faint tracks of the lovely, tall beauty. It wasn’t long before he was rewarded with a soft rustle thirty yards to his right. He kept to the path until it dumped into a small clearing nestled amongst sparse trees. Judging by the rustling, she was just in the cover, not far.

  A soft crack drifted down from the tree canopy. Jenna’s rustling stopped. Josh froze as well. Clearly she didn’t know the difference between the sound of a foot snapping a twig, and a bird building a nest, nor had he expected her to. At least she’d heard it.

  A long moment ticked by. And then another. After one more moment, more rustling sounded, followed by a soft, throaty moan.

  Josh went rigid. She was taking Erika’s advice.

  He looked around wide-eyed, part of him wanting to run. There was no way he should be intruding on her quiet time. It was a breach of privacy that would embarrass them both.

  The larger part of him, however, knew he wouldn’t leave her. Not with Dale out there. Dale would probably keep his distance this time, but there was no guarantee. When someone was
n’t right in the head, they were unpredictable. Josh didn’t want anyone else hurt by his failures. He’d walked away from that life. He couldn’t afford to make the same mistakes now that he had started over.

  Reaching a decision, Josh slipped to the side of the clearing and found cover, blending in as he’d been trained. He’d let her finish up, and when she was gone, he’d circle around and make sure everyone saw him enter the camp from the opposite direction. Hopefully that would disguise this situation.


  The sound coursed through him, jolting him like an electric shock. His heart pounded in time to his cock, straining against his pants. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth against the sudden ferocity of his erection. It wasn’t natural.

  “Yes,” she said in a throaty voice, louder than she had probably intended.

  Josh dropped his head and clenched his fists, clamping down on his self-control. It took everything he had not to grab his dick and go to town like a pervert. Another moan tore at him, making his hands shake. And finally, she released the mother of all moans, loud and sensual and explosive, belaying her sheer delight in the moment. It singed his bones and boiled his blood, setting his whole body on fire.

  Holy shit, that woman was hot. Something about her sexual enjoyment vibrated through his own body. He wanted to grab on with both hands and thrust until he blacked out.

  Maybe he just needed to get laid.

  Breathing heavily and with sweat beading his forehead, he heard a soft sigh before the rustling of fabric. He wondered if she’d pulled her panties completely down, or slid her delicate hand between the fabric and her soft skin—

  That wasn’t helping his raging hard-on.

  Puffing out another breath, he wiped his arm across his forehead. He really needed to follow her example once she passed. A quick R&R would keep his brain focused.

  He heard more rustling, louder. Then he saw her making her way gracefully through the trees to the clearing. She rubbed her hands up her body in the last shivers of pleasure before increasing her speed, putting on the purposeful determination that was her mask, and starting to strut back to camp.


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