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The Rise of a Dark Mage

Page 3

by D. L. Harrison

  However, it appeared that the dispelling enchantment that had originally been forged into the sword was done by another mage. One who wasn’t as powerful as I was, it appeared whoever made the swords charge themselves, had added it on afterwards. Which meant, I could overpower the swords quite easily, and even break the enchantment altogether if I were forced too.

  Of course, if there were a large group of them, I might have an issue, so I still needed to be cautious.

  As for the true reason I stayed here for so long. I read and taught myself the advanced dark, neutral, and light magic that my master had had in his library. The first thing I’d done was add mental protections to my protection spells that could defeat the forming of a master-apprentice bond. I’d never be a slave again. Even if I was overpowered, I knew the spell glyphs to both detect and snap the bond even from the apprentice side now.

  Ironically, all of that was basic magic, it was just a well-kept secret as it was the true power the masters held in Zual, and how they stayed in power.

  The truly advanced magic was in combining spells, and rituals, which were just very complicated spells that required multiple glyphs. Anywhere between a handful to hundreds of glyphs in the case of the portal ritual. That last one would take hours to cast, each glyph and intent building upon the last, and was a prime candidate for me to enchant, but it would take days and I didn’t want to take the time from my study quite yet.

  For instance, if I combined a water and air elemental, it would raise the magical power of the results half again what I was capable of doing just on my own. Water and air would reinforce each other, so even if each was cast at half my power each, put together they equaled more power. Basically, the combined spells were greater than the sum of their parts.

  There were many combinations in my master’s books, and I learned them all.

  The most difficult part about it, was holding so many thoughts in my head at once. Three thoughts per spell. The glyph, the shape of the spell, and the intent behind it. Also, while I was practicing, I’d need to include hidden magic, so instead of six, the combinations were eight thoughts at once. It made them less powerful, but if I was ever in a real battle I wouldn’t be hiding anymore.

  It took a lot of focus, but that was something I’d always excelled at.

  I was tempted to enchant some of the protections mixed with elemental power regardless, which meant I’d only have to worry about casting advanced magic offensively, but I was worried about it being abused. If someone else got a hold of it, it could be used against me.

  The advantage though, was that if I was endangered or threatened it would be automatic, and I wouldn’t have to manually cast it or even recognize the danger in my own mind.

  I eventually came up with a solution for that problem, and enchanted some of my jewelry. It had a second ward attached to the protective spells that would detect if it was me or not that wore it. If someone else stole my protectively warded jewelry, the spells wouldn’t activate for them if they were in danger. If it was another mage, and they tried to manually turn on the enchanted protection spells, the enchantments would make them regret it, possibly for a second or two before they died quite painfully.

  I was very subtle about it. The bracelet was inscribed on the inside that went toward my skin, so it wouldn’t be seen by others and betray me as a mage. They were also obviously inscribed with the hidden magic glyph as well, so other mages wouldn’t be able to detect its magical aura.

  Some of the rituals I’d learned, were rituals that were largely pointless for me. Outside of travel, which was even a mostly useless ritual for me right now, only because it could only take me where I’d been before.

  Mind joining was one of the rituals, and was no doubt one my master had enchanted in his staffs. It was the one that allowed him to connect to all the apprentices’ minds at once, and control our magic. Without apprentices, or the desire for any, it was relatively useless.

  There were several for communication, but again, I had no one to communicate with. There were also ones for mass hypnosis, a necromantic rite to raise every corpse in a defined area, a dome of protection that would protect a whole town, a mass truth ritual, human sacrifice to permanently enhance a person’s core magic potential, another that would steal life force for longer life, and even one to greatly enhance a single spell.

  None of those seemed useful for my current circumstances. Although honestly, the mass truth ritual would be funny. I could just imagine the chaos if everyone in the town told nothing but truth for a few hours. The masks of civility they hid behind would be taken off. Still, it would blow my cover.

  As for the human sacrifice, that path didn’t appeal to me at all. Even were I to try and overcome my reluctance, it would also expose me very quickly. There were telltale signs other mages could recognize which took time to fade.

  No, the rituals wouldn’t help me really, except if I needed something very specific in the future. It was the combined spells and protection from mind magic that I spent most of my time studying and practicing during my time in Rockbend. The travel ritual was one I’d enchant eventually, it was too useful not to, but I needed to learn my way around first. Plus, I could cover a lot of ground quickly as an eagle, especially if I created a tail wind.

  I was sure I could get to the capitol in under a day that way, but I was also sure that would cause problems. I needed to go there overland to maintain my disguise, which would be a three-day trip on horseback.

  My clothes had been delivered a couple of days ago, and I was just waiting for a group to join. It was ridiculous, but if I dropped the pretense and simply disappeared from town, word would spread quickly, especially among the knights with their blasted communications devices.

  I’d chosen my cover, mixed with the town socially, and now I’d have to live with it.

  My biggest worry was that there’d be no evidence of the great magic and how to create them even in the capitol. I still wasn’t sure what my endgame was once I’d the power to pursue it, I’d need to observe the nobility in person first. The commoners and even the knights didn’t really understand their world.

  I’d also have to figure out a way to get into the castle, the mage library specifically, which would entail its own dangers.

  I was almost positive there would be more light spells to learn, and possibly more rituals that my master didn’t have. But again, whatever spells protected Lethia from Zual might be lost. Still, I’d never find out if I didn’t go look…

  Chapter 5

  There was a knock on the door, “Cassie?” asked a deep masculine voice.

  I frowned. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I gave the knight named Daniel permission to use that ridiculous nickname. I placed the spell book I had been reading back in my warded and spelled pack. I had several of them now. Packs I mean. I only needed the one, but if I put my new high class wardrobe in one bag even the dullest person would pick up on the fact it had to be magic.

  I opened the door and smiled, and I think I even meant it this time. It didn’t feel faked.

  “Daniel, what can I do for you?” I asked politely.

  Daniel was the friendliest of the knights, so I’d focused on him when asking questions about Lethia and the capitol. All disguised behind the curiosity of a merchant that wanted to open up a new branch of my family business there. I’d picked custom jewelry as our main product. It would be very simple to make exotically crafted jewelry with a picture in my mind and an earth elemental to actually make it. I had a lot of silver, gold, and raw gemstones in my pack from Zual.

  It also might get my foot in the door of the castle if I wowed the nobles.

  Point was, Daniel had grown on me over the last eight weeks. He was tall and broad like most of the knights, but his friendly blue eyes and handsome face was welcoming and hard to resist. I’d have to be careful not to become too soft, it was just a game after all. A lie. The problem was, it was obvious that Daniel believed that lie, which made h
im genuine. I’d never met anyone like him before.

  Daniel cleared his throat, “That a new dress?”

  I smiled and looked down, I was wearing a high class dress, blue with white and black embroidery. It was also a little risqué and did nothing to hide my curves, although it did cover my skin well enough from neck to ankle. It wasn’t up to the level of what a noble might wear, but it was perfect for a successful female merchant. Or more specifically, the ambitious daughter of one.

  “Yes, they were delivered a couple of days ago, did you need something?”

  He blushed, “Yes, I wanted to let you know there’s a caravan coming through on its way to the city. It should be here soon and leave first thing in the morning tomorrow. I’ll also be going along, since our relief will arrive with the caravan.”

  I smiled gratefully, “Thanks, I’ll definitely be there.”

  He asked, “Would you like to join me for dinner?”

  “Sure,” I stepped out and locked my door, and then went downstairs with Daniel.

  “Why are you going back to the city?” I asked.

  He waited to answer until we were seated and Maisy had dropped off some dinner plates.

  “I’m just stationed here. We do rounds in the villages, and back at the castle. We aren’t allowed to settle in one of the towns, and are pretty much like the army that way. It’s supposed to prevent us from getting to know the locals too well, and turning our eye from law breakers because of sentiment.”

  I asked curiously, “So you can’t have a family?”

  He shook his head, “We can after we retire. A usual stint in the knights lasts for ten years and pays well. After that I can settle down anywhere I want. It has its compensations.”

  I asked without thinking, “So you’re celibate?”

  He blushed and I followed.

  I’d just been curious, not offering myself, but I’d forgotten that wasn’t a polite topic in Lethia. They had some rather strange ideas that way over something that was natural.

  “What I meant was, you can’t even have anyone special in your life?” I added carefully.

  He said no, but I could sense there was more to it than that. Maybe they went to whores for that? Either way, I questioned why he acted so interested in me if we couldn’t connect that way. There was attraction there, but I didn’t understand why he’d care to get to know me if not to get under my dress. I felt like he was hiding something, but wondered if I was just paranoid.

  Oh, I had to admit having a friend was pleasant, though I couldn’t really let anyone get too close, they could never know who I really was. But for him, he had the other knights for friendship too. He didn’t need to be sitting with me, staring at what he couldn’t have.

  I didn’t get it. I was pretty sure it was just the veneer of civilization that had been indoctrinated into these people to control them, but I also wondered if maybe I was missing something. He wasn’t stupid, yet I couldn’t see his motivation. I hadn’t gone into any minds outside the tailor’s, and I couldn’t do it to him because I was afraid the sword’s dispel would react to my spell.

  I could overpower it, but there might be complications.

  He offered, “If you need a guide, I can get you in contact with the business division in the city, to get permits and all that.”

  My mind froze. He was definitely determined to be my friend. I felt grateful and annoyed at the same time. I kept expecting him to try to get me in bed, and in his case I might even let that happen, but he’d never tried.

  I finally smiled in response, it looked like I might have to set up an actual business when I got there to maintain my cover if he was going to be around a lot.

  “Thanks Daniel. I’d appreciate that,” I replied as I wondered how I’d gotten myself into this mess. This would make things much more complicated.

  It was foolishness though. I was interested in power, magical and otherwise, not… friends. Yet, it was a surprisingly pleasant feeling to know he had no ulterior motives. He cared for me for some unknown reason. This society was very dangerous; their odd ways even affected me.

  Zual might have been brutal, but at least I’d known where I’d stood, and where everyone else had stood as well.

  We made small talk as we finished up the meals, and Daniel walked me up to my room to say goodnight…

  I studied myself in the mirror. I had on a pair of black leather riding pants, along with black leather vest and a cream colored blouse beneath it. I’d never worn pants before, just flowing robes and then dresses here. I wondered for a moment if Daniel would like what I was wearing, and then I frowned.

  What was wrong with me?

  I should have been plotting his death to make my life easier in the city, not wondering if he’d find this attractive on me or not. I checked my protections, and was relieved to find no one had been inside my mind or had placed spells on me.

  No, I wasn’t different. I still wanted the magic, I wanted to be powerful. I also wanted a position of power, I just wasn’t sure what that would be yet. Thing is, I also wanted more than that now. These people were fools, surely I could accept loyalty and friendship as long as I didn’t fall for it myself. If they wished to delude themselves, I decided I could make use of that, and even enjoy it.

  I knew the truth of this life, nothing was free, and if I wanted a place in it I’d have to earn it by my own power. So what if I enjoyed an attractive man’s eyes on me, or his attentions? It was merely frosting on the cake. I just had to make sure I didn’t come to depend on anyone.

  I took one last look in the mirror and then headed downstairs with two of my bags, and sat down at a table. I’d bought a dagger to look the part of a traveler, but it was awkward and dug into my side. I adjusted it further to the side, and took a breath of relief.

  Maisy said, as she put the food down on my table, “Miss, your horse and packhorse are ready. With your permission I can get the rest of your bags.”

  I had all the important stuff in my main magical bag, so said, “That would be fine, thanks.”

  After breakfast, I headed outside. There were eight wagons, and several men on horses. I worked my way over to my horses, and checked the saddle to make sure my bags were secured firmly on the pack horse. Then I mounted the other.

  I’d had to buy the two horses when I realized I’d have to go over land. I was familiar with riding from Zual. However, we used mind magic to command the horses, so I’d gotten a few lessons from the stable boy on how to steer, stop, and go. I wasn’t all that great at it yet, but I was passable.

  “Morning Cassie,” Daniel greeted me.

  I smiled, “Good morning Danny,” I said impudently. Let’s see how he liked a nickname.

  He grinned, figures.

  “No one’s dared called me that for ages. I have this sharp sword you know.”

  I laughed, “Noted, I have this dagger so…”

  He shook his head, “Cassandra then?” he asked a little uncertainly.

  Of course that made me feel guilty. What was wrong with me?

  “Cassie’s fine, I just felt like teasing you. Only you can call me that though, I’ll have to skewer anyone else that tries.”

  He nodded, “Try to avoid that, I’d hate to have to arrest you. Mind if I ride with you?”

  I tilted my head and asked curiously, “You don’t want to ride with the other knights?”

  He shrugged, “They’re not so bad, just looking for a better offer.”

  I nodded, “So, when is your time up in the knights?”

  He grinned at me as the caravan started to move out. Thankfully, my horse followed without much prompting.

  He replied, “A few days.”

  His answer should have disgusted me. Obviously he did have an ulterior motive, he just couldn’t pursue it yet. Now that he’d said that, I could see he was about twenty-six, which meant he must have been just sixteen or so when he joined.

  But his answer didn’t disgust me, it sent a thrill down my spine. Whic
h confused me.

  He added, “But it’s complicated.”

  I asked, “How so?”

  He shrugged and said, “You’ll find out when we get there.”

  We bantered on and off all day. At the times when it grew quiet between us, I worked on my focus to cast three spells at once in various combinations for different purposes. I wasn’t stupid, I didn’t ever cast even one spell while so close to Daniel, but I was able to tell once I had the eight and sometimes nine thoughts solidly in my mind, that if I did channel magic into the glyphs the spell would work.

  At that point I cleared my mind of thought, and then started over with another spell. Perhaps some would say I was obsessed with it, but the truth was power didn’t come easily, or quickly. It took discipline and hard work, even for a so called prodigy.

  Still, whenever Daniel started our conversation back up, I wasn’t annoyed at all by the interruption. There was more to life than power. Maybe not as important, but still worthwhile. Power was the means, but not the end. What good was power, if I couldn’t enjoy the life it brought me?

  Chapter 6

  That first day we didn’t have any problems, we even reached the next town by nightfall and I wound up renting a room at the inn. This time there were no wary or strange looks, I looked like I belonged, in the right clothes and with a caravan. I couldn’t help but notice the wary looks at the knights though. So far I’d not seen any abuse or show of power on their part.

  I wondered how much of their reputation was just rumor, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions.

  We started out the next day, and about halfway to the next village, right after lunch, we were attacked by bandits, with magic, and demons. They didn’t have black robes, but I had a feeling that didn’t mean much. Unless the mages were so desperate here they turned to dark magic. That was possible I knew.

  There were ten relatively weak mages, and a very strong one based on the demons I saw present. There were only twenty knights, which were the four replacements for the village coming up which was the last before the capitol, and the sixteen that were going back to the city after their latest rotation.


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