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Wicked Deception (Wicked Magic Book 1)

Page 8

by Raisa Greywood

  Despite her misgivings, she was in danger of falling in love with this new version of her husband! She knew she would fall completely if only the specter of Angeline wasn't between them.


  Snow fell one late January morning, turning the estate into a soft impressionist landscape. It fell heavily enough that the trees behind the garden were blurred, their shapes rising into the air like dark smudges against the falling snow. She snuggled deeper into bed next to Richard and sighed happily.

  There was nothing that needed her immediate attention, and she decided to have a very rare lazy morning in bed. As she pressed her backside against his hips, he murmured softly in his sleep and caressed her flat belly, his hand warm and enticing on her skin. She shivered in pleasure and stroked his thigh.

  Despite her touches and the burgeoning evidence of his arousal, he continued to snore softly in her ear, his breaths sending tendrils of hair around her face. She chuckled to herself. He loved to have her take him into her mouth, yet she didn't know if she could be that bold.

  Fortune favored the brave, though, and she wanted him to wake in a pleasant mood so she could tell him what she suspected. Her courses hadn't arrived and she thought today would be a good time to tell him the happy news. She turned in his arms to face him then slid her body down until her face was level with his cock.

  His demand that they both sleep nude had shocked her at first, yet she was happy for it now. It was so much easier to make love without having to fight through nightclothes. His morning erection was heavy on her tongue as she took him deeply into her mouth, and she wanted to smirk at his sudden intake of breath, knowing he was close to waking.

  Setting her attention and her tongue on the vein on the underside of his flesh, she got to work, bobbing her head as she took him deeper into her throat. It made her choke sometimes, but she'd gotten much better at swallowing his cock, relishing his loss of control even though she couldn't take all of him.

  He rolled over to his back with a groan and buried both hands in her hair, holding her still as he thrust into her welcoming throat several times before pulling her up his body with a curse. She squeaked in surprise as he rolled over on top of her, hooking his elbows behind her knees to open her to his cock.

  "Such a naughty girl," he growled, just before biting down on her nipple hard enough to leave her gasping for air as the painful pleasure burned a path to her womb. He thrust into her harder, and she moaned in delight as his pubic bone rasped against the button at the apex of her sex.

  With another curse, he pulled out, leaving her whimpering in need as he straddled her face, his cock pointed directly at her mouth. "Suck it, sweetheart. Taste yourself on me."

  She opened her mouth wide, and eagerly took his cock between her lips, licking and sucking her wetness from his flesh until he was clean of her musky juices. His eyes glittered dangerously as he pulled away from her, flipping her to her belly before raising her hips to meet his cock.

  His thrust caught her unaware, and she cried out as he pushed into her so deeply it felt like he touched her womb. His fingers dug into her hips, and she couldn't bring herself to care that she'd have bruises from his hands.

  "Touch yourself. I want you to come on my cock, sweet wife." He removed one hand from her hip, pulling her hair until she arched her back, thrusting even harder against him as her hand found the aching nub of flesh between her legs. She felt his cock brush her hand as he pounded her. The painful tug on her hair only added to her delight, and she came with a short scream, slick fluid rushing from her cunt as she spasmed around him.

  He choked on a feral cry and followed her into bliss. The sensation of his seed bathing her sensitive tissues sent her into another paroxysm of joy, smaller than the first, but no less intense.

  He let go of her hair, and she allowed her head to drop to the bed between her elbows, her breaths rasping in her throat as he stroked her back. After a moment of tenderness, he laid down on his side next to her, petting her hair as he tried to catch his own breath from their exertions.

  Richard kissed her cheek and rose from their bed. Elizabeth grumbled, but he soothed her with a soft touch. "Patience, and I shall bring you a treat."

  She rolled over and reached out for him, her hand finding and catching his balls. She sucked his cock into her mouth, relishing his decadent flesh.

  "Fuck, Elizabeth! You try my patience!"

  She hummed her agreement, but he pushed her away. "Treats, little one."

  Elizabeth fell back against the pillows and pouted. "Fine. Treats, and then treats." She caressed his balls and winked. "Good treats, I hope."

  "Bad girl." He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I'll be back soon."

  She leaned back against the pillows in contented bliss. Her eyes were heavy and she dozed, enjoying the languid comfort.

  "Open, sweetheart."

  The scent of chocolate teased her nose as Richard pressed a cup to her lips, allowing a trickle to run down her chin. It was sweet, rich, earthy. Delicious. He laughed and pulled the cup away, painting her lips with the musky dark fluid.

  "More, husband."

  "Patience, wife."

  He put the cup to her lips and she swallowed. Despite its earlier sweetness, the chocolate was sour and bitter on her tongue. The harsh taste made her scowl, and she pushed it away. "That's awful!"

  "Drink, Elizabeth." He grabbed her hair, holding her head still.

  She obeyed, wrinkling her nose against the sour taste. It was gone in a flash, leaving only the sweetness she'd experienced at the first sip. Richard set the cup aside and climbed back into bed.

  “That was awful, Richard! Why did you make me drink that?” She scowled and sat up, moving away from him.

  “You need the sugar, darling.” He reached over and kissed her throat, his lips trailing down her breastbone. “You haven’t had breakfast, and you will need your strength.”

  She grumbled in displeasure, but nestled comfortably against Richard and soon found herself dozing once more, resting in contented bliss. The servants knew better than to disturb them unless one of them rang. No one would come to dress them or bring breakfast, or any other mundane task she and Richard normally suffered.

  It was delightful to have a lazy morning in bed. She felt vaguely guilty, but ignored it. She'd worked so hard to make this house into a home she could be proud of. Her head began to ache and she felt rather sick. Perhaps the chocolate had been bad. She allowed her eyes to fall shut, listening to Richard's soft snores behind her as she drifted back to sleep.

  Warm hands stroked her inner thighs, waking her once more. Her lips twitched upwards, but she didn't open her eyes, rolling to her back to allow the gentle caress of her husband. It was simply delightful, and she relaxed into his touch despite the dull headache behind her eyes.

  Richard's hot breath tickled her neck, and he shifted next to her as he murmured approvingly in her ear. He stroked her breast, his fingers tweaking lazily at her nipple, and she gasped in pleasure as his hands stroked her center.

  There were too many hands. Two on her thighs, one still stroking her nipple. Her eyes snapped open, and she tried to crawl from the bed, but the stroking, caressing, delicious hands kept her still.

  "Richard!" She struggled against the hands and cried out. Her vision blurred as she tried to sit up and a flash of nausea struck, making her belly tumble. She had no idea who it was in bed with them, and this surely was a sin beyond anything she'd ever encountered. Nothing could have prepared her for such debased activity. Yet she couldn't deny the pleasure raging through her body. Her temples pounded, muddling her thoughts into confusion.

  Richard caught his face in his hands, kissing her breathless. When he lifted his head, she caught a glimpse of blonde hair between her legs as Richard pressed her back into the pillows.

  "Hush, sweet. I promise you nothing but delight if you obey me, and let Angeline do as she likes."

  Warm breath touched her core as Richard's mistress lowe
red her mouth to Elizabeth's center, teasing her with licking, sucking, and sharp nibbling bites. Elizabeth stiffened, still wanting to run from this debauched encounter. What was her husband thinking? Had he gone mad?

  Yet the woman's mobile tongue invaded her flesh, making Elizabeth gasp in pleasure as her husband lowered his head to her needy breasts. Deft fingers invaded her channel, curving upwards to stroke that sensitive spot within her. Heavens! She’d never felt such delight! Certainly, Richard had never done such a thing. Panting her arousal, she lifted her hips, drawing a soft laugh from Angeline.

  The sound made her immediately ashamed and she bucked, trying to loosen Richard’s and Angeline’s hold on her, to no avail. Angeline set her lips to that tender nub at the apex of her sex, drawing a scream of pained delight from Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth cried out, the pleasure too overwhelming to contain. "Richard, please!"

  He growled low, the animalistic sound making her shiver as Angeline moved. Cool air caressed her damp flesh as he mounted her, thrusting his thick cock into her body. She felt movement on the bed next to her, and warm, feminine lips tasting of her own musk met hers. Elizabeth took them greedily as Richard joined that depraved kiss, each nibbling one side of her parted lips.

  Elizabeth shuddered as the head of his manhood touched her womb, the sensation sparking her woman's delight once more. Richard shouted, bathing her grasping flesh with his seed as a low, feminine chuckle sounded in her ear.

  Panting heavily, Elizabeth opened her eyes to see Richard sharing a kiss with his mistress. She thought she should be jealous, yet it seemed too much effort. They'd shared the taste of her, and it made her feel wanted. She shook her head, trying to dispel the thought. She should protest this!

  But it was lovely, nestled between the two of them. She spared a brief thought for the teachings of her youth and of the church she'd attended every Sunday for years, yet it didn't stay long. She was bound to obey her husband, and he'd asked this of her. If there was to be a sin, it belonged to her husband and his wicked mistress.

  Elizabeth would think about it later. She rolled over to face Angeline. The other woman gazed at her, startling violet eyes slumberous, her pale blonde hair a tangle around her shoulders.

  "Such a lovely little girl," Angeline murmured softly, nuzzling her face into Elizabeth's neck.

  "I should send you away."

  Angeline laughed softly. "You won't."

  "No." Elizabeth stretched back against her husband, releasing her breath on a heavy sigh as he stroked her shoulders. "Yet I fail to understand what shall be done with you."

  "Have patience, pet. All shall become clear in time."

  "I'm not a pet. If anyone is such a thing, it is you."

  Angeline laughed, touching her lips to Elizabeth's ear. "Sweet child. I suppose I must teach you that we are all subservient to something."

  Chapter 7

  Well married a person has wings, poorly married shackles.

  Henry Ward Beecher

  Elizabeth shivered at the sensation of the other woman's hand trailing lazily around the sensitive skin over her collarbones as warmth suffused her. The violet faded from Angeline's eyes, leaving them black as pitch. Her smooth porcelain skin sagged into wrinkles, and Angeline’s lilac scent faded under the stench of corruption. Elizabeth gasped and tried to pull away from the frightening vision, but her husband held her still. A spike of pain stabbed her head. She cried out, yet the ache eased almost as quickly as it had come, taking with it the dull headache she’d suffered since Richard had given her the cup of chocolate.

  She was almost too warm, and struggled to move away from Angeline's touch. Yet Richard held her tight, his cock growing thicker as it pressed into her hip. Just as suddenly as it had come, the heat dissipated, leaving her languorously drowsy.

  What had she been thinking? Elizabeth looked into Angeline's eyes and tried to remember what she'd seen, but it was all a muddle in her head. The other woman's eyes were a lovely violet; not black at all. She was young; not wrinkled, and smelled of the finest of lilacs. Perhaps her vision was still dimmed by her headache. Richard’s eyes had changed color, too. She frowned at the spike of pain in her head and shook the thought away, though she felt disoriented and not at all herself.

  Their warm hands stroked her flesh, teasing her into arousal once more. Despite having reached her pleasure, Elizabeth's channel tightened with need and she let out a soft gasp, whimpering with desire. "I want—"

  "Roll over on your stomach, pet."

  Elizabeth obeyed Angeline’s order and pressed her sex into the bedding, relishing the pressure on the sensitive flesh. Angeline's hand met the rounded globe of her bottom in a stinging slap and Elizabeth cried out in pleasure and pain, feeling wetness trickle to dampen the bedding.

  "Naughty girl! You shouldn’t rub that pretty cunt without permission." Angeline slapped her bottom once more, and said, "Get up on your knees and elbows with your bottom in the air." She moved Elizabeth's knees apart, as Richard pressed her shoulders into the mattress, stretching her arms out in front of her. Cool air chilled her damp woman's flesh, and Elizabeth shivered in delight.

  Turning her head, she gazed at her husband. Angeline's voice was filled with laughter and Elizabeth couldn't help but smile. It felt wonderful to please her, and she couldn't understand why she hadn't demanded Richard bring her to live with them.

  Angeline knelt over her, putting her lips to Elizabeth's ear. "Naughty girls get their bare bottoms spanked."

  Elizabeth frowned, her head pounding once more as she considered the words. Hadn't she disliked Richard's spankings? The punishments had hurt, but hadn’t she felt pleasure from them? She couldn't remember, but it was such a splendid idea now. Her channel dripped, and she wanted to taste the moisture trickling down her inner thigh. A soft hand massaged the folds of her cunt, and she pressed against it, nearly whining in need as she sought a firmer touch.

  "If you are a very good girl and please Richard, you will get your delight after we punish your bottom."


  "Please what, pet?"

  Oh, that lovely voice! Elizabeth wanted to laugh and cry all at once. She loved that Angeline and Richard were happy, yet despondent that she'd displeased them. "Please punish my me. I need—"

  "What do you need?"

  "I—" She coughed on the words, suddenly aware of her vulnerable position. She couldn't think through the need raging through her body. "I need to be punished."

  "You certainly do," Richard purred. "We're going to spank your backside until it's red and hot. If you're very good for your spanking and thank us for it, I'll fuck your back passage."

  Elizabeth's eyes widened, and she squeaked as she tried to escape. Richard held her down as the first blow fell. Angeline hadn't used her hand, and tears sprang to Elizabeth's eyes as the strap fell over and over again, searing her bottom. It hurt so badly, but if this was required to make them happy with her, she would bear it.

  The heat from her abused bottom centered over her needy cunt, and she moaned through her tears. Every blow sent another shard of aching pleasure to the button at the apex of her sex.

  Richard knelt in front of her, pinning her arms as he grasped a handful of hair, lifting her tearstained face up until she could see him. She loved that he smiled down at her. That beautiful smile was worth a thrashing.

  Still damp from their play, his cock bobbed in front of her and her mouth watered for it despite Angeline's stinging blows to her bottom. He groaned as he pushed his member into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat.

  She choked, but Angeline's soft touch on her neck made her throat relax, and she swallowed him down. How was such an astonishing thing possible? Before that gentle touch, she'd always choked if he went too deeply. It was perfectly lovely to take all of him, even though the head of his cock blocked her air. She adored the way his crisp hair tickled her nose and chin, and she trusted that he would allow her to breathe when she needed it.
r />   Richard petted her face with a gentle hand, at odds with his thrusting cock and his fist tugging at her scalp. "Such a good girl," he whispered hoarsely. "You look so lovely with my cock in your mouth."

  He wiped at her tears, bringing the salty wetness to his lips, sucking them as if he relished her pain. "You cry so beautifully."

  She wanted to thank him, so glad she'd pleased him. Black spots floated past her eyes and he pulled out long enough to allow her a few tearing breaths before filling her mouth once again. Her moan choked off and she screamed as Angeline laid the strap directly across her needy cunt. It was flame and pleasure and agony all at once, and the breath left her body at the searing pain.

  Richard clenched his eyes shut and groaned. "Her screams feel delicious on my cock, Angeline. Give her a few more, if you please."

  Angeline was silent as she stroked Elizabeth's scorched bottom. Elizabeth could barely breathe for the agonizing wait to see if Angeline would continue her punishment. It seemed like an eternity until she finally spoke.

  "I think she's been punished enough, my dear. You wanted to use her bottom, did you not?" She squeezed Elizabeth's flesh, her nails digging cruelly into the abused globes of her bottom. "What do you say, pet?"

  Richard pulled his cock from her mouth to allow her to speak. "Th-thank you f-for my p-punishment, my lady." She had to choke the words out between her sobs. It hurt so badly!

  Angeline chuckled, smoothing a hand over her heated bottom. "You are such a good girl, but your punishment isn't quite done yet. Naughty girls get their pretty bottom holes soundly fucked, don't they?"

  Elizabeth shuddered in fear mixed with desire. Angeline's suggestion was dirty and so wrong, but she couldn't help wanting it. She had been very naughty, hadn't she? "Yes, my lady."

  "And what do you say, pet?"

  "P-please fuck my naughty bottom, my lord." She felt as if her face might flame away and knew it was pink with embarrassment at having to ask for such a thing, yet she desperately wanted to please them both and opened her mouth wide to receive Richard's cock once more.


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