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Page 95

by Joey Bush

  I could feel Brian slowly running his hands up and down my back, and I relaxed into his touch as I buried my face in his neck. He smelled of leather and cut grass, two of my favorite smells, and it made me feel safe. I inhaled deeply and then let out a satisfied sigh right before I felt my right leg go to sleep. “Uh oh,” I mumbled.

  “What’s wrong,” he whispered.

  “Leg’s asleep,” I groaned. “This is going to suck!”

  Brian laughed as he slid to the edge of the couch and gently pulled me off of him flipping me over so that I landed softly on my back with my legs propped on the couch. “It won’t be too bad,” he reassured me. “Just stay there until the circulation returns and you can stand up.”

  “I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to stand again in my life,” I said softly.

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll recover very nicely,” he chuckled.

  “You’re not me,” I pouted playfully. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what it feels like,” he grinned as he turned and headed toward the bathroom, looking over his shoulder to add,

  “Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment.”


  As I was waiting for my leg to wake up, I heard my phone signal an incoming text. I reached over my head and grabbed the phone off of the side table and checked the screen to find a message from Lara. “Parteeeeeee at Fiji house! R U coming? Pleeeeeeze!!” I laughed at the silly little emoji she attached and thought about it for a moment. As I was thinking, a second text arrived. This one was from Jessie. “We never have fun N E MORE! Come to party. U no U wanna! Bring the hottie!” I laughed out loud at this one and quickly texted back, “On my way in a bit. Hottie in tow!”

  “Brian!” I called into the bathroom as I tested my leg and winced as the pins and needles started. “Brian? Did you fall in?”

  “Ha ha, very funny,” he said as he exited the bathroom with a big wet spot on the front of his jeans. “No, I did not fall in. I was just cleaning up a bit.”

  “What happened?” I asked genuinely perplexed. “Do you not know how to use a sink?”

  “Yes, Miss Smart Ass,” he replied drily. “I know how to use a sink, but apparently you know how to let loose with some moisture of your own, so I needed to clean up a bit.”

  I blushed deeply as I dropped my eyes to the floor and mumbled, “Oh, sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he moved around in front of me and put a hand under my chin and lifted it so that I was staring up into his beautiful blue eyes. “Don’t ever be sorry for enjoying sex — or for having it with me.”

  I laughed as he playfully brushed a finger down my nose and then bent over to kiss me. My legs were both awake and ready to go, so I popped up off the couch and announced, “We’re going to a party!”

  “We’re what?” he asked.

  “We’re going to a party!” I said in an excited voice. “I’m taking you out with me. Jessie and Lara are over at the Fiji house and they want me to bring you along. See?” I held up my phone for him to see the messages. He looked at them, then back at me and shrugged.

  “Fine,” his suddenly morose response took me by surprise. What just happened? I wondered.

  “You don’t want to go?” I asked, genuinely concerned about his lack of enthusiasm.

  “It’s not up to me, now is it?” he replied. “I’m the bodyguard, I go where you go. End of discussion.”

  “Brian? What’s wrong?” I reached out to touch his arm, but he pulled away.

  “There is nothing wrong, Ava!” he shouted. “Go get ready and I’ll drive you to the party!”

  I turned and walked to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I had no idea what had just happened, but if he was going to act like a jerk, then it wasn’t my problem. His moodiness wasn’t going to ruin a night of fun with my best friends. I quickly decided on a short skirt and a midriff baring top in two soft shades of blue and, having been to the Fiji house before, I chose a pair of flat silver Gladiator sandals that would stay on my feet no matter how much dancing I did. I dressed quickly, and then grabbed a cross body bag off of the dresser and put my ID, lipstick and room key in it along with some cash in case I needed it. I checked myself in the mirror one more time, and then headed out to the front room.

  “You ready?” I asked as I stood by the door. Brian was lounging on the couch watching the rest of our forgotten movie.

  “Yeah, whatever,” he said without looking up.

  “Then let’s get a move on, sailor!” I chirped half-heartedly. Not having him on board with this plan was taking some of the fun out of it.

  “Oh, wow,” he breathed as he stood up and caught a glimpse of me.

  “What? Is something wrong?” I asked as I ran a hand through my hair hoping to tame any flyaway ends.

  “No, nothing’s wrong at all,” he muttered as he grabbed his keys and stalked to the door. “Let’s go get this over with.”

  “You don’t have to be such a grump!” I teased.

  “Ava, go get in the car,” he said seriously. “We have a party to get to.”


  When we arrived at the Fiji house, the party was in full swing. All the lights in the place were on and the music was blaring so loudly that the windows were pulsing to the beat and for a moment I was afraid they would break. On the porch, a group of Fiji brothers were playing beer pong with a group of Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters and it looked like the Kappas were actually winning; either that, or the Fiji boys were so far gone that they had lost sight of the purpose of the game. I walked up the steps with Brian in tow, and the game players all yelled their welcome before turning back to the table and enthusiastically urging the next Kappa to put the ball in the cup.

  Inside the house we had to navigate through a maze of people dancing to the pounding bass that seemed to be coming from the far corner of the living room. People were dancing everywhere; on the stairs, in the hallway, in the kitchen, and on the kitchen counter was a girl in go-go boots and a bikini dancing for an audience of one while the rest twisted and writhed to the beat. I grabbed Brian’s hand and pulled him toward the backyard where Jessie and Lara had said they’d be.

  The Fiji’s had, at some point in their illustrious history, build an in-ground pool in the back yard of the fraternity house, and tonight the pool was lit up by hundreds (maybe even thousands) of strings of chili pepper lights, which made the yard glow an ominous shade of red. I scanned the large yard as several drunk frat brothers pushed each other into the pool yelling “Cannonball!” before they did. From the looks of their soaking clothes, they’d been doing this for a while. I shook my head and then jumped up and down as I spotted the girls in the far corner of the yard.

  “Jessie! Lara!” I yelled as I made a dash for them. “I’m here!”

  “Ava!” Jessie shouted. “Did you bring the hottie?”

  “Jessie!” I scolded. “He has a name. Shame on you!”

  “Awww, I’m sorry,” she said as she hung her head shamefully. “Hi Brian, I’m sorry I called you the hottie. No offense.”

  “None taken,” he replied with a bit of a smile creeping across his lips. No one could stay mad at Jessie for very long, not even a tough bodyguard.

  “What’s going on, girls?” I asked.

  “Well, James here is showing us how he can beer bong, but I’m not buying the whole set up,” Lara said as she grabbed James’ apparatus and turned it over to examine it. “I’ve never seen anything like this, and he’s managed to pour more beer on himself than into his mouth thus far.”

  I looked at James and wondered if it was the beer bong that was the problem or the fact that he was about twelve sheets to the wind already. I said as much to Lara and she laughed it off telling me that I was overanalyzing and that I should lighten up. I shrugged and asked where I could get a drink. Jessie walked me over to the table and ordered a couple of punches for us both. I turned to ask Brian if he wanted anything, but he’d moved over to the
corner of the yard where he could observe with his back against the fence. I waved to get his attention, but he didn’t see me so after I got my glass, I walked over to him.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I asked.

  “No, I’m fine,” he replied as he scanned the crowd.

  “Are you sure?” I asked again.

  “Yes! I’m fine, dammit!” he shouted impatiently. “Now will you drop it?”

  “Jeez, I was just trying to be polite. You don’t have to bite my head off,” I grumbled. “Sorry I asked.”

  “It’s fine,” he said as he waved me off. “Go have fun. I’ll be over here if you need me.”

  I walked away feeling frustrated because I knew I’d been dismissed. Why is he so angry? What had I been expecting? Did I think he was going to act like my boyfriend around all of these people? The tryst on the couch and the one in the hotel room kept playing in my head and I couldn’t get them out of my mind. That changed as Jessie brought me a second cup of punch and pulled me into a crowd of dancers, and I lost myself in the alcohol and the beat of the pounding music that blared from the speakers. Soon I was having a wonderful time and had forgotten the sting of Brian’s dismissal.


  Jessie, Lara and I walked to the other end of the yard and watched the Fiji boys cannon ball into the pool over and over again as we drank our punch. Admittedly, I drank too much, too fast, and soon I found myself slurring my words and laughing more loudly that I normally would, but I was having fun and for once, I wasn’t worried about anything. The alcohol gave me a warm fuzzy sense of confidence and I began openly flirting with a boy they called “Cheese.”

  “So how on earth did you get the nickname Cheese?” I laughed.

  “Oh, it’s not a nickname,” he solemnly informed me. “Cheese is my given name. My parents were hippies who really wanted to buck the system, but they were on welfare when I was born because my dad had lost his job when he refused to sign up for the draft on the grounds that he was a contentious objector. My mom said that they named me Cheese because the day I was born that’s all they had left to eat until the next month’s allotment of food stamps were issued.”

  “You are kidding me,” I had stopped laughing and was staring at him in disbelief.

  “Nope, not kidding at all,” Cheese replied. “I was fortunate that my parents also thought about the future ramifications of their choice and gave me a normal middle name on the off chance that someday I’d be elected president or something.”

  “And what is your middle name?” I asked breathlessly.

  “It’s,” he responded.

  “It’s what?” I begged. “Tell me!”

  “That’s it. My middle name is It’s,” he said with a serious look on his face.

  “So you are telling me that your parents named you Cheese It’s?” I asked with wide eyes full of confusion and disbelief.

  “Yep, that’s my full name,” he proudly announced.

  “Wait, what’s your last name?” I drunkenly asked.

  “Rock,” he replied.

  “Your full name is Cheese It’s Rock?” I said as I bit my tongue to keep from laughing out loud at the poor guy’s misfortune.

  Suddenly we were interrupted by a group of human cannon balls running toward us and as we stepped apart, one of the ballers looked at me and yelled, “Is he telling you his name?”

  “Yeah!” I hollered. “It’s unbelievable!”

  “Did he tell you it’s Cheese It’s Rock?” the baller shouted over the thundering sound of bodies hitting the water.

  “He did! Can you even believe it?” I laughed.

  “No!” yelled the baller as he ran toward the edge of the pool and yelled, “Dude’s name is Christopher Michael Jackson! But we call him Jackass!” And with that he turned and yelled “Cannon ball!” as he splashed into the pool with the rest of the ballers.

  “Christopher Michael Jackson!” I shouted.

  “What?” Cheese looked over at me expectantly.

  “You are a jackass!” I laughed. “You had me going!”

  “I know,” he laughed. “But you were so earnest and trusting, I couldn’t help myself!”

  “Jackass!” I laughed as I walked over to him and punched his shoulder.

  “You hit like a girl,” he observed as he grabbed my wrist and pushed my fingers into a proper fist for punching. “Never tuck your thumb inside your hand when you make a fist. That’s a good way to get it broken. Now punch me again. This time like you mean it.”

  I pulled back, checked my fist and then landed a drunken punch that nearly knocked me off my feet. If it hadn’t been for Cheese (or was it Christopher?) catching me, I would have fallen forward into the pool with the rest of the drunken idiots. As he set me on my feet, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “Are you okay, Ava?” Brian asked.

  “I’m fine!” I cheerfully shouted. “Cheese is throwing me how to pack a punch! I mean showing me!”

  “You seem a little drunk,” he said quietly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine!” I shouted a little too loudly. “I’m having fun for a change!”

  “Ava,” Brian spoke quietly in my ear. “Don’t you think that given the current situation and the fact that we don’t know where Dominic is, that it would be smart if you stayed a little more sober tonight?”

  “What are you, my father?” I belligerently protested. “I’m not a child! I can do what I want, and what I want is another drink!”

  “Ava,” he warned. “I’m not your father, I’m your body guard and I’m just saying that I think you should stay a little more in control of yourself tonight.”

  “Back off, Seal!” I slurred as I pushed him away. “I’m in charge of things, and what I go says! I mean, what I say goes! I’m not afraid of that coward and I’m going to prove it by having a damn good time tonight!”

  “Dude, I think the lady has expressed her wishes and it’s time for you to step down,” Cheese advised Brian.

  “Fine,” Brian nodded, but from his expression it was easy to see that his ego had been bruised by the frat boy’s enforcement of my decision. “I’ll be over here if you need me, Ava. Let me know when you’re ready to go home.”

  “I will,” I cheerily tossed off as I linked my arm through Cheese’s arm and skipped over to the table where they quickly refilled my punch glass. Soon I was dancing up a storm with several of the now dry cannon ballers who had latched onto Lara and Jessie. We sang along with every song the DJ played and made up new dances that we had little hope of remembering the next day, all the while laughing and drinking. The guys kept refilling our glasses as we emptied them and I lost count of how many I’d had, and then I felt the floor begin to undulate. It was like I was standing on a ship’s deck during an ocean storm. I staggered to the nearest couch and landed with a thud right on Cheese’s lap.

  “Uf!” he grunted as my elbow hit his chest. “Ouch!”

  “I’m so sorry Mr. Cheese It!” I slurred. “I didn’t mean to…mean to…what did I do again?” I was way over the legal limit and in danger of losing control of all of my faculties, and Cheese seemed to be more than willing to help me cross the line.

  “No, baby, you’re fine,” he purred as he stroked the offending elbow. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to kiss any boo boos?”

  “Oh Cheesey, you’re so funny!” I laughed as I swatted and missed his shoulder. “I’m fine. No boo boos.”

  “Are you sure,” he whispered in my ear. “There are a lot of places I could kiss, you know.”

  “I’m going to get up now, Mr. Cheese,” I slurred as I attempted to push myself up off of his lap, but the Cheese Man had other ideas and he pulled me back down, which, admittedly, wasn’t terribly difficult to do.

  “Just stay, baby,” his tone was a little more urgent and I could feel the beginning of something stirring and it was more than I wanted to encourage.

  “Nope, I’m gonna get up and find the ladies room
,” I laughed as I pushed up again. This time Cheese had a firm grasp on my arm and pulled me down hard.

  “I said, stay,” he ordered in a quiet voice.

  “No!” I yelled. “Let me go, Mr. Cheese! Let go! Let go! Let go!” An instant later three of the Fijis surrounded us, one pulled me off of Cheese’s lap and the other two pulled the offender up off the couch. Brian had quickly crossed the yard and now had an arm around me as he watched the fraternity brothers deal with their loose cannon member.

  “Listen Jackass,” one of the brothers said in a serious tone. “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to get us shut down? We’ve warned you about this kind of behavior and we have told you that we do not tolerate any kind of abuse or stupidity when it comes to women in this frat house. If they say no, they mean no and you stop whatever you are doing and get them to a safe place. Under no circumstances do you ever use force. You’re such a screw up. Get the hell out of the house!”

  “Wait, guys! No!” Cheese yelled. “I can explain!”

  “No, you can’t,” said the taller brother. “You’re done. We’ll have a meeting tomorrow and decide whether to eject you or not. Now go find somewhere else to sleep tonight.”

  Cheese shot Brian and I a dirty look as he slunk out of the house. Brian nodded at the brothers who’d evicted their offending member, and said, “Thanks, guys. I’m going to get her home. I think she’s had a good enough time tonight.”

  “Hey, no problem,” the tall brother said. “Sorry about our idiot friend. He’s not a bad guy, just a little clueless.”


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