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The Way We Wed

Page 7

by Pat Warren

  “Fortunately not.”

  “I don’t imagine you did a lot of camping out when you were a kid, eh?” She’d cut him off the last time he’d mentioned her early years. Jeff wondered if he could get her to open up here in this nonthreatening environment.

  “None at all. Sleeping on the nasty old ground in a smelly tent with all manner of bugs and vermin is not for well-bred young ladies.” Her voice had a trace of repressed anger.

  “That sounds like a direct quote. From your mother?”

  “My stepmother, or whatever. And my father was paranoid that I’d be kidnapped and held for ransom since it was common knowledge that he had a lot of money.”

  Jeff could scarcely make out her features in the dim light. “That much money, eh?”

  “Yes. Filthy rich, as the saying goes. Plenty of cold cash and a heart carved out of ice to go with it.”

  Whoa! Jeff wondered if she knew how bitter she sounded. Not as angry as she’d been the other day at the mention of her father. But rather sorrowful and regretful.

  “A cold fish. Well, a lot of successful men get to the top by kicking and clawing their way up the ladder, often using ruthless methods to gain control. Many of their business associates dislike and fear them, I hear.”

  “Not my father. He wasn’t ruthless in business. He was heartless and utterly without remorse with his own family.”

  That’s when they heard a huge crash and a loud scream, the sounds coming from close by outside their tent.

  Chapter 4

  “I’m going out to see what happened,” Jeff said as he grabbed his boots and began pulling them on.

  “I’ll go with you,” Tish said, sitting up.

  “No, stay here.” He searched through the pile of wet things, looking for his denim jacket. “No use both of us getting soaked again.” Finding the jacket finally, he opened the tent flap and crawled out.

  The rain came down in buckets as he shrugged into his jacket. He hadn’t bothered with jeans since pulling on the soaked pair would be no easy feat in the cramped tent and he didn’t want to get his other dry pair wet. Scrunching up his shoulders, Jeff made his way toward the far side where a small lantern lent enough light for him to see that the stakes had come loose and the tent had fallen in on the occupants.

  “It’s too muddy here,” Pete said as Jeff joined the others in trying to raise the tent. “Stakes won’t stay in the ground.”

  “We need to move it over there,” Derek answered, pointing to a higher ridge where the ground was rocky but solid.

  The four men put their backs into it and lifted the tent stakes and all, leaving Tanya scrambling out of her bedroll, looking wet and annoyed. A short distance from her, John sat on his sleeping bag pulling on his boots and muttering under his breath. The rain pelted everywhere and quick, jagged spurts of lightning lit up the night sky while thunder rumbled in the distance. Carrying his end, Jeff followed as they maneuvered the tent up the small incline.

  “I’ll stake my end in first,” Jim called out.

  Justin came hurrying over with the mallet and pounded the stake in while Jim held it fast. Justin hurried around to where the others held their stakes and made short order of firmly pounding each one in.

  “Okay, guys, thanks,” Pete said, then shouted above the rain’s noise. “John, Tanya, you’re all set over here.”

  Wrapped in her bedroll, her booted feet sticking out and carrying her other clothes, Tanya stomped up to the tent. “Are you guys sure this will hold? I’m not fond of these middle-of-the-night surprises.”

  “Think of it as an adventure,” John said, trailing behind her.

  “I hope you brought your hair dryer, Tanya,” Jeff teased her.

  She made a face at him and ducked inside the tent.

  “She’s cranky when she’s wet,” John said, chuckling. “Thanks, guys.”

  “Hey, John,” Pete said, grabbing his arm, “keep the wrestling in there to a minimum and the tent will hold.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” And he disappeared inside, closing the flap after himself.

  “Well, that was fun,” Derek muttered, slogging through puddles toward his own tent as Jim, Pete and Justin trailed after him.

  Jeff made his way back to the far tent and just for his own peace of mind, whacked each of the stakes with the mallet to make sure they were holding steady. Satisfied, he opened the tent flap and ducked inside. “One of the tents collapsed, but we fixed it.”

  “You’re soaked again,” Tish said, going up on her knees and grabbing his towel. “Here, let me help you.”

  Quite willing at this point to accept her help, Jeff yanked off his boots and shrugged out of his jacket. With his back to her, he let Tish dry his hair, then his damp shoulders and back. He felt her small but strong hands move over his cool flesh, warming wherever she touched, and his pulse began to escalate.

  “Turn around,” she directed.

  Sitting Indian style, he swiveled about and found that she was quite close. He could have easily finished up himself, but he was enjoying her ministrations way too much to stop her now. Carefully, she patted dry his face, then shifted her attention to his chest, dabbing at the hair there. Her touch was arousing him despite his best effort at control.

  In the dim light of the small lantern, he saw her eyes drift lower. She went to work on his legs next, her gaze returning to his briefs, once more wet.

  Tish stopped, sitting back on her haunches, averting her gaze. “I’ll give you my towel. It’s not too wet, and you can finish up, okay?” Slowly, color moved into her face as she became aware of his discomfort. “I—I think you might have to slip those off since they’re sopping wet.” She seemed unable to keep from staring at the gray cotton briefs that had become all too tight.

  Time seemed to stand still as Jeff waited to see what Tish would do. Her eyes moved up his body and locked with his dark green gaze. There was a war going on inside her, he could tell, but he couldn’t help her with this one. She’d have to make the first move and he could see by her expressive face which way she yearned to go.

  The moments ticked by and finally she came to a decision. “For your sake,” she began, her voice low and husky, “I should walk away from you. You’d be so much better off. But I can’t seem to do that. I want you too much. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a man in my life.”

  He hadn’t known he’d been holding his breath, but he let out a relieved sigh at last. Raising his hand to her silken cheek, he stroked her soft skin. “I won’t hurt you, Tish. Not ever.”

  “But I might hurt you,” she whispered.

  “I’ll take my chances.” His hand moved to cup the back of her neck and drew her closer. His lips touched hers, gently at first, then more passionately. Jeff’s other arm went around her as he deepened the kiss. Her response was instantaneous and avid, her mouth opening to admit his tongue, to allow him to explore while their hearts beat furiously in unison.

  Outside the rain beat against the walls of the tent and poured into the nearby mountain stream. A craggy bolt of lightning flashed, clearly visible through the tent walls, followed by a thunder clap that reverberated along the ground beneath them. The elements of nature, fierce, wild and wonderful, impossible to control. Like his need for this woman, Jeff thought as he arranged their sleeping bags as a mattress and spread the blankets for cover warmth.

  Easing her down on her side, Jeff joined her and smelled the rain on her hair, inhaling her special scent that was sweeter than anything he’d ever known. In the dim lamplight, her large luminous eyes watched him, hazy with an arousal he himself struggled to control. Slowly, he thought. He wanted to go slowly and prayed he could hold off, for she was so beautiful.

  “I tried to stay away from you,” Tish whispered, her voice tremulous. “I honestly did, but I kept being drawn back. It’s like you’re in my blood and I’ve got to have you.”

  He stroked her rain-washed hair back off her face, smiling down at her. “From the first moment I saw you come
riding in on Belladonna, looking for all the world like the lady of the manor, those gorgeous eyes examining me from head to toe, I knew I’d never be able to let you go.”

  A small frown appeared to mar her lovely features. “You don’t know me. There are things—”

  “Shh,” he said, a finger to her lips. “Not tonight. Whatever they are, they can wait. We’ll take care of them together. Tonight we don’t think, we just feel.” His hand glided along her shoulder down her rib cage and came to rest on her hip. “And you feel so good.”

  Her small hand moved to tangle in the hair of his chest. “This is what excited me tonight, when I saw you with your shirt off. My hands itched to touch you. You’re so strong, so beautiful.”

  His smile came easily. “You’re the one who’s beautiful and tonight, you’re mine.”

  “I don’t take this lightly, Jeff. I don’t do this easily. I’m following my heart here, and I don’t seem to have a choice where you’re concerned, but I can’t say I’m not afraid.”

  He could see she meant what she said and wished he could find the words to take away her fears. “Life’s a crapshoot, Tish. There are no guarantees. I wish I had a better answer, but I don’t. Just tell me what you want.”

  Her eyes burned into his, fiery in the dim light, filled with resolve. “You,” she said, her voice husky. “I want only you.”

  If only she knew how completely she already had him, Jeff thought. Aroused beyond belief, Jeff took her mouth as his big hands molded her small body to his.

  Fingers made clumsy by passion, he unbuttoned her shirt, never taking his mouth from hers. Wiggling and squirming, he managed to slip the shirt off her shoulders as his lips skimmed her cheeks, her chin, her lovely throat and back to settle on her mouth. The breathless kiss went on and on until his need had him shifting restlessly.

  Sitting up, he tugged at the hem of her T-shirt. Tish sat up, too, allowing him to tug off the shirt and toss it aside while his eyes feasted on her beautiful breasts. As she watched him, he filled his hands with her, gently caressing until her eyes closed and her head dropped back. When he put his mouth to her, she moaned out loud, her body arching.

  Jeff shifted her onto her back and sent his mouth on a journey, tasting everywhere. Her skin was firm and smooth as he reveled in the feel and scent of her. He felt her hands in his hair, urging him to explore where he would, and he didn’t disappoint her.

  He gazed at her face and saw that she appeared to be floating, absorbing the sensations, straining to get closer as he feasted on her willing flesh. This was what he’d been dreaming of, to touch her everywhere, to kiss her secret places, to make her want him as much as he wanted her. Her arms circled his neck and he shifted his mouth to the satin column of her throat before returning to the wonder of her lips.

  His hand traveled lower to tug off her silk panties as her hips lifted to accommodate him. Returning to kiss her, to distract her, his fingers skimmed along the length of her lovely legs then moved inside and found her ready. Unable to resist, he sent her soaring and swallowed her astonished response. He felt the waves pummel as they tore through her. With what little breath she had left, she whispered his name.

  He let her return slowly, all the while placing soft kisses along her heated flesh. Then, to his surprise, she reached over and her fingers closed around him. Jeff pulled in a shocked breath as her exploring hand brought him perilously close to explosion. It was time to take the control back.

  Shifting, Jeff eased off his briefs and positioned himself above her, slipping inside as smoothly as if they’d been lovers for years. Recovering quickly, she rose to meet him thrust for thrust, her eyes hazy but open and on his. It occurred to Jeff as he moved within her that the conqueror was being conquered as well.

  They found the rhythm instinctively, moving together as one. He felt her arms go around him as if needing to hold him ever closer moments before they tumbled over the edge together.

  His weight must be crushing her, Jeff thought as he braced himself to roll over. But Tish’s arms tightened around him, holding him close. “Don’t go.”

  “I’m too heavy on you,” he insisted, though he really didn’t want to move.

  “No, you’re not.”

  Jeff drew in a deep breath. “How do you feel?”

  “Stunned. Astonished. Marvelous.” There was a smile in her voice, in her eyes.

  “Not sorry, then, eh?”

  “Sorry? How could I be sorry when no one’s ever made me feel the way you do?”

  He couldn’t think how to answer that, but he felt what little tension remained drain from him. It had seemed that she’d talked herself into making love with him, given in because her desire had left her no choice. And he’d been afraid that afterward, she’d have regrets. Thank goodness she didn’t.

  “You remind me of my grandfather,” Tish said, snuggling into him, rubbing her cheek against his five-o’clock shadow.

  “Your grandfather?” Jeff asked. “Well, that’s flattering. I guess.”

  She smiled and went on to explain. “My Grandma Alice told me that the closest she ever got to heaven was when she was making love with my grandfather. They were married sixty-seven years. So, yes, you remind me of him.”

  “Now, I’m sure I’m flattered.” He shifted so he could look into her eyes. “Do you think we could last together for sixty-seven years?”

  He felt a subtle withdrawal, physically and emotionally, as if the question bothered her. She took her time answering. “I don’t know, Jeff,” she finally answered, sounding sorry she’d ever introduced the subject. “These days people don’t seem able to stick together for long.”

  “There are still plenty of people who stay together through thick and thin. If their bond is strong enough, they can handle anything that comes their way.”

  Instead of answering that, she stretched to kiss him, as if her actions would change the subject. He didn’t mind, his body already wanting more. He took his time exploring her mouth unhurriedly and her body with his hands, watching her reaction to his touch. Leisurely, he investigated every curve and hollow, searching out all her sensitive spots as her breathing went shallow. He was throbbing within her now and she was no longer able to lie still. The journey was just as sweet, just as fulfilling.

  When he all but collapsed on her, Jeff decided they both needed a little rest. Rolling over, taking her with him, he stretched out on his back and settled her head just over his heart. He pulled up the blankets and covered them both.

  As he closed his eyes, he heard her sigh contentedly. Drifting off to sleep, Jeff couldn’t ever remember feeling better.

  The ride back to Red Rock Ranch the next day was slow. Lucky for everyone, the rain had stopped but it was quite cool. The three cowhands had left at daybreak with Tanya and John following after breakfast. At Jeff’s insistence, Tish and he had lingered behind, letting their horses mosey along, in no hurry to return. He was aware of the speculative looks they’d gotten that morning, but he’d ignored them all. After all, they were two consenting adults and their relationship was no one’s business.

  Except for a stretch where the path was quite narrow and could accommodate only one horse at a time, they rode side by side on the open range, talking about this and that, nothing important. By the time they stopped for lunch around one, Jeff was more than ready to hold her close in his arms.

  He spread out the blanket he’d had in his bedroll while Tish scrounged in her saddlebag for some fruit, cheese, crackers and cans of soda they’d chilled overnight in the mountain stream. But before she could put together their small meal, Jeff pulled her into a fierce hug and eased her onto the blanket beneath them. Jeff was eager for her, hungry, and she was just as anxious, returning his kiss with all the ardor he could have asked for.

  They were alone on the mountainside since the others were far ahead of them, yet when Jeff’s fingers began unbuttoning her blouse, she stopped him. “Please, let’s wait. I don’t feel right out in the open like
this in broad daylight.”

  Jeff frowned, feeling the frustrations of a new lover suddenly refused. “I want to see you in the daylight. I don’t want us to hide under darkness. Are you ashamed of our relationship?”

  “No!” She was quick to reply. “Please, Jeff. There’ll be other times. I’ve already given you more than I thought was in me, far more than I’d planned.”

  Chagrined, he backed off, kissing her lightly, then sitting up. “All right, I’ll cool down. But it won’t be easy.” He noticed some purple and white wildflowers growing in the rocky soil and went over to pick a few. Returning, he handed them to Tish, a sort of peace offering for pushing too hard.

  With a smile, she thanked him then spread out their lunch, slicing pears and apples along with chunks of cheddar cheese. Nibbling on a piece of pear, she again looked thoughtful. “I can’t imagine why you’d want to take on someone like me who’s lugging around all this baggage.”

  Jeff cupped her face, making her look at him. She was so lovely even with her dark eyes so solemn. He’d said he’d take things slowly, let her come around in her own time, but he couldn’t help saying the words. “I’ve got all this love stored up inside me, Tish, just waiting for the right person to share it with. You’re that person.”

  “Don’t!” Tish sat up taller, moving away from his touch. “Don’t mention love to me. I’ve had too many people in my life do things in the name of love, terrible things. I don’t understand love. The very word frightens me.”

  Seeing how agitated she’d become, he tried to calm her. “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll teach you.”

  She didn’t answer, just finished her pear and stared off into the distance, closing up.

  Jeff felt shut out, felt there was something more in her past that she hadn’t shared with him, something that had made her afraid to love. “What is it, Tish? Tell me what you’re afraid of.”


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