The Solar Wind
Page 20
“Sir! You can’t go in there without putting these on,” she commanded while pointing to the cart next to the door with the personal protection equipment which consisted of gloves, a disposable isolation gown, and a mask with an eye shield.
She showed him what he needed and as soon as he was properly “protected” he opened the door and stepped in. He ran over to Ava, who was sleeping, sat down at the chair close to her bedside and touched her face. She felt so hot, too hot, he noticed. A red blotchy rash covered her body and there was an IV in her left arm, slowly pumping fluid into her. He breathing was quick and he saw that she was being given oxygen through nasal cannula through her nose. He continued to stroke her face gently for a few moments until Naomi and Andre arrived, wearing the appropriate “protection” gear that they did not really need.
“How is she?” Naomi asked through her mask, her voice full of concern.
“I don’t know but it’s bad. I need to talk to her nurse, or her doctor immediately,” he replied quietly. He did not want to disturb Ava’s rest.
“We can wait with her while you do that. We need to know what’s going on, maybe there is something we can do,” she replied softly.
Wesley immediately rose from the chair and marched out of the room to the nurse’s station. He asked one of the masked women at the desk whom Ava’s nurse was. The woman at the desk paged Heather, Ava’s nurse for the evening shift. Heather came quickly to speak with Wesley. He introduced himself and began asking questions.
“What is happening to her? I last saw her on Sunday and it’s hard to believe she has become this ill so suddenly.”
“Captain, Ava has apparently contracted the virus that has been going around the station. Unfortunately we haven’t found a cure yet and our care is mostly supportive at this time.”
“What is the virus doing to her that she is so ill?”
“She has been running a fever in her body’s attempt to fight it off, however she has not shown any signs of improvement. It appears as though the virus is attacking her kidneys. It is a condition known as glomerulonephritis, or inflammation of the small blood vessels in the kidneys. Her tests are showing that there is so much inflammation going on that her kidneys are not functioning normally. The nephrologist on the case has started hemodialysis to take the strain off of the kidneys, however she has not shown any signs of improvement.”
“What else is being done, or can be done?”
Before Heather could answer, a blonde man with blue eyes, wearing a mask, approached. He had overheard the conversation about Ava and introduced himself as Dr. Tom, Ava’s infectious disease doctor.
“Unfortunately we do not have any known antibodies to fight this virus. We have given her all of the anti-virals that we have available, but nothing has helped. Right now, all we can do is supportive care.”
“Are you saying that she is dying?” Wesley could not hide the concern in his voice.
“She is young, and strong, so we remain hopeful, however I will be honest, her condition is very serious.”
“Is there nothing else you can do? Are there no experimental treatments?”
“We’ve been trying blood transfusions on the other patients that we suspect may have had this virus, however, by the time the patients received the blood, it was too late. We had hoped that in doing so, we could provide blood that might contain antibodies to the virus.”
“Have you tried that on Ava?”
“Ava has type “O” negative blood. She’s unable to accept any other type of blood except that particular one. Unfortunately our blood banks are depleted of that type. We have ordered some from Capri but I fear it may not reach us in time to deliver it. In fact, Ava would often donate to us in times of need.”
“Ava never mentioned that to me,” Wesley replied as Justin, Rowan, and the others approached and joined him at the nurse’s station with Dr. Tom. “I’m the Captain of the Andromeda, I could go to Capri for the blood, I could leave right now.”
“It’s already in transit, it will be here in approximately 10 hours.”
“What about the residents of Orionis? You have access to the database containing anyone who has type “O” negative blood. Couldn’t you contact them to donate?”
“We already have, however we don’t have the authority to force people to donate their blood. Fears of the virus have kept people away from the OMC.”
Wesley suddenly had an idea. “Will you screen us? Including myself and my crew there are seven of us, maybe one of us will be a match.”
“Don’t you already know your blood type?” Dr. Tom asked, surprised. “Everyone, no matter where they are born, has been typed at birth for the past hundred years or so.”
“I don’t pay attention to such things,” Wesley said irritably, knowing full well he had never had his blood typed.
“Okay, it’s worth a shot. Heather, can you prepare the orders and have one of the techs escort Captain Robinson and his crew to the blood bank for blood typing.”
“Absolutely, just give me two minutes.”
“Thank you Dr. Grant.”
“You are welcome. Ava is such a good member of our team. Believe me, we will try anything and everything to save her,” Dr. Tom replied as the tech came to take Wesley and the others down one floor to the OMC blood bank. The nurse retrieved Naomi and Andre from Ava’s room and explained to them what was going on. Everyone willingly gave their consent to be tested.
The group filled the small waiting area of the blood bank, which was vacant. It took a few minutes for the blood bank tech to finish the online forms that needed to be completed prior to testing this new group. Wesley was the first one to be called back. He had never needed healthcare and watched everything that went on with a sense of curiosity. He was hopeful that he would be a match for Ava and could save her life with his own blood. The tech pricked his finger and after a minute determined that Wesley was not a match for Ava. He walked out of the small treatment room with his eyes downcast, disappointed. Naomi came next, then Andre. One by one they were tested and found to be incompatible with Ava. Rowan and Justin went in last. Rowan was not a match, however, Justin, who was last in line, found out that he was “O” negative and would be a match for Ava. Dr. Tom was notified immediately and orders were received to officially type and cross-match for two units of blood to be delivered to Ava. Wesley sighed in relief that Justin’s blood was a match for Ava, although felt sad that he could not be the one to save her.
Rowan waited with Justin while he donated his blood while the others went back up to the unit to see Ava. The crew let Wesley have some privacy first as she was still asleep. Since the nursing staff was not watching him, he took off his mask, which he found annoying, and set it on the bed, ready to don it again if anyone came in the room. Wesley’s heart ached for her as she lay there, hot and sweaty, frail, and pale. He took one of her hands in his, kissed it and held it to his cheek.
“Ava, please don’t leave me, not when we are so close to being free,” he said softly to her.
Ava stirred when she heard his voice. Wesley grabbed the mask and put it back on before she opened her eyes and looked at him as if she couldn’t believe it. “Wesley?” She said weakly.
“Hello sweetheart, I’m back, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m sorry I’m sick. . . You’re not sick are you?” She said weakly, seemingly upset.
“No, no, we are all fine, you have nothing to be sorry about. I love you so much Ava, I need you to stay with me.”
“I’m not doing so well Wesley. I hoped I would make it long enough for me to say good bye,” she said absently. He knew the drugs and the fever were affecting her, she seemed so out of it.
“Ava, don’t talk like that. Don’t worry, honey, we are working on a treatment for you. It will be ready soon.”
“A treatment? They’ve tried everything. . .” Tears welled up in her eyes.
“Justin is going to donate some of his blood to you. The doctors believe that
because we have exposure to all of the stations that we may have developed some antibodies that can help you fight this virus off.”
“What if that doesn’t work?”
“Ava, I need you to be positive. You are not a quitter, you aren’t going anywhere, not if I can help it.”
“Wesley, I love you. I need to tell you how special you are to me and how much you have meant to me since I moved here. I could not have made it without you . . .” She wiped the tears away from her eyes with her free arm and looked away from him.
“Ava, you are going to get better, I know it. Don’t give up hope. You have to remain positive.”
“I’ll try. Wesley, you shouldn’t be here. I don’t want you to get sick with this virus.”
“I’m not going to get sick. See, I’m wearing this stupid mask. It’s all good.” He laughed softly at her.
Ava’s nurse, Heather, entered the room with the patient care tech.
“Captain Robinson, I’m going to need you to step out for a few minutes. We’re going to set up and start a new line for the blood transfusion now. I also have some medicine to keep the fever down and make you more comfortable Ava.”
“I’ll be right outside Ava, I’ll come back in as soon as I’m allowed.”
Wesley stepped out into the hallway and met with his crew in the waiting area designated for guests. Everyone was very concerned about Ava’s health.
“Did she wake up?” Andre inquired.
“Yes. She’s so weak, and she’s burning up.”
“Let’s hope this blood transfusion plan works,” he replied.
“Wesley, we are all willing to do anything to help Ava, however I’m concerned about the transfusion,” Justin said.
“Thank you Justin. I really appreciate what you’ve done. It’s going to help her, I know it.”
“I have high hopes as well, but let’s face it, we aren’t completely human. As far as I know; no human has ever received blood from someone like us. I’m not sure exactly sure what it might do to her,” Justin explained in a low voice.
“Believe me I’d heal her if I could, but I can only fix physical injuries, not disease states. Besides, our blood is human, that’s all that matters. She’s going to be fine, it will make her well again.” Wesley maintained his positive outlook despite his friend’s concern.
Justin said no more. Technically they were human. Despite their otherness, Ava should have no problem receiving the blood. He did believe that the transfusion could have the potential to cure her. Justin also knew that the energy carried within his blood could cause Ava to experience some unknown after effects. Wesley knew this as well. He was willing to take this chance over risking losing her. In the end, they all were. Ava had become part of their family.
Ava closed her eyes as Heather expertly started a fresh IV line to ensure a smooth transfusion. The technician recorded Ava’s pre-transfusion vital signs while Heather retrieved the first unit of blood from the blood bank tech who had brought it up to the Critical Care Unit. Wesley watched as Heather carried the unit into Ava’s room, relieved that the process had begun. Ava was well past exhaustion and slept through most of the next few hours. The first unit transfused slowly over two hours. Much to everyone’s relief there were no problems and Ava’s vital signs remained at the same pre-transfusion levels. Wesley stayed by Ava’s side, ready to spring into action if anything changed, but nothing did. The only sounds in the cool darkened room came from the air exchanger and the routine beeping of Ava’s vital sign monitor.
After midnight the night shift nurse who had replaced Heather started the second unit, immediately following the first. Ava continued to sleep during the process as Wesley sat with her. Time continued to tick away and about half way through, he noticed that Ava’s breathing seemed less labored. The monitor recording her vital signs displayed that her elevated heart rate seemed to be reducing slowly to a more normal rate. He gently stroked her face with his hand, relieved that she had begun to show some early signs of improvement. Wesley stepped out when the nurse came to cap the IV and remove the empty bag that had contained Justin’s blood, now flowing through Ava’s veins. Naomi stood up as Wesley approached the waiting area.
“Has there been any improvement?”
“I’m not sure, but I think so.”
“What happened?” Justin asked, a serious expression on his face.
“Her breathing seems less labored and her heart rate isn’t as rapid.”
“Wesley, why don’t you go with Andre, Ash, Mia, and Rowan to get something to eat, and maybe take a quick nap? I can sit with Ava, I promise I won’t leave her until you come back. I can contact you on your PCD if anything changes.”
“Thank you Naomi, but I’m not leaving until I know Ava is going to be Okay.”
“You’re sure? You look beat Wesley.” Andre commented.
“How would you be if it was Naomi in that hospital bed?” Wesley replied softly.
“I understand. I’m sorry. Can we bring you anything?”
“No thank you.” Wesley walked back towards Ava’s room as the nurse walked out.
“How do you think she is doing?” He asked her.
“Looks like she may be stabilizing. It’s really too soon to tell but I’m watching her closely.”
The night passed quickly until once again, morning came. Ava stirred when the morning nurse, Maria, replaced the night shift nurse and came in to check on her.
“How are you feeling this morning Ava?”
“I don’t feel as achy. Maybe a little better?”
“They told me you had a rash, but I don’t see any signs of one.”
Ava looked down and held out her arms. “It’s gone!” She looked at Wesley and then at Maria with a surprised expression and smiled weakly. She could tell that he was smiling back at her through his mask.
“The phlebotomist will be by shortly to draw the blood tests that Dr. Tom ordered.”
Wesley stepped out as a few techs came in to assist her with freshening up. Rowan and Justin had returned back to the ship while the others remained to hear the update on Ava’s condition.
“What’s happening? Did she tolerate the blood transfusion okay?” Naomi asked. Everyone felt concerned for Ava. No one really knew what to expect at this point.
“Her rash is gone and the temp is down just slightly. I think it’s working,” Wesley replied.
“Oh thank goodness,” she breathed a sigh of relief. “That was a close call. What if we had returned even a few hours later than we did?”
“I don’t even want to think about it. What matters now is that she continues to improve. Have you seen her doctors come by yet this morning?”
“Not yet. We’ve been watching out for them, but it’s still early. We’ll buzz you on the PCD if they come by. Why don’t you go and get some breakfast with Andre and the others. I’ll stay with Ava.”
“I don’t want to leave her.”
“You need a break, now go and get some food!” Naomi ordered. Reluctantly Wesley left with some of the others for a quick pit stop in the cafeteria.
Naomi donned the appropriate precautionary gear and entered Ava’s room as the techs were finishing tidying up.
“Look who’s awake!” She said joyfully to Ava.
“I sent Wesley out for some breakfast. He hasn’t left your side all night. How are you feeling?”
“I think I’m feeling better. My joints aren’t as achy at least. They just drew another set of labs, I guess that will tell us more in an hour or so.”
Naomi felt Ava’s forehead with the back of her hand and smoothed her hair back. “You gave us a scare Ava. Wesley was completely beside himself with fear for you. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if you didn’t recover. I’m so relieved that you seem to be getting better.”
“Me too!” Ava managed to show some mild enthusiasm in her weakened condition.
The tech entered with Ava’s brea
kfast on a tray and set it in front of her on the over-the-bed table. Naomi raised the head of the bead and helped Ava scoot up so that she could eat.
“I’m glad breakfast is here, I’m starving!” Ava said before she started digging in. She consumed the contents of the entire tray within ten minutes as Naomi watched. Ava’s nurse, Maria, arrived to give her the scheduled medications and to check on her.
“Looks like you’ve got your appetite back. That’s the most you’ve eaten in two days. This is a good sign that you are on the road to recovery.”
“Let’s keep our fingers crossed,” Naomi replied.
Wesley came back in as Maria went out with Ava’s empty tray. He came to stand next to Naomi, who was sitting at Ava’s bedside.
“Ava, you look so much better. You are even starting to get some of your color back already.” He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead through his mask.
“The food helped. I can’t remember the last time I was that hungry.”
Dr. Tom entered the room with Maria to check on her. He asked Wesley and Naomi to leave the room while he conducted his examination.
“Well Ava, it looks like you’ve started to respond positively to your treatments. Your blood work already shows a great improvement over yesterday. Your white blood cell count is going down and your kidney function is also much better. You may not even need another session of hemodialysis, but we’ll leave that up to the nephrologist. Compared to the other cases of this virus that we’ve treated, you’re the first one to be heading in the direction of a recovery.”
“I’m so glad to hear that Dr. Tom.”
“I’m ordering another round of tests to be drawn tomorrow morning. I want you to alert your nurse immediately if you start to feel worse again.”
“All right.”
“Get some rest Ava, we want you back on your feet.”
“I will. Thank you doctor.”