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JOSS: A Standalone Romance (Gray Wolf Security)

Page 70

by Glenna Sinclair

  “So you had your goons chloroform me?”

  I pushed the blankets off of my legs and got up, charging across the room to the door. I should have known—by the simple fact that Dominic didn’t make any effort to follow me—but the moment I grabbed the doorknob, I found it locked. I tugged at it multiple times, but it would not budge. I slammed my hand against the thin wood and yelled, but that didn’t do me any good either.

  “We’re on the bottom level of the ship. The only person who might hear you would be one of the crew, and they’ve been paid well to ignore anything they see or hear coming from this room.”

  I didn’t care. I slammed my hands against the door again, screaming as much in frustration as fear or anger. Well, maybe there was quite a bit of anger in there.

  Dominic must have gotten tired of watching my tantrum. He came to me, grabbed my arms, and tugged me away from the door.

  “Relax. No one’s going to hurt you,” he said against my ear.

  I twisted away, not wanting him that close to me. I crossed back toward the bed, but then the implication of it—unmade and so welcoming—caused a shiver of revulsion to burst through me. I crossed my arms over my chest and moved to the far side of the room, pressing my back to it so that I could watch Dominic as he paced across the room.

  “I don’t understand why you’re resisting me like this.” There was a little pout in Dominic’s voice. “We had such a good time together that night in Dallas. And you know that I would never hurt you.”

  “Do I? We went on one date. And then you shot my brother-in-law.”

  “Yeah, well, I should have aimed better.”

  “Why? Why do you want him dead?”

  Dominic leaned against the door—much the way I was leaning against the wall—and stared at me. He seemed hesitant to answer my questions, and I wasn’t completely sure why. But there was something about the way he was looking at me that caused another shiver to rush down the length of my spine.

  I straightened up, but stayed against the wall, wanting as much space between us as possible.

  “What has Miles told you about me and my family?”


  “Not even after last night?”

  I shrugged. “We didn’t have a lot of time to talk while we were trying to stop Robert’s belly from bleeding.”

  Dominic looked thoughtful for a minute. “I’m surprised he’d even care about saving his brother’s life. After everything that Robert’s done to him…”

  “You mean, marrying his fiancée?”

  “Among other things.” Dominic regarded me again. “What do you think of Claire?”

  I tried to pretend nonchalance, jerking my shoulder just slightly. But there must have been something on my face because Dominic broke into a grin.

  “Don’t like her much, do you?”

  “I don’t really have an opinion either way.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Dominic came toward me as he reached inside his jacket. I backed up a little, pressing myself so hard against the wall that if it were physically possible I would have slid through the wall and into the water on the other side. He pressed an envelope into my hands.

  “These might help you form an opinion.”

  I started to give them back, but he pushed them against my chest.

  “Really,” he said. “Check them out.”

  Reluctantly, a sense of dread building in my chest, I opened the envelope. A handful of pictures fell out, and I caught Claire’s beautiful face in a few of them as they fanned out in my palm. Claire and Miles. Claire and Robert and Miles. Claire staring across the room at Miles with Robert at her side. I dropped the envelope and neatened the pile between my hands and looked closer. I began to recognize details I really didn’t want to see.

  Claire was in Florida. On my honeymoon.

  Claire in Waco at Miles’ office.

  Claire and Robert at the same restaurant Miles and I frequented in Waco for the many business meetings he dragged me to.

  Claire and Miles in his parents’ garden in Massachusetts.

  Claire and Miles over and over again.

  “Those were taken by a private detective my father hired.”

  “To do what?”

  “To find Miles. To prove that he was lying about leaving Massachusetts for you.”

  “For me?” I looked up, unable to keep the surprise out of my voice. “What are you talking about?”

  “Miles ran from an obligation he had to my father. He claimed it was because he was seeing a woman in Texas and he’d gone there, not only to start a construction business he’d been dreaming of for years, but to marry the woman of his dreams. Which he did, three weeks after my father confronted him.”

  I looked down at my hands, my eyes falling to those pictures again. There was nothing overtly romantic about the pictures. They weren’t touching in most of them and definitely not kissing. But the fact that I could recognize the settings, the fact that Claire followed us to Florida and then to Texas, bothered me on a level I was unfamiliar with. It filled me with a sense of uncertainty, of fear, of betrayal. It left me wondering if I really knew anything at all about Miles and his intentions toward me.

  “What does Miles have to do with your father?” I asked almost absently, desperately needing something else on which to concentrate.

  “He told my father that he was responsible for my sister’s death.”

  My head came up so quickly that a pain flashed through my neck.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My sister. Rebecca.” Dominic stepped back, falling back onto the bed. He stared at his hand, the weight of the world on his shoulders. Then he looked up, and there was as much anger in his eyes as there was grief. “Robert killed my sister and let Miles take the blame for it.”

  I didn’t know what to say, and something about the way he was staring at me suggested he didn’t want me to say anything. He wanted to tell his story without interruption; he wanted me to know exactly what kind of people he thought Miles and Robert were. He wanted someone to hurt as much as he did, and he clearly thought his story would destroy me.

  “Robert was dating my sister a few years back,” he began. “She thought he was the sun and the moon; she talked about him like he was a Prince Charming come to life. But I knew she was just a fling for him. He’s a womanizer. A fucking loser who treats women like objects to be used and tossed aside. I wasn’t about to sit back and watch him do that to Rebecca.

  “I pulled him aside and told him to stay away from her. He agreed that he would. He knew that he would have the full wrath of my family on him if he didn’t listen. No one wants to cross a de Luca. Not if they know what’s best for them.”

  De Luca. The name seemed vaguely familiar, but I wasn’t sure why.

  “He assured me the relationship was over. But I found out later that they continued to see each other for months. Rebecca would sneak out of the house and slip off with him when no one was really paying that much attention. The last time I saw my sister, she lied to me. Told me she was going up to bed. But she was really going off with him to some club outside of Boston.”

  He shook his head slowly, sadly, a darkness filling his eyes that sent cold shivers down my spine.

  “What happened?”

  He looked at me, anger suddenly burning in his dark features. “We got a call from the local police department. She’d been found in a car that had crashed into a copse of trees not a mile from our house.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said almost on instinct.

  “The car belonged to Robert, but he, of course, was nowhere to be found.”

  “He just left her?”

  Dominic shook his head again, the frustration that stiffened his shoulders so obvious that I could almost feel the tension rolling off of him.

  “After she died, after the funeral, my father tracked Robert down and confronted him. It was more than a month later, but there was a fresh scar on his forehead. It w
as so obvious he was behind the wheel that night. I mean…come on, why would Miles be driving his brother’s car? Why would he be with the girl who claimed to be Robert’s girlfriend? And why would Miles, of all people, leave her there, injured as she was.” His hands were balled into fists on his thighs, anger snapping so clearly in his eyes that it might have been fireworks in a Fourth of July sky.

  Then he continued, “But Miles insisted that Robert had nothing to do with it. He insisted that he was driving the car that night. And my father…”—outraged dripped from his next words—“…believed him, for whatever reason. But I know. I know that Robert killed my sister.”

  Dominic stood and began to pace. There was a tension in his shoulders that was so tight I could see the muscles vibrating under his shirt. A part of me felt grief for him. I knew what it was like to lose your family in a single moment. I have few memories of the crash that killed my parents and even fewer of my parents themselves. However, I have this constant sense that something was missing in my life. That was something I would never wish on anyone else, even someone who meant harm to the man I loved.

  “When was all of this?”

  “It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. My sister is dead, and that man is responsible for it.”

  Dominic stopped moving, his eyes falling to the pictures I still held in my hands.

  “Miles begged my father not to push the police to arrest Robert and made a deal with him to keep my father from telling Jackson Thorn. Told him he would make it right. How he could make something as catastrophic as killing my sister right, I had no idea. I wanted the truth. I wanted Robert to pay for my sister’s death. An eye for an eye…”

  A flash of memory, of Robert lying in that bed last night, his side oozing blood as Lisa and Miles did their best to remove the bullet and stitch it up, rushed through my mind.

  I shivered again.

  “My father wouldn’t let me near Miles or Robert. Said he had it under control. Instead, he sent me to fucking South America to deal with family business down there.”

  And that’s when I realized where I’d heard the name de Luca before. Martin de Luca was a notorious crime boss on the East Coast, a ruthless man who was rumored to have politicians and high-level businessmen alike in his back pocket. He was said to run New York—not just the city, but the whole state—and that he had the ear of senators and congressmen. There were even rumors that he and the president were golf buddies.

  Martin de Luca.

  If that’s who Dominic’s father was, then we were all in more trouble than I ever imagined.

  Dominic must have seen the fear flash across my face. He smiled, a soft smile that said more than I wanted to know, to see, to understand.

  He was getting off on my fear.

  “I couldn’t image what deal my father had made with Miles. But I had some ideas. I knew he wanted to expand the business to the West Coast; I knew he had already sent some guys that direction to check things out for him. When I heard that Miles had run off to Texas, I figured that what’s my father was doing. He was forcing America’s sweetheart to make connections for him, to help him set up his business in Texas.”

  “Miles wouldn’t do that.”

  “You think?” Dominic laughed. “Then you don’t know your boyfriend all that well.”

  But I did. At least, I thought I did. But then I glanced down at the pictures that were still in my hands. Did I know him? Or did I know what Miles wanted me to know?

  I dropped the pictures and watched as they scattered across the floor, Claire’s face laughing up at me from a dozen different perspectives.

  “Miles didn’t want his daddy to know what he was doing. And he definitely didn’t want poor little Robert to go to jail. He probably would have agreed to just about anything if it meant protecting everyone in his family.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  But I did. It made sense that Miles would come to his brother’s defense. He was loyal that way—except with me, of course. But, technically, I wasn’t his family. We had an agreement.

  “To be honest, I have no idea what the deal was between my father and Miles. All I know is that I came back from South America and my father mentioned that Miles had gone to Texas and tried to welsh on their deal. So I flew out there to nose around. That’s when I found you at that little restaurant with your girlfriend, moaning and groaning about your broken heart. I took you out to figure out what was going on. But then my father found out I was there and told me to back off. That he was dealing with the Thorn family himself.” Dominic shook his head, frustration clear in his eyes. “He told me it was all taken care of. But Robert was still walking around free and Miles…” His eyes moved up and down the length of me, lingering on my hips, my breasts. I crossed my arms again, pressing them hard against my breasts. “I won’t just sit back and watch the two of them walk around like nothing ever happened. That was my sister.”

  “You must have been close.”

  He didn’t answer me. He moved to the door, pacing a little in front of it.

  “They have to pay. Robert for killing Rebecca, and Miles for interfering with our revenge.”

  “Miles won’t let you get away with this,” I said softly. “He’ll do anything for the people he loves.”

  “Yes. But what about you? How much will he give up for you?”

  I blushed, not sure how to answer that question. To be honest, I didn’t really know.

  “Because,” Dominic said, coming close to me, so close that his breath ruffled my hair, “I think he’d do just about anything for you. And I think that he would go insane if he knew you and I…” He flicked his fingernail against my bottom lip. “Did you see how ruffled he got last night? And all we were doing then was talking. Imagine what he’d do if he saw this.”

  He kissed me, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth before I could even respond. I cried out and slammed my hands against his chest, pushing him away from me. He laughed as he stumbled back. I pressed a finger to my lip and shuddered when it came away with a drop of blood on it.

  “You are a feisty one,” he said. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”

  “You’re barking up the wrong tree,” I said. “Miles doesn’t care about me. Our marriage was all a sham.”


  “Why do you think we were only married six months? Why do you think he threw me out of his house after only six months? Why was none of his family at our wedding?” I gestured to the pictures on the floor. “Why do you think Claire was in Florida during our honeymoon? Do you really think a man in love with his new bride would take his ex-fiancée on his honeymoon with him?”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  I shrugged. “Pictures don’t lie.” I pressed my hands against the wall and realized I had another argument. “If he’d do anything for me, why are we still moving? Why haven’t they stopped the ship to search for me?”

  “Why weren’t they pounding on the door of my suite this morning to take me into custody?” Dominic waved his hand at me, as though underscoring the question. “Miles doesn’t want the press to figure out what’s going on here.”

  That made sense. But I wasn’t going to give that to him.

  “Miles is in charge here. He would stop the ship if he thought the woman he loves was in danger,” I said.

  “Don’t worry, Riley,” Dominic said in a soft, syrupy voice. “Miles will hurt. But you and I? We’ll have a wonderful time.” He touched the side of my face again, running his finger so slowly down the length of my jaw. “Such a wonderful time.”

  I felt sick. I might have vomited right there, but there was no food in my stomach. There hadn’t been for more than twelve hours. But the nausea was real. I don’t know how he could miss it, but he continued to smile as though everything was going perfectly to plan.

  He dropped a kiss to the middle of my forehead and then walked away, using something—I couldn’t quite see it—to unlock the door and slip out. I ran over there
and tried the knob, but it was locked again before I could get it open.


  What was I supposed to do now?

  Chapter 22

  I paced the length of the room for a long time. I didn’t know what to do. I wished I’d thought to bring my cell phone with me this morning, but I left it in the stateroom, thinking I’d run into Miles in the dining room and could borrow his phone. I left the nice phone he gave me during our marriage at his place—I didn’t want to owe him anything after we divorced, including payments on a cell phone I hadn’t wanted in the first place. But the phone I had was cheap. I couldn’t call my aunts back in Florida if I wanted to with it—which was what I would have wanted my phone for this morning—so I figured I’d bum his off of him…but now would be a good time to have even that lousy phone. At least I could text Lisa, or call Miles, and get the hell out of here.

  Was it true? Was anything Dominic said true? Did Robert kill his sister in some sort of car accident? Did Miles really try to cover for his brother with a family of mobsters? Did that have something to do with why Miles had to marry me in the way that he did? Is that why he never told me why he wanted to marry me in such a hurry? If so…why? What the hell did he promise to do? Did he really agree to bring mobster business to Waco? Why would anyone do that? And, if that was the case, why didn’t he just tell me what was going on? Maybe I could have…I don’t know. I’d like to think I could have helped him get out of it, or something. But could I have? Really?

  None of it made sense. And I wasn’t sure who I could trust, who I could believe, and who was out to hurt me. Was Miles protecting me? Or did he just use me to protect himself? I mean, why would he protect Robert if he knew that Robert was sleeping with his fiancée? Why would he put himself in that sort of danger if he knew it would lead to his father turning his back on him and his brother acting so completely ungrateful?

  How much did Miles know when he stood up to protect his brother?

  I mean, I could see Miles doing something like what Dominic had said. I could see him taking the blame for something Robert did. I could even see him standing up to his father for Robert’s sake. But why would he continue to work with Martin de Luca after what Robert did to him?


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