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Despair: Book Two of the Negative Ion Series

Page 6

by Ryanne Anthony

  “So, the pool is up to 500, believe it or not. Anything?”

  “No,” I sighed. “And I’m beginning to regret sharing with you asses.”

  “You shouldn’t, hon,” Alannah said, patting my back. “It’s just a little humor to help with the dire situation. And you had to share. You were a walking symbol for PMDD and we all prayed you’d get your cycle sooner than later.”

  “I know and I really needed to talk after that damn fiasco with Ed. But I do appreciate you all listening and sharing your secrets. We’re kind of a fucked up lot, aren’t we?”

  “We so are,” Alannah laughed as the elevator opened. Several people got on with us at the ground floor and I frowned. The damn hairs were at attention again, almost as soon as the doors closed.

  I tried to ignore it as Alannah talked. “Has he sought help for the E.D.?”

  “Yeah.” I smirked. “And no one can find a damn thing wrong with him and I’m… at the end of my rope. Not only that, he’s working really hard lately. Long hours at two jobs and no time for me anymore. I’m just frustrated all around and I think… I think I want out, Lala.”

  “Out?” Lala whispered. “Of the relationship?”

  I nodded.

  “But he loves you.” She frowned. “I mean, that’s evident to all of us. Give it more time, Cass.”

  “I tried, but I just… I’m tired of disinclined tongue and I can’t think lately because of the incessant throbbing—”

  I sighed as I looked around the elevator after someone chuckled. Everyone got off by the sixth floor, and I started back up. I sighed.

  “The incessant throbbing in my pussy.”

  I heard a laughing snort and turned. Damn, how the hell did I miss that guy? He was leaning on the wall in the opposite corner, his hands deep in his suit pants as he grinned at me. I turned my head when I saw something blaze in his dark brown eyes.

  Great. Handsome man listening to me complain about not getting any and a throbbing pussy. Filter, Cassidy, filter!

  Totally shocked, I prayed we’d get to our floor, quickly. I relaxed some when he got off on eight, but still embarrassed, especially since Alannah would not stop laughing. As soon as the doors opened on fifteen, I flew out that elevator, went straight to my desk and did not say one word as Alannah laughingly relayed what happened in the elevator.

  After listening to Walden gab on and on about his weekend at some gay club, I grabbed an orange juice and was about to start typing a contract for one of the civil lawyers when the phone rang.

  “Fifteen, Alannah speaking… Yes, she is… Right away, sir,” Alannah said. “Cass, 815, McCoy v. Mitchell.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled and saved my document. I pulled up the right file and waited for the go ahead.

  “So at the last meeting, Mr. Mitchell explained his side. Today, I’ll hear Ms. McCoy’s version. Please begin, Ms. McCoy.”

  “I met Mr. Mitchell as he explained, Mr. Gonzalez. And, no, I did not like his bandmates. While it’s true we all participated in some questionable behavior, it didn’t excuse that they were encouraging Mr. Mitchell to seek relations with other women, knowing he and I were together. This is the reason he and I stalled. He cheated and I didn’t want to be in a relationship with a man who would do that to me.

  “He acted as though he wanted to be with me, but in the next breath, he acted as though he needed to be elsewhere. He’d been in my bed one night and out on a date with another woman and yes, I blew up when I saw him with other women and felt justified in my actions. He acted as though he was mine and every time I caught him, he went back to my place with me and we’d have sex.

  “Since the band had that song that became a hit, he stopped paying any attention to Karima. He missed things for her and I had to remind him twenty thousand times about her Christmas pageant last winter. That’s when I said enough and stripped visitation. I had threatened him over and over, and to his meager credit, he did stop with drugs and alcohol, but Karima still missed him because he just was not there for her anymore. She misses him, but she’s at the age where if she’s connected to the man I’m going to marry, she won’t miss him much longer and she can have someone in her life that will be there for the long haul, not just when it suits him.”

  “Ms. McCoy, any truth to the way you got pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. It’s possible.”

  “Did you indeed manipulate the condom Mr. Mitchell wore when your daughter was conceived? Specifically, did you poke holes through condoms?”

  “Yeah, I did, Mr. Gonzalez.”


  “I wanted a baby and I knew… Well, I thought I knew Mr. Mitchell would be an excellent father.”

  “Why did he give you that impression, then? He was only sixteen.”

  “He said he loved me. I believed him because he showed it.”

  “Mr. Mitchell, did you tell her you loved her?”

  “No, I never said that to anyone but my family.”

  “Why only them?”

  “Because it was appropriate and acceptable?”

  “I’m sorry, what do you mean ‘acceptable?’”

  “Mr. Gonzalez, I love my family. I love my daughter and I love the members of my band. They are my boys; my brothers. We grew up together and are close. Outside of those I just named and little J.J., I don’t feel love for anyone.”

  “Really, Mr. Mitchell? You admit love for a kid that’s not yours but not the mother of your daughter?”

  “That’s right, Ms. McCoy. My band are my brothers and that ‘kid,’ as you call him, is my nephew and they all think of Karima as their niece. I never told you I loved you. I’d never lie like that.”


  “Ms. McCoy, do you love the defendant?”

  “No, I don’t, Mr. Gonzalez.”

  “And this request for termination has nothing to do with Mr. Mitchell’s lack of feelings for you?”

  “No, it’s about him not being there for Karima, anymore.”

  “Mr. Mitchell, do you agree that you have slowed in your time and effort with Karima Mitchell?”

  “Yes, I agree with that.”

  “Why have you pulled back?”

  “Because Ms. McCoy makes it difficult for me to do so.”

  “In what way?”

  “Mr. Gonzalez, Ms. McCoy is usually not home with Karima when it’s my turn to have her. When she is, she wants to argue with me in front of our daughter and I refuse to do that. She also tells Karima I don’t care about her, and Karima sometimes doesn’t want to be with me because Ms. McCoy tells her I hate and have no time for her.”

  “Is that true, Ms. McCoy?”

  “Not at all, Mr. Gonzalez.”

  “Then why would Mr. Mitchell say that?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Mr. Mitchell? What made you make that statement?”

  “Karima and I went to a festival after her pageant last Christmas season, and when it was time to leave, Karima didn’t want to go. I squatted to her height and explained that the princesses she spent hours watching were tired and wanted to go to bed, like she needed to. It was already seven and she needed her bath and was already falling asleep on her feet after our long day. Karima threw a fit and screamed that her mommy was right; Daddy didn’t love her and never would.”

  “Were there any witnesses?”

  “Just my parents, Mr. Gonzalez.”

  “I see. Care to answer, Ms. McCoy?”

  “He doesn’t want her. If he did, he would have kept her family intact. Now that I’ve moved on, he can’t handle it.”

  “Not true.”

  “I think that’s enough for today. My clerk will call you after I’ve read the affidavits and gone over the evidence and the testimonies. Save, Miss Wren.”

  I pushed the save key, then saved it to the disk. “Saved.”

  “Thank you, Miss Wren. I’ll send instructions shortly. End.”

  “Ended,” I confirmed, then took off my headphones and sig
hed heavily.

  Alannah give me a sympathy look. “Rough one?”

  I silently nodded. I looked over the typing for McCoy v. Mitchell I’d just finished, checking for errors. Finding none, I sent the document to the printer.

  I was beginning to wind down just before lunch when Sam Forrest called our floor and said he needed a file right away. Alannah asked me to take care of it since she was preparing to cook and everyone else was typing. I found the file quickly and took it down to Sam on the ground floor, to his massive office. I went back to the elevators, and as soon as I stepped in, chuckle guy from this morning quickly followed me inside.

  The doors closed and my breathing picked up as I stared at the numbers. I felt him move closer then he pressed his hard, lean body into my back.

  “Hello, Cass. I’m Greg.”

  I breathed deeply, and closing my eyes, I took a step forward. I shook my head, wanting to scream that I didn’t know him, but at the same time, I just… I couldn’t. I wanted him and knew it as soon as he’d stepped into the elevator. I knew it because my nipples tightened and every hair, not just the ones on my neck, raised. I prayed the elevator would move faster. Tension crackled everywhere in that tiny space, and I shivered. I wanted this stranger.

  “H-hello, Greg,” I managed to reply, tightly crossing my arms on my heavy breasts.

  “We don’t have much time. I’d like us to stop talking now so that I can help with your problem. I have a condom.”

  I closed my eyes tighter, trying to keep my breathing in control. My mouth went dry and I lost all train of thought so all I could say to that was: “Um, huh?”

  “Shh,” he whispered at my ear, moving my hair to the left shoulder.

  My pulse raced. He said nothing else. His chocolate hand reached past me to the control panel and pulled the stop button. Next, the power shut off and it was dark. Pitch black dark, and it made me even more aware of the heat and tension that crackled like an open flame between us.

  I felt his hand on my thigh, then my skirt hiked up achingly slow. His other hand gradually lowered down my quivering belly into the waist of my skirt. His fingers slithered inside my panties and I felt like I was choking as I panted in anticipation and waited… waited for his hand to reach where I needed him.

  His finger finally reached my clit and circled it slowly. I gasped and threw my head back, the base landing on his hard chest. I heard my panties rip and then his other hand cupped my ass, while his long fingers entered me. I gasped when he began to stroke.

  “You can tell me to stop, Cass,” he whispered heatedly into my ear.

  Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

  I shakily pressed my hot palms to the wall. His knee pushed my legs apart and his fingers went deeper, the other hand circled my clit faster, urgently. I groaned loudly as I quivered.

  I missed this so, so much.

  “This is Newman from security. Is everyone okay? How many are in the car?”

  I couldn’t reply. My hips wanted to talk for me and they did. They spoke the language his hips spoke as he ground his erection against my ass. I whimpered and my body trembled, telling Greg I was in need; that I was so close to releasing.

  “There’s two of us, Newman, and we’re more than fine,” Greg called back, speeding up his efforts on my screaming pussy.

  “Very good, sir,” the man on the intercom murmured back. “We’ll have you moving soon.”

  “Thanks,” Greg said then whispered, “Cum for me. Don’t make a sound. Now.”

  I did. I bit my bottom lip while I shook all over and felt my walls clench his still probing fingers. I sounded like a muffled, hungry puppy and, trust me, I did not give a shit.

  “More,” I pleaded, calming but still breathing heavily.

  “Much,” he confirmed. He turned me, and pushed my back to the wall. I shuddered and prayed I’d feel strength in my legs again soon and not this jellied sensation I had now. I was shaking, starting to lose my balance and wanted to slide to the floor, but Greg pressed his lower body into mine and those fingers teased my clit again. I felt him reach into his front pocket.

  “Mmm… I’m tempted to drop to my knees and get a better taste of the honey we just made,” Greg murmured softly in my ear.

  Oh, God…

  “But I won’t. I’m going to give you what you said you were missing from your boyfriend.”

  “Please,” I whispered urgently.

  His hand gently but firmly gripped my chin; I felt his finger gently caress my lips. I opened my mouth and licked the tip, greedily tasting myself. Greg sucked in a breath then moaned loudly.

  “Do you taste good,” he whispered. He snatched his finger away and licked my lips. My mouth opened, his tongue licked mine slowly and he moaned. “Mmm… yes, you taste very good. Like caramel ice cream. I think that’s my new favorite flavor. Every time I take I bite of it, I’ll think of you and this moment.”

  I was on the edge again because of his words and those fingers never stopped moving on my rock hard clit. I let out another whimper and gripped his arms as I seductively sucked on his tongue. He released another groan and pulled away from my mouth.

  “I would love to have that talented mouth on my cock, but we don’t have the time. Fucking shame.”

  I heard the condom rip then a zipper opening.

  “Put this on me. I’d do it, but I think you’re enjoying where my hand is at the moment.”

  I groaned. I so was. I reached for the condom then shakily rolled it on, noting his wonderful size. His fingers never stopped moving on my clit and I had to concentrate very hard on what I was doing in that dark space.

  Finally, after having to stop twice because of excessive shuddering, I got the condom on Greg. His hands moved to my thighs and lifted me, my back pressed tight to the wall. My legs tightened on his waist when I felt him probe at my entrance and in one thrust, he was inside my quaking flesh.

  “Mmm… yes… more, Greg,” I whimpered. “More!”

  His hand snaked to my hair and he tugged, gripping it. His other hand was on my lower back; my shoulders and head rested on the wall. He started to pound into me, grunting at every thrust. I shook, I moaned and I came again.

  He kissed up and down my neck and jaw. He pressed his lips at my rapid pulse as he continued to go in and out of my drenching, heated core.

  I felt him shake and knew he was going to release soon. I braced myself for it and immediately felt his hard shaft rub fast and hard on my clit. I gripped him tightly, shaking, wanting to release again. I marveled at his prowess, his ability to turn me to mush in this small space.

  I whimpered loudly. His mouth found mine and I came again, screaming into his kiss. His grip on my body tightened and he thrusted hard and fast. Finally, mercifully, he stopped moving and one hand gripped the wall while panted as though he’d been in a relay.

  He released me after a few minutes. I lowered my legs and leaned back on the wall, trying to feel my bones again. I edged normalcy and started to put myself together. I heard him doing the same thing. I felt him reach for the control panel and suddenly the lights were on and the car was moving again. I blinked hard until my eyes adjusted to being in the light again.

  I couldn’t look at him. I wanted to cry. I felt guilty; not because of what we just did, but because I wanted us to do it again. I hadn’t been able to cum like that… um… wait. Oh, wow. Not since my first lover. Never like that with Eddie, never released so hard and so much and so many times… ever since my first when I was eighteen. But even with him, it wasn’t anything like this. This stranger and me… Holy…

  Shit. Best sexual experience of my life and it’ll never be repeated. I am in a relationship and I love him. Eddie. He loves me and he did not deserve me giving myself to some guy I only knew as ‘Greg.’ I had no idea who he was outside of that. If that was his real name.

  Once I got a good look at him, I shuddered. He was an extremely handsome man. His skin looked as if he were dipped in milk chocolate and his eye
s were browner than mine. And telling. I could plainly see that he enjoyed me, too.

  “I know.” Greg nodded. “You’re in a relationship, and even if we knew each other, this cannot and will not happen again. We both needed the release. I’m not sorry for this. I never will be.”

  I nodded and looked at the floor. It couldn’t happen again, but I wanted it to. Badly. I missed intercourse so much and to finally have it and like that… wow. My body was greedy and my head was joining in, but my heart… my heart was winning the battle. My heart wanted Eddie.

  It was already too much.

  We were going back to the ground floor and I frowned. I needed to get out of there and now. The doors opened and Greg walked out, without another word or a look back. I was relieved and hurt in one.

  I finally found the strength to push15 on the control panel. When the doors opened again on my floor, I swiftly walked to the bathroom and cleaned up, cursing myself for having no extra panties.

  Damn, why would I have extra?

  I left the bathroom and made sure not to make eye contact with any of the others, especially Walden, who seemed to know every time anyone got laid within the past twenty-four hours.

  All that avoiding was for naught. As soon as I sat at my desk, Walden chuckled and said very loudly, “Callie won the pool! Somebody got a nooner. Did he slide them down or rip them off?”

  I had been drinking water and choked. Macy, the dessert queen, was there by then. She and Lala were in the kitchen, making the floor smell exceedingly good. When Walden made that comment, everyone froze and looked at me.

  “You just fucked someone, didn’t you?”

  “No, Walden,” I said fast, screeching. “I just took Mr. Forrest a file.”

  Walden popped his tongue and smirked. “Hmm… it wasn’t Mr. Forrest. That hunk of gorgeousness only has eyes and dick for his diva with a gun. All the lawyers are married or gay and married. So…” He nodded, then tapped his temple. “Seeing how that scrumptious man of yours could be Justin Timberlake’s twin, I think you go for young, handsome fuckers. Who could it have been? “


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