Despair: Book Two of the Negative Ion Series

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Despair: Book Two of the Negative Ion Series Page 24

by Ryanne Anthony

  I cracked egg after egg into a bowl and then whisked them while two pans heated up. I got Greg’s omelet going, adding cheese, mushrooms, bell pepper and onions, then salt and peppered it as it set. I added the last of the eggs to the other pan, waited for them to set, then seasoned them. I sprinkled cheddar on it and watched it melt as the eggs slowly formed. I put bread into the toaster. After plating the omelet, I plated Justine’s eggs, adding chopped fresh chives and a little white pepper. I lightly buttered the toast. I gave her two slices, Greg four and added a sectioned orange to each plate.

  I set their food in front of them with a glass of apple juice each and waited for them to taste it. Greg dove in immediately and nodded after the first bite. Justine didn’t. She just stared at the plate.

  Suddenly, she reached over to Greg and hugged him tightly, sobbing loudly. I frowned, and he shrugged as he tried to console his mother. She released him after a few minutes, then tasted the eggs, nodding.

  Greg scraped his plate as Mr. Mitchell came in and greeted us. He quieted as he watched his wife tearfully eat her food. I stood there, waiting for her to say something, anything. She didn’t. She just ate her food, and when she finished, she nodded again. She looked at her empty plate and sighed as she pulled a ring off her right hand and placed it in Greg’s palm.

  Greg grinned then kissed her cheek. He came over to me and hugged me.

  “Cassidy, when I was a boy, my mother said she’d give me this ring when I brought home the girl I wanted to make my wife. It was left to me by Dad’s mother. Mom has worn it, at my grandmother’s insistence. She was under instruction to do so until she felt I found the right one. She believes, as I do, that you’d be the perfect wife for me.”

  I gasped and couldn’t stop the tears as Greg lowered to his knee in his mother’s kitchen. She wept, and his father attempted to console her, but I couldn’t pull my gaze from Greg’s.

  “I love you, Cassidy Cecile Wren. Will you allow me to become your husband?”

  I closed my eyes, hoping my throat would open long enough for me answer. Fuck it, I thought as I checked my tears. I couldn’t wait… I was answering now.

  “Yes,” I whispered, sounding like a frog. I covered my mouth as Greg slid the ring on and then I hugged him tightly when he stood.

  I’m getting married, and it was to a wonderful man who loved me.

  And I love him.

  “Congratulations.” Justine grinned as she embraced both of us. “I’m ‘Mom’ now, Cassidy. Welcome to our family.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I leaned over and kiss her teary cheek. “Mom.”

  “Congratulations, you two,” Greg’s father said as he walked to me. He pulled me from Greg’s arms and gave me a big hug. “I’d like you to call me ‘Dad,’ Cassidy.”

  I blinked my tears and nodded. I had a new Mom and Dad. I couldn’t be any happier.

  After my new dad released me, Justine smiled at me.

  “I want Al and me to give you your first wedding gift,” Justine said then pulled keys out of a drawer and pressed them into my hand.

  “What’s this?” I asked as I wiped my face.

  “The keys to your new home; our old home on Elm. We didn’t tell Greg, but Dad and I took it off the market when Greg told us about you.”

  Greg frowned. “You did? Why?”

  “Because, son,” Al said, patting Greg’s shoulder. “Your sisters wanted you to have it, but you said no, it’s a family home, and advised us to sell it. You have a family now, and we knew you would soon after telling us about this young lady. Greg, Cassidy… the house is now yours.”

  I was wrong. I did get happier that day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  My Wedding Day

  Raquel loved Greg and was even flattered when he apologized for proposing to me before asking her permission. He had her then. They had only known one another for about four minutes.

  She screeched with a big grin when Greg excused himself after my aunt asked him to grab us beers from her fridge, then told me I’d done much better with him.

  When Greg returned, she insisted he give her his parents’ and sisters’ numbers to talk to them about planning the wedding. We met that Sunday after church for brunch, and all the Mitchells accepted Raquel into the fold, too. Livia even said she knew quite a few lesbians she could introduce her to, after Raquel revealed she and her girlfriend had broken up for good. Life was looking good and I embraced it.

  * * *

  An hour before our ceremony, Aunt Raquel fussed around me as the final touches of my makeup were applied. She was almost as happy as I was today.

  I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes for the millionth time when she told the photographer what she wanted as far as pictures were concerned. She went on to yell at the hairdresser because she thought my hair wasn’t ‘stiff’ enough.

  “Tante,” I growled, finally having enough. “Stiff enough? Seriously?”

  “It’s a little windy, peu d’amour,” my aunt sighed. “And I swear I want everything perfect. I want you perfect as you enter the church and the reception hall at The Hampton Inn when that Joshua Cannon sees you.”

  I swallowed hard. “Why Joshua?”

  “Because that connard took your virginity then walked away.”

  “What?” I squealed. “How did… What… How…?”

  “I’m no fool, Cassidy Cecile Wren. I knew it was him you were seeing, but I kept up the ruse so I wouldn’t embarrass you or him. And I’ll keep acting stupid as long as you want me to. Now sit still and get perfect so he can drool over what he passed on.”

  “He didn’t pass on me, Tante. We just didn’t have the type of love to last forever. We’re friends. I’m happy with my choice and I’m sure he is with his. Have you had a good look at his wife? He so traded up.”

  “He did not trade up,” She scolded. “But yeah, I have had a look and she is… tasty. I wouldn’t mind—”

  “Tante!” I shouted, shaking my head. “Seriously?”

  “Sorry, but she’s… whoo… but still lower than you, peu d’amour.”

  I so threw her out.

  Shauna, Parker and Samantha came to see me before the ceremony. I hugged them all. Sam Forrest gave me a guilty look, but I hugged him, too, and told him that I didn’t hold anything against him. He was right to fire me; I had broken the rules, whether I knew it or not. Shauna said she still believed I should have gotten probation. He nodded and said since that rule was gone now, I’d be welcomed back. I smiled and said I’d have to ask my husband what he thought. I now had a reason not to work just yet.

  Itsy was my maid of honor. She really gave it to me good for trying to duck out of her life and I had to apologize profusely before she would accept.

  My other bridesmaids were Lala, Callie and Greg’s sisters, Jen and Tamia. Greg made Stone his best man. His groomsmen were Mike, Ren and his brothers-in-law, Harold and William. Livia and her husband served as ‘parental escorts;’ they carried in pics of my parents and set them on the altar, in full view of the audience as if they were watching the ceremony. When Justine suggested it, it made me cry. Even though I had Aunt Raquel, I missed them being there. I thought that was a perfect way to include them.

  Walden walked me down the aisle, and he looked beyond handsome doing it. He actually wore a tux that wasn’t his usual out-there style. He was dressed like Greg and his groomsmen, and he managed to control his usual flamboyant tendencies. I was so thankful when I saw him, I kissed him on the lips and hugged him tightly as I expressed my thanks. I mean, even his hair was tamed and not the usual floppy, bed-head look he loved so much.

  “You would not be thanking me if you saw my socks, bitch! Okaaaaaaaaay!”

  “Walden!” I gasped. “We agreed!”

  “Uh-uh, Barbariza, don’t even go there,” Walden exclaimed as he snapped his fingers. “You so owe me after your hot guy made me look like this! I see one camera aimed at me and I’m so breaking it, boo! There will be no record of this, at all!”

  “Please?” I asked, giving my best innocent girl look.

  “Damn, I must really love you, Barbariza.” Walden sighed then rolled his eyes. “I swear one hot guy out there better be gay ‘cause I’m getting laid tonight!”

  I had to suppress a giggle when Walden gave Greg the evil eye when he gave him my hand at the altar. I squeezed his arm, silently telling him he had nothing to worry about with me and Greg. Walden smiled at me, then released my hand and quietly waited to say it was him to give me away. He beamed when the minister asked.

  “Her friend, who thinks the bride walks on water, does.”

  Greg smiled softly at me. “Ditto.”

  That’s when the first tear of the day fell.

  * * *

  I smiled big as I entered my reception on my husband’s arm to the loud applause of our guests. I looked around in amazement. I had no idea how my aunt had pulled this off, especially with her school fees and working two jobs, but she did, and I was grateful, even though she wouldn’t allow me or Greg to pony up for anything. The only help she accepted was for the food and cake. Justine handled those things, and I thought that was a wise choice as I ate my wedding dinner. Everything was good, and I swore I gained pounds on the filet mignon alone.

  After dinner, Greg and I went from table to table and thanked everyone personally for coming. When I got to the table with the Cannons, I could not help the grin on my face. I figured out how my aunt paid for the wedding as soon as I saw their faces.

  “Hello,” I gushed as I approached the table on Greg’s arm. “Honey, these are the Cannons. This is Marcus and his wife, Mariah. Joshua, and his wife, Mandy, and that’s Matthew. Everyone, this is my husband, Allan Gregory Mitchell. I insist you call him ‘Greg.’”

  Matthew hugged me while offer me best wishes. He then nodded at Greg to walk away with him. I watched as the two of them moved off to a corner and looked deep in conversation.

  “Beautiful wedding, Cassidy.” Mariah smiled. “And I’ve never seen a prettier bride.”

  “Thank you, Mariah.” I grinned as I hugged her. “You lie, but thank you.”

  “No lie.” Mandy giggled as I found myself held tightly in her arms. “You’re beautiful. Married life agrees with you already. Or is it that handsome husband of yours that’s put that glow on your face?”

  “It’s the husband. He’s been very good for me. To me.”

  I blushed as I hugged Marcus next.

  “It shows.” Marcus smiled. “Best wishes, Cassidy.”

  “Thank you, Marcus.” I grinned, then turned to a smiling Joshua.

  He hugged me, then led me to another corner.

  “You’re beautiful today.” Joshua smiled. “Greg is a lucky man.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” I smiled, then looked at my husband. I frowned at the fake smile plastered on his face as Matthew talked to him.

  What the hell? I took one step to where he and Matthew were in deep conversation and stopped when Joshua grabbed my arm and grinned.

  “Matthew is filling in.”

  “Filling in?”

  “Yeah.” Joshua laughed. “He’s making sure Greg understands he will have him and us to answer to if he ever fucks up with you.”

  I frowned, then looked at Greg, who now appeared ashen. Matthew must be really giving him shit. Good, I thought as Greg shook his head fast. Matthew leaned in and pointed my way. Greg’s head turned to me, then he angrily stalked off to the office.

  Something was not right here.

  “What else is going on, Joshua?”

  “Enjoy your first dance,” Joshua murmured, taking my hand and leading me back to his table. Aunt Raquel met us there and excused us.

  “It’s time for the first dance. Where’s your husband, peu d’amour?”

  I nodded to the door Greg went through. “Something’s wrong, Tante,” I sighed. “I don’t know what.”

  Greg came out of the room, scowling and looked ready to kill. I frowned and waited as he made his way to me while my aunt signaled the band.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Allan and Cassidy Mitchell will now have their first dance as husband and wife.”

  I saw Greg struggling to put a smile on his face after the announcement. Whatever this was, it was not going to be good.

  We decided Negative Ion wasn’t going to play at our wedding. Instead, we chose a band from Main House. When they started to play ‘our’ song, a cover of John Legend’s All of Me, Greg took me in his arms on the dance floor, still sporting that fake smile.

  His parents were frowning, as were his sisters. Greg could usually hide his feelings, but at that moment, he was doing a really poor job of it. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as I rubbed his neck, hoping I could relax him. After a low groan, he let out a long sigh and held me tighter.

  “Can you hear me, love?” Greg whispered above my ear.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “I hate this happened today but I really need to tell you something. As soon as this song is over, I need you to come with me to the office.”

  I frowned and looked up at him. “No, tell me now.”

  He stared at me for a long minute then his forehead lowered to mine. His arms tightened around me and another long sigh escaped him. Now I was scared and ready to bolt. I knew whatever he had to say, it was going to ruin our day. I did not want to hear it.

  “Matthew… after he threatened to break every bone in my body if I ever hurt you, he told me… well…”

  “What, Greg? What did he tell you?”

  “Vonda’s pregnant again. She’s…” Greg sighed. “She’s claiming the new baby and her son are mine. I just had to do a DNA swab in the office. Matthew set it up.”

  I gasped and stiffened in his arms. Before I could attempt to stop them, tears drowned my face. My throat burned, and I turned my head away from where most of the guests were watching us. Mistake. I immediately caught the shocked gaze of the wedding party and his parents. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

  He cheated on me. My aunt, his mother and sisters and me were planning this wedding for eight months while he and I lived in his parents’ old home… while Walden was making himself beyond annoying because I gave him my apartment, free rent and all, and doing any and everything he could for us while we spent every waking moment planning, picturing and deciding the biggest day of my life, Greg was out there fucking his ex.

  I let out a sob toward the end of the song then walked swiftly to the stairwell, trying but failing to hide my tear-streaked face.

  I had a room on the first floor where I dressed. I thanked God I reserved it for the night. I planned for Greg and me to stay there and go on our honeymoon in the morning. A surprise among many for my new husband.

  I locked the door behind me then fell to my knees in my wedding dress and wailed. After a few minutes, I ripped the thing off. I felt as if it were mocking me, telling me what a huge fool I was… again. Everyone else tells me what a good, caring person I am but I kept attracting these assholes and not seeing them for what they really were until it was too late. He said he wouldn’t hurt me, but here I was, on my wedding day, in tears and wondering what was wrong with me.

  I vowed then to turn away from all men. Fuck ‘em. Aunt Raquel had the right idea. Maybe I’d try to be a lesbian. I’d miss fucking a dick, but… they make those strap-on things… hmm…

  I needed to get out of there. Fast. I washed my face then put on the jeans and t-shirt I wore to the inn, and took my hair down. That’s when I noticed the rings on my fingers. I softly cried again as I pulled them off and stuffed them into my jeans pocket. As soon as I could, I was going to give the engagement ring back to Justine. The wedding band was going into the river.

  Grabbing my purse, I stalked out of the room and went to the reception desk, where I asked them to call me a cab. As soon as I went outside to wait for it, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door. I started to scream, then recognized who had my arm.

ddie Murphy.

  He led me to the diner on the corner then pushed me inside. It was almost empty, but he kept me close, as if there were wall to wall people. I struggled to break free from him; his grip was tight and hard.

  “Let me go, Eddie,” I yelled. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Calm down and listen to me!”

  “No! The last time I talked to you, you beat the hell out of me and gave me a concussion! Go away and leave me alone!”

  “What did you expect me to do, Cassidy? You were mine and you cheated on me. Then you taunted me with it!”

  I moved about harder, wanting out of his arms. I wanted to be as far away from him, and all men, as possible.

  “Cassidy, please. Just listen to me. Five minutes,” Eddie pleaded. “Calm down and listen. I just want to apologize to you.”

  Yeah, that calmed me right away, but not enough.

  “Let me go, Eddie. I don’t want you touching me, at all, ever again.”


  “Let me go,” I snarled.

  He released me and I stepped back. Crossing my arms, I glared at him.

  “Five minutes… go,” I said as I stared at the clock behind him.

  “Despite me being gay, I loved you, Cassidy. I did consider you mine. I wanted a life with you, but I also wanted to be with men. When I met Cliff, he didn’t care I was with a woman. I could have both of you. I was living the dream life for weeks. Then I heard you and Greg talking, and yeah, it enraged me. I shouldn’t have hit you, but the anger of you letting another man touch you ripped me apart.”

  I raised a brow. “But it was okay for another man to touch you?”

  “It was a man, honey,” Eddie sighed. “He was no competition for you, nor you for him. There was no way you and he could compete. You were giving me totally different things and I wanted them. I wanted everything the two of you had to offer me.”


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