Despair: Book Two of the Negative Ion Series

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Despair: Book Two of the Negative Ion Series Page 25

by Ryanne Anthony

  I shook my head. “Are you finished?”

  “I love you, Cassidy. I miss you. Please try to work something out with me. Obviously, something is wrong since you’re out here when you should be at your reception. You can get this thing with him annulled. Cliff gets it and he’s willing to try with the three of us. I promise you, as I promised him: there won’t be another. The three of us, only.”

  I shook my head. “So let me get this straight… you want me to become your lover and be faithful to you while you continue to be with a man? Does he get me, too? Am I going to have to give up ass to him? Who are you going to live with? Will we get a two-flat, and I stay on one floor and listen as you fuck him on the other while hoping you can stay hard for me the next night? How long were you planning for this ‘arrangement’ to last? Months? Years? Forever? Will I get kids out of this? If so, what were we going to tell them? How about, ‘Kids, Dad likes taking it up the ass and being blown by men so he will never live with us?’”

  Eddie sighed hard. “Cassidy…”

  “What? Am I sounding too good to you, Eddie? Is one or all these scenarios turning you on? Good! Live with the thoughts for the rest of your life, because none are ever going to happen with me! None of it!”

  I left the diner and bumped right into Matthew, who gripped my upper arms to steady me.

  “Fucking wonderful,” I snarled as I recovered. I felt Matthew tense and looked up as he glared behind me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? Did you think I was joking?”

  “Mr. Cannon—”

  “No. Walk away. I find out you’ve been anywhere near her again and I follow through on my promise. Say goodbye and keep walking.”

  Eddie must have looked as though he wasn’t going to move because Matthew let my arms go and took a step toward Eddie. I turned and saw Eddie take a step back and gasp. Matthew must have put a good hurting on this guy, I thought as Eddie’s face paled.

  “Goodbye, Cassidy,” Eddie mumbled, then jogged off to the Malibu we’d shared. He took off quickly, and Matthew shook his head as he turned back to me.

  “Cassidy, let’s go. Your husband is growing frantic looking for you.”

  He grabbed my arm and turned toward the hotel. I jerked out of his grip and shook my head.

  “He cheated on me, Matthew. We committed to one another and while his family and mine planned today, he was out fucking his ex! I am never going back to him.”

  Matthew shook his head, his eyes going cold. “Did he admit to cheating?”

  “He said Vonda is claiming her son is his, and now she’s pregnant again and saying that one is his, too! He took a DNA test!”

  I cried again. My soul hurt and my heart was so broken. I wanted him. I wanted him something awful, and in this want… this love… this need for him… He made a baby with another woman, the woman he’d had a baby with as a teenager and claimed to loathe with everything in him. I guess you can hate and lust after someone at the same time.

  Matthew held me as I cried, and I felt him shake his head as I gripped him. It took me awhile to calm, but his arms around me never loosened. My cries slowed to whimpers and he pressed a handkerchief into my fingers. I wiped my face as I sniffed.

  “I’m sorry. An employee’s annoying niece is at it again.”

  “Don’t apologize, Cassidy. You are nowhere near annoying. You’re in pain and you have every right to express it.”

  I nodded and gave him a weak smile. “I loved him and I thought… I thought he was happy with me. I thought he was satisfied with me. Why would he go to her?”

  “Who says he did, Cassidy?” Matthew asked softly. “What proof do you have that he slept with that woman?”

  “He took a DNA test, Matthew. Why would he do that if he didn’t sleep with her?”

  “To prove he didn’t. He wasn’t going to do the swab. He refused it, saying there was no need since he hadn’t touched her in years. I talked him into it.”

  I glared at Matthew, confused and angry. “Why? Why do you think he needed to take the test?”

  “Because I think by refusing, he was making himself look guilty. By refusing the swab, he was making it look as though he had something to hide. This way, he not only proves he’s not that child’s father, but he also puts a doubt in everyone’s head that he slept with her during either conception time. I don’t believe he’s touched her at all, let alone those times. You’re it for him, Cassidy. We all see it. Don’t you believe that? Turn around. He’s in front of the hotel right now, wanting to explain things to you. I think you should hear him out.”

  I looked at the street, noticing how clear it appeared. No traffic at all, and thought on how odd that was. I slowly turned and it wasn’t only Greg in front of the hotel but damn near the entire wedding party and quite a few guests. I watched as the band, especially Stone, ushered everyone back inside.

  Greg, his parents and sisters did not move. Neither did Aunt Raquel. They all stood there, looking at me and Matthew as though they wanted in on the conversation. Greg nervously paced as he watched us, and every so often, someone would reach out to pat him somewhere, as though they were asking him to calm down.

  I turned back to Matthew and sighed. “What do you believe, Matthew?”

  “I believe she wants him and today was the last straw for her. She finally gets he’s never going to be hers again and she’s doing what she can to make your lives miserable. You turning away from him like this… it’s exactly what she wants you to do. She wants you to walk away; to be this angry and unforgiving so that she can swoop in and attempt to make her move on him.”

  “But she’s married, Matthew. Has been for almost a year. Her and Gorge eloped two days after Lala and Stone married. She was acting as though he was her world.”

  I gasped and looked back at Greg.

  “What, Cassidy?”

  “Her son… he’s… he’s eleven months old… she… Vonda was very pregnant at Stone and Lala’s wedding. Oh, God… she could have easily gotten… no, she couldn’t have… unless…”

  “Unless, what?”

  “Her son, Savion, could possibly be his. Greg and I called ourselves ‘fuck buddies.’ We weren’t seeing each other regularly. I was technically with Eddie, and Greg said he wasn’t in a relationship, but he could have easily slept with her during the time she got pregnant… but that mediation… he couldn’t have during or after that. Could he?”

  “I don’t think he did, even when Savion was conceived, but you should talk to him and get his version, Cassidy.”

  “She’s pregnant again and saying it’s his. Why, if he didn’t touch her? Why be that bold?”

  “Like I said, she wants him, sweetheart. You know that. Her marrying the other guy changed nothing, but when Greg got serious with you, everything changed. She’s desperate now.”


  “You were the one he fell for, and she couldn’t chase you off the way she did the others. You were sticking, and that didn’t sit well with her, even considering she had a husband of her own. As long as he was single, she was content. Then you got engaged to Greg and all bets were off. Frankly, I’m surprised it took this long for her to come up with this angle.”

  I shook my head, wanting to believe him. “How do you know all this?”

  “I heard you got engaged and I went to work. I investigated Greg and his ex, Vonda. She’s always been after him, and you know this, Cassidy. You typed up the minutes when she tried to take their daughter from him. That Gorge guy was never a part of that. He had no idea that was going on, and he told me vehemently that if he had, he would have put an end to it. He did not want to take Karima from her father.”

  I sighed, then looked at him. “Why did you investigate Greg?”

  “Because you and Joshua used to be together, and you two still mean something to one another. He wanted you protected at all costs. So did me and Marcus. Now Mariah and Mandy love you, so that’s that. We do everything the women say, and they insisted
on knowing everything, especially after what that asshole Eddie did to you.”

  “And you found nothing that would or should make me question Greg?”

  “Nothing. If I had, I would have brought it to you well before your wedding day.”

  I nodded. He and the Cannons have always been good to me. He… Well, none of them, would ever lie to me.

  “I’ll talk to Greg.”

  “Good.” Matthew chuckled. “No time like the present.”

  I nodded again then kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Matthew.”

  “For what?”

  “The advice, the lecture, and most of all, paying for my wedding.”

  He scoffed. “Who said I paid for your wedding?”

  “Aunt Raquel couldn’t afford this, and she wouldn’t let me, Greg, or his parents contribute anything but our time. She’s starting night school soon so she’s up to her eyeballs in school fees, outside of what JEMM is paying.”

  He smirked. “It wasn’t me, Cassidy. Although, I would have gladly helped. No, it was someone you’ve seen naked.”

  I gasped. “Joshua?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I told you, the two of you mean something to one another.”

  “But he’s done enough for me. He keeps this up… God, I don’t want Mandy to think…”

  “She doesn’t, Cassidy. Mandy understands, and he went to her before he did anything. She knows all about you and him, and she knows Raquel needed the help. She won’t say a thing to Raquel about your shared past. She wanted him to help, and trust me, it was not easy to get Raquel to accept the help.”

  “I bet it wasn’t,” I giggled. “She’s become my mother and father since I lost them both and is so protective.”

  “I’m glad you realize how lucky you are to have her.”

  “I do,” I smiled. “Hey, how did you know me and Joshua, uh…”

  “I’m the great and powerful Oz. I thought you knew that.” Matthew chuckled. “This is our secret. Joshua would attempt to kill me if he found out I told you. Now, stop stalling and go talk to your husband.”

  He kissed my cheek, then turned me toward Greg. I felt a tiny push from him and started walking toward the hotel. Greg froze his pacing, then started walking toward me. I blinked and picked up my pace, then flinched when a flash of light crossed my face and glittered in my eye, momentarily blinding me. Greg turned his head toward the flash, then ran toward me.

  “CASSIDY! GET DOWN,” Greg shouted.

  “Sis!” Livia screamed.

  I gasped as a firecracker went off then froze as a sudden, sharp pain hit my side, just under my right breast. Suddenly, I struggled for breath and fell to the ground, holding the pained area.

  “Fuck!” Greg shouted. “What the… Did you get hit?”

  “Cassidy!” My aunt screeched, “Noooo! Don’t take her, too!”

  “Get down, Raquel!” Matthew shouted behind me. “Everybody get down! Now!”

  “Noooo! Cassidy! NO! NO! NO! NO!”

  I gasped, then coughed. More firecrackers went off as I tried to catch my breath.

  “I’m fine!” Greg shouted over my head as someone gently rolled me to my back. “Help her, Livia! Please, just help her!”

  My breathing became labored and all voices became distorted shouts. Almost as though they were robotic or underwater. Then pressure; lots of pressure on my side as a woman called out orders and a man sobbed at my head. Someone tightly held my hand. I blinked, trying to focus on something, anything.

  “Cold… blanket…” I mumbled, wondering if we’re having an earthquake. “Tired…”

  I closed my eyes and felt myself being lifted. I opened them briefly and saw Livia over me, as if she was straddling me, yelling at me to stay awake. It made me want to giggle, and I tried, but it stung. I gasped again.

  “Livia?” I called weakly.

  “Hush. Don’t talk, sis,” she soothed. “Save your energy. Stay awake, but don’t talk. I’m going to take care of you, I promise.”

  I smiled weakly, enjoying the warmth of her voice, seemingly heating the chill I was feeling earlier. Livia, Jen and Tamia started calling me ‘sis,’ like they do with one another, the very day they’d met me. It made me feel like a part of the family, and I called them that, too.

  “Okay, sis… but… don’t,” I murmured as I closed my eyes again.

  “What, sis? Don’t what? Please, honey, stay awake for me!”

  I startled, my breathing slowing. “Don’t sit…” I gasped and gripped someone’s arm. “On the baby…”

  My eyes closed and I heard several people asking what I’d said. After that, I recall nothing.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Baby, please…wake up.”

  I scrunched my brow. My head was caressed and someone was at my ear whispering to me, begging me.

  “Come on, love. Come back to me. Please. I need you, Cass. Open your eyes and tell me you still love me.”

  I heard a groan, then gasped as pain shot through my right side. My head was held as a man wept into my ear. I wanted to hold him and tell him not to cry, but I felt so weak and couldn’t budge.

  “Greg,” I called softly.

  “I’m here,” he said into my ear. “I haven’t left your side.”

  “Let her rest now, brother,” a woman murmured. “She responded to you, finally. That’s good news. Let Mom take you home and get some rest.”

  “No, Liv,” he said. “I’m staying with my wife.”

  “Come on, son,” another man urged. “You need to shower and change. You want to be fresh when she sees you. And we need to redress your wound.”

  Wound? Greg was hurt? I groaned and fell asleep again.

  * * *

  My eyes fluttered and I tried focusing around the room, trying to take in my surroundings. I frowned when I saw crutches. I turned to my right and saw a smiling Greg looking back at me. He squeezed my hand as he pushed the call button with his free one.

  “What happened, Greg?” I asked.

  “I’ll tell you everything after Livia looks you over, love.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  My sister-in-law entered the room smiling, telling me how glad she was to see my eyes again. I smiled back and let her examine me. After she was done, she grinned big and said she was pleased. My other in-laws filed in, along with Aunt Raquel, kissing and gently hugging me while repeating how glad they were that I was awake. I smiled at them and tried not to move too much. A nurse changed my bandages as they all talked, teary-eyed. Greg held my hand the entire time.

  Livia talked softly to him as my aunt gripped me and spoke in rapid French. I understood ‘scared’ and ‘don’t do it again.’ Other than that, she could’ve been telling me the sky was all purple and there were people running everywhere.

  Livia said I needed time with Greg and demanded everyone leave. Everyone except my aunt left with a smile. I told her it was okay; I’d see her later. She nodded, and teary, she walked out with Livia, who held my aunt’s hand as she tried to comfort her.

  I turned to my husband, silently asking him to tell me what happened.

  “You were shot,” he sighed. “Livia says you’re doing well and you should be able to come home soon.”

  “Shot,” I croaked.

  I thought back and remembered being outside the diner and a flash of light. I remember hearing… wait… no, those weren’t firecrackers. They were gunshots.

  Damn! Of all the things to have in common with my mother.

  “Someone shot me? Does anyone know who?”

  I stared at my husband’s face. He looked as though he wanted to heave as he paled, his eyes giving me a pained expression.

  “Who shot me, Greg,” I asked again. No, that was begging.

  He nodded, rubbing my head as he squeezed my hand again.


  I gasped, my body trembling and definitely not in a good way.

  “What happened?” I whispered.

; Greg’s face was a mask of pain as he struggled telling me what had happened. “She drove up, stopped and pointed. When the reflection from the gun hit your face, I turned and saw her. She pointed that thing right at you and everything in me turned cold with fear.”

  Tears welled as I stared at him. “What happened to her? Was she caught?”

  “I took care of her,” a voice said on my left. I slowly turned my head and saw Matthew standing in the doorway.

  “You?” I asked. “How?”

  Matthew walked in and closed the door behind him. He took a seat on the side of the bed and squeezed my hand.

  “I have good aim, Cassidy,” Matthew said quietly as he looked me in the eye.

  “Aim?” I asked, confused as all hell. “What does that mean?”

  “First, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Eddie is dead.”

  “Damn it,” Greg mumbled.

  I gasped and shook my head. “How?”

  I wanted to cry for him, but I just… couldn’t. Until…

  “He saved me, love,” Greg murmured.

  “What?” I gasped. “From what?”

  “Vonda. He was watching us, and he saw me running to you and screaming for you to get down. She aimed, and I was knocked to the ground. She got Eddie. He was the one who knocked me down. He saved me from that fatal bullet.”

  Yeah, I cried then. He had to see that Greg and I were it for each other and saved him for me. I guessed he did love me, after all.

  Matthew and Greg said words of comfort and calmed me. My head started hurting and I wondered if my meds were wearing off as my husband spoke again.

  “How are you not locked up, Matthew?” Greg asked, his hand tightening on mine.

  “I’ve been cleared. Vonda shot you all in daylight in front of witnesses. I should have been aiming to stop her, which I was at first, but the last shot, the one after she shot back at me, landed in her back. She was taken to Mercy and died last night from her injuries.”

  “Last night? How long have I been out?”

  “Four long days.” Greg sighed. “You needed surgery, and that lasted hours. You finally woke last night and spoke, to everyone’s relief.”


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