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Naked Lies

Page 16

by Ray Gordon

  "You forgot? I would have thought that..."

  "She wasn't here for long. We had coffee and a chat, and then she left. You seem worried, do you have a problem with her coming to see me?"

  "No, no of course not. It's just that..."

  "I'm hoping that we'll become good friends. I like her very much, we get on well together. Anyway, I'm going up to bed."

  "OK, I'll be up later."

  Knowing that he'd ring Den the minute I'd gone, I left the door ajar and lurked on the stairs. The evil bastards didn't know what the hell was going on! My little game was causing them real problems. And I'd cause them more problems before the night was out, I decided. Confuse them and set them against each other.

  I was right. Like a bat out of hell Mat grabbed the phone and began rabbiting to Den. "She said that Lisa came round before the weekend," he whined. "Why would she lie? Yes, I realize that someone's lying, Den. It must be Lisa - Jane would hardly say that the girl's coming round tomorrow if she wasn't. I don't know, I really don't. Look, as I've got a couple of hours off tomorrow, I'll come round to your place and we'll see what happens. Yes, I'll park the car round the corner. OK, about eight."

  Scuttling up the stairs to bed, my face grinning, I was pleased with the way things were going. I'd lost Mat, I knew, but... But what? Divorce. The terrible word haunted me, tortured me. My marriage would soon be over. But I had Lisa, hadn't I?

  Mat left at eight the following morning. I gave him several minutes before creeping downstairs and spying out of the lounge window. Having parked his car somewhere out of sight, he stole up Den's path, looking this way and that to make sure that the coast was clear. He was like a thief in the night, stupid, pathetic, and I hated him. But what to do? I wondered. Lisa wasn't going to turn up, so perhaps I should go out. They'd follow me, but I'd lose them and...

  "Christ!" I breathed, suddenly realizing that this was my husband I was playing games with. What the hell had happened to our relationship? He was using and abusing me, lying to me, I was lying to him, planning to lose him when he followed me... And to top it all, I'd taken Lisa into the marital bed! But Mat had started the whole thing, I reflected. I was innocent.

  Remembering that I'd told Den I'd ring Mat's office to see whether he was there, I thought it best to stick to the plan. It would look suspicious if I didn't phone, and I didn't want suspicion surrounding me. Mat's secretary would confirm my call, and he'd not know that I'd rumbled him. I checked my watch - eight-fifteen. I'd have to give it an hour or so before phoning.

  Perhaps it was best to stay in the house, I mused. Walking down the street and losing Den and Mat would serve no purpose at all. I didn't know what to do. Pacing the lounge floor, my mind swirling with a thousand thoughts, I was about to have breakfast when the phone rang.

  "Jane, it's Den," the bastard drawled as I lifted the receiver. "I see Mat's gone to work."

  "Yes, I'm going to ring him in an hour or so to make sure he's there and then..."

  "I want your cunt now. Ring his mobile number."

  "No, I want to make sure that he's at the office before... Oh, there's the doorbell," I lied.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's none of your business. I'll call you later."

  Hanging up, I knew that Mat would have been listening to his accomplice's crude demands, rather than spying out of his window. The pathetic pair would be wondering who my mysterious visitor was, but they'd never find out. Putting myself in their shoes, I tried to work out what I'd do. If Mat went to get his car and came home, pretending that he'd forgotten something... I was right. Within ten minutes the predictable prat had pulled up in the drive. Leaping upstairs, I locked myself in the bathroom and turned the shower on.

  "Jane, are you in there?" he called, tapping on the door in his desperation to discover the identity of my phantom visitor.

  "I'm having a shower!" I yelled back. "What are you doing home?"

  "Can I come in? I want to talk to you."

  "You'll have to wait, Mat!"

  I made him wait for ten minutes before emerging with a towel wrapped around me, my hair sopping wet. He was standing on the landing, his brown eyes frowning. He was lost on a sea of suspicion, floundering, trying desperately to discover what I was up to.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked as he sidled into the bathroom, obviously looking for Lisa or a male lover.

  "I forgot something," he said lamely, following me into the bedroom.

  He searched the house as I dressed, making out that he couldn't find his credit card. Brushing my hair as I entered the kitchen, I saw him wandering around the garden. He was obviously perplexed as he returned to the house, wondering who on earth my visitor was, and where they were hiding.

  "You're going to be very late," I remarked.

  "It's OK, I phoned in. Has anyone been to see you this morning?"

  "No, why?"

  "I just wondered."

  "Lisa's coming round later, as I told you last night."

  "She's going out with Den!" he sighed.

  "Mat, she rang me twenty minutes ago, she's coming round at eleven."

  "I don't understand. Den was adamant that..."

  "It doesn't matter, there's nothing to understand. If she doesn't turn up, that's fine, if she does, then... I don't know why you're making such a big thing about Lisa."

  "I'm not, it's just that it seems odd."

  "You seem odd, Mat. You were going on about Lisa last night, and now you're harping on about her this morning! All she's doing is coming round for a chat. Perhaps she's changed her mind about going out with Den. What does it matter, anyway? Besides, it's really none of our business. Hadn't you better go to work?"

  "There's no rush. I'll make some coffee, would you like some?"

  "No, I'm going to sit in the sun to dry my hair."

  Contemplating on a patio chair, I still had no idea what my long-term plans were. I'd play my games for a while, confuse the rats to the point where they thought they were going insane. But then what? I'd have mysterious visitors and phone calls, feed Den and Lisa false information and cause mayhem. But long-term?

  Mat was deliberately hanging around, sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee, almost visibly trying to work out what I could have done with my visitor. And Den would be pacing the floor, wondering what the hell was going on. All I had to do was relax beneath the summer sun. I had all day - there was no rush.

  "Aren't you going into the office?" I asked as Mat finally emerged peevishly from the house.

  "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

  "No, of course I'm not!" I chuckled.

  "I'll be going soon."

  "Are you OK, Mat? You seem like a cat on hot bricks. What are you waiting for?"

  "Nothing, nothing. I've got a lot on my mind, that's all."

  "Something's wrong, I know. You're always coming home during the day. There was a time when I never saw you between eight in the morning and seven at night, and now you're always calling in."

  "I have some local clients."

  "Look at you now, hanging around as if you have the day off. Is everything OK at the office?"

  "Yes, everything's fine."

  "What's this thing you've got with Den?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You're either going to see him, or he comes here to see you. What's going on?"

  "Nothing's going on!" he laughed. "Den's been helping me with some financial matters, that's all. Well, I suppose I'd better make a move. I'll see you this evening."

  As he reluctantly left, I knew that I'd won yet another round. But how many rounds were there? What was the ultimate goal? I was winning a game that had no prize. What was the point in playing? There was no point, but I had no other choice, I decided. If I confronted Mat, the marriage would be over. There again, if I kept quiet, the marriage was over!

  Retreating into the house, I closed and locked the back door and rang Lisa. I wanted to find out where she lived. It was one thing making out that she wa
s coming to see me, but if I were to tell Mat that I'd been to see her it would really upset the hornets' nest! I had to discover her address to substantiate my lies.

  "Oh, Jane," she said, a hint of anger in her voice.

  "How are you?" I asked, installing myself on the sofa.

  "Den's just phoned again. He wants to know why I'm going to see you at eleven o'clock this morning."

  "Not again! You're not coming here at eleven, or any other time today."

  "I know that, but he insists that you told him..."

  "Look, we need to talk. You'd better not come here because Den might see you. How about me coming round to your place? I can come now if..."

  "No, I'll be out until twelve."

  "Oh, I see. Look, give me your address and I might call round this afternoon."

  "OK. D'you know the electrical shop in the high street?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "It's the flat above the shop, thirty-seven A."

  "Right, I'll ring before I come round, just to make sure you're in."

  "I should be in all afternoon."

  "OK, see you later."

  I had no intention of visiting Lisa but, knowing her address, I could tell Mat that I'd done so and he'd tell Den. My plan was somewhat precarious, but it would serve to fire suspicion. Lisa would deny that I'd been to see her, Den would accuse her of lying, Mat would wonder whether I was telling the truth... A precarious plan, but the best I could come up with.

  After breakfast, I mooched about the house wondering what to do. My clitoris stirred for the first time that day, and I pondered on masturbation. What with Mat home for the weekend, and the horrendous things I'd discovered, I'd not had an orgasm since Friday.

  I rang Mat's office, hoping that he'd arrived. If I was going to enjoy the brass door knob, I didn't want him prowling about, lurking, spying. "He's on the other line," his secretary announced. My vagina tightening, wetting, I hung up and slipped my drenched panties off. Rivers of cunt milk flowed down my thighs, meandering, seeking.

  "Ah, I see you're preparing for me!" Den chuckled, leaning in the doorway.

  "How the... Get out!" I screamed.

  "What about our deal? Mat's at work, you've taken your knickers off, I'm ready and waiting, so..."

  "Get out!"

  "Who came to see you this morning?"

  "It's none of your business."

  "Jane, I have your mother's address. The evidence is in my car, I'm about to drive over to her house."

  "The man I'm leaving Mat for... He came to see me, if you must know."

  "I saw Mat come back, I'm surprised he didn't catch you with your knickers down."

  "As Mat came in the front door, he went out of the back and slipped round the side of the house. Mat didn't see him."

  "Right, you've had your fun, played your games, spread your lies about Lisa - and now you're going to do exactly as I say."

  "I told you, it's over."

  "Right, I'll be at your mother's within the hour."

  My mother! That was the only hold he had on me And it was a hold so tight that I couldn't wriggle out of it. At least Mat was at the office - whatever I did with Den, I knew that he wouldn't be watching. Den would tell him, of course, but I'd confuse the issue by saying that I'd been to see Carole and then Lisa - that I'd been out all day. Den would insist that I was lying and Mat wouldn't know who or what to believe.

  "There's no need to go to my mother's," I finally sighed, realizing that I was more than ever Den's slave. "What do you want me to do?"

  "That's more like it!" he beamed triumphantly. "Before we start, admit that you've been lying about Lisa."

  "I haven't been lying. She came here before the weekend, and she was coming here this morning. She phoned just before you arrived and cancelled."

  "I don't believe you."

  "I can't help that, Den."

  "When are you supposed to be seeing her again?"

  "I was going to her place this afternoon, but I don't know whether I'll have the time."

  "You don't know where she lives."

  "Above the electrical shop in the high street. I've been there before."

  "Describe her flat."

  "No, why should I? I don't have to prove anything to you, or anyone else, for that matter."

  "Jane, I'm warning you..."

  He broke off as the phone rang. Lifting the receiver, I was relieved to hear Carole's voice. Perhaps I had a chance to get rid of Den, I mused, an abstract plan coming to mind as Carole enquired how I was.

  "Yes, the coast's clear," I said softly, huskily. "No, Mat searched the house but found nothing." Twigging that I had some kind of problem, Carole allowed me to ramble on uninterrupted. "Oh, I'd love to!" I trilled as Den sat on the sofa, lapping it up. "He's gone to work so we'll have plenty of time together. Five minutes? That's great. Yes, I'll look forward to it. You know I do, silly. Yes, very much. All right, bye."

  Replacing the receiver, I grabbed my panties from the floor and tugged them up my sticky legs. Den rose to his feet, his expression pained as I donned a victorious grin.

  "Who was that?" he finally asked.

  "My friend, the one I'm leaving Mat for," I replied excitedly.

  "He's coming here now?"

  "Five minutes."

  "You should have put him off. You'll regret this."

  "I couldn't put him off. He's in his car on his mobile, just five minutes away. He's been waiting until Mat was out of the way."

  "I'll be back later to..."

  "Give me at least two hours and then..."

  "And then you'll do everything I ask."

  "Yes, all right. I don't want my mother to know about... I'm leaving Mat and I don't want my plans disrupted. I'll do whatever you want."

  "I'm glad you've seen sense at long last. I'll be back in two hours."

  Two hours. I had time to think, to plan. As the front door closed, I realized that I should have put the latch up to keep Den out. I never learn from my mistakes. What would the bastard do now? I pondered. Would he ring Mat to tell him that he was back in business? Or would he keep his sordid secret and only visit me for sex when Mat was working? What would Mat do if he thought that the fun and games were over? Whatever happened, what would I do?

  Chapter Nine

  Like a restless animal, I roamed the house trying to work out what to do about my mother, what to say should she lay eyes on the incriminating evidence. There'd be nothing to say, no explanation. Our relationship would be ruined.

  As I paced the lounge floor, a thought suddenly rose from the rubble of my wrecked mind. Putting myself in Den's shoes, I realized that he wouldn't send her the video tape and photographs. It was pretty obvious that she'd go mad and not only confront me but tell Mat of my debauched ways. That would be that - marriage over.

  Neither Mat nor Den would have anything to gain by revealing the truth to my mother. I was sure that Mat's motive wasn't to end the marriage. He just wanted to get his kicks by watching me being sexually used, by fucking my bottom-hole while I was bound and blindfolded, by having me suck him to orgasm through the hole in the fence.

  At last I was in a position to put an end to it. But, in my continuing confusion, I didn't know what I wanted. On the one hand I could enjoy my body to the full, indulge in rampant sex sessions with both Den and Lisa... But what sort of marriage would I have if I allowed the games to continue? A marriage based on lies, deceit and adultery. On the other hand, I could leave Mat, set up home in a flat somewhere. Having lived in a nice house with a beautiful garden, I wasn't sure that I could survive in a flat. Besides, this was my house. Should I throw Mat out? No, he'd never leave.

  Was I a nymphomaniac? I wondered for the umpteenth time as I recalled Lisa in my bed, her glorious nakedness crowning mine. Whatever I was, the time was rapidly approaching for me to make my mind up. But, for now, I thought it best to play it by ear rather than come to any rash decision.

  The latch up, I didn't answer the door to Den. He ra
ttled and shouted through the letterbox, hammered on the back door in his desperation to get to my naked body, but I ignored him. I desperately needed sex, orgasm, and I wondered what to do as my clitoris swelled and pulsated between my ballooning love lips. Cut off my nose to spite my face? I'd cut off the sex to spite Mat and Den and left myself out in the cold. I didn't like dilemmas.

  By lunchtime, I was aching to come. My panties drenched, my clitoris painfully swollen, I needed more than masturbation. I needed a partner. When Den phoned with his threats, demanding that I give him my body, I tried to resist. But I needed him, his cock, his sperm - there was no way I could deny it. Finally, I gave in.

  He came round clutching a Tesco's carrier bag, his face beaming triumphantly as he closed the front door and followed me into the lounge. Knowledge was power, I reflected - but my insatiable clitoris was more powerful than anything. It wasn't Den who ruled my life now but my incessant yearning for debased sex.

  "This is going to be good," he murmured, rummaging in the bag as I slipped my blouse off. "The fuck of all fucks." Releasing my bra, my nipples stiffening as the silk cups fell away from my swollen breasts, I felt that the battle was over. I knew that I was going to give myself completely. There was no point in resisting, in fighting any more.

  "Right," Den smirked as I tugged my skirt and panties down, revealing my dripping sex crack. "First, we'll stiffen your nipples." Standing before me, he clipped clothes pegs onto my milk teats, the pain permeating my firm breasts as he stood back and grinned. Biting my lip as I looked down at my abused teats, the pain intense as the pegs bit into my sensitive brown protrusions, I knew that this was only the beginning of a session of sex that would remain etched in my memory forever.

  At least Mat was at work, I reflected thankfully as Den forced me to get on the floor on all fours. "Your cunt looks good from behind," he leered as he delved into the innocuous looking bag again. My cunt. That one special part of my body that men desired, fought for, paid for - killed for.

  "OK, bitch, walkies time." Strapping a leather dog collar around my neck, he pulled on the chain, yanking my head up. More than a sex slave now, he was treating me like an animal. My naked body was purely an object to be used and abused, my cunt nothing more than a hot, wet hole to be fucked. My nipples pinched agonizingly by the clothes pegs, my head pilloried by the chain, I'd been plunged into the darkest depths of degradation, humiliation. I had entered my domain.


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