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Naked Lies

Page 20

by Ray Gordon

"OK, I'll see you later."

  Dashing back into the house, I waited in the kitchen for Mat to return. Now what? I wondered, pouring myself a glass of orange juice. My plan had worked admirably, but to what end? Causing friction between Mat and Den wouldn't really achieve anything.

  "Jane, have you been coming on to Den?" Mat asked as he stood in the doorway.

  "Coming on to Den? What do you mean?"

  "He said that you've been flaunting yourself, deliberately wandering around the garden naked."

  "I've been sunbathing naked, but not flaunting myself."

  "Do you fancy Den?"

  "Fancy Den? You must be joking! Of all the men in the world..."

  "I don't want you wandering around with no clothes on, Jane. It's not right."

  "I'll sunbathe naked as and when I wish. If he's going to spy on me, that's his problem, not mine. I'll not be dictated to by anyone."

  "But Jane... Look, he thinks you're giving him the come on."

  "He's mad."

  "What have you been up to today?"

  "Up to? I sat in the garden with Lisa, I went for a walk... What's this all about, Mat?"

  "It's about you. Shaving your fanny, your tits look as if they've been whipped..."

  "Now you're being ridiculous! My tits look as if they've been whipped! Can you imagine me doing that? Do you think I'd abuse my body like that?"

  "I don't know. What the hell was that cow Lisa doing here?"

  "She's not a cow, she's a very good friend of mine."

  "I wish you've never met her. Has Den been round today?"

  "Hadn't you better get back to work?"

  "Yes, in a minute."

  Mat was wallowing in regret. His plan had gone so very wrong, left him jealous, guilty, and almost paranoid. Again, I wondered why he'd put me through hell, used and abused me, derived pleasure from watching other men fuck me. What had triggered the idea? Why had he changed from a loving husband to a sex fiend? And how did he have the audacity to virtually accuse me of defiling my naked body when he knew only too well that Den would have done it? Given half the chance, he would have done it!

  A new plan formulating in my mind, I finished my drink and wandered out onto the patio. If I told Mat that Den had been round, had coffee with me, sat in the garden with me... The idea was good but, again, I had no goal. All I'd do was cause more trouble. There again, if Mat thought I was having something with Den, he might leave me. If he believed that I was willingly having sex with Den... Did I want him to leave me? Yes.

  "Has Den been round?" Mat asked again as he joined me in the garden.

  "Yes, we had coffee together earlier," I lied, my stomach somersaulting as Mat's eyes filled with jealousy and anger.

  "Coffee together?" he echoed.

  "He came round the back looking for you. I said that you were at work and he stayed for coffee and a chat."

  "He didn't mention it to me."

  "Mat, why should people tell others everything they do? Why should Lisa tell Den that I was at her place when he phoned her? Why should I have to account for my every move?"

  "You don't have to. I just thought it odd that Den didn't mention it to me. Was he here for long?"

  "We sat in the garden talking for an hour or so. You said that I should get to know him, so what's the problem?"

  "Nothing, nothing."

  As he mooched across the lawn with his hands in his pockets, I tried to imagine life without him. I wouldn't be lonely, I had Lisa for company - and sex. Life without Mat would be a life of freedom, doing what I wanted, as and when I wanted. But I'd miss the crude sex. I was already missing the crude sex!

  Another crazy plan formulating in my wayward mind, I slipped into the house and rang Den. I must have been insane, but inspired by a lethal combination of my thirst for dangerous sex and revenge, I had conceived the wickedest of plans. Although Mat had told Den to back off for a while, I knew he'd not be able to resist my naked body, a chance for crude sex. A devilish grin furled my lips as he answered the phone.

  "Den, it's Jane," I said softly.

  "Jane? Oh, er..."

  "I haven't seen you for a while."

  "No, I..."

  "Listen, about the tapes and photographs. I don't want my mother... Can we come to some arrangement or other?"

  "Yes, yes of course we can!" he replied excitedly. "What did you have in mind?"

  "You're the blackmailer, I'd have thought that you'd tell me."

  "Yes, that's right. How's your lover?"

  "He's fine. I... I can't leave Mat, the house isn't ready yet."

  "Not the Cotswolds again?"

  "I'm not saying. When I've gone, I won't care what you do. But, as I have to stay here for the time being, I don't want any trouble."

  "I'm pleased that you've seen sense at last."

  "Mat's here at the moment. He'll be going soon so..."

  "I want to have a word with him about... about business. I'll come round and see him."

  "All right. But no more threats, Den. I'll do anything you want, just don't go sending anything to my mother."

  "OK, I'll be round in a minute."

  "Mat's down the garden."


  Hiding in the kitchen, I watched Den stride down the garden and join Mat by the apple tree. Was he going to tell Mat that I'd phoned? I pondered. Was he going to tell him to hide in the house and watch as he thrashed and fucked me? Or was he going to keep his secret, use and abuse me when Mat was at work? How would Mat feel if the crude sex resumed? There were too many unanswered questions, too many pieces missing from the jigsaw puzzle to reveal the picture. All I could do was play it by ear.

  When Den had gone, Mat returned to the house, suspicion firing his eyes. "Den said that he didn't have coffee with you," he said accusingly.

  "He... God, the man's mad! He was here for at least an hour. Why lie about it?"

  "I reckon he fancies you, he doesn't want me to know that he's been here. I can't think of any other reason."

  "Perhaps you're right, but he's not made a move, not hinted, even."

  "It's best that you don't see him when I'm not here, Jane."

  "That won't be easy, he works from home and I'm here all the time."

  "Look, I'd better get going. Try and keep out of his way, OK?"

  "Well, I'll try, but..."

  "And don't walk around the garden in the altogether. Especially now that you've been... Now that you've shaved. I want us to be happy, Jane. The things you said last night... I don't want us to split up."

  "Give me time, Mat. I'm not sure what I want any more, just give me time."

  "OK, I'll see you this evening."

  Den would be round the minute he saw Mat leave, I was sure. My cunt shaved, my breasts thrashed, burning, I wasn't sure that I could endure a session of good sex. I'd make him wait, I decided, locking the back door and putting the latch up on the front door. He could rampage around knocking and ringing with his stiff cock in dire need of my orifices, and I'd make him wait. Could I wait for his stiff cock?

  Climbing the stairs, I sat on my bed thinking about Mat, the dreadful things he'd put me through. Why had he done it? I again wondered. What had triggered his perversity? Since the day Den had brought the magazine round, Mat and I hadn't made love. He'd fucked me, spunked in my mouth, spermed up my bottom - but we'd not made love. Love had gone, evaporated into the ether without a trace.

  Mat's jealousy had finally got the better of him, I reflected. His perverse games might have brought him sexual gratification for a while, but now the thought of me with another man riled him. I'd make sure that there were telltale signs after Den's visits - his leather belt, a length of rope, anything to prove that he'd used and abused me yet again. Better still, if Mat were to come home and catch Den fucking me...

  The idea appealed to me, but what was I trying to do? Did I want Mat to think that Den was still blackmailing me? Or to believe that I was having an affair with him? The dangerous game was taking n
ew twists, new turns.

  Chapter Eleven

  As I was pouring a cup of tea, Den wandered into the kitchen from the hall with a carrier bag as if he owned the place. "How the hell did you get in?" I gasped, suddenly remembering that I'd put the latch up.

  "I have my ways," he said, grinning at me as he placed the bag on the table. "So, you've shaved your cunt."

  "How do you know that?" I asked as he realized his mistake. There was no way he could have known, other than hearing it from Mat.

  "I... I saw you in the garden."

  "I haven't been in the garden."

  "The point is, I know that you've shaved your cunt. Show me."

  More sex, more abuse. But my desperation for sexual satisfaction was running higher than ever. I needed him. Mat was due home in about half-an-hour. Was there time to enjoy a session of crude sex? I wondered. Would I be better off without Mat? I'd be free - free to fuck.

  "There," I said, lifting my skirt up over my stomach and displaying my naked mound.

  "Nice, very nice... Now, this arrangement you talked about. You're going to be at my beck and call, you'll do everything I ask, when I ask. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, I just don't want my mother seeing..."

  "She won't discover the truth, not if you behave yourself. If I phone and tell you to kneel by the hole in the fence, you'll do it immediately, without question. If I order you to come round to my place you'll be there within two minutes."

  "And if Mat happens to discover the truth?"

  "He won't."

  "What if he comes home unexpectedly and..."

  "I don't want him discovering our secret any more than you do. It'll be up to you to make sure we're safe."

  "How can I do that?"

  "That's your problem. He'd better not find out because..."

  "All along, you've threatened to tell him, and now you're terrified that he might find out. What's happened? What's changed?"

  "Nothing... nothing's changed. OK, take your clothes off and come down the garden."

  "Mat's due home soon," I mumbled, my juices oozing from my tightening vagina.

  "As I said, that's your problem. You'd better make sure he doesn't catch us."

  "I can't make sure."

  "We'd better hurry up, then."

  So, he hadn't told Mat that I'd phoned, I reflected as I unbuttoned my blouse. Perhaps this was the time to have Mat catch us. I'd say that I'd been blackmailed, had no choice, been forced into debased sex. Mat could hardly blame me for the debauchery! But no, the time was wrong. I had to decide where I was going, what my long-term plan was before igniting the explosion.

  "Right, let's go," Den grinned, grabbing the bag and opening the back door as I stepped out of my skirt and slipped my blouse over my shoulders. "Christ! What the hell have you done to your tits?"

  "My lover, he... That's my business."

  "You look as if you've had them whipped."

  "I have."

  "Shaving your cunt, having your tits whipped... Quite a little tart, aren't you? OK, to the apple tree."

  Following him down the garden, I recalled the three penises fucking me, spunking into my orifices. I wanted them again, using me, violating my naked body. Perhaps I should tell Mat that I knew his game and suggest that they both share me, my body, my cunt. Den and Mat fucking me without threats, blackmail... My tormented mind was forever manifesting insane plans.

  As Den took the dog collar and chain from the bag, I thought he was going to force me to get on all fours again. But he fixed the collar round my wrists and slung the chain over a branch above my head. My arms above me, he secured the chain and ordered me to stand with my feet wide apart. Again, I was defenceless, at his mercy, but it was different this time. I craved crude sex! If trees could talk...

  "I really do like your cunt," he grinned, running his fingertips over my swollen love lips, up and down my open sex groove.

  "No!" I gasped as he clipped clothes pegs to my sore nipples. "Please, it hurts!"

  "Good, that's what I like to hear from my sex slave. There's nothing like a little pain to discipline you."

  "Christ, take them off!" I cried as the pain seared through my swollen breasts.

  "Far from take them off, I'm going to clip two more to your cunny flaps!" he chuckled. "Unless you want more pain, you will obey your master at all times."

  Taking each outer lip between his finger and thumb, he attached the clothes pegs, squeezing my fleshy sex hillocks tightly between the wooden jaws. I didn't protest, there was no point. He had it firmly in his mind to abuse my naked body, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. The four pegs tightening, I grimaced as the strange combination of pain and pleasure coursed through my tethered body. Was this really what I wanted from my once dignified, feminine form? I believed it was.

  "We'll start with a thrashing, just to wet your cunt," he drooled, taking a leather strap from the bag and moving behind me. My eyes squeezed shut, my buttocks tensed, pressed together, I waited in anticipation. I wanted Mat to watch the abuse, the abuse of his once faithful and loving wife. Knowing that he'd been there the last time I was tethered to the tree had sent an unknown thrill up my spine, a quiver through my womb. Do any of us really know what we want? Did I? How could I make plans when I didn't know what I wanted?

  "Here it comes!" Den chortled. The leather strap cracking loudly across my taut buttocks, I screamed, almost jumping out of my skin with the shock. "And again!" he laughed, the strap striking me, transmitting stinging pain through my rigid globes. Three, four, five times the strap lashed me, my buttocks burning, my nipples hurting as my breasts bounced and the pegs tightened. On and on he thrashed me, the strap catching the backs of my thighs, neglecting not one inch of my creamy flesh.

  After twenty or so lashes he halted the gruelling thrashing and stood before my naked body. "And now for your cunt," he grinned wickedly. My eyes closed, I thought he was going to fuck me, drive his solid penis deep into my vagina and spunk up me. "Without pubes, your cunt looks just like a little bottom," he laughed, removing the clothes pegs from my fleshy vaginal cushions. "And girls' bottoms should be thrashed regularly!"

  Grimacing, I tried to cry out, to plead for mercy as the strap lashed my vaginal lips, arresting my words of protest. The leather flailing my protruding inner petals, never had I known such beautiful sensations of pain and satisfaction. My clitoris swelling, my cunt milk streaming from my open sex hole, I yearned for orgasm. I wanted Den inside me, fucking me, sperming me. My body had become an object of pleasure, its sole function to bring me sexual gratification. Where was Jane?

  "Fuck me," I whimpered as the beautiful instrument of torture thrashed my burning pussy lips again and again. Ignoring my crude request, he continued the gruelling beating as I hung my head. My blonde hair cascading over my swollen breasts, I gazed at my nipples, the wooden pegs pinching my sensitive brown buds. My naked body, my temple, was desecrated and defiled beyond belief. What had I become?

  As he halted the beating, I raised my head and gazed at him. An evil glint in his dark eyes, he removed the pegs from my nipples and squeezed my full breasts. "So, you like having your tits thrashed?" he taunted. I said nothing as he raised the strap and lashed my breasts. With each deafening crack I jolted, my nipples standing painfully erect as if seeking their abuser. How much more could I endure? I wondered. How much longer could I wait for the release of orgasm?

  After a dozen lashes he discarded the strap and knelt before my naked body. Was I now to be allowed my orgasm? I pondered as he parted my stinging love lips and tasted my flowing juices. His tongue driving deep into my cunt, I quivered, my clitoris pulsating, yearning attention.

  Pressing on the pink flesh surrounding my sex button, I thought he was going to lick me to orgasm. "No!" I screamed as he clipped a peg to my clitoris, pinching my sensitive pleasure nodule. "Den, please!" He ignored me as he moved behind my naked body and yanked my burning buttocks wide apart. My clitoris swelling, throbbing, the exqui
site sensations coursed through my quivering womb, transporting me to new heights of sexual ecstasy.

  His bulbous knob between my buttocks, pressing against my delicate anal iris, I gasped as he tried to enter me there. "God!" I breathed as his glans slipped past my sphincter muscles and drove deep into the heat of my bowels. Hanging from the chain, my body jolting as he grabbed my hips and began his anal fucking, the beautiful sensations driving me wild, I whimpered in my pleasure.

  "Spunk me," I whimpered in my sexual delirium as he repeatedly drove his knob into my rectal duct. My brown ring stretched around his thrusting shaft, his balls slapping between my thighs, I felt his knob rudely opening me with each ramming thrust. Again and again he forced his swelling glans deep into my tightening duct, taking me to my sexual heaven as the clothes peg pinched my pulsating clitoris. I was going to come, I knew, as my womb trembled and my cunt tightened. Gasping, I wondered how it would feel as my clitoris erupted in orgasm within the wooden jaws of the peg.

  "Coming!" he cried, ramming his knob into me with such force that I thought I'd split open. His sperm gushing, lubricating our debased union, my own climax exploded within my throbbing pleasure nodule. The incredible sensations emanating from my abused clitoris transmitting deep into my pelvis, rippling through my trembling body, I thought I'd die as the exquisite pleasure peaked.

  "Fuck me!" I pleaded in my obscenity as he rammed into my bottom-hole, filling my bowels with his jetting jism. "Fuck my arse!" Somewhere in the distance, through the haze of my mind, I thought I heard a car - Mat's car. Was I dreaming? I wondered as my orgasm peaked again, gripping my naked body, shaking me to the core. I wanted Mat to see me, to witness the debauched act. I wanted him to see the pure sexual bliss depicted in my expression as another man fucked and spermed my arse.

  "God, you're tight!" Den gasped as he withdrew his shaft, his swollen knob sliding out of my brimming anal duct. My own orgasm subsiding, I hung from the chain, my pinched clitoris sending ripples of pleasure deep into my contracting womb. Was the abuse over? I wondered as he removed the clothes peg, my clitoris ballooning in its freedom. Was Mat home?


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