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Insufferable Proximity 2

Page 30

by Stefani, Z.

  “I warned you; I told you to stop trying to kiss me,” she hissed. She was feeling very disrespected and was ready to give him a piece of her mind. She felt it was long overdue.

  Julian saw them pull up and was running down to the front door by the time they parked. On his way out the door, he saw the hug. He felt his blood pressure skyrocket and his rage take over his body. He shot like a rocket down the middle of the yard.

  “Get your fucking hands off her!” Julian roared as he got closer.

  “You should probably go,” Heaven said with a deep frown.

  “Why, we haven’t done anything wrong. I’ll defend you,” he whispered.

  “I don’t need you to defend me. You should be worried about yourself.” She looked at him as if he were daft.

  “What did I tell you?” Julian growled as he shoved Clive. “I told you to keep your fucking hands off her!”

  “Julian—no!” Heaven yelled.

  “Go inside!” Julian demanded.

  “I hugged her to show my appreciation. She helped me so much, I was overwhelmed with gratitude,” Clive said smoothly and turned to Heaven.

  “I don’t care. I told you not to touch her.” He shoved Clive again, but Clive refused to back down.

  “Julian, just let him go; he’s not worth it,” Heaven pleaded.

  “Go inside!” Julian roared.

  “Fine by me; the two of you have fun duking it out. I’m going to bed.” Heaven started walking towards the house in irritation.

  Once Clive saw that Heaven was far enough away, he lowered his voice and changed his tactics. “You don’t own her; she doesn’t belong to you.”

  “Yes, she does belong to me, and I’d kill you before I let you touch her again.”

  “Did she tell you that we kissed?” Clive whispered low. “Why do you think we were gone so long?”

  “You fucking liar.”

  “You know that it doesn’t take that long to get here from the office.”

  “You fucking kissed him?” Julian roared like a maniac as he turned to Heaven.

  “No, he tried to kiss me on the cheek.” She began to walk back towards them, wondering what the hell Clive had told Julian. She was tired and ready to knock Clive out just to shut him up.

  “It was on the lips, and she didn’t try to stop me. Just like she didn’t stop me when I kissed her hand. She’s clearly too afraid to tell you the truth,” Clive antagonized Julian, his voice still too low for Heaven to hear. “She likes me more than you’ll ever admit.”

  His words were all Julian needed to lose control. Without another word, Julian swung his fist into Clive’s jaw. Clive punched him in the forearm and tried to shove him, but Julian wouldn’t budge. Instead, Julian delivered another blow to Clive’s jaw. Clive punched Julian in the side, hitting his shoulder. Julian came back with an iron fist to Clive’s ribs. Clive doubled over and punched Julian in his thigh, narrowly missing his manhood. Julian’s fist reconnected with Clive’s jaw. Clive went down, and Julian jumped on top of him.

  “Julian, stop! If you kill him, you’ll go to prison!” Heaven yelled as she attempted to pull Julian off from Clive.

  “You stay the fuck away from her! Do you hear me?” Julian roared, his fist flying once more to connect with Clive’s stomach. “Do you hear me?”

  “Julian!” Heaven cried.

  “Answer me!” Julian demanded.

  “You knocked him out!” Heaven cried, but Julian was no longer in his right mind. “He can’t answer you—look at him.”

  It took Julian a moment to focus through his anger. When he realized that Clive was out cold, he jumped up. He grabbed Heaven and threw her over his shoulder before he headed towards the house.

  “Get him off my property! He’s trespassing,” Julian told his security guard before he walked inside.

  “Right away, sir,” the security guard nodded eagerly, ready to prove his worth to his boss.

  Julian ran up the stairs while Heaven fought to get down. He took her to their room and tossed her on the bed. She tried to scramble away, but he pinned her down. He grabbed her wrists, holding her arms above her head as he straddled her. She was trapped below his large muscular body, his face inches from hers.

  “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I will ever let you be with someone else. You’re mine, Princess; you get that through your head.” He jammed his hand into her waistband and down into her panties. “I want to mark you so fucking bad; I want my name all over your body.”

  “Then leave a mark,” she whispered as she stared into his eyes.

  “Did you kiss him? You better tell me the truth right fucking now,” he warned her.

  “No! I can’t believe you even asked me that!”

  “Why didn’t you call me when court was over?”

  “I lost my phone; I still have no idea where it is.”

  “Why didn’t you wait for me?”

  “I didn’t even know if you were coming, or if you’d fallen asleep. I didn’t want to walk the block in heels looking for a phone,” she tried to explain. She wouldn’t mention that Baker’s story about his friend who was raped and murdered had played into her decision.

  “You should have never gotten in that car with Baker.”

  “I know.”

  “Why did he say that you kissed him?”

  “Because he’s a liar, and he wants us to fight. I would never kiss Baker; he’s disgusting and incompetent!”

  Her words hit him hard. She was right; Clive wanted them to be at odds with each other—he wanted them to fight. He wanted them to break up, so he could swoop in and take Heaven. Julian would never let it happen.

  “You’re right; he’s trying to put a wedge between us.”

  “Yes, he is. So don’t let him get away with it.” She grabbed his head and kissed him for a moment until she felt the last of his rage dissipate.

  “I’m sorry; I know this is not your fault.” He kissed her as he began to unzip her pants. He jumped off the bed and removed her shoes, and kissed the top of her foot before pulling her pants down her body. Then he grabbed her panties and pulled them from her; spread her legs and laid between them. Next he unbuttoned her shirt and began to kiss her chest; then unhooked the front closure of her bra and trailed his lips across to kiss the tip of her breast.

  Heaven shivered as the soft kiss delivered a lightning bolt of intense pleasure all the way down to her sex. She sighed as he took just the tip into his mouth. He placed his hand on her back as he began kissing her breast. Just when she was sure she would come from the sensation, he trailed back down to her belly. Her nipple felt cool from the air, and her vagina began to heat up as his mouth drew closer. She clutched the covers as his lips covered her nether lips, and felt his tongue slide between them and lightly brush over her throbbing clit.

  He spread her lips and ran his tongue down the center of her sex, dipping it into her opening. He slid his tongue inside of her before pulling it out and stabbing it back in. Heaven cried out; she spread her legs wider as she pushed her sex closer to his mouth.

  Julian pulled out his tongue and went back up to the pulsing nub. He circled it with his tongue, but was careful not to make direct contact. She thought she would die as he teased her, his tongue so close, but refusing to touch that spot. Just when the muscles in her legs began to twitch from the intensity, he slid his tongue across her clit. Heaven cried out as he focused on the nub. She arched her back and grabbed his head as she began to come.

  He took every last drop into his mouth. When he was done, he slid up her body and held her chin.

  “Stay far away from Baker,” he advised her.

  “I will,” she nodded in agreement.


  Gavin was impressed by how well being disguised as a woman had worked. He decided to take it one step further. When he was too low on gas to drive any longer, he stopped at a large beauty supply store. He parked the car in the parking garage and went in.

  He selected a lo
ng, honey-brown wig and carefully took it out of the package. He had twenty dollars, but he had no intention of spending it on beauty products. Instead, he slid off the nurse’s hat and put the wig on, concealing the hair taped to his head. The wig was thick enough to cover over half his face. He put the nurse’s hat back on and grabbed a large black purse from the opposite shelf.

  He walked down the aisle, keeping one eye on the employees as he stuffed the purse with the things he would need to continue with his disguise. He grabbed a padded bra, a corset, fake fingernails, a makeup kit and a jumbo-sized pack of disposable razors. He boldly walked out of the store with the overstuffed purse he’d stolen. The woman behind the desk even said goodbye to him on his way out.

  Out in the parking lot, he decided it would be best to steal a different car. He had been in the nurse’s car long enough to use a tank of gas. That was too risky. If the guards had found the nurse dead, then the police would be looking for her car. He strolled through the packed parking lot until he found a car with the key in the ignition. Gavin looked around to make sure that no one else was near. He jumped in, started the car and headed out of the parking lot.

  Gavin drove for a couple of hours before stopping at an old, dusty gas station. He went straight to the bathroom and proceeded to disguise himself completely as a woman. First thing he did was remove the nurse’s hat as well as the hair taped to his head. He flushed the hair down the toilet and threw the hat in the garbage can.

  He shaved his face with a new razor, and the cheap soap supplied by the grungy bathroom. After he had shaved down his neck, he grabbed the bra from the purse. He had a little trouble with the bra, but finally managed to get it hooked at the back. Even though it felt as if the bra were cutting his chest in half, the illusion worked. He followed the instruction in the makeup kit just as he would follow a Paint By Numbers kit.


  The next morning, Julian walked into the office in a rage-filled funk. He had his hand possessively around Heaven’s hips as he led her in. He glared at Clive, daring him to look at her as they passed by him. Clive was smart enough not to make eye contact. If he had, Julian would have tackled him on the spot.

  Once Heaven was safe and sound in her office, Julian went to find Clive. He found him heading into his office and followed him in.

  “What do you want?” Clive snapped.

  “I want you to find another job,” Julian stated.


  “You’ll change your mind if I have to change it for you,” Julian warned him.

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “You’re a second-rate lawyer at a top-notch firm; you shouldn’t be here anyway. You have seven days to give your resignation, or I am going to set off a bomb in your life. I will blow your whole fucking world to pieces—test me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. There’s still something here that I want,” Clive said with a sly grin.

  Julian backed him against the wall, “If you go near her, I’ll fucking kill you this time.”

  “Julian!” Ian yelled as he and Ayden ran over to Julian. They grabbed Julian in the nick of time.

  Ian led Julian back to his office as Ayden turned to Clive, “We need to have a meeting later.”

  “Yes, sir,” Clive nodded before he darted off.


  Heaven had gone to the mailroom to check for the pictures that Susan was sending. She said that they should have already arrived. Heaven was too impatient to wait for them to bring the mail to her. After she’d gotten her small package, she went into the empty cafeteria to grab another cup of coffee. She’d had way too much caffeine already, but she was exhausted. She had just begun to make her coffee when Clive walked in.

  “I am so glad that I found you,” he said as he rushed over.

  Heaven remained silent as she continued to make her coffee. She had no intention of speaking to Clive; she would hurry up and get away from him.

  “I wanted to apologize for getting you in trouble,” he said, but Heaven didn’t respond.

  She kept one eye on her coffee and one eye on the door. She knew if Julian walked in right now, he would kill Clive with his bare hands.

  “I was so worried about you; Julian King’s temper is legendary. I was afraid he would hurt you, especially after what he did to me. I have heard some horrible rumors about what he’s done to women. I spent all night fearing for your safety.”

  Heaven tried to ignore him; she was almost done making her coffee. She emptied the last pack of sugar into her cup and reached for the milk as he continued to talk.

  “He accused us of terrible things, but he doesn’t understand that we’re friends,” he said passionately and Heaven paused for a split second. “Then, I wondered why he was so jealous, and I wondered if maybe he sensed something.”

  Heaven looked at him for a moment, careful not to let her poker face slip.

  “I assumed that he was afraid that you liked me,” he dared to say. He was desperate to get her attention at this point.

  Although Heaven had promised Julian that she would not speak to Clive, she needed to set him straight right now.

  “Let me stop you right there, Mr. Baker. First of all, I feel nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing for you. Nothing. You’re a cowardly, sneaky liar; but worst of all, you’re a bad lawyer. We are not friends, and we never will be. Second, I don’t appreciate you telling Julian that I kissed you. That’s repulsive, I would never kiss you. Never. Third and most importantly, I love Julian with all my heart. That will never change. If you ever talk about Julian like that again, I will personally crucify your ass. Do you understand?”

  Clive was speechless. He’d heard about her legendary temper, but he’d started to believe it was just gossip.

  “I didn’t tell him that,” Clive lied.

  “Liar. From this moment forward, you keep your distance from me. You don’t speak to me, you don’t look at me, and you don’t come anywhere near me. ” She glared at him as she grabbed her coffee and headed out of the cafeteria.

  “Is everything all right?” Ayden asked Heaven as she barreled out.

  “Yes, everything is fine, thank you,” she said before she walked away.

  Ayden watched her go into her office before he went to see Julian.

  “Does Sevigne know of your altercation with Clive earlier?” Ayden asked as he walked into Julian’s office.

  “No,’ Julian answered.

  “I think I need to have a very serious talk with Mr. Baker,” Ayden said.

  “You should fire him,” Julian scowled.

  “After your altercation with him, and now Sevigne’s.”

  “What do you mean Sevigne? What happened?” he felt his temper began to spark.

  “She just cursed out Clive in the cafeteria.”

  “What?” he roared as he stood up.

  “She told him to stay away from her, and threatened him if he didn’t. She also threatened him if he spoke badly of you again,” Ayden couldn’t stop the smile from spreading. “I love that she defended my son.”

  “I want him gone.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Ayden nodded.


  Julian was still in a horrible mood by the end of the day. When they got home, he went straight to their office. Heaven found herself wanting to cheer him up. She knew what was bothering him, and she wanted to reassure him that everything was all right. She went up to their room to change clothes, and dug through her closet to find the sheer, red, two-piece set she got from the stylist.

  She quickly put it on and covered it with her long red robe before descending down to the office. She walked in, and he looked up at her, but he didn’t say a word. She walked over to stand next to his desk.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m busy,” he said as he continued writing.

  As if that would stop her.

  Heaven grabbed his pen and threw it across the room. She then sat on his desk and on top of the papers he’d been worki
ng on.

  “No, you’re not,” she disagreed as she opened the bottom half of her robe and fanned it around her. She slowly spread her legs before him, revealing the sheer red panties.

  “I told you not to talk to Clive,” he said with a scowl.

  She raised her chin. “I had no choice; he needed to be put in his place.”

  “I guarantee that all you did was make him want you more.”


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