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A Dragon's Baby

Page 11

by Lucy Fear

  “Did I see Lady Aine over here a minute ago?” he asked, sitting down on the bench beside her. Rowan found herself leaning into him unconsciously, hyperaware of the warmth of his arm when it draped around her.

  “She just wanted to know if I was enjoying my time here,” Rowan answered, looking up into his eyes. He smiled, and the music slowed to something low and sweet, like the roll of gentle waves.

  “Are you recovered enough for another dance, my Lady?”

  “I would love to.” He pulled her by the hand back into the middle of the other dancers, and then swept her into his arms. His scent washed over her, and every time they made a turn, their hips brushed. She looked up at him, and his eyes seemed to drink her in like he was dying of thirst. Fenella’s words flashed through her mind. She had no idea what she was doing, but she pressed herself closer to him, and his arm tightened around her waist.

  Now, she felt every movement of his body as they swayed and twirled through the night air until she was sure every particle of her being was attuned to his presence. As the song died away, they came to a stop, but he did not release her, and she did not want him to.

  Feeling emboldened, she let the hand on his shoulder drift up to brush his cheek and then trail up to the point of one ear. His eyes closed, and she felt a silent shiver run through his body as the hand that had been holding hers slid slowly up her arm until it caressed the side of her neck.

  For a moment, she almost forgot that they weren’t alone, and she leaned into him, finding his skin almost hot to the touch against her bare stomach. “Rowan,” he said, his voice a rough whisper. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

  She smiled up at him, knowing that she would not get a better opening. “You could show me.” He did not hesitate, his lips claiming hers with a ferocity he’d never shown before. His teeth pulled at her lower lip, and she gasped, feeling her body turn to liquid in his arms.

  “Should we retire for the evening?” he whispered against her mouth. She didn’t think she could speak, so she only nodded. He scooped her into his arms and walked off the dance floor. Through the haze of her excitement and desire, she saw everyone pretending not to be interested in where they were going.

  “I can walk,” she protested, though she was giddy enough to laugh. He grinned down at her, but his eyes were smouldering.

  “I know, but this is faster. And I like doing it,” he said, bending down to kiss her again. It was a miracle they didn't run into anything, but a moment later, Aidan carried her into a bedroom flooded with moonlight. She felt a pulse of magic as the door shut behind them, and then he laid her on the bed, leaning over her so that she felt his breath on her face. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She slipped her arms around his neck, letting her fingers tangle in his hair. “I’m ready. I want to be with you.” He drew in a deep breath, and she could see his eyes gleaming in the semi-darkness. Then, his mouth met hers, tasting her like she was a rare delicacy he had waited his whole life to sample.

  His weight settled next to her on the bed, and his hand went to her waist, tracing down to the curve of her hip and back up to her ribs. She shivered, unsure what to do except to kiss him because she liked doing that very much, and she didn’t want to do the wrong thing.

  But Aidan reached up and took her hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing her fingertips before speaking in a low voice. “You can touch me, Rowan. I want you to touch me.” He pressed her hand against his chest, and she could feel his heart beating nearly as wildly as her own. His skin was warm and smooth, and as he watched her with hooded eyes, she slid her fingers over his chest and pushed the vest from his shoulder.

  She ran her hand over the muscles of his arm, down and up, before starting to explore the planes of his back. He continued to kiss her, her mouth, the curve of her jaw, the hollow of her throat, until she felt the scrape of his teeth just above her collarbone. It was like a bolt of lightning down her spine, and her back arched as a soft moan spilled from her lips.

  He rolled over, pressing her into the bed. She felt magic tingle against her skin and found herself, quite suddenly, without a stitch of clothing on her body. Aidan’s hair, freed from its braids, flowed over them like a curtain of shadow. Now exposed before his eyes, she felt shame well up within her, but he placed a warm kiss between her breasts, right over her heart.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of, Rowan. You have a beautiful body, and it is not even the best part of you.”

  She looked up at him, bewildered, and he kissed her again on the stomach. “You are clever.” He kissed lower. “And brave.” His mouth was just below her navel. “And honest and stubborn.” He paused, and she could feel his breath between her legs. She tensed, her eyes wide, but he ran his fingers gently, teasingly over her breasts and stomach. “There is nothing to fear,” he said, his thumbs making slow circles around her nipples. She felt a tightening warmth inside her, a want that went beyond the vague desire to touch and be touched.

  When the heat of his lips caressed her inner thigh, her legs fell open without her conscious decision, and then she felt him there, hot and wet, his tongue slipping inside her most secret places.

  It was a pleasure she had never imagined. She was afraid she would lose herself, her mind obliterated by the heat spiralling through her as whimpering moans poured from her mouth. All her muscles contracted in a brilliant burst of ecstasy, and then she sank, limp and drained, back to the mattress. Aidan moved over her, and when she finally felt able to open her eyes, she could see him smiling in the moonlight, obviously pleased with himself.

  She reached up to embrace him, her arms draping languidly over his neck, and when he kissed her, she tasted something sharp and faintly sweet that she belatedly realized was herself. Her face was hot, but it didn’t seem to matter all that much.

  “Did my lady enjoy herself?” he purred, his fingers reaching up to stroke her hair.

  It was difficult for Rowan to put it into words, but she wanted to. “I…yes. I never imagined…I had no idea it would be…well, like that.”

  Aidan laughed, joyful rather than derisive, and kissed her again, gently at first, but growing in passion until their tongues danced together. They pulled apart, breathless, and he whispered against her ear. “Do you still want more?” Her awareness centred on the hardness pressing against her hip, and her breath caught in her throat as she nodded.

  He leaned back, kneeling between her legs and gliding his long, slender fingers down her body. She felt a twinge of nervousness because what little she had learned about sexual relations had led her to expect some pain. But he stroked her thighs and kissed her neck until she was shivering with eager anticipation again, and when he finally entered her, she felt a slow, stinging pressure.

  He stilled, and she could see him almost panting with the effort of holding back his desire. She ran her hands over his shoulders and up to his cheeks, and he turned his head to press a moist kiss to her palm. Then, he began to move, his hips rolling slowly against her, and she could feel the heat building in her core again.

  She pulled him close, savoring the warmth of his skin, wanting his kiss, wanting his everything. Her hands trailed down his back, her legs wrapped around his thighs, and as the pleasure soared higher, she pulled his lower lip between her teeth.

  He groaned, and his pace quickened. Every time they came together, she felt the edge of bliss grow closer. All her inhibitions had fallen away, and she called his name unashamedly. It seemed to drive him frantic. His teeth found her neck, and once again, she came undone, her back arching, her insides quivering around his last wild thrust.

  His cry of pleasure was only partly muffled by her shoulder, and she felt him shaking as he spilled himself inside her. His head came to rest on her chest; she ran her fingers through his midnight hair, and everything was perfect and wonderful.

  After a long moment, he let out a languorous sigh and raised himself on his elbows to look at her. His expression was almost adoring,
and her heart felt so full she didn’t think she’d be able to speak around it. Aidan shook his head, seeming equally unable to say anything.

  He rolled to lie beside her, pulling her into his arms so that she nestled in the curve of his body. Something about the feeling of his skin against hers was almost heavenly. She never wanted to stop touching him, and for one blissful moment, she allowed herself to know the thing she was most afraid of.

  She did not want to leave. Because she was in love with Aidan. The thought rolled around in her mind, making her restless, but then his arm draped over her waist and his fingers entwined with hers. It was enough to relax her into sleep.


  She was still wrapped in his arms when she awoke. The cool morning air smelled of salt, reminding her abruptly that they were not at home. Rowan felt like a traitor when she realized that she considered Aidan’s estate to be her home, but it was true. And last night, they had… She smiled and blushed all at once.

  This had all begun as a way to save her father, and now… Now, she wanted it just as much for herself. Maybe more. But before she could get too worked up about it, Aidan’s arms tightened around her, and he nuzzled her neck with his nose, humming drowsily.

  It was too easy to forget her worries and revel in the joy of being with him. She turned toward him, brushing stray strands of hair from his cheek, and when he opened his eyes and smiled at her, she was as dazzled as if she’d stared straight into the sun. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said softly.

  She didn’t think she’d ever get used to his sincere compliments. It was like an angel coming down from on high to praise her singing voice, an opinion at once unbelievable and unassailable. “Good morning,” she answered, smiling shyly back at him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, and she knew he was wondering whether their activities the previous night had caused any adverse effects.

  “I’m quite wonderful, thank you,” she assured him. “What are your plans for today?” She assumed he would be closeted in meetings with Lady Aine or doing various other princely functions which had little to do with her. Maybe there was a library.

  “Officially, we are on holiday,” he said, giving her a slow and somewhat playful smile. “But I was wondering if you’d like to have a bath before breakfast?”

  He carried her into the bathroom over her protests. “If you insist on carrying me everywhere like a piece of luggage, I may forget how to walk.”

  “You would not be very useful luggage,” he replied playfully, “since you can only carry one set of clothing, and I prefer that you have none at all.”

  “You’re dreadful!” she exclaimed, slapping him on the shoulder. She could hear the water rushing into the giant sunken tub, one of the many perks of living in a place where magic was nearly as ubiquitous as air.

  He smiled as he stepped down into the steaming water. “You seem to like me well enough, regardless.” His kiss precluded her response, and as she melted into the feeling of his mouth as well as the hot water, she thought about what a ridiculous understatement that was.

  She didn’t just like him; she loved him, deep in her bones. But how could she say it to him, who would live forever if he wished it? It would end in tragedy for her either way. At least if the words never passed her lips, she would not make him feel guilty about what could not be changed.

  Still, she poured her feelings into kissing him, and when he pulled away, his expression was somewhat dazed. “I truly intended for this bath to be primarily for the purpose of washing,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “Really?” she said, smiling in a sceptical way. “I’m unsure why you wanted us to bathe together if you only wanted to be clean.”

  “Because having someone else wash one’s hair is a pleasant experience, and I imagine having it done by one’s lover makes it even more so.”

  “You imagine?” she teased without rancour as she positioned herself to sit in front of him and felt his long fingers slide across her scalp.

  “I have taken far fewer lovers over my life than the typical mortal impression of a prince of the fae would suggest,” he said quietly. She wanted to look back at him, but his hands were tangled in her hair, massaging in slow circles, and it felt so wonderful she could hardly speak, let alone move.

  But when he had rinsed the soap from her hair, she did turn to him and found something melancholy in his expression. She rose up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He enfolded her in his arms almost automatically, and she reached up to touch his cheek. “If something is bothering you, you can talk to me.”

  She felt him let out a long breath. “Sometimes, I worry that I’ve spent too long pretending to be the cold and arrogant prince of darkness. That I play the part too well.”

  “Then why do it? I have to say I much prefer the person you are at home than the one you were when I first met you.”

  There was a flash of something in his eyes. Relief maybe. “I started doing it in the Court of Bones as a means of protecting myself. It took many years in my father’s court before I could trust anyone enough to let the mask slip. And by then, I had already discovered that if the Court thought my domain was a place of death and nightmares, they would never think to look for escaped servants there or worry about the numbers of lesser fae who swore their allegiance to me.”

  “I suppose that means when you finally take over for your father, a lot of people are going to be surprised.” He laughed, and the haunted look left his eyes.

  But a little while later, when his head rested in her lap after she had just finished washing his enviable hair, his words came back to her. Aidan’s face was utterly peaceful, his eyes closed as she ran her fingers through his inky tresses, and she realized she had only ever seen him so relaxed in sleep. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Thank you for trusting me,” she said. His eyes opened, and she was so close, she could see the flecks of stars in his irises. Just like his hair, they were not truly black, but every hue of night and shadow.

  “I have never doubted that you are worthy of my trust,” he said as he reached up to pull her into the water. “I was only waiting for you to trust me in return.”

  They kissed again, and this time, it was hungry and wanting, an open-mouthed dance of lips and tongues. Rowan caressed his face and then ran her fingers over the tips of his ears. He shuddered. “You seem to like it when I touch your ears,” she said in a husky voice she hadn’t known she possessed.

  “They are extremely sensitive,” he replied, a hint of a growl in his words as she traced one finger lightly down to his ear lobe.

  He lunged forward, cradling her head in his hands, and she gave a startled “Oh!” as she felt him breathe deliberately against her ear. Then, he drew the lobe into his mouth, scraping lightly with his teeth, and she felt like she had been reduced to a shivering puddle. Her need for him was a throbbing ache that drowned out everything else.

  “Don’t tease if you don’t want to be teased in returned,” he said roughly. She could feel the length of him against her stomach, so close to where she wanted it, and she writhed against him unashamedly.

  “I never said I didn’t like it,” she replied breathlessly, and she flicked her tongue over his lips as her fingers glided over his ears again. He groaned and shifted his body so that he was poised just under her entrance. Their moans of bliss mingled into one as she slid herself on to him. It felt different with her astride him, almost overwhelming with the ache of fullness, and when she finally moved her hips against him, she thought she would go over the edge almost immediately.

  It was quick and intense; they clung together almost desperately as ecstasy neared. He called her name as he found his release inside her, and she shattered around him, her head thrown back, riding wave after never-ending wave of pleasure until she lay languid against his chest, panting for breath. He kissed her forehead, and there were no words for the contentment and joy she felt in that moment.


  They stayed at the Court of Waves for three days, during which they did very little but laze around in bed. Every night, they ate dinner with Aine and her courtiers, but there was not much political maneuvering. It seemed even the Lady was on holiday.

  One day, Aidan took Rowan swimming at a secluded beach with the clearest turquoise water she had ever seen or imagined, and they stayed there until long after nightfall, making love on a blanket under the stars. It felt like paradise, a time outside of time before reality could intrude.

  But finally, they had to return to the Court of the Heavens. They planned to stop at Lord Kennet’s palace before going home, so Aidan could bring greetings and gifts from Aine to his father. Then, things would return to normal, but Rowan thought it might be a new sort of normal.

  She and Aidan had been close before, so their relationship was not terribly different, but there was more trust and less awkwardness now, and she felt more comfortable with her role, less ashamed of how much she wanted him physically, and less afraid of how her affection had grown in other ways.

  The changes were apparent when he returned to his dragon form, and she climbed onto his neck for the flight back to their home Court. She felt no hesitance at running her fingers through his fringe, and he showed his enjoyment freely, arching his back and making a rumbling sound, almost like a purr deep in his throat. When they were safely in the air, she laid her cheek against his scales and idly stroked his neck.

  “That tickles,” he grumbled, and she laughed.

  “I’m surprised you can feel much of anything through your scales,” she said, running her fingers experimentally over one of the slender horns protruding from his jaw.

  “You are very distracting. Just wait until we get home,” he said, and even in her mind, his voice had gone a bit low and rough.


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