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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

Page 4

by Violet Walker

  The blush that stole over her bare shoulders and chest could not be hidden, it was the curse of fair skin. “Thank you.” She turned to Angel, “And you are going to be the bell of the ball!” Angel wore the emerald green dress Dean picked out for her. The top was velvet and the sleeves were long while the bottom was a giant tulle skirt much like her own. Angel reached for her and she took the girl, dotting kisses on her chubby cheeks.

  Dean looked nervous and she wondered if he was worried about the world knowing he had a daughter he’d never mentioned until tonight. “Krista, I have something I’d like to say.”

  She nodded and slipped through the door that lead to Angel’s room and sat her in her playpen. Quietly she returned to her room and sat. “Okay, shoot.”

  His long legs bent until he was practically on the ground, looking up at her with his arms resting on his thighs. “Krista I want you to stay.”


  He cut off her words with a finger to her lips. “Let me finish. I don’t want to be without you, hell I don’t think I can. I look forward to coming home from work to see you and Angel. I look forward to eating dinner with you and hearing what you have to say about pretty much everything. I love being with you, Krista, and I don’t want that ever to end.”

  “Dean, I’d love to stay but I can’t put my life on hold because you need a nanny you trust.”

  He kissed her quickly and roughly to silence her. “You don’t have to be the nanny; we can hire one. I just don’t want you to go and I know Angel doesn’t either. You mean so much to both of us, can’t you see that? We want and need you here with us every day Krista. I’m falling in love with you and I want to see how amazing we’ll be together.”

  She looked up at him, tears swimming in her eyes, unsure what to say. “Do you mean that, Dean?”

  “Of course I do. It took me a while to realize what Rory, Flora and River have apparently known for weeks. I had to make sure it was my feelings for you and not just what I need for Angel before I said anything. So, I took Angel out of the equation and realized I don’t want to know another day that doesn’t have your smile or those crazy curls.”

  She pulled him down and kissed him, smearing red lipstick all over his mouth. “I’m falling for you too, Dean, and I can’t see where we go from here.”

  “You’re staying?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “I need to pack up my apartment but yes, I’ll stay.” He kissed her again and she laughed.

  Dean held her face in his hands, a serious look on his face. “I adore you, Krista and I can’t wait to see what it’s like to be loved by a woman as good as you.”

  “I have a feeling you won’t have to wait long.”

  “Good because I’m not a patient man.”

  Her husky laughed sounded in the room. “I’m well aware, Dean. But if you think you can wait a bit longer, I’ll make it worth your while.” At his confused look she pointed to the ceiling.

  Dean laughed at the mistletoe hanging over her bed and pulled her in for a kiss. “Merry Christmas, Krista.”

  “Merry Christmas, Dean.”

  “Ba bana bah baw!”

  They both laughed. “Merry Christmas to you too, Angel.”


  Christmas Lover

  The Billionaire Christmas Story

  Book Two

  Violet Walker

  The Billionaire Christmas Story: Christmas Lover

  Chapter One

  The holidays had never been Rory’s favorite time of year. Unlike the rest of the world, she didn’t experience happiness and wonderment at the changing of the seasons and holiday songs. For her, Christmas was a reminder of the single worst thing that had ever happened to her and her brother Dean. Years ago, on Christmas Eve, she and Dean were having dinner with Uncle Oliver and River who lived with him because their parents were traveling—again. They had just sat down to Christmas cookies and hot chocolate when the butler, Rufus, announced guests had arrived. Silly Rory in her childhood exuberance thought her parents had come back to surprise them. Instead, she found the blank stares of two uniformed police officers. Several moments of hushed whispers and Uncle Oliver had returned with the news. Sarah and James Harwood were killed when their plane crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Since then, Rory worked through the holidays or travelled some place there wouldn’t be reindeers, Santa hats and “Holly Jolly Christmas” played in every store.

  This year, Rory was happy to have a work project to occupy her time and her mind. They’d recently found out that her brother, Dean, was a father and baby Angel had been the only other highlight of the otherwise painful time of year. That was why she sat on the floor and let Angel use her long body as a jungle gym while the “adults” talked about Christmas plans. Dinner would be served soon and she would have to give her reluctant input or else Uncle Oliver would lecture her endlessly. “You won’t lecture me, will you, baby?”

  Angel gave her a gummy grin and clapped her hands with a squeal. The baby was very energetic and she soaked up the time with her Aunt Rory, who let her explore her new home.

  Flora swept into the room and scooped the baby into her arms. “Dinner is ready, so start making your way to the dining room. I’ll get this one settled.” She kissed a chubby cheek and was met with a squeal and flailing arms and legs.

  “I can do that, Flora, you have a seat someplace,” Krista told her with a small frown. Rory smiled at how protective the woman was of tough-as-nails Flora.

  “All three of you will eat with the rest of the family,” Dean informed both women and scooped Angel into his arms, cuddling the baby close. It was a welcome sight to see her workaholic brother focused on something other than making another billion.

  Not that Rory had a problem with the money. She didn’t. She enjoyed knowing that thanks to his and River’s hard work, none of them would ever worry about money. She just wished he hadn’t sacrificed his whole life to Harwood Industries. There was something brewing between he and Krista, she just knew it. She predicted they would be together by Christmas.

  She took a seat next to River and looked across the table to see Krista and Flora. Dean and Uncle Oliver sat at the ends as always. “Krista, will you be here for Christmas?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’ll be gone on Christmas Eve.”

  Rory didn’t believe it, but that wasn’t her business. “That’s too bad.”

  Uncle Oliver cleared his throat. “I think we should celebrate at Dean’s house this year, so, Dean, put a tree up in this house soon so we can all start putting presents under it.”

  Rory had to laugh at the way Uncle Oliver always took charge. Even though he had long since retired, he was a still a force of nature. Oliver had taken Rory and Dean in after the death of their parents and their other uncle, James. By then, he’d already had been taking care of River for years. They were one big alternative family and she loved all of them, no matter how much they got on her nerves. “I’ll be busy working, so I may or may not show up for the ball on Christmas Eve or dinner on Christmas Day.”

  “You will be here for dinner, Aurora, and you will attend the ball. This is a time for family, dammit.”

  She heard Dean and River chuckling and glared at them. “I have a new client and he expects his house to be party ready by New Year’s Eve, which means I have a lot of work to do.” Every year she had this conversation with her uncle and it was getting old.

  Oliver scoffed and set his black rimmed glasses on the table, rubbing his eyes. “Last year you spent all of December in Bali and the year before that you spent Christmas redecorating your building.” He fixed the glasses back on his face. “You need to get over yourself and get into the damn spirit.”

  Get over myself? “Really, Uncle Ollie? I should get over the fact that I hate this time of year? Maybe you should get over the idea that this is the only time for family. We have dinner together at least once every week.” It was ridiculous, that’s what it was. They spent more time together tha
n any other family she knew, so he had no real reason to complain.

  “You aren’t the only one who lost family at Christmas, Rory. Maybe you should spend time focusing on the family you do have.”

  “Who is this client?” Dean was always the one stepping in to end an argument before it got messy. She loved him for it.

  Rory sipped her wine and shrugged. “I have no idea, really, because the only communication has been through his assistant. All I know is he’s the COO and owner of HB Tech.” It was a new company she’d never heard of but planned to Google as soon as dinner was over. Half of her fee was paid upfront and tomorrow she would meet with the infamous HB…or H and B; really, she had no idea.

  The rest of dinner was much less combative than the first part, for which Rory was eternally grateful. She was also happy to be on the road home because she loved her family, but watching Dean and Krista fight what was happening between them made her ache in a place she’d felt nothing but numb a long time ago. She was happy for Dean, or at least she would be when he pulled his head out of his ass and made Krista his.

  Not that she was an expert on love, not by a long shot. Seeing the sizzling chemistry between them made her wonder if she’d ever have that again. Well again assumed she’d had that love before, but she hadn’t. Not really. She thought she’d met the guy for her a long time ago and she gave him everything, everything, but then he vanished like a ghost and took her heart right along with him. And her confidence, which was doubly low because she never knew if a guy wanted her for her or the billions of dollars she was worth.

  It didn’t matter, not really. Rory was content with her life. Why shouldn’t she be? Her business was booming and she had great friends and family. She didn’t need anything else. Nope. Nothing at all.


  Hunter Brandt sat behind several large computer screens inside the dungeon known as his home office staring at photos of her. He should feel like a creepy stalker, but he didn’t. He had never forgotten her, not in all the years they’d been apart, but he knew chances were slim that she would ever forgive him for what he’d done to her that summer before they turned seventeen. Even if he did have a damn good excuse.

  Staring at the most recent photographs of her, Hunter had to wonder if there was a man in her life making her face light up with laughter. As good as he was with a computer, he hadn’t been able to find any indication that she had gotten married or even that she was in a relationship. Hell, there weren’t even any photos of her with any men who weren’t her brother, cousin or uncle. He couldn’t believe it. A beautiful, vibrant woman like the girl he used to know would have men beating down her door. But he would trust his information and worry about that later. Much later.

  He’d made the decision a year ago to move back to his hometown and actually made the move about six months ago. In fact, when he’d finally worked up the courage to look Rory up, he’d purchased the house after just a few cursory glances online so he would have the perfect excuse to use her services. Right now, he only had necessities, which he was sure would appall her professional decorating sensitivities. That’s what made his plan perfect. Thanksgiving was over and Christmas was just a few weeks away, which meant Rory wouldn’t have a lot of time to get his house done to her high standards…without spending a lot of time with him.

  He would use the time he did have—mere weeks—to bring Rory back to him. They would spend time together, laugh together, have fun and maybe, hopefully, exchange a few heated looks and engage in some first-class flirting that would eventually remind her of all the great times they’d had together. Before he’d vanished from her life.

  Hunter was under no illusions about what it would take to win Rory back. There would be apologizing, probably groveling, pleading and flat-on-his-knees begging. It didn’t matter. He would do it all because it was the absolute least he could do. He owed Rory a lot—more than even she knew yet—and he would do whatever it took to her to give a much-undeserved second chance.

  “Hey Boss, do you want me to come in tomorrow for your meeting with the decorator?” Cecilia stood timidly in the doorway of his office and waited for his answer.

  “No!” Hunter turned around. “No Cecilia, I can handle this myself thanks. I’ll call you if I need you to come in at all tomorrow, but don’t expect to hear from me. There’s a lot to be done on this house.” He smiled politely to take the sting off his initial refusal. “You should focus on making sure the guys are on schedule for a January release of the new app.”

  She leaned against the wall and twirled a brown curl around her finger. “You know, I could help you decorate this place. I know your style pretty well.”

  Hunter looked at her as though searching for something. “That’s not your job, Cecilia, and I’d never take advantage of you that way.”

  Her shoulders slumped but Hunter had already refocused on his bank of monitors and didn’t notice her disappointment at his words. Cecilia took advantage of is distracted state and stared at him, longing blazing in her eyes. But she could see him daydreaming again, about what she had no idea, so she turned on her kitten heels and walked away.

  Alone again, Hunter pulled up the most recent photo of Rory and took in every pixel, noting all the changes over the years.

  Soon, Rory, you will be mine.

  Chapter Two

  After a sleepless night, Rory tossed her covers to the side and jumped out of bed. She needed to be at her best today for the new client. He or she was paying big bucks for her services and she didn’t want to meet them today with bags under her eyes and grumpy. Whenever she couldn’t sleep, she moved around quickly to trick her body. Today it didn’t work; she was still plagued by dreams of her first and only love. Why she thought of Hunter last night, she couldn’t say. It might have had something to do with her brother’s newfound love. Either way, it was an unwelcome night of dreams and left her feeling unsettled.

  By the time she pulled up to the beautiful Victorian mansion, several cups of coffee and a stern talking to had bolstered her confidence. She was awake and ready to do the thing she loved above everything but her family. Stepping from her car with several binders, a camera and her trusty handbag, she trudged up the gravel drive to the intricately carved massive double doors and knocked. She leaned in to look more closely at what was carved in the doors and was startled when the door swung open. “Hi, I’m Rory Harwood here to see…actually I’m not sure. I’m the interior decorator.” She gave the middle-aged woman with a salt and pepper afro a nervous smile.

  “Sure thing, Ms. Harwood, come on in. Mr. Brandt will be with you soon.”

  “Thanks and you can call me Rory.” She flashed a beaming smile at the woman.

  She smiled back. “Alright Rory, I’m Ramona. If you need anything, ask for me. Follow me.”

  Rory followed her into a spacious but empty room with high ceilings and aged windows that still held a hint of their former beauty. Pulling out a small notepad, she began jotting down notes on the major improvements that were needed. The front room--which she figured to be a gathering room or a receiving room--held a large stone hearth that brought a smile to her face. But the rest of the room was so…cliché. There was dark brown wood everywhere that gave the room a somber feel that made her wince.

  “Find something you dislike, Ms. Harwood?”

  She stiffened at the deep voice that echoed in the empty room. It was familiar yet not, and when she turned her green eyes went from wide globes to tiny slits. She gasped audibly at the shock of seeing the one man she never thought she’d see again. Had hoped to never see again. He heard the gasp but she didn’t care; she knew this man, better than any other, in fact. At least that’s what she thought back when she was a silly teenager with visions of forever in her head. “Hunter Bishop,” she sneered across the distance.

  “Brandt, actually. It’s a long story and I’m sure we’ll get to it soon enough.” He shrugged in that careless way of his and she wanted to smile and cry and scream all at once.<
br />
  Instead, Rory shook her head. “I’m not interested in hearing any stories. I’m waiting for the owner of this home or their assistant so I can get to work.” She turned back to her notepad when his voice interrupted her thoughts.

  “I am the owner of this house, Rory. I hired you.”

  “Why?” Her heart thundered at his words. No, it couldn’t be true. She wouldn’t let it be true.

  That damned shrug again. “You’re the best at what you do.”

  She wasn’t buying it. “You set me up. Again.” She shook her head and gathered her things. “Haven’t you done enough?”

  She saw the smirk wash away along with any color in his skin, but he recovered quickly with a curt nod. “I have and I will explain it to you. But only when you’re ready to listen.”

  She held the books of fabrics and colors tightly to her chest and glared at him. “Since when have you ever given a shit about my readiness for anything?”

  Another direct it. “I always have and when you’re ready, I’ll tell you.” He glanced around the room and changed the topic. “So what would you do to this room?”

  Rory didn’t bother to look around. “Nothing. Obviously we can’t work together, so I will email you a list of excellent designers who can get the job done.” Binders clutched tightly to her chest she stared him down.

  Hunter stared back, hands on his hips, looking extremely pissed off. “No.”

  She bristled, incredulous. “What do you mean, no? It’s my choice and I’m choosing to bow out of this project. Good luck.” Rory turned on her heel and took two steps before he spoke.

  “It has to be you Rory. Or are you too affected by me to work closely together and get this job done?” She opened her mouth to protest, but he kept talking. “I mean, not to be a dick, but I’m kind of a big deal these days. Decorating my home can help your business, unless of course you’re still too attracted to me to be professional. I totally understand that. I find you very distracting.”


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