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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

Page 7

by Violet Walker

  “You little minx,” he groaned and began the process of taking them both over the edge. He went slowly at first, long slow thrusts that tortured both of them. Then he sped up and the dirty things she said to him had him driving into over until sweat dripped from his forehead and their skin smacked together in a sweet, sticky rhythm.

  “Hunter, yeah, that feels so good. So good,” she moaned and that was all he needed to hear.

  He threw her legs over his arms and pounded into her until she squeezed him so hard he saw stars around his eyes. “Rory, fuck baby.”

  “Yes, fuck me baby,” she moaned and seconds later she was falling, falling down from some place in the heavens where orgasms like hers were commonplace. Somewhere in the distance, she heard Hunter’s grunts before he stilled and spilled himself deep into her sated body. “Oh. My. God.”

  He chuckled into her hair. “You can say that again. I think I’ve lost feeling in my leg.”

  Rory panted. “Yeah, well I think my vagina is singing.”

  He laughed and rolled off her, pulling her in close to his body. “Give me a minute and I’m moving down there for a live concert.”

  Rory thrust her hips at him. “If you’re up to it, you can sing a duet together,” she laughed.

  Hunter’s hand snaked down her sexy behind and his finger dipped low and slipped inside her moisture. “I’m more than up for it, sugar. In fact I think you should grab the mic,” his eyes drifted down with a smile, “and show me how you handle it.”

  She laughed and smacked his arm, as realization sank in. Her heart was also singing and that was bad. Very, very bad. She had two choices. She could fight it, which she was certain was a losing battle anyway, or… “Hunter would you like to be my date for the Hardwood Industries Christmas Ball next week?”

  “Damn woman, you stole my thunder!”

  Chapter Five

  Rory stood in front of the mirror in her deep red ball gown and scowled. She turned this way and that, eyeing herself critically and wishing she’d chosen the blue dress. It was sexier and sure to knock Hunter’s socks off. This ball wasn’t a big deal, they’d been out on dates nearly every night for the past week as Hunter pulled out all the stops to make her his. She smiled to herself. It had worked.

  He hadn’t thrown money at her to win her over either, because he knew with her own considerable wealth it wouldn’t work. Instead, he’d taken her ice skating and bought a tree for them to decorate in the newly-decorated sitting room. He’d invited her over for pizza, tequila and Call of Duty, during which he’d refused to let her win. She’d done tequila shots off his body and he’d returned the favor. They’d had a great week together and their time making love was unforgettable. Rory felt her skin flush just thinking about last night when she’d dropped to her knees and sucked him dry while he watched a Rugby match on TV. He’d been hard as a rock under her hand and she had been so overcome with lust she’d done it without thinking.

  “Damn woman, I love you so much,” he’s said to her afterwards. As tempted as Rory was to brush it off as post-coital hallucinations, she could see the love he felt for her shining in his eyes. But she hadn’t known what to say, so she’d just kissed him hard and then sat on his lap, exposing her panty-less state to him. From there, they’d spent the night loving each other into oblivion.

  Tonight was the night she would tell Hunter how she felt about him. She checked herself one last time in the mirror. The dark red dress didn’t give her skin any color, but her green eyes popped and the dress fit her body perfectly. The sculpted sweetheart neckline hugged her breasts, making them look larger than they were. The skirt clung to her body down to the knee before falling in a pool at her feet. But the real treat was the back of the dress: it was a low V that dipped just high enough above her ass to be decent. She was sure Hunter would swallow his own tongue.

  The bell rang and she hiked up the dress and ran to answer it, throwing on a shawl at the last minute. “Hunter, hi,” she answered breathlessly.

  “Hey yourself. You look beautiful, Rory.” He looked around nervously, unsure how to act after his declaration last night, she was sure.

  “Come on in, Hunter, we should talk before we leave.”

  His shoulders drooped. “Do we have to?”

  “Have a seat,” she said, her facial features schooled to reveal nothing.

  “I think I’ll stand.”

  “I’d rather you sit.” She crossed her arms, letting the shawl fall to the floor. “Please.”

  He dropped down into her plush, green sofa and threw his head back. “Okay, I’m seated, you can hit me with it now.”

  She smiled and put her hands on her hips. “Last night you said you loved me after I gave you a pretty awesome blow job,” she gave him a cheeky grin that made him blush. “I could see in your eyes that you meant it, but I was scared and I didn’t know what to say. Sometimes I still get flashes of insecurity and I think I’ll wake up one day and you’ll be gone.” She held up her hand to stop his words of protest. “I know, Hunter, and it’s something I’m still dealing with even though I’ve forgiven you. But last night while I listened to your steady breathing and felt your heart beat under my hand, I knew. I was only scared because my heart knew what I didn’t. I’m still in love with you. I still love you.” She turned away from him too quickly swipe a tear when she heard the swift intake of breath.

  “Holy hell, Rory, the back of your dress is missing.” She turned but his words stopped her. “Stay just like that.” She heard the shift of the couch and knew he was coming to her. “Aurora Rose Harwood, you are the most beautiful creature ever put on this earth.” He kissed her neck. “I loved you as a teenager before I really understood what love was, and as a man, I am more in love with you than I ever thought I could possibly be.” He kissed the other side of her neck and one hand traced down her spine.

  She shivered and he turned her to face him. “Hunter, I love you too, more than my teenaged heart knew how and more now than I know how to handle. I’m terrified of you disappearing again, but I love you enough to risk it.” She flung her arms around him and whispered in his ear, “Just know that this time I’ll find you.”

  He kissed her softly and gently, making sweet love to her mouth until she began to press against him. “I’m never leaving again. I couldn’t survive without my heart, and you own it. Completely.”


  Christmas Hoax

  The Billionaire Christmas Story

  Book Three

  Violet Walker

  The Billionaire Christmas Story: Christmas Hoax


  11 Months Ago, Las Vegas

  “You sure you don’t want to come with us, man? These are supposed to be the hottest, freakiest babes in Vegas!” Gavin wiggled his eyebrows to convey just how excited he was to pay a visit to Tits-A-Go-Go.

  “I’m sure.” River loved tits, big or small, real or fake with dark or light nipples. It didn’t matter to him, but he just wasn’t in the mood for that kind of night. “I’m going to hit the bar here and I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Gavin nodded and he and the rest of the guys walked out of the hotel chanting something about glitter and tits. River shook his head, turned on his heel and headed towards the nearest bar. There was a small bar tucked in just beyond the casino called Crux. Everything was black leather and purple velvet, making him groan. He spotted a beautiful redhead wearing a tight white dress that made his dick stand up and take notice. He smiled and took a nearby seat.

  “What’ll it be?” The bartender was an uninterested man somewhere in his thirties wearing a vest and bow tie.

  “I’ll have a whiskey and get her another of whatever she’s drinking,” he nodded to the sexy redhead. The bartender nodded and got to work. River watched him set the drink in front of her and turned his gaze to the woman in white.

  She lifted her newly-replenished glass in his direction. “This doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck you,” she told him, “but thanks.” She leaned o
ver, giving him a glance at her ample cleavage, and tapped her glass against his. She threw back the golden liquid and waved the bartender over. “Another for me and my new friend,” she cut a glance to River.

  He leaned in with his blue eyes sparkling like sapphires. “Well now, sweetheart, this definitely means I’m gonna fuck you.” He winked and took a sip from his glass, slowly licking away the excess liquid.

  She stared at him--or glared--River wasn’t entirely sure, but her stare made him a little uncomfortable. Her look was more investigative than explorative. But then she did the unexpected. She tossed her head back, red hair cascading down her back, and released a husky laugh. “You’re funny, handsome.”

  “You think I’m handsome?” He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  She pointed an emerald green nail at him and narrowed her gaze. “Oh come on! You know you’re gorgeous. If you weren’t, you’d be sitting over there with those guys,” she pointed to a bunch of decent, if average-looking, guys in suits trying to decide which cluster of women would be most appreciative of free drinks, “instead of bold enough to leave just one stool between us.” She tossed back the remainder of her drink. “Because you know you’re sexy as hell and that’s pretty much all you need to get a girl interested.”

  River was intrigued and turned on by the sassy chick in white. He slid over to the empty seat between them, catching a whiff of her flowery perfume. It was nice and sweet, a sharp contrast to the sexy siren to his left. “Since I’ve been called out, may as well make sure no one comes between you and me, Ruby.”

  “Kara,” she corrected him, her gaze on his succulent lips.

  “Kara with hair the color of rubies,” he said in his melodic Irish brogue that never failed to impress the ladies. “They call me River.” He smiled and flashed his perfectly white teeth and deep dimples.

  “Oh lord, an Irish accent to boot? How do you not have women just hanging from your body?” She shook her head and motioned to the bartender for two more. “Get my fried here a Jameson. Make it a double,” she said, never taking her eyes off him.

  For two hours, they went back and forth. He purchased a round and she purchased a round and made it a double. They laughed over the suits’ bungled attempts to pick up women obviously ripe for the picking. He roared at her hilarious attempt at an Irish accent and she laughed at his pick-up lines.

  “Let’s dance!” Kara yanked his hand, pulling him off the stool and onto the dance floor. They danced until their clothes began to stick and she pulled him out of the bar and casino altogether. “I need fresh air.”

  They walked until they found another club and Kara paid the cover over River’s protests. They danced some more and drank some more, then dance a little bit more. They stumbled out of a cab and into one of the older casinos where Kara turned her $100 into $5,000 thanks to a lucky run at a blackjack table. She took him with her to celebrate with pancakes and lobster. Only in Vegas, he thought with an amused shake of his head. “Let’s go there,” he pointed to a club across the street that looked more like a warehouse.

  Kara excitedly slid from the booth and pulled him with her. They were giddy and more than a little tipsy and it showed on the dance floor. They danced close and kissed like teenagers. When River’s hand slid up the inside of her thigh until he was just under the white dress, hovering above where she was hot and wet, she moaned and nibbled his hear lobe. A finger slipped inside and her head lulled back while he attacked her neck with his sexy mouth.

  “Alright folks, we’re gonna have to ask you to leave.” A big burly bouncer came from nowhere, startling them both from their erotic reverie.

  “Why?” Kara’s innocent voice did nothing to stop the man from grabbing their arms and escorting them to the door. “Oh well, it was hot anyway,” she whispered to River. At the door, she leaned up and kissed the bouncer on his cheek. “No hard feelings, big guy.”

  River caught the bouncer’s dazed look and gave him a smile and weak shrug that said, what are you gonna do? “So what’s next, sugar?”

  She spun to face him with a wide smile. “Let’s get Vegas married!” She punched the air like it was the best idea mankind ever had. “Seriously we can go do the whole little white chapel thing and it won’t count because we’re drunk and we don’t have marriage license. It won’t be real but it’ll be soooo much fun!”

  River shrugged. It wouldn’t be real, but it’d be a hell of a memory. “Sure, why not?” He leaned in close until her flowery scent engulfed him. “Then we get to have our wedding night.”

  Kara grabbed his collar and pulled him down, taking his lips in a gentle but drugging kiss. “Now you’re talking, big guy!”

  I guess I’m getting married.

  Chapter One

  11 Months Later

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” River leaned forward and pushed his ear closer to Bobby Wigglesworth, certain he had to have heard the man wrong.

  Bobby laughed and a plume of smoke flew out of his mouth with the hacking cough. “I said I had no idea you were even married until I had my PI look into your background. That Dean, well, he’s as solid as they come and he’ll be married soon with that sweet baby. Let’s just say I know I can count on him. But I needed to see if I could count on you since you’ll be heading this project.”

  River was still stuck on the whole married part. No one knew about that, except, apparently, Wigglesworth’s investigator. That meant…shit. He was still married! “Of course you can count on me, Mr. Wigglesworth. I take my business very seriously and it was my idea to convert your eco-resort to an eco-smart resort and add it to our holdings.”

  Bobby let loose another wicked cough. “Oh I know you don’t play around when it comes to business, but a successful businessman understands the importance of balance. After too many weeks working 90 hours, a single man has no real reason to stop, whereas a man with a wife and kids has several reasons. That time you spend at home with the wife, it energizes you and reminds you why you work so hard. Without it, you burn out.” Wigglesworth watched River closely, searching for any signs of weakness or deception.

  River leaned back with a lazy grin. “Plus the wife makes life difficult if you spend too much time at the office,” he shook his head as though he knew about that way of life.

  Bobby laughed and clapped him on the back. “That’s right, and a backed up Johnson is no way to do business!” He choked out another laugh that soon died, but his eyes were alight with amusement. “You do get it.”

  River nodded. “Of course I do.” He leaned forward, elbows on the table and blue eyes intense. “Tell me, Mr. Wigglesworth, how can we make this deal happen?”

  He waved his hand dismissively. “Call be Bobby Lee, everyone does.” He sipped his scotch, now more melted ice than booze. “We both know I want this sale to go through, but I’m an old man and I want to make sure my baby is in good hands. So, I’d like to sit down with you and the wife for dinner first. Get to know you both a little better and then you can start a-courtin’ me. That’s what my mama used to call it, when boys starting sniffing around my sisters.” He laughed at the memory. “You can tell me all about this eco-smart resort while the women spend our hard-earned money.”

  River nodded and promised he’d call personally in the next couple days to set it up. First, he had to locate his wife.


  Kara Werner was starting her final dye job of the day. Mrs. Miller sat in the chair waiting for the new magenta color she was sure would spice up her sex life with her new boyfriend, Carl. Mrs. Miller had been widowed for nearly a decade and she’d been dating Carl for the last seven years. She was a sixty-seven-year-old sexpot, that’s what Mrs. Miller was, and Kara was jealous as hell. “I figured this color will make me look younger, which will make old Carl feel younger and we’ll both get a night worth being tired for the next day!” She cackled along with a few of the other old timers.

  Tuesdays were discount day for seniors at Kara’s Hair-Cuttery, so she spent all day cutt
ing, curling and coloring for the over-65 set. They were mostly sweet, all the way naughty and talked in way too much detail for her liking. But they all lived life, unlike Kara, who spent every day in her salon and every night thinking about her lost weekend in Vegas. She really needed to get a life, and she would. Soon.

  With Mrs. Miller under the dryer for the next half hour, Kara prepared to do highlights for Margaret Totts. Her hair fell down to her bottom, so they would likely be there until she had to lock the doors. “Margaret I’m just going to take a quick minute to myself and then we’ll get started, okay?”

  “Sure thing, sweetheart, take your time.”

  She smiled and ducked in the back to wash her face and grab a bottle of water. When she returned, a hush had fallen over the naughty women and she assumed the UPS guy waited with a delivery. But it was worse. Much worse. The man standing in the middle of her hair salon was her husband, River Harwood.

  “There you are,” his voice boomed. “We need to talk.”

  “Sure,” she dried her hands on her smock, “but I’m busy now so how about later? The shop closes at seven and we can talk then.”

  His arms were crossed over his wide chest. “I need to talk now.”

  “Well I need a million bucks and to finish Margaret’s highlights.” She put her hands on her hips and dared him to test her further.

  His nod was curt, but his eyes took their time scanning her body. “Fine, but don’t go anywhere or I will find out. I promise you.”

  “Oh I’m so scared,” she joked. She refused to be intimidated by him, no matter how sexy he looked all pissed off in his expensive suit. “Whatever, River. I’ll be here as long as you get here at seven. I won’t wait.”

  “Honey I’ll wait for you all day long,” Margaret said from behind him. “Hell with buns like that, I’ll wait however long I need to.” The women all laughed and agreed with her assessment.


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