BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) Page 101

by Violet Walker

  The quarter moon barely lit the path to the banks, but Damien would never forget how to get there. Every step of that night was imprinted on his mind. The march to kill his brother. The fight. The moment he realized he couldn’t it. And the pain he felt after he realized what he’d done. He’d picked his blood brother over his brotherhood, and he’d lived with his guilt every minute of every day.

  The ghost of his past slid through him, but there was no way that he would let Cresher go this time. Not with Jade’s life hanging in the balance.

  Only one of them would walk away this riverbank alive tonight.

  Jade was lying in the sand with her wrists and ankles bound. She was awake, and he could see her eyes dart around in fear. “Damien!” she screamed. “It’s a trap! Run!”

  He tensed, but no one jumped out of the shadows. He ran to her and tried to unbind her. “You need to run, baby. You need to run in case this doesn’t work out.”

  “Damian.” She grabbed his arm. “It’s a trap. What are you doing?”

  He cupped her chin. “Run. Be safe. For me,” he whispered.

  The shadow flew at him in top speed, and they both tumbled on the bank. When they separated, Cresher crouched down in the sand. “Brother. So nice of you to join us. Unfortunately, your girl isn’t going anywhere. I’ve already started the ritual.”

  Damian swiveled his head and stared at Jade. She was on all fours, and he saw her dry heaving on the banks. “What have you done to her?” he whispered.

  “You took my demon. I can’t raise another one. But she’s immune to powers. And so she can host one.”

  “No!” He ran to her side, and tilted her chin. He could see the shadows battling inside her. “Jade. You have to fight this.”

  “She is mine, hybrid. And you cannot stop me.” Damien gripped her arms as the being spoke through her mouth. His raspy voice sent shivers down Damien’s spine, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Jade. A demon can’t take your body unless you let it. Fight it. Whatever Cresher did to you doesn’t matter. You have to fight this, baby.”

  “Damien,” she said faintly.

  “No,” Cresher roared. He launched himself at Damien, and they sent sand flying as their bodies tore across the banks. Strength battled strength as they dug into each other’s flesh. Something glinted into the moonlight, and Damien roared when a blade pierced his arm.

  He broke away and grabbed his wound. Panting, he knew that Cresher was stronger than him. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I don’t have to, Damien. You are my blood. Join me. We’ll rule the city together.”

  “I’ve heard those words before,” Damien muttered. “All it did was prolong your life. Tonight, I will end it.”

  “Damien.” Cresher looked at his brother with pain in his eyes. “I don’t want to kill you.”

  “Only one of us is leaving this place alive,” Damien said. “This ends tonight.” He spared one more glance at Jade and saw the shadows overtaking her pupils. She was losing.

  With a roar, he launched himself at Cresher. His brother’s speed and strength overpowered him, but Damien had one last trick up his sleeve. Just as his brother reached up to twist his neck, Damien pulled out the letter opener. He shoved it into his brother’s chest.

  Cresher roared and stumbled back, but they both knew what had happened. “No,” he muttered.

  “Saved a little demon poison just for you,” Damien muttered.

  Cresher clutched at his chest and stumbled. “What have you done, brother?” he gasped.

  Damien shook his head. “I thought this would hurt, Cresher. I thought losing you was worse than anything you could do, but now I just feel sorry for you. You had a powerful sector of the brotherhood under your thumb, and you could have done so much. But you chose this instead. There’s nothing left for you here, Cresher. I’m sorry that it’s come to this.”

  “Save me,” Cresher pleaded. “Please.”

  Damien stepped over him to let him die. Jade had fallen on the sand and was convulsing. He immediately pulled her into his arms. “Fight this,” he whispered. “You are stronger than this.”

  “She’s mine,” the demon hissed. “Worship me, and I’ll give you the world.”

  “I don’t want the world,” Damien said. “I want her. She’s my tether. I’ve never felt this bond with anyone. I love her, and I won’t let you take her. She won’t let you take her. She’s so much more powerful than you.”

  She gasped, and her body twisted at an odd angle. “Damien,” she whispered.

  “Hold on, baby,” he whispered. “Fight this.” He bent down. “I love you, and I’m not going to lose you now.” Then he touched her lips with his and melted into her. She fought him at first, but after a moment, she started responding to him. He opened his eyes and saw the shadows retreating. Finally, she gasped and he felt the fighting energy leave him. “Jade?” he muttered.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. She pushed at him, and he helped her sit up. “God, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks.”

  “Jade, I’m so sorry. I should never have let you leave. I should have kept you safe. This is all my fault.”

  She reached up and touched his face. “Stop. Stop blaming yourself for everything. I was confused and freaked out. I left on my own accord.”

  He rested his forehead on hers, and for a moment, everything was right with the world. “I knew I loved you from the first moment I saw you. You were my responsibility.”

  “You love me? You don’t even know me,” she whispered.

  “I know that were ready to sacrifice yourself for me. I know that you are the strongest person I have ever known. I know that you are beautiful inside and out. There is nothing else that’s important.”

  She smiled, and his heart melted. “I freaked out after we…well, you know. I’ve never felt anything like that. It was intense and terrifying. And I’m just a simple girl. I don’t do intense and terrifying. I sell old books.”

  “You do so much more than that,” he murmured.

  She laughed. “I do love you. I’m just a little scared.”

  He kissed her. “You take all the time you need, little one. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “And Cresher?”

  “He’s dead, baby. You don’t have to worry about him anymore. And you don’t have to worry ever again. I’ll take care of you.”

  He held her until she regained her energy, and then he walked her back to his place. His Conquiha would never be alone again.

  Chapter Six

  Damien stood at the table of his brothers with Jade in the shadows. “Brothers,” he murmured. “We’ve had an amazing six months. We’ve disbanded the demon’s nest. We’ve destroyed the demon. And last week, we destroyed Cresher. It should have been done years ago, and for that, I can only beg your forgiveness. But we’ve proven that we can protect this city.” He looked at Jade, and she came out to take is hand. “With your permission, I’d like to continue running this sector with my queen by my side. Jade is my Conquiha, and I’m going to marry her.”

  The table of men stood and clapped their hands, and he squeezed hers gently. His life was full of darkness, but she was his light. And although there would always be dangers around, he knew that his brothers would always be there for him.

  The Slavante Brotherhood protected humanity. Preston protected Sierra. Cole protected Lana.

  And now he would love and protect Jade for the rest of her life. And he knew that she would do the same for him.


  Regency Romance

  The Heartless Rake

  Defiant Lords Series

  Rose Haven

  Regency Romance: The Heartless Rake

  Chapter One

  “There you are! Where have you been all day?” Lady Elizabeth Sonhurst, the Marchioness of Norfolk asked her only son, Lord Adam Sonhurst. “I’ve been waiting for you the entire afternoon.”

  “Good evening to you too, Mother” said Lord Sonhurst in an agitat
ed tone. He had spent the entire day looking into the matters of the estate and was too tired to pretend to be happy about his mother visiting him. “When did you get back from Essex?”

  “I returned this morning and decided to pay you a visit. And I am not going to waste your time and my time in exchanging pleasantries. I am sure you know the reason behind my visit.”

  “Like Hell, I do!” muttered Adam.

  “I’ve raised you better than this Lord Sonhurst! Swearing in front of a lady is as improper as it gets!” shouted Lady Sonhurst.

  “Thanks for reminding me that YOU’VE raised me. Because all I can remember is Mrs. Hopkins waking me up, helping me get ready, cuddling me when I got scared at night, singing lullabies to me when I couldn’t go to sleep…” Adam replied bitterly.

  “Lady Eleanor Rothert is the perfect match for you. Her father is the famous Earl of Dunkirk and being the only daughter, she’ll bring a sizeable dowry too. Besides, she is extremely pleasant to look at and will make a perfect Marchioness. By now you should be thinking of settling down and producing an heir. It is your duty towards your family and the estate. And it is high time you realize your responsibilities.” Lady Sonhurst continued, completely ignoring what her son had just said.

  His mother had a way of making him feel small and irrelevant. Like he wasn’t doing enough for the estate, wasn’t realizing his responsibilities as a Marquess. He didn’t want his mother to see how her words had affected him. Deep inside, he knew that his mother was right. Time was running fast and he had to produce an heir soon who would take over this vast estate after him. But for that, he’d have to get married. And that was a risk he just wasn’t willing to take!

  Marriage, love…these were the words he absolutely loathed. His father had been foolish to fall in love. That too with a woman who just wasn’t worth it. His mother was an extremely self-centered woman who didn’t know the meaning of fidelity. His father, the erstwhile Marquess of Norfolk had been a famous and influential man in his days. The people of his estate loved him and he was quite popular. But his downfall started when he fell in love with Elizabeth Nesbitt, the minister’s daughter. No doubt she was absolutely gorgeous, she looked charming even to this day! But her heart, well that was a different matter altogether.

  Not only had his mother been unfaithful towards her husband, she’d also not cared much for him, her only son. He had grown up without the warmth of a mother’s love and that had made him even more bitter. Although Mrs. Hopkins, his governess, had filled that void to some extent, he had always craved for his mother’s love and affection. His father had been too blind in love to notice all this and eventually when he did realize, it was already too late. He drowned himself in liquor and the few times he was sober, he confined himself to his study.

  It had cost him a lot of his fortune too and Adam had promised himself long ago that he would never repeat his father’s mistakes. He knew he had to get married sooner or later to produce an heir. But he would NEVER marry the girl that his mother had chosen for him. He wouldn’t give his mother that kind of satisfaction. Besides, who knows she might have chosen a woman just like herself-cold and empty hearted.

  His mother’s words forced him back into reality. “I’ve already talked to Lord Rothert and he is agreeable to the match. It would do you good to meet Lady Eleanor in person and see for yourself how charming a lady she is! I am sure….”

  “Good night, Mother! It’s been a long day and I am tired.” With a curt bow, Adam turned and left his mother standing alone in the study. The study that once belonged to his father- where he sat alone for hours probably repenting having married his mother.

  No, he would never do something as foolish as falling in love. Marriage, yes, that he had to do to ensure the marquessate. But love was not necessary to get married. He would marry well, no doubt about that. But not to that Lady Rothert that his mother had chosen for him. In fact, NEVER to her!

  Adam decided that he’d have to attend all those meaningless parties in London next month after all. He was on the prowl for a suitable mate and he would most definitely find one. So he mentally braced himself to face all those ambitious mothers on the lookout for titled husbands for their daughters. “It is not going to be as difficult as you think, Adam” he said to himself. How much could dallying with a few pretty faces hurt?

  He would attend the parties, look out for some charming ladies, have conversation with a few of them and then in a matter of a few days, he would choose one of them to be his bride. No, it should not be difficult at all! In fact, he would get an opportunity to practice his charm on unsuspecting pretty chits and he was sure that most of them would find it difficult to resist him. It had always been this way and this time would be no different.

  Chapter Two

  Lady Eleanor Rothert had grown up to be an extremely fine looking young lady. As the only daughter of one of the most powerful and influential people in the whole of England, she was looked upon as a nice catch by most of the eligible bachelors in ton.

  It was her first Season in London and she was enjoying it to some extent. Though she liked mingling with other ladies and having a little chitchat, she could not stand the unwarranted display of wealth that most people indulged in at the lavish and extravagant parties. And she hated all the meaningless gossip that was such an intrinsic part of all of it. She yearned for the peace and quiet of her hometown, Dunkirk.

  Moreover, she wanted to marry for love. She knew that her father was on the lookout for a suitable match for her although she had barely turned twenty this year. But her father meant the best for her. He wanted to see her settle down in front of his eyes. Of late, he had not been in the best of health and that had been the reason why she was here in London, attending parties and meeting suitable gentlemen.

  She had often told her mother about how she felt. She wanted to have a marriage like her parents, who were so much in love, even after twenty five years of marriage. She longed for that kind of understanding and love. But her mother had always told her that love comes with time. She had told her that she hardly knew her father when they got married. But as days and weeks passed, they both grew fond of each other and then fell in love. She loved the dreamy look in her mother’s eyes whenever she narrated her story to Eleanor.

  So maybe mamma is right, Eleanor thought to herself. Maybe love did happen after marriage only. She was engrossed in these thoughts when her mother entered the room.

  "Good morning, Eleanor! “Lady Helena Rothert said kissing her forehead. Her mother's smile had the power to light up an entire room. She was the epitome of beauty and Eleanor had inherited her mother's charm and grace.

  "Good morning, Mother."

  "So, what are your plans for today? Are you going with Eliza to Hyde Park? And then maybe you both can go shopping. I think you need a couple of good gowns. The ones you have aren't too much in fashion these days.

  Besides, they are a little too modest for a lady looking to attract a gentleman's attention" quipped Helena.

  "Mother!" gasped Eleanor. "You shouldn't be saying all that to your daughter. And I don't think I need any more gowns. Already my wardrobes are overflowing with clothes I hardly wear."

  "You don't understand dear. Your father just told me that Marquess of Norfolk, Lord Sonhurst is rumored to attend Lady Botsworth's ball next week. And his mother has shown interest in taking you as her daughter-in-law. Your father is also interested in this alliance as the Sonhursts have an enviable reputation plus a good fortune to their credit."

  "Hmmm... Lord Sonhurst. I've heard that name before. Is he not that elusive Marquess who is said to be allergic to the institution of marriage? Yes, I believe he's the same gentleman. Eliza told me about him. She said he barely attends parties and balls and is a confirmed bachelor."

  "Darling, people do have change of heart. Maybe now he has realized that it's time to take a wife. After all, he needs an heir for his estate, doesn't he?" Helena pointed out.

  "You may be right Mot
her. But I am not promising anything. I'll only consider him if I genuinely like the gentleman."

  "Of course, dear" smiled Helena. "It’s not like your father will force you into marrying him. He loves you too much to do that! You can form an acquaintance with Lord Sonhurst and if you feel he is suitable enough for you, you can give him an opportunity to court you."

  "Sure, Mother. Now let get ready or Eliza will be after me for being late", laughed Eleanor. Eliza was Eleanor's best friend and her father and Lord Rothert were great friends too. It was her second Season and she was determined to find a perfect suitor this time around. Eliza had also taken upon herself the task of getting Eleanor acquainted with the who's who of London and she gave some very useful fashion tips to her too. Like wearing the corset a tad too tight gives the effect of ample bosom! Eleanor laughed at that ridiculous fashion tip. She loved Eliza, so what if she gave such questionable statements!

  Helena kissed her daughter goodbye and left the room. Eleanor called the maid to fill her bath. She had a long day ahead. First a visit to the Hyde Park and then as mother suggested, she had to buy a few more gowns for the upcoming balls. Her thoughts strayed to Lord Adam Sonhurst. She decided to extract as much information on the gentleman from Eliza as she could. Surely she would know all about this mysterious man who avoided parties and London like the plague. She hoped Eliza had good things to say about him.

  Chapter Three

  The next week went by like a blur for Adam. He had almost resurrected his estate to its former glory and he was proud of the fact. Now the most pressing matter at hand was to find a suitable bride and then produce an heir for his estate. He planned to go to London to attend Lady Botsworth’s ball.

  Lady Botsworth was known for her lavish balls and they were attended by almost all the members of the town. He absolutely hated attending such parties but then if he had to look for his Marchioness, there was no place better than that damned ball.


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