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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

Page 106

by Violet Walker

  “But…but what about the plant?”

  “My dear, I know that you want to fulfill your father’s dream by building that plant. But don’t you realize that your father loved you too much to let you sacrifice YOUR dream for HIS dream. And I am sure our people would not want to light their homes at the cost of throwing their Earl into a life of darkness forever,” added his mother softly.

  “Besides, Lord Stanton is a smart man. I am sure he would think it foolish to discard the project at this stage. After all, he will have to incur huge losses too if the project gets halted midway and it is not as if only the people of Devonshire will benefit from the plant. The electricity generated by it would light the homes in Rotherville too,” she explained further.

  “Do you really think he would still be interested in this project?” Thomas asked skeptically.

  “Well, we can keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best for now!”


  Lord Peter Stanton came storming into the Cornwall castle accompanied by his wife and daughter. He demanded to see Thomas and his mother immediately.

  Brandon escorted them to the study and went up to call Thomas and Her Grace. Both of them were waiting for Charlotte to arrive when Brandon informed them about the Duke’s arrival.

  The entire household got prepared for the drama that was to follow and no one noticed Charlotte’s absence till the Duke finally left with his family.

  Chapter Nine

  As Charlotte opened the door to her home, her mind was flooded with memories. What a peaceful life it had been! Just Charlotte and her father. Though she had sometimes felt a little incomplete without her mother, her father had showered more than enough love on her to fill that void. Her life had turned upside down since his death. She had cried more in the past few weeks than in her entire nineteen years of existence.

  She would really miss Mrs. Ridgeley and her funny stories. She would miss all the love and warmth that was showered on her at the castle. And she would miss Thomas! The way he held her that night, the way he kissed her, the way he confessed his love for her….

  Why was life so unfair? First, the person whom she loved the most left her all of a sudden and now, circumstances had forced her to leave the man who loved her. Fresh tears formed in her eyes. She wiped them fiercely.

  She had to be strong. For Thomas’s sake. He had worked so hard these past weeks. She had seen him spend so many nights in the study toiling over the project. It was his father’s dream and her father’s too. She could not be selfish and ruin all that.

  Suddenly, she heard a loud banging on the door.

  “Charlotte, are you inside? Open the door, Charlotte!”

  It was Thomas.

  “Go away, my lord. I don’t wish to speak to anyone at this time.”

  “Charlotte, please. At least let me explain. I know you were there when Mother and I were having that conversation. Mrs. Ridgeley told me. You know just half the story, Charlotte.”

  “I don’t wish to hear anything else. Please understand, my lord. Whatever I am doing is for our best.”

  “Don’t call me my lord! Hell Charlotte! Who are you to decide what is the best for us?” shouted Thomas. “Open the door or I am going to break it!”

  Charlotte got up and opened the door. Thomas wrapped his strong arms around her. He could make out that she had been crying. Her eyes were all swollen and puffy.

  “Oh Charlotte! Do you have any idea how worried I was when I couldn’t find you! We all searched the entire castle for you and here you are!”

  “I am sorry, my lord….” came her muffled reply.

  “Call me Thomas! I love you sweetheart and I know that you love me too. Please don’t distance me from yourself by addressing me thus.”

  “Thomas,” she looked up at him. “What does it matter if we love each other? You are an Earl and I am just a common girl. Nothing can ever come out of this relationship.”

  He listened to her in silence.

  “Lady Shirley is the perfect match for you,” she continued. “She is your equal in status and position. And moreover, her father is investing…….”

  He silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss. They both were breathless by the time he stopped.

  “So you want to sacrifice our love for that project too?” he asked with a smile.

  “Who else wants to do that?” she asked a little confused.

  “Never mind! Shall we go inside? I want to explain a lot of things to you.”

  Charlotte closed the door behind them. Thomas got seated on a chair and pulled Charlotte towards him. He made her sit on his lap and looked at her with love shining bright in his eyes.

  “After you left, Lord Stanton came to the castle. He was obviously furious with me after God knows what Shirley told him. But I must say he is good man with his heart at the right place, much unlike his daughter,” Thomas smiled at her.

  He continued, “When Mother explained to him that I was in love with you and that both Shirley and I would remain unhappy in a loveless marriage if we decided to continue our relationship, he understood the point. Apparently he had also been engaged with someone else but eloped with the present Lady Stanton and married her!” Thomas chuckled.

  “And what about the hydroelectric power plant?” asked Charlotte anxiously.

  “That project, my dear, will continue. He could have decided to stop funding it further, but that would have meant huge losses and no electricity for Rotherville. So though he is a little upset…no…. ‘furious’ with me, Lord Stanton is still my partner.”

  “Oh Thomas! That’s wonderful!” cried Charlotte. And there it was again! That smile of hers. Thomas thought he would do anything to keep that smile in place.

  “Do you mind if I kiss you again, my love?” he asked.

  “I would mind, if you don’t kiss me right now!” Charlotte replied with a laugh.

  And they both kissed as if there was no tomorrow!


  Lord Thomas Cornwall’s heart swelled with pride as he held his newborn son in his arms for the first time. He looked so much like his mother!

  “Isn’t he the prettiest thing on this earth, Thomas?” Her Grace was elated beyond measure. She had become a grandmother, for heavens’ sake!

  “I agree, Mother! How is Charlotte?”

  “She is absolutely fine, my lord. You all can go in and meet her,” Mrs. Ridgeley had the biggest grin ever on her face.

  “Oh thank you, Mrs. Ridgeley. Have I ever told you that you are an angel sent to us from the heaven above?” joked Thomas.

  “Now, now! You don’t need to bribe me with those sweet words, my lord. Now that the babe has finally arrived, you can spend as much time with Charlotte as you want,” chuckled Mrs. Ridgeley.

  Inside, Charlotte looked a little tired but she was still as pretty as ever. Her face radiated with the joy of becoming a mother.

  “Congratulations, my dear. You don’t know what a precious gift you’ve given me today!” Lady Cornwall kissed Charlotte’s forehead.

  “Here mommy! Hold your little bundle of joy.” Thomas handed the baby to Charlotte.

  As Charlotte held her baby for the first time, tears rolled down her eyes. She felt as if her heart would burst with joy.

  Thomas and Charlotte looked at each other and Thomas gently kissed her hand. This baby was a proof of their love….love that had withstood all hardships….love that had grown with each passing day….love that had happened by chance……!!


  Regency Romance

  How to Steal a Duke’s Heart

  Defiant Lords Series

  Rose Haven

  Regency Romance: How to Steal a Duke’s Heart

  Chapter One

  It had been two years since Lady Helena Bryton’s death. Lord Peter Bryton, the Duke of Suffolk, was still trying to bring himself to accept the fact that his wife was no more. He had loved her with all his heart. Not a single day went by when he didn’
t remember the happy times they had spent together.

  And how could he not remember her each day when he could clearly see Helena’s reflection in his two year old daughter - Rose. Rose was as beautiful as her name. Whenever she laughed, Peter caught a glimpse of Helena. Rose was the only reason why he still looked forward to the next day. He was loving watching her grow from an infant to a toddler. She was learning something new each day! And whenever she called him ‘papa’, his heart seemed to burst with joy.

  How he wished he could share the joy of watching little Rose grow with his late wife! But some things in life are never meant to be! Had it not been for Rose and his responsibility towards his estate, he would have drowned himself in his despair and misery. But a single look at his daughter, and he wanted to live again ….for Rose’s sake.


  Peter’s mother, Lady Marie Bryton, the Dowager Duchess of Suffolk, was visiting him for a week. He knew what agenda she had in mind. Apart from of course spoiling her darling granddaughter rotten, that is!

  “Peter, it is almost two years since we lost Helena. How long will you continue mourning for her?” Lady Bryton asked her son softly.

  “Mother, I am perfectly fine.”

  “So you say! I am your Mother, my dear. I may not be with you always, but one look at you and I can sense your pain.”

  “You are imagining things, as usual. I have my hands full what with running the estate and bringing up Rose. Where is the time to think about anything else?” lied Peter.

  “Don’t lie to me dear. I can see it in your eyes. You need a companion, a person to share your joys and sorrows with.”

  As Peter was about to say something, Lady Bryton stopped him by raising her hand.

  “Peter, I understand that you loved Helena and the thought of being with someone else repels you. But at least think of Rose. Does she not need a mother in her life?”

  “Rose is fine. Mrs. Beatrix takes good care of her. And I am always there for her too. No, I don’t think she is missing out on anything,” replied Peter stiffly.

  He looked at his daughter playing with her favorite doll, blissfully unaware of the tension in the room.

  “Now don’t be stubborn, Peter. You know in your heart that Rose needs a mother. Right now she is too young to voice her needs, but when she grows up, she’ll need someone to share her thoughts, her little achievements……”

  “She will share those with me.”

  “The things that a girl shares with her mother, she will never fully share with her father, no matter how close they are! And the love that a mother can give a child….”

  “Mother, how can you be so sure that should I decide to remarry, the woman who becomes her mother will love her unconditionally? What if she dislikes her or ignores her? I will never be able to tolerate that!” said Peter, a little irritated by his mother’s words.

  “My dear, do you think I will choose such a mother for her? I love her more than anyone else in this world….maybe even more than you! The woman that I’ve chosen to be her mother is a truly loving and compassionate lady with a heart of gold. Rose is sure to blossom under her love and care,” smiled Lady Bryton.

  “Oh! So you’ve already made plans, I see. Mother, why don’t you understand that I shall never be able to love anyone again! I don’t want to ruin somebody’s life, for God’s sake!”

  “Whoever said that you’ll be ruining her life? She’ll be the Duchess of Suffolk AND have a beautiful daughter to adore! What else does a woman want?”

  “Are you implying that all this mystery woman, whoever she is, needs is the title of Duchess and a daughter to love. Oh mother! Don’t you realize that anyone who is after the title is NOT going to love Rose?”

  “Peter, this woman that I am talking about is already from a reputed family. She does not want to marry you for your title, you can be assured,” said his mother calmly.

  “Then why would any sane woman want to marry a widower who is incapable of loving her AND also has a toddler daughter?” asked Peter, exasperated.

  “Because she has always loved you!” came the curt reply.


  “Yes, you’ve heard me right. The lady I am talking about is none other than Amber.”

  “Amber? Amber Wikfield?” asked Peter, shocked.

  His mother nodded.

  “When….how???” Peter didn’t know what to say.

  “When, how….it doesn’t matter. What matters is Amber has agreed to marry you. And you know very well how much she loves and adores Rose, don’t you? And Rose is extremely fond of her too!”

  Peter didn’t know what to say. He had seen Amber playing with Rose innumerable times and felt his chest tighten on more than one occasion thinking that Helena would have done just the same. Amber wanted to marry him? Why?

  Peter was finding it hard to believe that Amber loved him. Why had she never given him any hint? Maybe Mother was wrong. Yes, she was extremely fond of Rose. But him? He wasn’t so sure.

  Chapter Two

  Amber could not believe her ears. Was she actually getting married to the man of her dreams! She had given up all hopes since very long. But now, maybe, just maybe she'll be able to step into her very hearts desire!

  Amber was the daughter of one of the richest men in Suffolk. Her father and Peter's late father, Lord James Bryton were the best of friends. Her family was looked upon as one of the most influential families in the county.

  Amber and Peter had been friends since their childhood. They played together, went on family outings together and even shared the same interests. But as they grew up, Peter was sent abroad to study and this impacted their friendship. Initially, Amber missed him terribly but then she too got busy in her own routine.

  Whenever Peter would come home in holidays, Amber would look for excuses to go to their manor, just to catch a glimpse of him. She didn't know when her childish infatuation blossomed into love. But Peter had never considered her anything more than a good friend. And she had made peace with the fact that he would never be able to love her the way she did.

  When Peter fell in love with Helena and married her, Amber had been truly happy for him. At least one of them had found their true love! And when Helena died during childbirth, Amber had done all she could to help Peter get over the loss. She had looked after Rose as if she were her own daughter.

  Amber absolutely adored Rose. Now, she would be her mother in reality! The mere thought filled her heart with joy.

  Amber heard a light knock on her door.

  "Amber, are you there?" It was her mother.

  "Yes, mother. Please come in."

  "Sweetheart, Lady Bryton has just left. She wants this marriage to take place as soon as possible."


  "I just want to ask you again. Do you really want to marry Peter? I mean, he is a widower with a two year old baby!"

  Amber had refused to marry every eligible bachelor her parents had suggested to her in the past. Many of them had been titled lords with impressive reputation. But she had always found faults in each one of them. When Lady Bryton had come to their home with this marriage proposal, her parents had not been very pleased. But Amber had shocked them by agreeing to marry Peter.

  "I know, mother. In fact, Rose is one of the main reasons why I have agreed to this proposal."

  "Alright, as you wish," sighed Amber's mother. "I just hope you get all the happiness that you deserve," she smiled.

  She kissed Amber on the forehead and got up to leave but turned halfway.

  "Amber, there's another thing I want you to know," she hesitated. "I know you've always been fond of Peter. And maybe this is the reason behind your decision. But you must remember that Lady Helena will always be his first love. You know very well that he stills mourns for her and I doubt he'll ever love someone as deeply as her. Believe me, it is very difficult for a woman to share her husband's love. And it becomes even more difficult when you're competing with a dead
person's memories."

  "I am not going to compete with anyone or anything, mother. I know that Peter still loves Helena and that she will always hold a very special place in his heart. But I want him to come out of the shell that he's built around himself. Maybe, once he comes out of it, he'll start living again. And perhaps, start loving too." Amber wanted to add 'me' to the loving part but then reprimanded herself on her wishful thinking.

  "My child, how I wish what you are saying comes out to be true. I just hope that this turns out to be the best decision of your life."

  "I hope so too mother, I hope so too", thought Amber.

  Amber knew that she would have to try hard to win Peter's heart. But she was determined to succeed. After all, they were childhood friends and knew each other so well.

  Everything would be OK. With that belief and her spirits high, Amber decided to retire for the day.

  Chapter Three

  Lord Peter Bryton and Lady Amber Bryton proceeded towards their manor after a small marriage ceremony at the oldest Chapel in the county. They were received with great love and warmth by the staff at the manor. The Dowager Duchess did not accompany the newlyweds as she had suddenly remembered that she had 'a very important engagement' that evening. She also insisted on keeping Rose for the night.

  When Peter argued that how would she manage Rose AND the important engagement, she sheepishly revealed that her important engagement was with Rose only!

  Peter and Amber had not really seen eye to eye the entire time. There was a strange feeling of shyness and nervousness inside Amber's heart. Peter also was finding it hard to believe that he had actually married Amber, his friend, his confidante. How a simple ceremony had changed their relationships so drastically!

  They both were lost in their own thoughts when they arrived at the manor.


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