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Page 8

by Amarinda Jones

  Argon pulled her against his body and held her as if she was something precious to him.

  “I’m sure the fifth Earl was weak and spineless and people were inclined to believe what they were told to avoid the same fate befalling them,” he told her. “I’m telling the truth Augusta.”

  “Yeah, I know.” She gave a soft sigh of contentment. The responding chuckle Argon gave made her smile. Okay, so he knows I’m not going to fight him…at the moment. She was still unsure where this wildfire love affair would go but giving into need did not mean she was ready to give herself over to Hester’s curse. Free will had to play its part and her will was still wanting to fight the inevitable.

  “I have no powers.”

  “You have more than you know.” Argon tipped her face up to his.

  She licked her lips as she looked at his mouth. The desire to kiss him was overwhelming but desire did not solve her problems. It only complicated them.

  “Sage used to say that I was special, that I had hidden talents.” Augusta had always believed it was just Sage being nice to her and trying to make her feel like she belonged in the crazy Moor world.

  “She was right. The powers you have and need are there waiting for the right time to be used.” Argon ran his fingers over her lips. “I know you have not had the easiest life. You don’t have to be stoic all the time. You can let go and give into what you feel.”

  “I’m scared.” That was the truth and only with this man could she admit it.

  “I know.” His hands went around to stroke her back.

  Augusta looked into his eyes in wonder. “How do you know me also well?”

  “When I look in your eyes, I see myself. You want so much but you’re afraid to give in to what you need.”

  Argon was right. Wanting was one thing, having another. Reality could be scary when you were scared about messing up what you had been given.

  “You’re never scared.” Augusta could not imagine that the strapping man who held her so possessively could ever be frightened.

  “Augusta True, I’m terrified you’ll push me away.”

  “Oh, Argon—”

  “I love it when you say that.” He grinned at her. “I’ll help you with your witch powers.”

  Not only did she have to deal with zombies and a legend but the witch thing as well. Some days were just too hard.

  “I don’t want to be a witch.” She had done pretty well in an okay, boring kind of way up until now without the real knowledge of who she was.

  “You have no choice, Augusta.”

  She sighed tiredly. “That’s the story of my life.”

  “Everyone’s destiny is already chosen when they are born. You are lucky that you had a clearly defined course set for you.”

  “What? A riddle about a dark man and marriage, worlds colliding and saving innocents? That’s a hell of a course.”

  “Well, I grant you its more colorful than most but you can’t run away from it or me.”

  Augusta leaned her forehead against his. “I just want…”


  “To be normal.”

  Argon shook his head at her words. “That’s never going to happen, Augusta. You are one of a kind. You are unique, special. You have a gift.”

  “What? That I can do the Vulcan hand salute?” She lifted her hand and spread in fingers hard in the sci-fi cult classic salute.

  Argon laughed and caught her hand in his, kissing the palm gently.

  “Some stuff is hard to accept but railing against it so bad can have the opposite effect on you.”

  Augusta felt a shiver run down her spine as he kissed her palm again. It was like he was savoring the taste of her.

  “I am not railing.” On the whole she felt she was handling this curse thing pretty well.

  “You did not want me in your life.”

  Yes, that was true but things change and Augusta had to admit she was getting used to Argon being around.

  “Well you weren’t interested in me either.”

  “Until I met you and that changed.”

  “Because of the sex.” Augusta wanted to believe otherwise but at heart she was a realist. Sex changed a lot of things. Her problem right at that moment was confusing sex for love.

  Argon tut-tutted. “No. And you know it.” He linked her hand with his. “Now about the zombies.”

  She had been wondering when the conversation would switch back to the walking dead.

  “I have a job to do.” Why she had to explain her life to him was beyond her. He had no say in her what she did and if she wanted to earn money chasing the smelly, life- challenged that was her call.

  “It’s a bad idea, Augusta.” His tone was stern.

  “I’m not asking for permission, Argon,” she mimicked back to him.

  “You have other things you must do in life.”

  To think a month ago all Augusta had allowed herself to think about was whether the internet bill was paid for the agency and whether Tilly fed her pet goldfish before she went off chasing freaks.

  “I’m not marrying you just because we had sex.” It wasn’t the nineteenth century where people were forced into marry someone just because they were deemed “compromised” for looking sideways at a man.

  “Can’t you see it’s not worth fighting?”

  “Jeez, that’s so romantic.” Augusta rolled her eyes at him cynically.

  “You want romance, Augusta True?”

  Before she could answer she found herself lying naked in a field of wildflowers, the sun gentle on her skin as a light zephyr made the flowers sway.

  “You’re mighty quick at getting me naked.”

  Argon rolled her onto her back and smiled. “You like it.” His hands moved up to touch her breasts.

  Actually, I love it. But there was no way she was telling him that. Argon had too much power over her already.

  “Our being together is important. We have the power to do great good.”

  Oh, he was very good. The warmth of his body on hers was making Augusta have trouble focusing on coming up with rational responses to everything Argon was saying.

  “Haven’t you felt there was something different about you?”

  She fought the urge to wrap her legs around his waist and entice the hard cock against her inner thigh inside her body. Augusta was already wet with need.

  “No. I’m pretty boring.” She pushed her pelvis up against his.

  “Liar.” Argon lifted her legs around his body. “You see and feel things others don’t. You probably have since you were a child.”

  Her hands automatically held onto his shoulders ready for the first hot thrust of his cock inside her.

  “It’s not up to me to save the world.”

  “No but it’s up to us to save the part we have been destined to save.”

  Augusta looked into Argon’s eyes. She loved him. Whether it was right or rational was too hard to say. While lying in a field of wildflowers was wildly romantic, it was not who she was. Her life was caught up in a curse. That she could not control. What she could control was the here and the now with this man. Augusta wanted to be real with Argon.

  “This is—


  “This is sweet but I want more than this.”


  “I want to be with you but I don’t want fantasy. I want reality.” Her eyes locked with hers. “I just want you.” Yes, it was an admission and Augusta could see that hope in his eyes. He really was the sweetest man when he wasn’t being aggravating. “Take me home, Argon.” In the blink of an eye she was in her bedroom on her bed lying in Argon’s arms.

  “Is this better?”

  “Oh, Argon,” she sighed as his mouth attached to one of her nipples and he sucked hard. Her fingers threaded through the dark waves of his hair and held him close to her. Maybe this was wrong. Maybe it was right. Augusta no longer knew what to think. She had spent years fearing Argon’s arrival in her life yet here he was in he
r arms and she feared nothing. She ran her hands down his strong back, feeling the muscles shift and flex at her touch. Augusta wrapped her legs around his body. She was so wet with need that with anyone else she would have been embarrassed.

  “Please,” she murmured.

  “Anything for you, Augusta True,” Argon said as he lifted his head and shifted slightly to wave his hand for a condom to magically appear over his erect penis.

  Augusta giggled. “Think how many men would love to have the ability to do that.”

  “I’m not many men.”

  No, he sure wasn’t. “I think I have worked that out. I never wanted any man until you.” Anyone else would have been a poor second best.

  Argon kissed her hard, a fierce passion and pride in his eyes.

  “You make me feel so good.”

  The thought that anything she did or said made a difference to this man was so important to Augusta. The need to please him, and in turn herself, was paramount. Argon wasn’t so tough behind the immortal front he put up. But then, neither was she.

  “‘Wanna try something different?”

  Argon voice was so low and sexy that she would have tried anything he had suggested at that moment.

  “Yes.” It was the only possible answer.

  “You’re mighty fast to agree, Miss Lawrence.” Though Argon appeared pleased that she had.

  “I know I will enjoy it.” Why lie to him or herself? This was all about mutual pleasure and Augusta wanted that for both herself and him.

  “Excellent. Scoot up to the bed head and get on your knees.”

  Augusta did as requested. The first time he had taken her from behind had been exciting because she had not been able to see, only feel. She clutched the wooden struts of the bed head hoping for the same experience.

  “Spread your knees.” Argon made sure they were wide enough for him to crawl through. He wriggled around until he was on his back, directly below her pussy. Augusta looked down at him. He smiled back at her. “Hello beautiful.”

  She gave into the insane urge to giggle. Where has my boring old life gone? Wherever it is keep it there.

  “Whatcha doing down there?” Two weeks ago a man between her thighs would have been an unknown concept. Now, Augusta could not wait to see and feel what was going to happen next.

  “This.” Argon wrapped his hands around her lower thighs and licked between her legs.

  Augusta shrieked. It was the only possible response.

  “Oh, Argon.” She felt the reverberations of his delight as he chuckled against her flesh. As he slowly and thoroughly licked the pink folds of her pussy, Augusta unconsciously ground her pelvis against his mouth, moving in time with his tongue strokes.

  “I want to come.” For a moment she did not recognize her own voice, it sounded so hot and desperate.

  “Not yet, Augusta True.” Argon lifted one of her legs and removed himself from under her.

  “What? Where are you going?” Surely he wasn’t going to stop now was he? That would kill her. Her fingers went down to touch her swollen, tender clit.

  Argon moved in close behind her and stilled her fingers, placing them on the bedhead and out of the way.

  “Don’t ever think of doing that again. That’s my job.”

  “But—” Augusta stopped as she felt him part her butt cheeks, making her hands slide down lower on the wooden supports as she found herself being bent forward and positioned so her ass was pushed out to him. “Argon I need—” She gasped when what felt like cold gel was squirted into her anus. “Argon?” She felt one finger slide inside her and start moving. “Oh…” This was a totally new sensation. A second finger joined the first and Augusta pushed back against him for more. When a third one was added and his other hand moved to her clit and started stroking, she moaned loudly. “Oh, Argon…” Augusta thought she would explode with pleasure.

  “Do you like that?” He smiled as she nodded wordlessly. “‘Want more?”

  “Yes.” Argon’s fingers slid out of the places that she needed them most. “No…”

  “Patience Augusta True.” Argon positioned the head of his cock where his fingers had been.”

  “Argon?” She queried as he grabbed her hips in both hands. Augusta had a good idea what he was going to do but that was a whole lot of cock to be going into one small area.

  “Relax,” he murmured as he pushed inside her.

  “Is this going to work?” The logistics of it seemed impossible but that did not mean she wanted him to stop. The hot, burning feeling wasn’t painful. It was just slightly uncomfortable as his cock sought entrance into the tight puckered hole. “You’re awfully big you know.”

  Argon leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Thanks for the compliment.”

  Augusta felt the tight muscle inside her give way and he pushed further within.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. This was good. Strange but good.

  “You like?” Argon pushed all the way inside and stopped.

  Augusta felt so full and hot. She pressed back instinctively against him “Are you going to move?” She had the heat, now she needed the friction.

  “I wanted you to get used to me.” Argon kissed her shoulders.

  Augusta giggled at his words. “That never stopped you before.”

  “True,” he responded with a chuckle. “Hang on.” Argon wrapped his arms around her waist and began thrusting.

  The slow, moving sensation was so unusual that Augusta closed her eyes savoring every push and pull of his body against and inside hers. She held on to the bedhead and moaned softly as Argon’s mouth fastened on her neck in a wet, sucking kiss she knew would leave an amazing love bite. But Augusta cared nothing for appearances. This was all about a moment of giving because to do anything less would be beyond either them. When his hand touched her clit, she stiffened.

  “I want you every where.” Augusta dropped her head back against his.

  Argon lifted his mouth, his free hand caressing her breasts. “You are greedy but I adore that.”

  “Adore me some more,” she whispered, grinding her butt into him. “I have hot and hard now I want faster.”

  He chuckled at her words. “You’re very pushy.”

  “I know what I want.” And at that moment she did. Any old fears were gone as the man at her back held her close and loved her slowly and completely.

  “And that is?” He stopped his actions.

  Augusta turned her head to his. “I will only ever be with you.” They both knew that. Argon smiled and kissed her. She sighed and turned around. “Now hurry up or I’ll be forced to act on my own.”

  Argon’s response was to pull out slightly and push back in with determination. “Not on my watch, lady.”

  Augusta panted with excitement at the increased pace. Her body was tingling everywhere. The fast, needy thrust of his cock was so different from the soft kisses she felt on her shoulders. When she came, her cry of delight was strangled with the emotion of the moment. Her knees shook and she had trouble holding on to wooden support.

  “You make me feel so powerful, Augusta True.” He slammed into her until she could barely remain upright as his climax hit. Argon caught the panting woman up into his arms, holding her against his heaving body.

  “You can be powerful with me anytime, beautiful man.” He pulled out from her and twisted them both around until they fell back in an entwined heap on the bed, each trying to catch their breath.

  Every time with Argon was excellent. So much for magazine surveys indicating that lovers could grow bored with each other.

  “What?” Argon saw the whimsical look on her face.

  “I was just thinking about all those magazines that tell you how to make your sex life better.”

  “We don’t need them to give advice. We have love and that’s what makes it work.”

  Sweet, romantic man. She sighed. Romance was one thing but reality was another. In a day she would be thirty. What would happen then?

  “We d
on’t have to marry you know.”

  Argon reached over and tweaked her nose playfully.

  “Augusta, don’t be crazy. We will get married.”

  “Because a curse says so?” That was hardly romantic. And why do I suddenly want romance? After a lifetime without it why do I need it now?

  “Because we love each other.”

  That was why. This man made her want everything she thought she could never have.

  “I know nothing of love.” Reading romance novels didn’t count.

  Argon leaned in and kissed her lips. “I know and I want to teach you.”

  “Yeah, but what about the witch thing?” That was something else she had on her to do list. Fight zombies, deal with curse, lust after the dark man and study witch 101.

  “That I can’t teach you but I know someone who can. Nell.”

  Nell? Amazingly Augusta felt a shot of jealously shoot through her veins.

  “Who’s Nell?” And why do I care if he mentions another woman?

  “Nell is an amazing, smart and beautiful woman.”

  I hate her already. “Really?”

  Chapter Seven

  Argon had to admit he was pleased at Augusta’s reaction. He could feel her body tense up as if awaiting unpleasant news. If only she stopped and thought, Augusta would know that if he really wanted another he would not be in her arms. Argon had loved many women in his life but he would only ever want one for life and that was Augusta. No other could ever compare to her.


  “No,” Augusta responded as she pulled away from him. She sat up and assessed him. “She’s probably some old crone of a wise woman you know.

  Argon watched as she drew her legs up to her body and crossed her arms defensively. He was sorry that Augusta had such a strange childhood as it made it hard for her to deal with love. But I will change that.

  “Yes, if blonde and beautiful means old crone. Relax. Another is for her.” Like Augusta, Nell was not the easiest woman to deal with but at least they had that in common. Poor Gervaise. He had his job cut out with him with Nell.

  “So, she’s a witch?”

  “Yes, and she knows of the curse.” Argon smiled softy as her arms and legs relaxed somewhat at his words.


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