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Page 12

by Amarinda Jones

  Whatever. “Her birthday is tomorrow. That will be the time to strike.” Everything relied on timing if Newton was to get what he wanted and come out of this unscathed.

  “Yes and I suspect after a quick birthday fuck the immortal will be weakened even further.” Andervarle looked pleased with himself.

  “Good, so first thing tomorrow—”

  The tall zombie shook his head. “No, we want to have some fun first.”

  Newton had been all through this was the zombies before. There were to be no “fun” zombie side trips.

  “The Zombie Walk was only meant as the perfect cover for your being in Brisbane in case someone got suspicious.” Newton knew there was at least ten other zombies who traveled with them. They always traveled in packs yet they had the ability to ignore any of their brethren if they required help.

  “Say what you like little Welshman but that many people en masse pretending to be our kith and kin? We cannot pass up that opportunity. We will not.”

  “Kill, kill, kill. Hee, hee, hee,” Warren chortled in a sick parody of glee as he danced around.

  “Really Warren,” Andervarle cuffed him again, “try to control yourself.”

  The smaller zombie stumbled to a halt and hung his head in shame.

  “We’re going to the march because we’re selfish bastards. We want not only the immortal but some would-be-if-they-could-be-zombies.”

  Newton sighed and ran a tired hand through his hair. He had not slept since had had left Wales.

  “As long as I have the woman by four thirty-nine p.m., I don’t care what you do.”

  “What? She turns into a pumpkin after that?” Andervarle laughter was nasty sounding.

  No, I die. The cost of the spell was a deal with a demon. They liked to have fun at a mortal’s expense.

  “You have until four thirty-nine p.m. to take her powers and serve us or we send the Hounds of Hell for you,” the demon had told him.

  “Why that specific time?” Newton wanted the spell and he knew he had little chance to gain it quickly by other means.

  “It amuses us.”

  “I will do it.” The minute he said those words the spell had become his and his life hung in the balance.

  “I care neither way. One soul is the same as another.”

  “Tomorrow we must do this,” Newton told the two zombies. Everything rode on Augusta’s birthday.

  Chapter Ten

  Augusta opened her eyes and looked at her beside clock. It was seven o’clock in the morning, the sun was shining, birds twittered outside her window and Argon’s hot, naked body was pressed up against hers.

  “I’m thirty.” The day she had dreaded for so long was finally here. “Bugger.”

  “Happy birthday, Augusta True.” Argon moved in and kissed her in a slow, leisurely way as if savoring the moment. “What is it?” He asked as he broke off the kiss. “You’re pulling a face and I have to tell you that does nothing for my ego.”

  Men. “Your ego could not be dented with a sledge hammer, mister.” Augusta liked his cocky attitude. It was all male and wantable. “It’s just that “I don’t feel any different.” She was supposed to be a witch descended from a long line of witches. Shouldn’t I feel something? Anything?

  “Did you expect to?”

  “Well yeah, you know the whole worlds colliding thing, mixed with the havoc and danger stuff.” That curse had been engraved on her memory since she was sixteen. It was not like Augusta could forget what was supposed to happen.

  “Our worlds have collided.”

  Augusta shook her head. “It can’t be that simple.” Nothing ever was and why put a perfectly good curse out there with all the tough bits in it and then let it all fall to pieces? It was like Rhett walking out on Scarlett. You knew there had to be more than him being slightly miffed.

  “You haven’t exactly made it easy for me if that makes you any feel better.” Argon rolled on top of her, lying in between her thighs. “Do you want your birthday present now?”

  “I think I know what it is.” His cock was pressing into her inner thigh. They had not had sex last night when they had fallen into bed together. They had had merely gone to sleep in each others arms. Well, Augusta had slept but immortal beings did not sleep. She wasn’t real sure what they did. “What do you do if you don’t sleep?”

  “I watched you.” Argon kissed her nose playfully. “You’re gorgeous.”

  The man was blinded by love and she liked it. Augusta reached for her glasses on the bedside table, knowing that wouldn’t have taken six hours to do. “And?”

  “And thought about us.” In particular whether to tell Augusta the truth of their marriage or not. Did he wait to see what happened or plan a life with her regardless, curse be damned? That was as soon as she got over the shock of the marriage, of course. Not for one moment did Argon think Augusta would take that news calmly. He picked up her left hand and looked at the ring. Cardissan legend had it that only the true owner of the ring could make it sparkle as fiercely as it did on Augusta’s ring finger.

  “You okay?” she asked with concern.

  “Perfect.” He kissed her hand and thought about the day ahead of them. It held an unknown quality. A feeling something was going to happen but he was not sure what. It was unusual for Argon not to have some inkling of what lay ahead but his powers, when with Augusta, were not as strong as they normally were. Immortals were always weakened by love. But he did not mind. Argon planned to give up his immorality for Augusta once he knew all danger had passed. He was tired of being alive forever without really living a full life. Being in love with Augusta was worth giving up any powers he had. Argon pulled back the sheet and looked at her bare body hungrily. How did I ever live without this woman? She has given me everything I could ever want. Please God give me the ability to make her feel happy and safe.

  “Should we be doing this?”

  “What?” Argon’s hand went to her breast. He could feel her heart pounding with excitement. Her energy matched his.

  “Going to have sex.” Augusta squirmed beneath him.

  “Why would you think that was my gift to you?” He grinned down at her, amused at her cynical eye roll.

  “Because there is a big, hard pointy thing between my legs.” Her hands went up to his shoulders. “What’s it doing there?”

  “Just resting, seeking shelter.” The kind that only Augusta could provide. “Do you want your birthday present now?” He had something special to give her that he knew she wanted.

  “Is that it?” Augusta looked at his upright cock.

  “One of many.”

  “There’s no bow on it so it’s not a real present.”

  Argon waved his hand and a red ribbon appeared tied on a jaunty angle at the base of his shaft. Augusta burst out laughing. The sound of it made him smile with happiness. He would do anything to make her happy.

  “‘Want to unwrap it?” Argon sat back on his haunches so his be-ribboned erection was presented to her.

  Augusta licked her lips in anticipation. “Yes please.” As she sat up to untie the ribbon, she stopped.

  “Do I make a wish?” What was the etiquette of wishing on a cock? Was it the same as a candle. Both were hot.

  “Anything you want.” He watched as she closed her eyes and whispered her wish to the heavens. “What did you wish for?”

  You and me forever.

  “It won’t come true if I tell you.” A wish begging the universe to keep Argon by her side was a big ask and it was crazy to believe it could come true. She climbed onto Argon’s lap and started on the bow, her fingers teasing his firm flesh as the ribbon slowly came undone. The thought of having all the hardness ensconced within her once more was an excellent birthday present.

  “You’re trying to kill me aren’t you?” Argon groaned as pulled her further onto his lap. His eyes shone with delight. “You’re wet.”

  And she wasn’t the slightest bit embarrassed because her need for him was too hard t
o hide. The curls between her legs were drenched due to need.

  “I always am with you. Will it always be like this for us?” God, I hope so.

  “Yes, because we love each other.”

  “Argon, powerful immortal felled by love.”

  “Yes, ma’am and I do not regret it one bit.” He urged her forward. “Now are you going to accept my present to not?”

  “Slap a birthday condom on it and you bet.” Augusta burst out laughing as a bright neon purple condom appeared over the length of his penis. She lifted up and on top of his cock, sliding down the length of it her eyes never leaving his. “I love purple and I love you.”

  “Now that is a gift I will treasure.” His lips met hers in a hot, demanding kiss.

  Augusta rode Argon slow and deep, never once letting their flesh part. She wanted to have the feel of him against her imprinted on her body forever. That memory would be the best birthday present ever. She ran her hands up and down his strong back feeling the muscles. The taste and texture of his body fascinated Augusta. She planned on turning him over later and licking each muscle slowly in turn. Argon gave her the freedom to do that. It was a gift she was going to give herself. But for now, she was more than happy to make love to his mouth, their tongues teasing and twisting together as they kissed.

  “Whatever you want, I will do.” Argon’s fingers ran in light, teasing circles around her nipples.

  Augusta sighed. “I have some ideas.”

  “Excellent.” Argon looked at her in confusion as she started to lift from his body.

  She felt the immediate loss of heat as his cock slid from her. But she needed more. Being in control was one thing. Having another take control and take her was another. “I want something harder.”

  “I cannot get any harder, Augusta.” Argon’s hands reached out to her.

  She giggled at the affronted male pride in his voice. “I know that.” Augusta moved so her butt was facing him. “This is what I want and now.” She spread her legs in wide invitation.

  “Yes ma’am.” Argon moved quickly to do her bidding.

  As his cock slid into her from behind, Augusta sighed. This was what she needed. His hands on her hips, controlling the motion and her not being able to do anything but enjoy the moment. “Thank you.” She settled into the fast, hot pace.

  “No, thank you.” Argon’s arms wrapped around her waist, his hips thrusting and his tongue tickling her back.

  Augusta squirmed at the competing sensations— one playful, the other intense. “You know I am going to want this every birthday.” She stiffened as she realized what she had said. Argon for life? When had she come to accept that as a given?

  He stopped and leaned, kissing her cheek tenderly. “That’s a promise.”

  The warm breath against her ear made her shiver. “Hurry up.”

  Argon still did not move. “Eager to come, Augusta True?”

  “On the edge.” She wiggled her butt against him.

  He laughed. “Well, I cannot leave my woman there.” Argon pulled almost all the way out of her wet core then rammed back in making Augusta jump and shriek.

  Oh yes, she was his as much as he was hers. There was no point fighting it. She gave in to the wild heat that tore through her body at every cock-stroke within her. Augusta could feel the length of him right into her stomach and it was triggering the most delicious sensations within her. The intensity of the orgasm when it caught at her made her fall face first into the bedding, screaming as she came.

  “Good present?” Argon murmured in her ear.

  “The best.” The words were muffled by the blankets as she tried to catch her breath.

  “I can see I am going to have to stock up on purple condoms if this is the result.” Argon continued to pump into her body until he came moments later. He fell forward over her, his weight on his elbows.

  “Purple, pink, orange, as long as it’s you, the color is irrelevant.” Augusta welcomed the heat of his sated body on hers. “Thank you for finding me.”

  * * * * *

  An hour later, though, she wasn’t so thankful. Argon had left on “business”. He had not been forthcoming on what sort of business and would not be pushed into disclosing it. Augusta had been slightly peeved that he had left her on her birthday. While it was true most birthdays had just been her and Tilly, this year was important. This year she had Argon. Augusta stopped in her tracks and thought about that. She went from worrying about the implications of turning thirty to concentrating on the fact that she had Argon in her life. Whatever happened with the curse happened. There was not much she could do about that other than try to protect those she loved. And Argon was one of them. She had gone from having no one to having someone and she was very close to becoming all gooey over the man.

  “If I haven’t already,” she murmured to herself as heard the doorbell ring. She was still wobbly kneed after her “birthday present” this morning. She opened her front door and found Newton holding a bunch of flowers and grinning at her. This is wrong, so very wrong. What is he up to? Augusta could not reconcile the sweet, helpful man from the emails to this man. Although he appeared pleasant, she had the feeling something was not as it should be.

  “Happy birthday, Rowdy.” Newton handed her the flowers and leant in to kiss her.

  Augusta avoided the kiss with skilful step to the left as she accepted the flowers.

  “Thank you.” Now what do you want?

  If he was upset about the overly polite greeting, Newton did not show it.

  “How do you feel?” he asked in the same carefully polite tones Augusta was using.

  The man was once again looking at her as if she was a science experiment. What do you know that I don’t? What caused you to haul your ass from Wales to be here? Augusta wanted to ask him flat out but she knew she would not get the answer she sought. There was a cloak of evasiveness over the Welshman.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you’re now the big three-oh.”

  His friendly, overly jovial smile did nothing to ally her thoughts about him.

  “The same as yesterday.” She looked at the flowers. Perfect roses. Perfect to the point of falseness like the man before her. Augusta wished Tilly was there as she would have handled Newton in typical kick-ass Tilly Moor style. She sent a silent, selfish plea for her best friend to come to her. It had worked with Argon and although the connection was different, she and Tilly had a deep bond of friendship.

  “No different?”

  “No. Why?” It had never occurred to Augusta that this man had been friends with her for a reason. But then she had been a desperate sixteen year old when he had come into her life. Newton had also been a teenager. Back then he seemed to care. Now Augusta was wondering exactly when that caring had turned to self interest.

  “I thought—”


  “Maybe you felt something different inside you when you awoke this morning.”

  Augusta thought back to the hot cock that had been inside her earlier. Every time with Argon was a little bit different but she was fairly sure this was not what Newton meant.

  “Why are you suddenly here, Newton? What is it you hope to gain?” Augusta was tired of pussyfooting around the topic. Time to channel Tilly Moor sentiments.

  Newton sighed angrily as if whatever point he was trying to make was lost. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. He looked at her then the paper.

  “Spiritueux des morts—”

  “Anyone home?” Nell interrupted Newton’s words. She looked him up and down, seemingly not impressed by what she saw. Her contempt was thinly hidden as they were introduced. “What’s that you have there? A birthday poem? Starting off with ‘spirits of the dead’? I hope it gets more cheery from there.”

  “No.” Newton stuffed the paper back into his pocket.

  “Welsh huh?”

  Augusta stood and watched in fascination. Nell made no attempt to be friendly.
  “Ah, yes—”

  “Cadwalder? Was that your surname?”

  “Yes it is.” There was a slight hesitation in Newton’s voice like he was uncomfortable with the blonde woman and her questions.

  “Any relation to Ranuld Cadwalder the Evil who betrayed his whole village and allowed everyone to die so he could gain land from the English?”

  Nell said the words so pleasantly that Augusta had to control the smile that came to her face. What did she know about him? And why was Newton so on edge?

  “I, er, believe that’s a fable.”

  “That’s written in your history books,” Nell pressed on.

  Newton turned to look at Augusta.

  “I should go. But I will be back to talk to you soon, Rowdy.” He left without further farewell.


  “It’s a nickname.” Augusta pushed her glasses up her nose, knowing she was the least ‘rowdy’ person there was.

  Nell assessed the woman beside her.

  “Yeah I can see that. You hide a rowdy spirit and don’t tell me you don’t. Everyone has stuff they hide.”

  “Do you?” Nell appeared outwardly confident but she suspected like her best friend Tilly, much of it was a front. But then who was Augusta to judge? She had been hiding herself away for years.

  “I’m not here to talk about me,” Nell responded with an enigmatic smile. “This is all about you.” She turned and looked at the door. “The Welshman is trouble.”

  Augusta nodded her head. “You feel it too?”

  “We have to keep you away from him.”

  Nell’s blue eyes were intense on hers. Augusta knew this was than just a personality clash between her and Newton.


  “He is a usurper.”

  “A what?” Augusta had been hoping for something a little less vague but then her life had always been vague so why would that change now?

  “Cadwalder’s kind hunts for power. You have it and he wants it.”

  Augusta threw her hands up in the air in confusion.

  “What power? I have none or if I do I have yet to see it.”

  Nell reached over and touched her shoulder.


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