The Warriors Path
Page 68
General Rong frowned as he considered. “If so much is to be gained with the gift why is it of no value to Zanwen? Why give you such a valuable gift for nought in return?”
Guang leaned back smiling in appreciation. “For maximum effect the gift must be presented by the aggrieved party, House Guang. As to Master Zanwen, I believe I may have initially been overconfident in assuming he acts for the palace when he most obviously doesn’t having foiled their plot against us. In which case, his greatest strength is in his anonymity and he maintains this through using us.” Master Guang gave a slow and appreciative smile. “As for nought in return; does honour not require some similar sacrifice or obligation in the future on our part? There were many messages conveyed but not spoken by that remarkable young woman. We guard your northern border but represent no threat to House Guang, we are self-sufficient but accept your aid, we are a dangerous enemy but powerful ally, and we are small enough not to be noticed but not weak.” Guang nodded in appreciation. “Master Zanwen is a player of the Great Game and would be a formidable opponent. It is perhaps as well he has chosen to be our ally.”
General Rong considered for a moment. “Forgive me Master Guang, but if the man is such a skilled player may we not be in some larger game not yet apparent? Can you trust such an astute political intriguer when we do not know what his own ambitions are?”
Guang turned to his General speculatively. “You have met them all General Rong. Do you trust Master Zanwen, this Zun? Do you trust this Lady Shushan?”
Rong considered carefully but only needed a moment to reply with absolute confidence. “These are honourable people. A bond is born on the battlefield that is strong enough to survive throughout one’s life. Yes, I would trust them.”
Guang nodded not surprised at the answer. “Another message perhaps? Within a House there is absolute trust, while between Houses there is none and the emperor plays us one off against the other to keep us in our place. We know it and yet the Great Houses allow ourselves to be manipulated by him. But perhaps the winds of change begin to stir.”
Guang gave a small laugh, though with a cold humour. “I think the game set in play by the empress, which she believes is finished, has only just begun.”