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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

Page 74

by Rose Francis

  “I know,” he said, looking jovial and friendly despite his imposing stature. With his tender stroking of her hair, he leaned down. “That’s why I want you both. All to myself. Forever more.” He slowly broke into a big grin, though he wasn’t joking. Not really.

  “If only I could convince you two to come be mine.”

  “I go where she goes,” she admitted, the prior bickering between the two obviously a passed storm, at least in her mind. “She’s the boss.” She squeezed his thighs, looking so vulnerable between them. He could feel her heart racing through her palms.

  Squeezing his thick arms about her, he crouched down a bit, bringing him nearer to her eye level. Meeting her eyes with his own piercing, dark gaze, he touched a hand to her chin. “I love you. The both of you. Y’know that? But I can’t stay here. Bein’ a farmer or some shit. If only I could convince Tia... I’d take you both away and treat you both as princesses.”

  He leaned in, hovering just a fraction of an inch from her lips for a moment, before closing the gap and kissing her softly.

  He could feel her lips tremble against his, and her hands squeezed tighter. Her lips were so soft and yielding against his, unlike the anger and hunger of the cultist he’d just bedded. Her lashes fluttered downwards and her head tilted just slightly, an exhale crossing his lips before she pulled back.

  “I’ll talk to her,” she murmured softly, squeezing his thighs once more. “But we should go apologize. Well, I should.”

  He gave her a big, pleasant smile, said, “Perfect,” and gave her cheek a gentle stroke. “You’re beautiful, Faith. Maybe together we’ll talk some sense into your sister, and all live happily ever after, huh?”

  “Doubtful,” she admitted, though she seemed a bit begrudging about that as she stood herself up again. “She really likes you, ya know. Always talkin’ about you. Drives me nuts.”

  She dusted the dirt off her knees, waiting for him to join her before starting the short walk back.

  Keeping an arm around her, he joined her, walking on back toward Tia’s place, side by side. “Yeah, Tia’s as stubborn as the two of us put together,” he declared. “But the three of us belong together somehow, I believe.” And he rubbed her back and spine gently.

  “Might be right. I dunno, way things goin’ around here,” she sighed, her head hanging despondently. “Fuck, even Will’s off and disappeared. No one’s heard from him or his stupid sister.”

  With a reassuring squeeze, he asserted, “Talk some sense into your sister. Careful like. Then I’ll take care of the both of you.” Leaning over, he whispered to her quietly, “I got some old-world shit that’d blow your fuckin’ mind, Faith,” and flashed her a wink.

  She laughed, though the sound was half-hearted as she knocked on Tia’s door, waiting patiently for an answer.

  “Like what?”

  Letting the moment hang a while, he responded casually, though a bit coyly, “Oh, how long’s it been since you seen a movie, Faith?”

  She blinked, taken a bit aback before the door pulled open, and a freshly changed Tia stood behind it, looking more vibrant and refreshed. “Hey. I was wonderin’ when you two would get back. Took ya long enough. You get supper?”

  Her mood was restored to normal, and Faith was in her arms instantly, muttering her profuse apologies. Tia hugged her back, looking down on her with surprise, glancing to Leon. “You make her feel bad for earlier?”

  With a confident, cocky smile, he gave Tia a secretive nod and wink behind Faith’s back then responded, “I think it tears the girl up enough on her own, without my help. Never seen someone so stuck on another human being before that weren’t at one time attached by a flesh-and-blood cord.”

  Tia laughed, kissing the crown of Faith’s head. “Stop that now. You know I’m always going to love you,” she soothed, moving the girl inside. “You eat?” She glanced to Leon, grabbing Faith some water.

  With a shake of his head, he stepped on in, pulling his sleeves up over his arms. “Nope. Never had a chance,” he admitted, brushing by Tia with a warm touch.

  She smiled at him, leaning toward his touch before whispering to him. “Do I owe you an apology?” she purred.

  Faith smiled, backing away from the two and plopping down in a chair at the storefront desk. “He was just tellin’ me he has movies, Tia. Back at his place.”

  He gave a big, cocky grin and kissed Tia on the forehead. “Would never hurt if done right. And yes, I do,” he stated, arm about Tia, hand squeezing her hip and tugging her against him.

  She smiled, resting her head against his chest. Her aggravation and hurt from earlier was gone, and her new outfit was far more casual; a simple nightgown that clung to her form, ending just below her ass. It was a pure white that contrasted nicely against her brown flesh. “We’ll see what I can do about that, then.”

  Faith piped up, “What type of movies?”

  “Anything here we can grab to eat?” he asked, rubbing his hand up and down Tia’s side. “And what type? You kiddin’, girl.” He laughed, acting as if she were crazy. “You’re talking to the best scavver in the known world. I’ve got it all. And if I don’t got it, I’ll get it,” he declared confidently, puffing his broad chest out.

  “Well, I know a certain scavver that brought me in a ton of canned goods, but I’m betting he wants something a little closer to home. You two stay put, I’ll grab some stuff from the fire. Maybe... Faith, did you want to wake up our guest? See if he’d like something? I bet a home-cooked meal will perk him right up.”

  Faith nodded, taking another drink of her water. “Yeah, sure,” she muttered, pushing the glass away and heading toward the stairs.

  Leon watched the two women split up on their duties and moved over to the counter, taking the seat Faith so recently occupied. He took a drink of the water there and waited. He’d had an eventful stay so far, and the night wasn’t even out.

  It wasn’t long before they reconvened, giving him just enough time to catch his thoughts. Faith pranced down the stairs, leaning against the desk casually. “He said he’ll come down when it’s ready. But that he don’t have any clothes.”

  Tia entered just then, looking at Faith curiously. “Who? Oh.” She put a pot on top of the desk. “Fuck, forgot about that. Well, I’m sure we can rummage somethin’ decent up.”

  Twisting the glass about, Leon remarked casually, “He was small enough. He could probably fit in either of your things.” There was no ridicule there, though he did find the notion interesting.

  “Adorable.” Tia smirked, bustling about to set the table. “But for some reason I don’t think he’d like something like this.” She motioned to her chemise, teasing. “Faith, go check the other bedroom. Joseph might have left something last time he stayed.”

  Faith sighed, but there was a flash of love in her eyes as she trotted back up the stairs.

  Leon got up and moved to the table, seating himself and smiling at Tia. “You’re lookin’ lovely as ever,” he remarked, reclining back in his seat, the wooden chair groaning beneath his muscle weight.

  She smiled, placing a plate and a glass in front of him. “Thanks,” she purred, inhaling deeply. “Are you still stayin’ the night? I mean... there’s still the extra room if...” She trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

  With a pleasant smile, he stated, “Would love to, Tia. And as for what room, well... you know my feelin’s. Wherever you want to put me is where I’ll stay.” He gave her a soft, but knowing smile. He had his jollies twice today, but would never turn down an opportunity for a third. Especially after so long without. Besides, it was Tia. She was different.

  “You know what I want. Never changes, even when I want it to.” She pursed her lips to the side. Faith seemed to have the good sense to stay gone a little longer than required, leaving the two to talk in semi-privacy.

  Leaning forward in his seat, he reached out for her, taking hold of her wrist and hand in his, “Then I’ll be stayin’ right beside you.” He gave a warm,
desiring gaze. “I’d spend more nights like it if it were up to me.”

  “Me too.” She leaned in, kissing his forehead. Apparently this cued Faith’s re-emergence with the stranger right in tow, looking sleepy and yet somehow freshened. He smiled, and his entire face lit up.

  “Look who decided to join us,” Faith announced, glancing back at the attractive, young man. “Says his name is Christian.” He pursed his full lips before smiling, good-naturedly. “Aw, she stole my line.”

  Leon gave a hearty chuckle and turned, eying the man openly. “Get used to her stealing something from you, whether it’s your breath or your line.” Standing up then he extended his hand to the much smaller man, “Leon, pleasure to meet you, Christian. Right and proper this time.”

  His shake was delicate, but his smile was not. It was all full lips and moon eyes before he forced his face away from the taller man. “Right and proper,” he agreed, a bit bashful. “I guess I owe you a thanks.” His eyes lingered on Leon’s, hidden meaning passing behind them for a brief flash before he looked past him to Tia. “Both of you.”

  Tia nodded politely, finishing serving up the thick meat and vegetables. “Yea, yea, don’t worry about it! Just sit down and enjoy your meal while it’s hot and fresh.”

  Leon looked down to the other man’s small, tan hand in his own large, dark mitt then released it, guiding him to the table before he took a seat. “Looks damn good, Tia,” he said enthusiastically, being quite hungry at this point.

  Digging in, he began to speak to the other man again. “And you’ll want to save the bulk of your thanks for Tia here,” he said, hooking his thumb in her direction. “I’m only a very honoured and fortunate guest, I’m afraid. She’s the one you’ll need to suck up to.” And he winked to Christian.

  Tia laughed, shaking her head. “No need to suck up. None at all.” She smiled at both of the men, her expression changing to each.

  Faith settled in, smiling at Tia pleasantly. “She’s the best. Really.” She looked to Christian. “She’s been takin’ care of me for over two years now and never complains about it. She probably should,” she admitted, and Christian laughed.

  “Well, I’m sure that’s not true, miss,” he responded in his light, airy voice, sitting between Tia and Leon, across from Faith. “Do you all... pray or…?”

  Tia’s lips curled into a smirk and she shook her head. “Not ’less it would make you more comfortable.”

  Leon, meanwhile, was already eating the thick stew and paid no heed. “Why pray when I’m already in heaven?” he said and gave Tia a big, appreciative smile and a rub of his stomach, looking more than satisfied with the meal.

  She hadn’t cooked it, but she looked pleased he was enjoying it regardless. Christian shook his head. “Nope, just wanted to be respectful,” he assured her before helping himself.

  They ate in relative silence, having had such a long day, and it already being so late. By the time they were done, the sounds outside had faded and the lights had begun to dim in the other houses. Tia looked between her three house guests and stood. “Well, you’re all welcome to go get settled, if you wanted. I don’t know if you wanted to sleep again, Christian, but it might be good to try to get your body used to normal hours.”

  He shrugged giving a little nod. “Yea, ’spose. It’s a bit of a novelty being safe indoors during the night now, I gotta confess.”

  Leon gave a hearty chuckle. “You stumbled upon the right place to go to then. Hard to get luckier in stumbling upon a camp of fine people in this day and age,” he remarked, casually studying the other man a while.

  “A lot of ’em would as soon dump you further afield than take you in and look after you,” he remarked, with more than a little truth to his words.

  “Yea,” Christian agreed, looking a bit sullen, his face contorting. He had existed outside of the camp for a long time, somehow. It was hard to believe such a tender-looking individual managed out there for any length of time, especially on their own.

  Tia cleared away the dishes, speaking loud enough for the three of them to hear. “Well, you all get settled. I’m going to go tell the doctor what’s happened and that you’re alright. I’m sure she’d be worried.”

  Leon looked to Tia and smiled. “Never stops, does it?”

  Rising up, he stretched. “I hear you got a clothes shortage problem Christian. I’d lend you some of mine, but... y’know, I assume you want to wear clothes. Not swim in them.”

  “Heh, yea.” He looked over Leon’s form, brushing his hand through his blonde hair. It was much more golden now that it was dried and free of dirt, though it still hadn’t seen a brush. “Only had the clothes I came in with and they’re pretty much disintegrated.”

  “He’s a scavver, though!” Faith piped up. “Maybe he could find you somethin’ when he goes out next.” Tia laughed as she walked out the door. “Yea, give him an excuse to get back fast,” she purred, shutting it behind her.

  Leon gave a big, hearty chuckle. “Yeah, I could do that.” He rubbed his chin, sizing up the man in an exaggerated fashion. “Though my services don’t come free, of course. Always a trade to make. And you might not like my taste in style for ya.” He reached out and gave Christian a gentle squeeze of the shoulder. “You let me know what sizes you take and I’ll keep an eye out for ya.”

  There was something there, hidden behind Christian’s calm façade, that told Leon he knew well about making trades and deals. Faith was studying the two men, and leaned forward from her seat. “He doesn’t have nothin’, Leon. I’m sure we’ll get some stuff for you. Make it all fair. We always do, right?”

  Leon gave another one of his friendly, warm chuckles and leaned over, kissing Faith’s forehead as he kept his hand on the man’s shoulder. “He can owe me, how’s that sound?” Pulling up, he said, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta freshen up.” He head on to the washroom.

  Chapter 9

  The closest one was just down the hall across from the kitchen, containing a large mirror, sink, and toilet. It was a wonder they had running water in these parts. Still, it was a pleasure. The candle instantly sparked his memory of earlier, and it glowed over his face in an eerie manner.

  Leon went to freshen up. He’d had a long trek and been with two women. Before he spent the night with Tia, he wanted to take care of a few things. A few minutes passed before there was the lightest sound, almost like a scratching, at the door. He’d had enough time to take care of it mostly when he heard the sound however, and opened the door pretty promptly. “Almost done,” he said in a quiet voice.

  It was Christian, looking kind of lost. His voice was a whisper—“She’s gone upstairs”—before he attempted to move into the room as well.

  Leon was a little surprised, but he took it as he took all things. Stepping aside, he let the man in, looking him up and down casually as he set the door nearly shut. “Somethin’ on your mind?” he asked quietly.

  Christian looked suddenly confused, though it was harder to tell in the muted light, and his hand went to his hair, pushing it back nervously. “Ah... I thought...” he murmured, taking a step back, as though to leave, a small laugh coming from him. “Shoulda known better.”

  Pushing the door shut the final click, Leon rested back against the sink. “Hey, it’s okay.” He gave a light smile, looking the man in the eyes. “Don’t worry. I ain’t as mean as I look. At least, not around these people,” he added with a wry grin, leaning forward a bit.

  The bathroom was so small, and they were so close together. Christian licked over his lips, though his throat was still dry, causing his voice to come out with a bit more of a masculine husk than usual. “Just... you know, wanted to thank you and see... you know, about the clothes...” He trailed off, obviously nervous around the other man.

  Leon reached out, rubbing his strong hand along Christian’s shoulder and bicep. “Of course. I don’t normally make special trips for stuff unless someone’s a close friend, or offerin’ a lot, but what do you have i
n mind, huh? And don’t be shy. After you get asked to go fish someone up a dildo, or a whip, you stop givin’ a damn about embarrassing requests.”

  Christian's eyes widened, and he shook his head slightly. “Oh no, nothin’ like that. Just some clothes. Somethin’ I can wear around, I don’t even really care what at this point. I just want something that’s mine,” he whispered, still trying to keep his voice low, despite the dryness. ”But we’re not friends, and I don’t expect charity. I figured... you know, that’s why you removed yourself,” he admitted with a flush.

  “You do what you gotta do, I understand that. It’d be a more than fair trade too, I reckon,” Leon smiled warmly, giving the man an obvious once-over to indicate what he meant. “But I don’t barter for sex. Not up straight like that,” he said calmly and plainly, then shrugged his shoulders. “I look out for the folk I sleep with, but that’s not a trade as I see it.”

  “Oh, and I don’t go scavvin’ for just any ol’ clothes,” he said with mock indignation. “I’m the finest scavenger around. If I’m going to bring you clothes, you damn well better have something special in mind. Elsewise, ask any old fool to grab you some.” He gave a warm, friendly look. “But like I said, I could see what I can do, and if you don’t have anything to trade, well... you’ll owe me.”

  Christian’s hand went around the back of his head, face downcast. Despite the other man’s calm demeanour, it was obvious that there was some shame or bruised pride lingering there. He leaned back against the door, taking in a deep breath. “Thanks.” He returned his blue eyes to Leon’s, studying him. “I guess you’re staying the night, then?”

  Leon nodded to him then stepped over, practically putting his arms around the man as he reached for the door. Pausing there, he brought his free hand up and traced a finger along the man’s jawline, speaking to him up close, so that his low voice could be felt as well as heard. “And for the record, I ain’t sayin’ I’m not interested.”


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