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Ridin' Nerdy

Page 6

by Annelise Reynolds

  “You did all this?” I looked around in awe. It was stunning; something straight out of a magazine.

  “Most all of it. I let professionals put in the plumbing and electrical work. The counters were put in professionally, but I did the tile work, the painting, and the picking everything out.” He shrugged like it was nothing.

  “It’s incredible. Where do you find the time?”

  “Sadly, I don’t anymore. That’s why so much of the house is still undone. I may just have to hire the work out and give up on doing it myself.”

  “It’s a beautiful home. How close to the lake are you?”

  He took my hand and pulled me to the living room. When he flipped on the lights, I saw the lake was right in his backyard. There was a small dock that went out over the water, and off to the side a large shed that looked brand new and matched the colors of the house.

  “This is gorgeous.”

  “Yeah, I got lucky the owners didn’t take care of it and it went into foreclosure.”

  “After you fix it all up, are you planning to live in it or sell it?”

  “Well, my original plan was to live in it. My grandpa taught me how to fish on this lake, and many memories were made at Lake Side Park, but since Mom’s accident, I haven’t done anything with it.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I was hesitant to go here, but I really wanted to know the answer.


  “What’s up with your dad?”

  The hard look on his face, the clenched jaw, and the anger barely banked in his eyes said it was bad and Will didn’t look ready to forgive his Dad for whatever it was he had done.

  “The night of my mother’s accident when she was pinned beneath her fucking car, my dad was busy pinning down another woman. He should have been home. Mom was only out because she was driving to take him dinner at work because he was staying late, again. She felt bad for him, so she’d taken him something special for dinner. Instead, she found him going at it with another woman on a conference table.”

  Anger was rolling off him in waves. It was palpable. “And she’s still with him?” I asked, trying to soothe, but not really knowing how I could.

  “Yeah. I don’t know if she’s with him because she’s blind or because she truly forgave him. All I know is that after the accident I moved into the garage apartment. I couldn’t live in the house with him, but I didn’t want to be too far from Mom while she was going through everything.” His jaw was clenched, and he growled low in his throat. His fingers raked through his hair. “Can you fucking imagine? One of the last things she was ever able to see was her husband on top of another woman.”

  “No, I can’t imagine.”

  “I hate cheaters, and I hate liars. It’s why I never should have touched you.”

  I stepped away from him. “What the hell? I’ve never lied to you.”

  “I wasn’t talking about you, Leah. If you are smart, you will get as far away from me as possible.”

  “You’re calling yourself a liar and a cheater? Why?”

  “A liar, not a cheater, and I can’t tell you why. All I can tell you, is that this,” he motioned between us, “this will end badly. You will hate me in the end, and I wouldn’t blame you a bit.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I listened to the sound of the garage door going up, and forced myself to stay where I was. Every fiber of my being wanted me to go after her and tell her everything, but I couldn’t. I heard her bike start up, and I prayed that she made it home safe with the confusion and disappointment I saw written on her face.

  Tomorrow, I’d show up to the gym and most likely have my ass escorted out at the least, or at worst getting it kicked before being thrown out. It all depended on Leah and what she did with what happened here tonight.

  I went to the garage and hopped back on my bike. She was upset, and riding. I’d have been concerned about her driving a car; on a bike, I had to make sure she made it home safely. She was just off the main road when I caught sight of her. I knew she wouldn’t appreciate me pulling up beside her, so I followed behind.

  Her raised middle finger I knew was directed at me, but it had the opposite effect than she intended. Leah wasn’t lying when she said that sex was just sex. I had no doubt that she was fine with walking away without a second thought. She didn’t need anyone.

  I followed her to her apartment building and watched as she got off her bike and headed in. She looked over her shoulder in my direction; her expression was flat and waiting. I turned my bike onto the road and drove past her small complex. She at least made it home safely; at least I could breathe a little easier knowing that.

  I spent the ride back to my house thinking about ways I could have handled her differently, and the truth of the matter was, I should have stayed the fuck away from her. I regretted the kiss; I regretted ever touching her. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken her to meet my mother, but when she found out everything I hoped that she would understand why.

  When I got back to the house, I went straight out the back door to the dock. It was late. The ink black sky and lack of light around the lake made it private. Yeah, I had neighbors, but I didn’t really give a shit. I stripped to my boxers and jumped into the lake. I swam to the buoy and back until my arms felt like noodles. They burned on the last lap, but I pushed through it.

  Water dripped from my body as I pulled myself back onto the dock and picked up my clothes.

  “Will, is that you out there?” Inwardly I groaned at the sound of her voice. Unfortunately, you can’t choose your neighbors, and the divorced cougar next door had her eyes on me.

  “Hi, Ms. Jackson,” I said, pulling my shirt over my head quickly, and stepping into my jeans with my body and boxers still soaked, which wasn’t an easy task.

  “You aren’t normally here during the week. How are you?” I heard more than I saw her come onto the dock.

  “Just wanted to check on the house, maybe get something done.”

  “When will it be finished enough for you to move in?” Her voice was low and throaty, she was basically purring at me.

  I shoved my dick in my pants and buttoned them before she got any closer. Part of me wondered if she would jump me given the chance, so I didn’t want to give her an inch because she would try to take all eight.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve been busy lately so it’s slow going.” ‘Not that it would matter anyway’, I added silently to myself.

  “Are you coming back this weekend? I can cook you a nice meal and we could open a bottle of wine.”

  “I am coming back, but it’s not a good idea, Ms. Jackson.”

  “Meredith, please.”

  “Ms. Jackson,” damn woman take a hint, “I’m not looking for a relationship right now. I have too many things going on. Thank you for the invite. I’m flattered, but not this time.”

  “I see.” Her voice was no longer flirty or kind, but forced and reserved. I didn’t set out to hurt her feelings, God knows, that wasn’t my intent, but I also know you don’t shit where you sleep. This is my home, and I’m sure as hell not going to sleep with a neighbor who is clearly asking for it.

  “Have a good night, Ms. Jackson.” I felt like a fucking heel, but at least I wasn’t lying to her or leading her on. I walked back to the house and grabbed my glasses off the deck rail where I’d left them, before heading to my room for a shower.

  As I washed the lake away, my thoughts were on Leah and how only a few short hours ago, I was enjoying a shower with her – inside her. I wish I could rewind the last part of this night and have her again, but that would only make things worse. She said she was confiscating my man card, but she confiscated more than that, and she didn’t even know it.

  I’d fallen into a fitful sleep, thoughts of Leah, and rage consumed me. I made my choice, a long time ago, and nothing was going to keep me from it – not even a minx with blonde hair and golden brown eyes.

  My alarm went off way too soon, and when I moved, ev
ery muscle in my body screamed at me in protest. It felt like the first time I started weight lifting. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that it was the first time I’d ever used any of these muscles.

  Getting up, I started to do some stretches to get the blood flowing. If I said I wasn’t worried about going to the gym this morning, I would be lying. I was worried, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

  I sat on my bike and stared at the front of the building. The lights were on and only a few cars and bikes were in the lot. Hers was already here, and I was honestly surprised to see it. From her talk with her dad, she was trying to take the closing shift every night instead of working mornings.

  It was time to face the music and find out what was going to happen. My plan would go off whether I was here to see it or not. The whole purpose behind me being here was to see it go down firsthand, I wanted to bask in it, but the only thing I couldn’t anticipate was Leah.

  I walked into the gym braced for anything, except to see Leah talking to that guy that had been there yesterday; Tuck, I think his name was. She was sitting on the counter, and they looked deep in conversation. She smiled at something he said, and jealousy hit me like a sledgehammer.

  My jaw clenched, and I turned away from them to go do my workout, somewhat surprised that I wasn’t already out on my ass.

  Like the morning before, I grabbed the jump rope and got to work. Leah laughed again at something he said, and I watched as he leaned down to whisper something in her ear. She smiled, shook her head, and playfully pushed him away before hopping off the desk and moving to her office.

  I closed my eyes and focused on breathing and putting the image of them together out of my head. Instead, I went over everything I had planned again, trying to factor in everything, but the one thing I couldn’t factor around was Leah.

  It kept coming back to her, and the hurt I knew I caused and that I knew I was going to cause. I hated it, but after everything that happened, this was the only way I could get back at the person who turned my world around.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The first morning he came in was the most awkward. Tuck had been there early, and I couldn’t help but to play along with his flirtation. When he’d leaned in and asked me if he needed to kick the nerd’s ass, I laughed it off and pushed him away playfully.

  Nobody was going to fight my battles for me, and this wasn’t even a battle, because Will and I only had sex one time. It didn’t matter in the least. I barely knew the guy. The fact that he rocked my world didn’t make any difference. I just had to keep telling myself that.

  From my desk, I watched him. Each day, he came in I saw him moving quicker than the day before. His body was getting harder and stronger. Will’s muscles were developing even more and his body was getting hotter.

  I tried to look away, but I felt my eyes stray towards him while he worked out. He seemed to shut me out completely. There was a gulf between us, but he seemed to be drawing close to my dad, and I wondered if he had used me to get to my dad, like others had done in the past.

  “You still want him.” I didn’t see my Papa come in, and I was caught red handed staring at Will.

  “Not now, Papa.”

  “What happened, Pebbles?”

  “Nothing. Nothing happened.”

  “Not what Jerry said.” I groaned; fucking Jerry.

  “We scratched an itch. Now, it’s over,” I mumbled low in my throat. Jerry just earned himself a spot on my shit list.

  “Is it now?” Papa smirked, not believing a word I said, and who could blame him when watching Will work out put me in a lust-filled trance?

  “Yep. Completely over.” I took one last look at Will, and walked toward the door. “I’ll be back later.”

  I decided I would go for a run while he was at the gym and hit the pavement, hard. The familiar sporty classic car was in the parking lot next to a beat up truck.

  Ox had gotten his shit handed to him for that stunt. He hadn’t been back to the gym since that day, and my only guess is Dad told him to stay the fuck away, but who knows?

  I pushed Will and everything else out of my mind. While it would have been nice to run with music, I didn’t run outside the gym with headphones on. Instead, I used this time to just breathe and let go of all the insecurities and annoyances I felt.

  His normal routine would have him leaving in about thirty minutes, providing he stuck to that. So, I set out to get my work out done early. I normally jogged in the evening on a treadmill either at home or at the gym depending on where I was. It kind of pissed me off that I let William Atwood Carver III dictate my routine, but damn, I wanted him again.

  I cursed myself and ran harder, pushing myself faster. When I finally got back to the gym, his car was gone, and I had a plan. To get over one man, you get under a new one; so that’s what I decided I was going to do. Tonight, I’d wear that damn outfit I intended to wear for him, and I’d get laid just to prove to myself he wasn’t as good as I remembered.

  If I was going through with this, I was going to do it on my own terms. Ox was out of the question. There was no way in hell that big oaf was touching me. He already thought he owned my ass. Anybody else was fair game, and it would be strictly sex, nothing more, nothing less. I just needed something to take the edge off and I didn’t think tequila would be strong enough.

  The day passed quickly, and I asked Dad to cover the closing shift when he was done with Will.


  “There’s a revival at the church down the street. I wanted to go check it out.” Dad burst out laughing before I could even finish my smartass answer.

  “Might want to skip that, Pebbles. Lightning may strike you before you get in the door.”

  “Well, if I told you I was on the hunt for dick, would it be more believable?”

  Dad stopped laughing and I smirked at him. He wanted to be nosy, I’d make sure to rub his nose in it. “What happened between you and Will?”

  “God, we had sex one time, and everybody acts like I married the man. What the hell? I’m a young woman with needs, dammit. If I want to have a one night stand, that’s my own God-damned business.”

  Dad put his hands up and backed away. I don’t let my temper out often, but when I do my knuckles tend to get bloody. Right now, I was on simmer, but it wouldn’t take much more to put me over the edge.

  The best part of working in a damn boxing gym was getting to beat the hell out of bags or, fuck, even people, when I needed to get some aggression out. Either way, bag or person, my hands would be sore as fuck the next day, and a bloody mess when I was done.

  The speed bag for me was relaxing, sparring was fun, the pads were training, but the bag and a match, those were therapy. I turned my back on my dad and went to my office. Oh yeah, tonight I was going to get laid, and I was going to make sure every damn person in the club knew it.

  I left about thirty minutes after Will got there. He and Dad were training, and I went home to get ready. I thought about the guys I’d most likely see at the bar. “Tuck.” I laughed; why didn’t I think of him before?

  Tuck was a good guy, full of charm, with a body like a Greek god. He was a player to the core and thought he was God’s gift to women. From the reports I’ve heard – he’s not far off base. Tuck would be the perfect tell-all fuck because there isn’t a woman he’s slept with that everybody didn’t know about.

  When I got to my house, I dialed his number. “Leah?” he asked curiously. I’d had his number for years and never used it.

  “Yeah. Are you going to the bar tonight?”

  “Probably. Why? What’s up?” I heard noise in the background, but I had no clue where he was.

  “I’ll be there around nine,” I said, checking the clock on my table. I had just over an hour and a half. “I’m going to give you what you’ve been wanting, Tucker. Tonight, you’re getting into my panties.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I was hitting
the bag when she left through the front door. Leah didn’t even glance in my direction, but I really didn’t expect her to. She had every right to be pissed at me. Hell, I was pissed at myself. I shouldn’t have touched her the first time; then I wouldn’t know what the hell I was missing.

  Rock turned me around. His eyes were heated. “I heard,” he said as if reading my mind. He knew we’d had sex in the locker room, but that’s all he knew. She hadn’t told anyone what happened later on. “Now, I want to know why my daughter won’t even look at you, and why she’s going to go pick up a random guy tonight to prove a point to me, you, and herself.”

  I clenched my jaw tight. “Where’s the bar your club goes to?”

  “You screwed up. She won’t want you there.” He smirked at me.

  “I don’t give a fuck. If she wants to prove a point, then she can do it with me standing there.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing she didn’t want and agree to. Everything was consensual.”

  “Well, I know that. You’re still breathing.” He rolled his eyes. “What else happened? Because I know my daughter, and she doesn’t switch on and off like that without a damn good reason.”

  Going into all of this, I didn’t expect this crazy pull to Leah, but I also didn’t expect to respect Rock so much. He loved his family, his gym, and his club. Hurting any of those would hurt him just as much as it would hurt Leah. They didn’t deserve to be caught in the crossfire, just like Mom didn’t deserve it.

  “I’ll fix it,” I ground out. “Where would she go? Would it be to the bar or somewhere else?”

  “She’d only go to the bar.”

  I got the directions from Rock and took off from the gym – leaving my workout undone. I went home, showered, and changed into my jeans and a T-shirt. There was no way in hell I was taking my car anywhere near Ox, especially since he’d be pissed as hell if I got Leah to leave with me tonight, so I grabbed my riding gear and headed out.


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