Ridin' Nerdy

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Ridin' Nerdy Page 9

by Annelise Reynolds

  Mom swallowed hard, then croaked out, “Explain.” I got up from my seat and grabbed her a bottle of water. When I placed the cool bottle against her hand, she opened it and drank the cold liquid quickly.

  “I’ve hated that woman for six years, Mom. Every goddamn time I looked at Dad or at you, anger for the outcome of that night raged in me.” I raked my hand through my hair.

  “You know there is no love lost between Dad and me. I’ve stayed here to make sure you were taken care of more than anything. I didn’t trust him to do it, but in my spare time over the last years, I have been looking for how he hid his affair so expertly. None of us saw it coming, Mom. We were all blindsided. I wanted revenge against the woman that dared to ruin our family.” I laughed bitterly.

  I laid out my plan to Mom. I told her how I found out who she was, how I lined up the perfect clients for the space, and how I was going to get rid of the gym to hurt her family like she’d hurt ours.

  Mom listened as tears flowed down her face. I handed her a tissue, and she wiped her eyes. “Mom, she didn’t know he was married, and her own marriage was on a break. She didn’t cheat with that intention, and she said she ended it that night. I believe her.”

  “I do too, Will. She told me that herself when she came to the house years ago.”

  It was my turn to sit back in surprise. “Will, my tears are for you.” She wiped her nose and shook her head like she was shaking away so many emotions. “I should have unloaded your burden, a long time ago, but I didn’t know it was there. I’m so sorry you have carried this hate and anger around all these years, and maybe, had I left your father, you would have been able to move past it to the point where you could even connect with him again.

  “I stayed because it was easier to adjust to my new normal in a familiar place.” She raised her hands to the side. “This was comforting when trying to learn to live without sight. I didn’t stay for your father. I stayed for me, so I would be able to adapt, then it just became routine.”

  Guilt washed over me, and anger filled me, this time directed at myself. I paced the floor, trying to plan what was next.

  “You love her,” she said, sensing my ire.

  I shook my head. “I like her a lot; maybe I love her. I don’t fucking know. She got under my skin before I even fucking realized what was happening.” I sat back down, defeated. So many thoughts racing through my head.

  Chapter Nineteen


  He hadn’t been to the gym in the past week, though I’d talked to him through texts and phone calls daily since I’d dropped his mom off at the house.

  It was frustrating as fuck wondering what the hell was going on with him. The only thing he kept telling me when I asked what was wrong was that he had things to take care of and he’d explain later.

  Part of me wanted to badger it out of him, but the other part was worried about the answer. I’d never been knotted up this much before, ever. Even after dating Striker for six months, when that relationship ended I didn’t look back. Whatever Will and I had going on, which hadn’t even been defined yet, felt bigger – more real.

  I looked down at my phone when it pinged. Dad was sitting at the counter checking out a bike magazine, and I was at my desk not doing much more than him. There was always a lull around midday.

  Will: Meet for lunch?

  I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face, or the zing of excitement that zipped through my veins. I’ve been wanting to see him again. Even though my head told me not to get too attached, my heart still sped up with eager anticipation.

  Where should I meet you?

  While I waited for his response, I headed to the bathroom, phone in hand, to fix myself up as much as I could. I didn’t have spare clothes, other than what I’d rode to work in, so I grabbed my bag out of the cabinet I stored it in, and changed into my jeans. I was about to put on my chaps to ride in, but a message came through.

  Will: I’m outside in my car.

  “Shit,” I whispered, looking at the sloppy knot on my head and my tight workout tank. I text him back quickly that I’d be right out. I fixed my shirt, pulling it down to where my cleavage popped out a little more, and took my hair down, bending over to shake out the loose curls of my hair.

  When I stood back up, I looked in the mirror and groaned. There was no way to quickly tame the wild mess, so I ran my fingers through it, then quickly pulled it back into an uneven side braid.

  I used some spray, and washed my hands before heading out.

  “Dad, I’m going to lunch. I’ll be back later.”

  “How much later?”

  “I don’t know. It could be a while.” If I was lucky, it would be tomorrow. I really wanted to get laid again. “It could be tomorrow.” I grinned and Dad just shook his head.

  “You aren’t supposed to tell your father that you’re hoping to get laid,” he said with a crooked brow.

  “Let’s not start a contest of how many inappropriate things you’ve said around me over the years, Daddio. Trust me; you’d win – hands down.”

  He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, knowing it was true. “If he breaks your heart, I’m going to castrate him.” He flipped the page in his magazine, talking like he was discussing the weather. “I’ll let you deliver the message to him, so I can’t be accused of interfering.”

  I pulled the door open, the sunlight hitting me hard. I squinted against the brightness of the day and pulled my sunglasses on to shield my eyes.

  Will was standing there leaning against his car, holding a bouquet of flowers. My heart melted a little more at the sight. No man had ever gotten me flowers before; hell nobody, period, had. This was another first for me.

  I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach as I got closer to him. Will was a magnet, and I was metal, pulled to him like a moth to a flame.

  “Hi.” He smiled at me, his body relaxed and easy going.

  “Hey.” I took the flowers from him when he held them out. They were gorgeous; almost like a lily, but different. “They smell great. What kind of flower are they?” They were white, with a light blue color on the underside of the petal and toward the center.

  “Amaryllis.” He shrugged like they were no big deal, but they were huge to me. “You didn’t seem like a roses or daisy kind of woman to me.”

  That he was right about. Roses were pretty, but overrated, and daisies were a flower for a little girl – too innocent.

  I took another long draw of the flowers, breathing in their heavenly fragrance. “Thank you; they’re gorgeous.”

  “You’re welcome. You ready?”

  “Yes.” I slid into the car and watched as he came around to get in the driver’s seat. “Where’re we going?”

  “Home,” was all he said, and my core clenched with excitement. I hoped to hell whatever he was dealing with and whatever he was holding back came out soon, so we could move past it. Until then, I had to keep reminding myself to keep it at just sex.

  Like the last time, we went to his house. He pulled into his garage, closing it behind us. Will leaned across the car and cupped my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. It was long and sweet, not hurried or driven by lust. His tongue coaxed mine into the kiss. It was different, but just as intoxicating.

  “Will?” We pulled apart at the sound of his mother’s voice. I saw her standing in the doorway to the house.

  He smiled and opened the car door. “Yeah, Mom. It’s us.”

  “Leah.” Her smile broadened even more when she said my name. I opened the door and went to her, giving her a hug. Today wasn’t going how I expected it to with Janine there, but it was still good to see her.

  When we walked into the house, I was floored. Gone were the plain walls and incomplete house. He’d been busy in the last two weeks, and the house still smelled, faintly, of fresh paint.

  He had furniture in the house. It was still sparse, with plenty of open space, but the house was much closer to being done than it had been.

��Wow, you’ve been busy,” I said, looking around. Gone was the concrete floor; there was the same dark wood that was in the bedroom running throughout the whole downstairs.

  “The upstairs is only partly done, but it should be finished by the end of this week.”

  “You still doing most of it yourself?”

  “Yeah, I’m working pretty much around the clock on it right now.”

  It was gorgeous, but I wondered why the rush to get it done.

  “Something smells good,” I said; not sure if I should ask my questions or wait for later.

  “Come on.” Will held my hand and led me toward the kitchen, his mom walked behind us using her cane. “Mom’s trying to get used to the new house. I’ll gradually add more furniture in, but I want her to get used to the layout here first.”

  “Oh.” Yeah, a lot had changed in two weeks it seemed. “What’s for lunch?” I asked, turning the subject to something lighter.

  “Mom made spinach stuffed chicken for lunch.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  Will and I set the table while his mom washed and cut tomato for the salad. I was impressed by how well she did cooking without being able to see what she was doing.

  “When did you guys start staying here?” I asked as we were eating. Yeah, it was a way of beating around the bush as to why the sudden change, but I was curious.

  “Mom just started staying here a couple of days ago; I wanted to get my room upstairs done, along with the painting, before I brought her here. I’ll take you up after lunch, if you’d like to see it.”

  “That’ll be great.”

  “What time do I need to have you back to work?” he asked, before taking a bite of his food.

  “That is one of the many perks of being the boss’s daughter.” I smiled slyly. “With Dad there, I can be back whenever I want.”

  Janine laughed, and shook her head. “I’m blind and I can still see the sparks between you two. I’m glad you are both moving past the incident, six years ago, and working things out. You deserve happiness.”

  I looked to Will. His jaw was clenched and he was watching me with hard eyes. “What incident?” I asked, not taking my eyes from his. “I didn’t know Will six years ago.”

  His mom gasped, but I didn’t look away from him. I waited with bated breath, hoping I’d find out what the fuck was going on.

  “Shit. You haven’t told her?” Janine asked. “Will, you’ve got to tell her.”

  “I was trying to figure out a way to tell her without blowing her family all to hell, Mom.”

  I looked between the two and set my fork down. The few bites I’d eaten sat like lead in my stomach. “Will someone just tell me what happened?”

  Chapter Twenty


  I ran my fingers through my hair. Trying to figure out a way to tell her and still protect her mother. Who knows what Rock knew, or what he would do if he found out, and finding out her mom had an affair would cause issues there.

  “Fuck,” I said, standing up and pacing as I tried to think it all through. Lunch was forgotten – Mom was crying and Leah had anger and fear written all over her face. “Let me make a call,” I mumbled and went out the back door to the dock. I’d have to give Star a heads up as to what was going on.

  I dialed the number I had memorized. “Hello.” Her voice came through the phone hesitantly.

  “It’s Will. Just listen,” I said, not wanting to hear her cut off. “I stopped the sale of the gym even before you came to my office. I stopped it for Leah. I love your daughter. I want your daughter, but the past is in the way.” I took a deep breath. “Mom unintentionally mentioned six years ago.”

  I heard the hitch in her breath. “Leah? Does she know?”

  “Not yet, but I’ve got to tell her something, Star. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you can head off any backlash on your part.”

  “Rock knows. The only backlash will come from Leah.”

  “I heard you talked to my mom years ago – I’m sorry, Star. I messed up.”

  I could hear the tears in her voice. “I can’t say that I blame you, Will. Sometimes I still hate me. It seemed like a good idea at the time. All the anger and hurt I was feeling, I wanted to make Rock feel that too. Instead, I got a lifetime of guilt knowing my actions caused your mom’s injuries.”

  I was silent for a minute, her words hanging between us. “It’s not your fault, Star. Let go of the guilt. The guy who drank and drove, and my dad, they deserve the guilt – not you.”

  When I hung up with her, she was in tears. I looked out over the lake, the wind hitting my face, the waves softly lapping at the shore.

  “How much did you hear?” I didn’t need to look back to know she was there. I could feel her.

  “Just the end.”

  She walked up beside me, but I didn’t turn to look at her. Instead, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys – holding them out to her.

  “Why are you giving me these?” she asked, taking the keys from my hand.

  “So you can leave when you’re ready. Just leave my car and keys at the gym. I’ll get it home.”

  I hated what I was about to tell her, but it was the only way any relationship with us would work. She had to know the truth – all of it.

  “Three years ago, the building you lease for Meatheads was sold to Atwood investments.”

  “Atwood,” she said on a gasp as it connected for her.

  “Yes, I own the building. Your lease is up in two months, and I was going to sell the building out from under you to a company that would tear the place down.” I chanced a glanced at her, and knew I’d lost her. I betrayed her in the same way Striker had. I used her to get to her family.

  “You bastard. Why? What does this have to do with my mom?”

  I moved to the two wooden Adirondack chairs that were in the shade of the oak tree. Leah followed behind me to the chairs but didn’t sit down. She stayed standing stiffly in front of me – waiting for me to continue.

  “Six years ago, my mom took my dad dinner when he called telling her he would be home late from work. To her surprise, my mom walked in to him on top of another woman.”

  “I know, you told me this. What does any of this have to do with me and my family?”

  “That woman was your mom, Leah.” I watched as shock and denial crossed her face. She shook her head, not believing it.

  “No, my mom has never cheated on Dad.”

  “She did; when they were separated. Your dad was with other women too. He paraded them in front of her to make her jealous; she was going to get back at him. My dad was the way she chose to do it.”

  Leah sat down in the chair beside me, shocked. I knew it was a lot to take in. It’s taken me six years, getting all sides of the story, and finding Leah, to let go of it. She would have a lot of processing to do before she could move on. Chances are she would probably need to talk to her mom and dad before she could move beyond it, and possibly even then, it wouldn’t be enough to bring her back to me. She may never forgive me for what I’d planned to do to her family.

  “You used me to get to my family.” Her voice was whispered.

  “No.” I looked at her then, her eyes clouded with hurt and betrayal. “I meant what I said before, Leah. You are more than a pawn. I didn’t need you for my plan to work. In fact, I had safeguards for everything but you. You were the one thing I didn’t anticipate happening.” I reached for her hand, but she pulled away from me.

  I watched her get up from the chair. She paused, looking out at the lake, and spoke without looking back at me. “I’ll have your car at the gym in the morning. I can’t go back there today.”

  She turned to walk toward the house without another word. “Leah!” I yelled out when she was half way across the yard. She stopped, but didn’t turn around to look at me. “I’m not giving up on you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Janine wasn’t around when I went back into the hou
se, which I was grateful for. I couldn’t handle talking to her at that moment. Hell, I could barely handle my own thoughts, much less try and hold a conversation with anyone.I went straight for the car and left. Like the first night he brought me here, the day went completely opposite of how I’d envisioned it going. I was thinking hot, sweaty, orgasmic sex, and again I was thrown for a loop.At this point I should have said ‘Sayonara’ to him and not looked back, but there was something about him. Maybe it was the way he took care of his mom and talked to mine, or the way he’d made sure I got to my destination when I was leaving his place hurt, confused, or angry. He wanted my safety even if it was inconvenient for him. It could also be how he knew I would need to get away and he handed me the keys to his classic car.

  The little things he did melted my heart, but it was the secret and the feeling of being used that didn’t sit well with me.

  I pulled into my apartment complex and parked his car in my bike’s spot. Going back to the gym wasn’t going to happen, so I decided to go home and do something I hadn’t done in a while. My ass was going to binge watch some Star Trek and eat some chocolate turtle ice cream. If any day was a good day for binge watching The Next Generation and stuffing myself with comfort food, this was it.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked my mom when I saw her sitting on my couch when I opened the door.

  “I wanted to check on you,” she said simply, her eyes were red like she’d been crying, and fear was clearly written on her face.

  “Does Dad know?” It was the only thing I could think to ask. I didn’t want to keep a secret like that. It would eat me alive.

  “Sit down, Leah.” I looked at the woman across from me, seeing her differently for the first time in my life. She’d always been the perfect Old Lady and former beauty queen. Today, she was makeup free, tear rimmed eyes, and instead of the confident cool perfection she normally depicted, she was rattled and worried.

  “I’m not keeping this from Dad,” I said, sitting down in the chair across from my mom.


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