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Peacekeeper Pathogen (Galactic Alliance Book 6)

Page 28

by Doug Farren

  People began filing into the room. A king approached and introduced himself. He was followed by the other three and then each of the staff. After introducing themselves, they stood off to the side. Soon, the large room was packed. Even though there were so many people present, it was quiet, as if everyone had gathered for a funeral instead of a celebration. After the last of the staff had introduced themselves, King Syan turned to address the gathering.

  “I’ve asked everyone here to celebrate our friendship with the Alliance,” the King began. “We were created by the Star Gods to serve them. When they abandoned us and left us to die, those who survived found that we were free to do as we pleased. But we always lived in fear that our creators would someday return. When the Purists arrived, we believed them to be the Star Gods but we quickly learned they were lying to us. They acted like the Gods and treated us as their servants and we foolishly followed them. When we learned they planned to take over our home, we revolted.”

  King Syan walked over to Tom and laid a hand on his shoulder. “This man heard our call for help and the Alliance removed the cursed ones from our world. But before they left, the cursed ones killed thousands of us with terrible weapons. The Alliance was there to help us again. Now, thanks to these three friends of mine, we are free of at least one curse of the Star Gods. I am living proof that dirt-eaters can be cured. For that, and for all the Alliance has done for Gwon-Go, all Mowry will be forever in their debt. The people of the Alliance will always be here, but they will not interfere with who we will become. Someday, we will join their ranks and roam the stars in ships of our own design.”

  Turning to Lashpa, King Syan pointed out the tank of fish. “I’ve learned your people prefer your food to be as fresh as possible. We’ve provided a sampling of our most delicious fish for your pleasure.” Waving his hands over the rest of the banquet, he added, “Peacekeeper Wilks and Biomaster Flothir, you should find something among our finest food to suit your palate. Please, enjoy!”

  Lashpa walked over to the tank, surveyed the contents, then reached in and snatched one up. She tossed the squirming fish into her mouth and chomped down. “Very good!” she announced.

  Tom picked up a plate and selected a few items as did Flothir. Even though all of the honored guests had taken a bite of their food and expressed their pleasure in how good it was, nobody made a move towards the table.

  “Thank you for sharing the bounty of your lives with us,” Lashpa said. “But such bounty should be shared by all. Please, eat!”

  As if controlled by a single switch, everyone in the room approached the table and began choosing something to eat. Two hours later, after a hundred conversations with people he would most likely never seen again, Tom finally had to take a break. Stuffed almost to the point of being in pain, he made his way to the office. King Syan joined him a few minutes later.

  “Thank you for all you’ve done for me and the Mowry,” the King said. “I’ve been told the Alliance will be reducing their presence here on Gwon-Go but I hope you will return from time to time to see how we are progressing.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Tom said. “We are friends and in my culture friends visit each other.”

  “We’ll both be back,” Lashpa said, walking into the room.

  “As much as I would like,” King Syan began, “to beg the Alliance to teach us to be as powerful as you are, I know in my heart that we Mowry must find our own path to greatness. I’m going to miss you while you’re gone.”

  “The universe has not been kind to your people,” Lashpa replied. “The Alliance will always be here to provide guidance when needed. We’ll never abandon you like the Gwon and we’ll never take what is yours like the Purists. Someday, your people will join the Alliance and live among us as equals.”

  “A favor?” King Syan asked.

  “Name it,” Tom replied.

  “If you ever learn of what happened to the Star Gods, would you please tell our people?”

  “Of course we will,” Lashpa replied.

  King Syan glanced around to make sure nobody else was within earshot. “Before you leave, there’s a personal question I must have answered.”

  “I can’t guarantee we’ll be allowed to answer,” Tom replied, “But you can always ask.”

  Lowering his voice, the King asked, “Is it common among the people of the Alliance for two individuals from two separate worlds to be joined as mates?”

  Tom and Lashpa looked at each other and began laughing. The King took a quick step back and bowed his head. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. Please forgive me!”

  Tom laid a hand on King Syan’s shoulder. Still laughing he said, “You’ve not offended us. May I ask why you think Lashpa and I are mated?”

  “It’s obvious to anyone who spends time with you that you share a special bond with each other. I assumed you worked as partners because you were mated to one another. If I’ve broken a custom by asking- - -”

  “You have not,” Lashpa replied.

  “And, to answer your question,” Tom said, “The only restriction to selecting a mate is the person cannot be a close relative.”

  “So if you and Lashpa wanted, you …”

  “Yes,” Lashpa replied. “We could if we so desired.”

  “What about two males or two females?”

  “Both are allowed,” Tom replied. “In fact, in many societies, there are males who become females and females who become males.”

  “Men who … Why would they … You live in a very strange world!” King Syan finally managed to say as he struggled to come to grips with what he’d just been told. “Perhaps you should tell me more about this special relationship you two share with each other.”

  The group spent a few more minutes together as Krishtom Lashwilks explained the concept of gragrakch. In the end, the King shook his head in disbelief. “Mowry have long believed in a similar concept. When we find such a person, we are joined together as mates. I have not yet been so fortunate. But to think that one’s mate is living on another world …”

  “We will leave you to ponder that thought,” Tom said. Patting his stomach, he added, “We should be going.”

  This time, the King reached out and gave each of them a large hug. “When will you be back?” he asked.

  “I can’t say,” Tom replied. “But we will be back. That is a solemn promise.”

  “Goodbye King Syan,” Lashpa said. “I will look forward to seeing you again in the not too distant future.”

  Outside in the dark street, Tom and Lashpa climbed into their tricycles. The noise of the feast above could be heard through the open windows.

  “Where to now?” Tom asked.

  “I don’t know,” Lashpa replied. “We’re free agents subject only to the commands of the Grand Council. Without any specific orders from them, we’re free to go wherever we like.”

  “Where is the one place in all of the Alliance that you’ve always wanted to visit but have never been?”

  “Roulda,” Lashpa instantly replied.

  “You’re kidding me! You’ve never been to your people’s homeworld?”

  “No. My family always talked about making a trip there but we never found the time.”

  Coming to a decision, Tom said, “Orion! Book passage to Roulda for Lashpa’s entire family. Make reservations at the best hotel you can find. Lashpa, we’re going to Roulda.”

  <<<< END >>>>

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  Other books by Doug Farren:

  Galactic Alliance Series

  Book 1 – Translight

  Book 2 – Chroniech

  Book 3 – Honor Thy Enemy

  Book 4 – Peacekeeper

  Book 5 – Peacekeeper 2

  Book 6 –
Peacekeeper Pathogen

  Dragonverse Series

  Book 1 – The Adventure Begins

  Book 2 – Ishnef’s Revenge

  Book 3 – Dragonverse Origins


  Off Course

  When Ships Mutiny

  The author can be reached at:

  You can find him on Twitter at: @author_farren

  His web page is at:

  About the Author

  Doug Farren is a self-published author who published his first book in 2009. He is a proud member of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America). He mainly writes space-opera style military science fiction as well as science fiction fantasy. Doug is a U.S. Navy veteran having spent 11 years in the Navy as a nuclear electronics technician. He sat on several panels during the 2015 World Science Fiction Convention which was held in Spokane, Washington. His blog tends to focus on providing helpful tips for new and existing self-published authors. At the time of this publication, he was working at a nuclear power plant as a Database Administrator in the Work Management department.




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