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Sensual Sweets Box Set

Page 5

by Flynn, Mac

  "Hi Brandon, this is Vanessa. You gave me those delicious cookies earlier today. I was just wondering if I could do you a favor in return."

  Brandon's face brightened and inappropriate thoughts raced through his mind. He kept his excited voice and his suggestions to a more appropriate volume. "Um, well, how about a date?"

  That was exactly the plan Vanessa needed to get close to him. "That'd be great! How about tonight? We could meet at my dorm and decide where to go from there."

  "Sure! I'll pick you up at five."

  Vanessa glanced out the window. It wouldn't quite be dark by that time. "How about six? I eat dinner late."

  "Oh, sure, six will be just fine. I'll meet you outside the front doors." Brandon would have agreed to midnight if it meant a date with her.

  "Then it's a date. See you then."

  "Yeah, see you."

  Vanessa hung up the phone and fell back onto her covers. She had a few hours to kill in this uncomfortable heat, but she had a feeling the wait would be worth the effort. On Brandon's end, his mom had overheard the whole conversation and saw his face when he got off the phone. He was still beaming at the chance to get a date, and she stepped up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Do I need to set another place on the table sometime soon?" she asked her son.

  Brandon shook his head. "Nope, I'm going to take her out." With that goofy grin on his face, he shot off toward the steps. He paused on one of the lower ones and turned to his mom. "Don't wait up for me."

  His parent rolled her eyes and went into the living room. Her husband was seated on the couch watching television, and she plopped down beside him. "Our son is finally growing up," she informed Ryan.

  "Hunh? What?" He was distracted by the television, and only heard something about their son. "He doing drugs now?" His wife leaned in and scowled at him. "What? He might meet a girl picking up some drugs."

  "I'll have you know he's already picked up a girl and has a date tonight," Miriam proudly informed him. She still had the evil eye on him, though. "So he doesn't need to follow that sort of advice."

  "A girl? Are we talking about a real girl or one of those blowup ones?" Ryan managed to duck the blow this time, and he leapt forward and grabbed his wife's arms. He pinned them behind her back and pushed her chest against his own. "So how long is he going to be out?"

  "I'm not sure, but it could be pretty late," she pointedly remarked.

  Ryan leaned in so their lips nearly touched. "Well, we shouldn't waste this alone-time, should we? It's been what? Ten years since we had a night to ourselves?"

  "I suppose I could tolerate your hairy body for one night," Miriam teased him. Ryan growled and pinned her against the arm of the couch, but she pushed against him. "Not yet, dear, he won't be leaving until a little before six." Ryan slumped down, but leaned back and released his hold on her arms.

  "Well, I'll wait that long, but no longer," he grudgingly agreed.

  She gave him a mischievous smile. "And what about dinner?"

  He frowned and sighed. "Fine. First dinner, then loving."

  Miriam laughed and leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on his nose. "That's the man I married."

  The wait for six o'clock was agonizingly slow for the two men in the house. Brandon was ready a half hour before, and wore a simple white buttoned shirt and dress pants. His father watched the clock like a hawk, and his wife had to beat off his premature playfulness. Finally all their waiting paid off and they were rewarded at the quarter of an hour before six. Brandon set off for the campus and his parents set off for some fun of their own upstairs.

  The campus was lit up with the lights from the countless dormitories. From many an open window floated music and numerous loud voices. He hoped Vanessa wouldn't want to join in any of that mad drinking and drugging. That just wasn't his style. Brandon was glad to reach her dorm and find the place was quiet and many of the windows were dark. He stepped up to the front doors and looked around for his date, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  "Vanessa?" he called out in a low voice. He stepped back and looked over the windows hoping to see her silhouette. Maybe she was still getting ready for their date.

  Brandon didn't notice anyone was in back of him until he backed up into them. He whirled around with an apology on his lips, but he lost his voice and his face paled. Glenn towered over him with his own face flushed and his clothes reeking of alcohol and smoke. His grin was lopsided and his eyes were bloodshot.

  "What the fuck you doing here?" Glenn slurred out.

  Brandon's natural reaction would have been to dodge out of there as fast as his legs could take him, but he was here for a special reason. Vanessa wanted to go out with him, and he wasn't going to let some drunk bully scare him off. Brandon straightened himself up to his short stature and scowled at Glenn. "This is a public university, you idiot. I have every right to be here, just like you."

  Glenn looked from Brandon up to the windows. The wheels behind his eyes started up with a nearly audible creak and he put two and two together. His grin slid off his face and he growled. "Hey, ain't this Vanessa's place?"

  "So?" Brandon challenged. His own eyes darted over to the empty front doors. For all his bravery he really just wanted to get out of there with Vanessa on his arm.

  "And what are you doing so dressed up? You're gonna go for a date with her, ain't ya?" Glenn demanded to know.

  "That's none of your business," Brandon shot back. Glenn stepped toward him with his hands clenched, so Brandon stepped back and prepared himself for trading blows.

  "What in the world are you two doing?" a voice asked them.

  Brandon turned around and found Vanessa standing in the doorway. She had on a pair of nice jeans with a tight, almost see through white shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she looked between the two boys. Unfortunately, Glenn was less focused on her than on Brandon, so when his smaller opponent turned away he let fly one of his fists. Brandon's face was a picture of shock and pain when Glenn's fist connected with his cheek. The momentum tossed him to the ground closer to the doors and Vanessa ran to kneel at his side. She helped him sit up and then scowled at Glenn.

  "You get out of here before I call the campus police," she ordered him.

  "Oh yeah? What they gonna do about it?" Glenn replied.

  "Just get you expelled. I'm sure your parents will be thrilled to have you back home," she shot back. When Glenn didn't make a move to leave she whipped out her cellphone and started dialing a number.

  Glenn's eyes widened and he held up his hands in front of him. "N-no no, I'll go. See? I'm going now." He did indeed quickly retreat from the dorm, and was soon out of their sight.

  "Thanks," Brandon muttered.

  Vanessa put back her cellphone while she looked over the developing bruise. "No problem, though it's a good thing Glenn got scared off. Otherwise, I wasn't sure what I'd tell the pizza boy on the other end."

  "Pizza boy?" her date repeated.

  Now she sheepishly smiled. "Yeah. I don't really know the number for the campus police, so I was dialing the local pizza place."

  Brandon stared at her for a moment, and then he choked out a laugh. "Seriously?"

  "Seriously. Now let's get you inside and have a better look at that bruise," she suggested.

  Vanessa helped him to his feet and led him inside the dorm. They clambered up the stairs and passed dark rooms to her own. When they were inside she firmly shut the door behind them and directed him over to her bed. "It's the most comfortable seat in the house," she informed him when he hesitated.

  "A-alright." Brandon trudged over and had a seat on the end with his legs dangling over.

  Vanessa went over and, beneath the glow of the light overhead, inspected the bruise. The light also helped Brandon get a better look at her through her thin shirt. Her bra was stretched and filled with her luscious breasts and he forced himself to look away. Unfortunately, it was too late. His erection had already begun, not least of which because of her
soft, gentle hands over his skin.

  "Stop fidgeting," she ordered him. Her tone, however, was anything but commanding. Brandon thought it was soft and whispering, and that turned him on even more. Vanessa for her part reveled when she noticed his pants grow tighter. She had been impatiently waiting for this moment all day and now she had him exactly where she wanted him. "With your clothes all dirty and that black eye, maybe we should skip the dinner for now and do something here," she suggested.

  "Oh, well, what were you thinking about doing?" Brandon innocently asked. He glanced around the room for any signs of food or entertainment, but his perusal was interrupted when Vanessa leaned in toward him. Their lips almost touched and her warm breathe brushed against his face like a sweet summer breeze. Her voice was low and sultry.

  "I don't know, maybe have a little fun," she whispered to him.

  Brandon's face flushed, but he knew just how to answer that question. He leaned in and locked her lips with his own. She moaned against him, so he reached out and wrapped his arms around her back. He pulled her closer to him and her breasts pressed up against his chest. She broke them apart, with both gasping for air and their faces a bright red color. Her eyes sparkled with her need and she didn't pull away from him. Rather, she boldly climbed up onto the bed and positioned herself on his lap. He grunted when she settled on his stiff manhood, but a wicked grin settled on her lips and she evilly rocked her hips against his.

  Brandon's eyes shot open and he grabbed her hips. For a second she was afraid he would tell her to get off so he could leave. However, from the way his own eyes blazed with need she knew he wanted this as much as she did. "This would work a lot better if we didn't have so many clothes on," he rasped out.

  Vanessa grinned and leaned forward to rub her nose against the end of his own. "Silly. I'm already way ahead of you." Her voice dropped low and she swept her lips close to his ear. "I'm not wearing any underwear."

  Brandon froze for a moment, taking in that information, and then he jumped forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Their hands grasped and groped at one another, and before either of them knew what had happened they were both without their shirts. Vanessa unclasped her bra and pulled it off, giving Brandon a full view of those swollen, aching mounds. He reached out and grasped them in his hand. The weight and feel of the pliable flesh was exhilarating, and so was Vanessa's reaction. She gasped and leaned back to push them against his hands. He smirked and leaned forward to plant soft kisses along her neck. His downward path went past her collar bone and to her luscious breasts.

  His hot lips captured one of her stiff peaks and he suckled on the tit. She straightened and grabbed his head while her hips rocked against his own. He grunted and jerked his manhood up between her wet, hot thighs. She shuddered and her eyes gazed into his with a look of longing need. Her appetite demanded to be sated, and he was more than willing to be the source of her pleasure. He surprised her by pulling her off to the side of him, and then sliding off the bed himself. He slipped off his pants and socks, and was left only with his briefs.

  Vanessa seductively lay down on the bed and glanced over his form. He was thin but not skinny, with enough muscle along his abdomen to suit her desires. His manhood, however, exceeded her expectations. It pushed out against his briefs toward her and her wet core responded by flaring up with an intense heat. The fortune cookies from before added well to the mix, and she groaned and squirmed along the sheets.

  Brandon took that as a sign of ascent and in a moment was atop her. He blazed a path of kisses up the valley between her breasts and up to her lips. She unbuttoned her jeans and tried to slide them down. His hands settled over hers and finished the job, so that she was naked beneath him. He broke his passionate worship of her body and leaned back to look at all of her form. She blushed as his eyes took in all of her, and self-consciously she tried to cover herself with her hands.

  He gently grabbed her wrists and pulled them out of the way. His voice dropped to a whisper and he shook his head. "Don't. You're beautiful."

  To prove his point, Brandon lay back down and took her lips in another, deeper kiss. Their tongues playfully wrestled while her hands slid up beneath his briefs. She lifted the waist band and let it go. There was an audible snap as it whacked his skin, and Brandon broke contact with a jerk backward. He frowned, but she mischievously smiled. "You're wearing too much," she scolded him.

  A smirk slid onto his own face, and he slid off her to remove his underwear. She watched him release his stiff member, and her fascination turned to fear. He was quite large and long, and she wondered if this wasn't going to be more painful than pleasurable. He noticed her furrowed brow and climbed up to lay beside her. "I'll be slow," he promised her.

  Brandon slipped atop her and nuzzled her neck while he positioned himself at her hot, ready entrance. Vanessa breathed deep and tried to relax, especially when he started to push inside. She was wet enough there weren't any problems until he hit her maidenhood. He pushed against the barrier and she winced. "You want me to stop?" he whispered against her neck.

  "No, it's fine. Just do it quickly," she pleaded.

  He jerked his hips forward and a pain shot through her lower stomach. She clenched her teeth and clung to his back, but he was kind enough to stay still for a few moments. He had a hard time not penetrating deeper, for her walls were tight and soaked his swollen manhood. Finally he felt her relax a little and he pushed his hips forward, then out. Both of them were personally inexperienced, but nature gave them the instinct to go forward.

  Brandon pulled out, and in doing so he slid against her sensitive clit. She gasped and shuddered against his chest. He liked that reaction, and when he pushed back in he made sure to repeat his performance. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Her breaths came out in gasps and her fingernails dug into his back. He grunted when, in thanks, her walls clasped him in their soft folds. Encouraged by each other's soft sighs and groans, the pair started their dance. Their hips rocked together to deepen his penetration. She even wrapped her legs around his waist, which angled him so he was completely engulfed in her wet core. He clenched his teeth and kept himself from spilling into her right there and then. She wasn't ready, and he wanted to enjoy the pleasure of her moans for a bit longer.

  His partner had a different idea, though, and she quickened their pace. The heat in her body had reached a point where she was consumed with the desire to reach this delicious climax. That and only that would satisfy this hunger that consumed her thoughts and body. Her partner willingly followed her lead, as he, too, craved the oblivion of orgasmic release. They grunted and groaned as their hips quickened their pace. Their bodies slapped together in a seductive rhythm that went faster and faster, louder and louder.

  She clung to him when her muscles tightened. The wave of pleasure rolled over her. She could see the end, feel it coming upon her. Her head tilted up and her mouth opened in a great cry of exhilaration.

  "Yes! Yes!"

  Her vision vanished in a flash of brilliant light. Inside her body her walls tightened around him. He grunted and pushed into her, spilling himself into the depths of her body. Then he collapsed atop her, a puddle of aching muscles and gasping lungs. There was quiet for a long while except for their harsh breathing. Vanessa still had her hands wrapped around his shoulders, and she jerked them back when she realized her fingernails still dug into his skin. "Sorry," she quickly apologized.

  He grunted in response, and slowly raised himself up on his arms. His face was red from the exertion, but there was a smile on his lips. "That was really fun," he complimented.

  Vanessa blushed and nodded. "Yeah, it was, wasn't it? We'll have to do it again some other time." A sparkle of mischief entered her eyes. "That is, if you bring me some more of those fortune cookies."

  "Fortune cookies?" Brandon repeated. "What have those got to do with this?"

  "Oh, only telling me how much you love me." She leaned forward and planted a playful kiss on his lips.
Her arms gently wrapped around his neck and she pulled herself up to press her forehead against his own. "You had a good idea with those fortune cookies," she whispered to him.

  Brandon was still a little confused, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He'd have to go back tomorrow for another box, and thank the old man for his help. Those fortune cookies really did turn out to be a winner for him.

  "You couldn't get a date if you bought one at the store."

  The quip came from Shannon Blake, friend to Vanessa Holbrook, to her older brother Michael. He was a decent-looking young man who was nearing thirty with a string of failed girlfriends behind him. His occupation centered around information technologies, and that gave him enough cash to take his baby sister out for lunch every other Friday. She didn't have university classes that day, and he made sure his workload was light, so they could chat away without him hurrying back to work. That's what they were doing right then, sitting in a small booth in one of the restaurants on the city's busier streets.

  "Thanks, that really helps," he sarcastically shot back at his younger sister.

  Shannon's quip didn't bother him too much. What she was saying about him not getting a date wasn't quite right since he'd dated before. The problem lay in finding the right girl for himself. He tried online dating sites, blind dates with friends, matchmakers, but all of them had failed. Not utterly, since he'd gone on a few second dates with some of them, but there just wasn't that connection to keep them going. Nobody suited him, or he didn't suit anybody.

  She reached over and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm just trying to keep your expectations low. You know, so you don't get bummed out again," Shannon replied.

  He waved away her hand. "All of life is a bummer. You'd better get used to it."

  "I know that already, you and the parents don't need to beat it into me all the time. Besides, we're talking about you, remember? There's got to be some way to attract a girl to you and keep her."


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