The King's City
Page 44
4 Jardine, On a Grander Scale.
5 Evelyn, Diary.
6 Quoted in David Hughson, London, An Accurate Plistory and Description of the British Metropolis, 1805.
7 Ibid.
8 Proceedings of the Royal Society.
9 Robert Hooke, Diaries, ed. Richard Nichols, 1994.
10 Emma Wilkins, ‘Margaret Cavendish and the Royal Society’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, May 2014.
11 Robert Boyle, A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature, 1686.
12 Margaret Cavendish, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, 1666.
13 John Locke, Anatomie, written with Thomas Sydenham, 1668, quoted in Wilkins, ‘Margaret Cavendish and the Royal Society’.
14 Pepys, Diary.
15 Margaret Cavendish, The Description of a New World, called the Blazing World, 1666.
16 Hooke, Folio.
17 Joseph Glanvill, written 13 October 1667, published in Letters and Poems in Praise of the Incomparable Princess, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 1676.
18 Thomas Hobbes, Considerations upon the Reputation . . ., 1680.
19 Joseph Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, 1681.
20 Hollis, The Phoenix.
14 A Star is Born
1 John Dryden, Works, ed. Sir Walter Scott, 1808,
2 Charles Beauclerk, Nell Gwyn.
3 Ibid.
4 Katherine Eisaman Maus, ‘Playhouse Flesh and Blood’, English Literary History, vol. 46, no. 4,1979.
5 Covent Garden Drollery, 1672, text read by Mrs Reeves.
6 Pepys, Diary, 22 August 1667.
7 Geoffrey Smith, in Thomas Killigrew and the Seventeenth Century English Stage, ed. Philip Major, 2013.
8 John Dryden, Secret Love, or The Maiden Queen, 1669.
9 John Spurr, England in the 1670s: This Masquerading Urge, 2000.
10 Burnet, A History of My Own Time.
15 The Threat from Abroad
1 Stowe, A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster.
2 Pepys, Diary.
3 C.D. Chandaman, The English Public Revenue, 1660–16 88,1975.
4 See Jenny Uglow, A Gambling Man, Charles II and the Restoration, 2010.
5 Andrew Marvell, Last Instructions to a Painter, 1667.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Brian Lavery, Empire of the Seas, 2009.
9 See Ronald Hutton, Charles the Second, 1989.
10 Burnet, A History of My Own Time.
11 J. Douglas Cranfield, Heroes and States, 1999.
16 New Territories
1 Peter (Pierre) Esprit Radisson, Voyages of Being an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians, from 1652 to 1684,1885.
2 Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, ed. E. Goldsmid, 1884–1890.
3 Robert Filmer, Observations Upon the Original of Government, 1652; Patriarcha, 1680.
4 John Locke, Two Treatises on Government, pub. anonymously 1689.
5 Ibid.
6 Quoted in Alfred O’Rahilly, ‘Aquinas versus Marx, Part I’, Studies, vol. 31, no. 124,1942.
7 William Petty, Treatise on Taxes, 1662.
8 William Petty, Economic Writings, reprint 1963.
9 John Evelyn, Tyrannus, or The Mode, 1661.
10 Josiah Child, Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of Money, 1668.
17 Law and Order
1 Don Jordan and Michael Walsh, White Cargo, 2007.
2 Ibid.
3 Abbot Emerson Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607–1776,1947.
4 BL, Miscellaneous Sheets 74/515 L2.
5 Ned Ward, A Trip to Jamaica, 1698,
6 Jordan and Walsh, White Cargo.
7 Ibid.
8 Pepys, Diary.
9 John Dryden, Upon the Three Dukes Killing a Beadle.
10 CSP Dom., April 1671.
11 Survey of London, vol. 36,1970:
12 Pepys, Diary.
13 William Winstanley, Lives of the Most Famons English Poets, 1687.
14 Daniel Defoe, The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, 1722.
15 Richard Head, The English Rogue Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon; a Witty Extravagant; Comprehending the Most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes, 1661; 1672.
16 Richard Head (attrib.), The French Rogue, 1672.
17 John Graunt. Natural and Political Observations Made upon the Bilk of Mortality, 1662.
18 Old Bailey records:
18 A Spy in the Family, the Court and the Theatre
1 Don Jordan and Michael Walsh, The King’s Bed, 2015.
2 Mary Ann O’Donnell, The Cambridge Companion to AphraBehn, 2004.
3 Ibid.
4 CSP Dorn, vol. CLXXII, 1666.
5 Aphra Behn, Works, ed. Montague Summers, 1915,
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 Colley Cibber, An Apology for the Life of, 1740.
9 Ibid.
10 Evelyn, Diary.
11 Pepys, Diary.
12 Robert Gould, Love Given Over, or a Satyr against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, Etc, of Woman, 1683.
13 Evelyn, Didry,
14 Montague Summers, The History of Witchcraft, 1926.
19 Trading in People and Money
1 Beckles Willson, The Great Company, vol. 1,1900.
2 Scott, Leviathan.
3 G.E. Aylmer, ‘Sir Martin Noell’, DNB, 2004.
4 Ligon, A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes.
5 Pepys, Diary, various entries,
6 Jordan and Walsh, The King’s Bed.
7 National Archives: British History Online –
8 Pepys, Diary.
9 Halley Goodman, ‘The Formation of the Bank of England’, Penn History Review, vol. 17, 2009,
10 Pepys, Diary
11 David Cuthbert Coleman, Sir John Banks, Baronet and Businessman, 1963.
20 War and Enterprise
1 East India Company Court Minutes, ri September 1672.
2 John Fryer, A New Account of East India and Persia, 1698.
3 Ibid.
4 Thomas Seceombe, DNB, 2004.
5 Abraham Eraly, The Mughal World: Life in India’s last Golden Age, 2007.
6 Makrand Mehta, Indian Merchants and Entrepreneurs in Historical Perspective, 1991.
7 Ibid.
8 Slingsby Bethel, The Principal Interest of England Stated, 1671.
21 The Mood of the City
1 Nicholas Barbon, Apology for the Builder, 1685.
2 Thomas Jordan, The Goldsmiths jubilee, or, London’s Triumphs. . . performed October 29,1674.
3 Janet Jarvis, Christopher Wren’s Cotswold Masons, 1980.
4 Jardine, On a Grander Scale, 2002; Kerry Downes, The Architecture of Wren, 1988.
5 Harold F. Hutchinson, Sir Christopher Wren, 1976.
6 Isaac Newton, Hypothesis explaining the properties of light, in Thomas Birch, The History of the Royal Society, 1757.
7 Hooke, Diaries.
8 Mary Beale, Portrait of Chartes II, Inverness Art Gallery.
9 Mary Beale, Portrait of Frances Hay, Marchioness of Tweeddale, Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury St Edmunds.
10 Mary Beale, Self-Portrait, c. 1665, National Portrait Gallery, NPG1687.
11 Artemisia Gentiles chi, Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, Royal Collection, Hampton Court Palace:
12 Pierre Dumonstier II, Right Hand of Artemisia Gentileschi, British Museum, Drawing Collection, No,7.51.3.
13 Kim Sloan, in The History of British Art 1600–1870, ed. David Bind man, 2009
bsp; 22 Coffee Wars at Home, Real Wars in the Colonies
1 Anon, quoted in Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Tastes of Paradise, 1992.
2 Sir George Sandys, Robert Hooper ed., The Poetical Works of Sir George Sandys, ed. Robert Hooper, 1872.
3 John Tatham, attrib., Knavery in All Trades, or, The Coffee-House, 1664.
4 Anon., The Women’s Petition Against Coffee, 1674.
5 David Scott, I eviathan, The Rise of Britain as a World Power, 2013.
6 Robert Beverley, The History and Present State of Virginia, 1947.
7 Quoted in Charles A. Goodrich, A History of the United States of America, 1825.
8 Jordan and Walsh, White Cargo, 2007.
9 Ibid.
23 City Life
1 See Albert Borgman, Thomas Shadwell, His Life and Comedies, 1928; Thomas Mayo, Epicurus in England, 1934; Joseph Glide, ‘Shadwell and the Royal Society’, Studies in English literature 1500–1800, vol., no. 3,1970; Marjorie Hope Nicolson and David Stuart Rhodes, eds, The Virtuoso by Thomas Shadwell, 1976; 1992, and others.
2 Anon., A True Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire in Southwark on Fryday, 26th May, 1676,1676.
3 For this illustration and its development, see
4 Hooke, Diaries.
5 William Petty, Treatise on Naval Philosophy, Royal Society, Classified Papers, vol. 20, March 1685.
6 Celina Fox, ‘The Ingenious Mr Dummer’, British Library Journal, 2007.
7 Brian Lavery, ‘Charles Anthony Deane’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004.
8 Pepys, Diary.
9 Brian Lavery, Empire of the Seas, 2010.
10 Anthony Ashley Cooper et al., Some Considerations on the Question. . . , 1676.
11 Andrew Marvell, An Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government in England, 1677.
12 Roger L’Estrange, The Parallel, or an Account of the Growth of Knavery, under the Pretext of A rbitary Government and Popery. With some Observations on a Pamphlet (of A Marvell) entitled An Account of the Growth of Popery, etc., 1678.
24 The City Convulsed
1 Roger L’Estrange, Titus Oates, his Gase, Character, Person and Plot, 1685.
2 Roger L’Estrange, History of the Times, 1687.
3 L’Estrange, Titus Oates.
4 Sir John Reresby, Memoirs, 1754; 1821.
5 Grey’s Debates, 21 October 1678,
6 Titus Oates, A sermon preached at an Anabaptist meeting in Wapping on Sunday the 9th of February by the Rev T.O., 1699.
7 Thomas Povey to Samuel Pepys, quoted in Pepys, Diary.
8 Susan J. Owen, Restoration Theatre and Crisis, 1996.
9 John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, Letters, 1981.
10 Filmer, Patriarcha.
11 Owen, Restoration Theatre and Crisis.
12 John Dryden, The Vindication, 1679.
13 John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel, 1681.
14 John Hall, An Alann to Europe, 1681.
15 Lesley Murdin, Under Newton’s Shadow, 1985
16 John Dryden, prologue to The Duke of Guise, 1682.
17 Thomas D’Urfey, prologue to The Royalist, 1682.
18 John Crown, The Misery of Civil War, 1680.
25 The Fall of Madam Creswell and the Migration of Criminals
1 Richard Wiseman, Eight Chirurgical Treatises, 1776.
2 Anon., The Whore’s Rhetorick, 1683.
3 J. Granger, A Biographical History of England, 1775.
4 Ferrante Pallavicino, La Rhetorica delle Puttane, 1642.
5 Pepys, Diary.
6 Anon., The London Jilt, or The Politick Whore, 1683, ed. Charles H. Hinnant.
7 Anon., The London Jilt.
8 Melissa M. Mowry, The Bawdy Politic in Stuart England, 1660–1724, 2004.
9 Roger Thompson, ‘The London Jilt’, Harvard Literary Bulletin 23, 1975.
10 Faramerz Dabhoiwala, ‘Damaris Page’, DNB, 2004.
11 Samuel Pepys, Pepys’s Navy White Boot and Brooke House Papers, 2004., ed. R Latham, 1995.
12 Vincent Buranelli, ‘William Penn and James II, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 104, no. 1, 1960.
13 David Hannay, Empire of the Seas, 1911.
14 Pepys, Diary.
15 Pennsylvania State Archives,
26 The City Cowed, the City Triumphant
1 Proceedings of the Old Bailey,
2 Algernon Sidney, Discourses Concerning Government, 1698.
3 Evelyn, Diary.
4 Ibid.
5 William Petty, Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmatic, ed. Henry Motley, 2014.
6 Nicholas Barbon, A Discourse of Trade, 1690.
7 Ibid.
8 Alexis Clairaut, translated in W.W. Rouse Ball, An Essay on Newton’s Principia, 1893.
9 Thomas Tryon, Friendly Advice to the Gentlemen-Planters of the East and West Indies, parts 2 and 3,1684.
10 Benjamin Trumbull, A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, 1818.
11 Anon., An exhortation and caution to Friends concerning buying or keeping of Negroes, 1693.
12 Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum.
1 Christopher Wren, Parentalia, 1750.
2 Jeremy Collier, A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, ed. Yuji Kaneko, 1996, first published 1698.
3 John Wilkins, Essay Towards a Real Character, and Philosophical Language, 1668.
4 For a list of new words see the website Robert Hooke’s London: http://
5 Hooke, Dianes.
6 Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 2008.
7 Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times, 2010.
8 William Pettigrew, Freedom’s Debt, The Royal African Company and the Politics of the Atlantic Slaye Trade, 1672—1752,2013.
9 Ibid.
10 Figures extrapolated from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database.
11 Ibid.
12 Boyle, Collected Works. For a photograph of the handwritten list, go to the Royal Society’s online Boyle papers: http://blogs.royalsocicty. org/history-of-science/20io/o8/27/robert-boyle-list/.
Appendix V
1 Samuel Lambe, The humble representation of Samuel Lamhe of London, merchant, 1659.
2 Quoted in Halley Goodman, ‘The Formation of the Bank of England’, Penn History Review, vol. 17,2009.
3 Ibid.
An Act for Confirming an Act Entituled an Act for Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation, etc., 1661
An Act for Increase of Shipping, and Encouragement of the Navigation of this Kingdom, October 1651
Anon., An Exhortation and Caution to Friends Concerning Buying or Keeping of Negroes, 1693
Anon., A True Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire in Southwark on Friday, 26th May, 1676
Anon., Character and Qualifications of an Honest, Loyal Merchant, 1686
Anon., The Life of Titus Oates, 1685
Anon., The London Jilt, or The Politick Whore, 1683, ed. Charles H. Hinnant, 2007
Anon., The Whore’s Rhetorick, 1683
Anon., The Women’s Petition Against Coffee, 1674
Aristotle, Politics, Book I
Arrighi, Giovanni, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times, 2010
Ashley Cooper, Anthony, et al., Some Considerations upon the Question, Whether the Parliament is Dissolved, by its Prorogation for 15 Months?, 1676
Aubrey, John, Brief Lives, 1715, ed. Andrew Clark, 1898
Aylmer, G.E., The Struggle for the Constitution 1603–89,1963
Bacon, Francis, New Atlantis, 1627
______Instauratio Magna, The Oxford Francis Bacon, 2000
Ball, W.W. Rouse, An Essay on Newton�
��s Principia, 1893
Barbon, Nicholas, Apology for the Builder, 1685
______ A Discourse of Trade, 1690
Beauclerk, Charles, Nell Gwyn, 2005
Beer, G.L., The Origins of the British Colonial System, 1908
Behn, Aphra, Works, ed, Montague Summers, 1915
Bennett, J. A, The Mathematical Science of Christopher Wren, 1982
Bentley, G.E., The Jacobean and Caroline Stage, 1941; 1968
Bethel, Slingsby, The Principal Interest of England Stated, 1671
Beverley, Robert, The History and Present State of Virginia, 1947
Bold, John, John Webb, Architectural Theory and Practice in the Seventeenth Century, 1989
Borgman, Albert, Thomas Shadwell, His Life and Comedies, 1928
Boulton, Jeremy, ‘Wage Labour in Seventeenth Century London, The Economic History Review, New Series, vol. 49 no. 2, May 1996
______Neighbourhood and Society: A London Suburb in the 17th Century, 2005
Boyle, Robert, New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, Touching the Spring of the Air, and its Effects, Made in the Most Part Using a New Pneumatical Engine, 1660
______A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature, 1686
______ Collected Works, 1772
______photograph of the handwritten list of hoped-for inventions:
Braudel, Fernand, The Perspective of the World, 1985
Bucholz, Robert, and Ward, Joseph, London: A Social and Cultural History 1550–1750, 2012
Buranelli, Vincent, ‘William Penn and James II, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 104 no. 1, 1960
Burnet, Gilbert, A History of My Own Time, 1674–85,1617
Calendar of Manuscripts of Marquis of Bath, HMSO 1980,
Cambrensis, Giraldus, Topographia Hihernica, 1187, PRO SP 29/574
Cary, John, An Essay on the State of England in Relation to its Trade, 1695
Cavendish, Margaret, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, 1666
______The Description of a New World, called the Blazing World, 1666
Chandaman, C.D., The English Public Revenue, 1660–1688, 1975
Charles II, Letters, ed. Arthur Bryant, 1968
Charter of Carolina, 1663
Child, Josiah, Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of Money, 1668
______A New Discourse on Trade, 1692
Cibber, Colley, An Apology for the Life of 1740