by Don Jordan
theatre patron 78
and threat of Dutch invasion 246
Treaty of Dover 285–6, 310, 326, 328, 352, 376
triple alliance with Holland and Sweden 314
Charles II of Spain 380
Charles 11 (ship of the line) 252
Chatham dockyard, Dutch attack on 245–7
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales 279
Cheapside 34, 208, 334
Chelsea College 337
Chiffinch, William 281, 378
Child, Josiah 264–5, 42 & 463–4
economic theorising 264–5
Child, Sir Francis 311, 314
child mortality 132, 278
Chouart des Groseilliers, Médard 255–6, 257, 258–9, 346–7
Cibber, Colley 294
Cicero 224
Civil War
First (1642–6) xii-xiii, 5, 21, 25, 40, 47–8, 60, 70
Second (1648–49) 60
Third (1649–51) xiii, 209
Clairaut, Alexis 427
Clare Market 80
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of xii-xiii, 3b 36, 37, 53, 71, 130, 133, 134, 195, 204
daughter Anne marries Duke of York 53
dislike ofBarbara Palmer250
exile in France 250
Lord Chancellor 58
resigns after Medway disaster 250, 327
on the Restoration 39–40
Clarendon Code 133
Clement, William 446 fn
Clifford, Thomas, ist Baron 286
closet drama 235
cloth finishing 42
cloth tax 306
cloth trade 146
coal 42, 43, 96, 188, 189, 447
coal tax 220–1, 340
Coal Yard Alley 233
Cock, George 305
Cock Tavern, Bow Street 276
Cockpit Theatre 80, 81
coffee houses 107, 302, 349–58, 442
attempted suppression of 350–2, 357
fashionability 352–3
female clients 357
licences 353
places for political debate and dissent 351-553-354
in plays and satires 354–8
proliferation of 353
coffee trade 358
Coga, Arthur 365
Coleman, Edward 379–80, 385
Coleman, Mrs Catherine 49
Colleton, Sir John 130
Collier, Jeremy 442–3
colonialism 129–30
indentured servants 269, 271–2, 360
indigenous peoples and 260–1, 358–9
justification of 260–1
labour theory of property 261, 262
proprietary colonics 129–30, 412
Protestant colonialism 261
religious dissenters and 358, 409
royal colonics 412–13
slave colonies 62–5, 260
spiriting’ and labour supply 268–72
transition from common to individual land ownership 260–1
transportation to 283–4
see also North American colonics
Colston, Edward 307
comets 166, 214, 390
Commonwealth men 24, 25, 26, 30, 327
changed loyalties 51, 53
Commonwealth xi, xiii, 5, 14
Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa 63–4, 86, 87, 89, 91, 123, 124–6
charter 89, 126
first voyage 126
refloated 303
renamed 139, 304
slave trading 126–9
see also Royal African Company
condoms 399
Congreve, William 441, 443
Love for Love 441–2
The Mourning Bride 442
consumerism 42, 147, 303–4
contraception 399
Conway, Anne, Viscountess 111
Conway, Edward, ist Earl of 111
Cooke, John 54–5
Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury’, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of
Cooper, Samuel 346
Copernican system lopfn , 180, 426
Corneille, Pierre, Pompée 292
Cornhill 12, 101, 20 8, 281, 334
Cornish Rebellion (1497) 36
coronation 93–4, 95–8, 101–3
cleansing and decoration of the city 95–6, 97–8
processions 101
propaganda success 103
regalia 93–4, 102
triumphal arches 101
Westminster Abbey 102
Corporation of London 10, 32–3, 40–1, 221
withdrawal of warrant from 417–18, 430, 434
cotton industry 8, 130 fn
Counter-Reformation 198
country houses 17
Country Party (later, Whigs) 251, 312, 382, 384
Court Party (later, Tories) 251, 312 fn
Covenanters 385
Covent Garden 20, 211, 216, 274, 273, 344
Coventry, Sir John 274
Coventry, Sir William 64, 87, 126, 152, 305
Craven, Lord 130, 173, 207, 208
Craven House 101
Creswell, Elizabeth 281, 394, 395, 399–400, 406
crime and punishment 268–84, 408
aristocratic crime 274–7
criminalisation of religious dissenters 409, 411
death penalty 280–1, 282–3
footpads 282
‘hue and cry’ 273
of immoiality 281
immunity of the well-born to censure 273
law enforcement officers 273, 282
magistrates 273, 275, 392
murder rate 282
petty offences 273, 281–2 ‘spiriting’ 122, 268–72
theft 273, 281–2
transportation 283–4
violent acts of revenge 273–5
Cripple gate 210
Cromwell, Oliver 11, 20, 35, 43, 51, 65, 236
death of xiii, 5
orders destruction of coronation regalia 93’ 94
trade policies 86–7, 99
Cromwell, Richard xiii, 5, 6
Cromwell, Robina 108
Crown Commissioners 308
Crown, John 393
Crown Tavern 46
Cruft, Captain William 318
Culpeper, Nicholas 227
Herbal 184
Custom House 211, 254, 255
customs and excise tax 124, 148, 308, 309
Cutler, Sir John 1.19
Danby, Thomas Osborne, 1st Earl of 314, 326–7, 347
financial reforms 326, 327, 328, 392
Lord Treasurer 326, 327
Popish Plot and 378, 379, 380, 381
Treasurer to the Navy 327
Treaty of Dover and 328
Daniel, Captain Azariah 269
Davenant, Sir William xiv, 45–50, 80–1, 225
The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru 236
death of 300
establishes new playhouse 27–8, 73–4, 80, 83, 142–3
founds the Duke’s Company 79, 80
founds theatre school 233
Queen’s vice-chamberlain 47
reworking of plays 142–5, 255, 572, 575
rivalry with Thomas Killigrew 84, 85
Royalist cause 48
semi-clandcstine theatre 27, 45, 48–9
The Siege of Rhodes 49
syphilis 47
The Wits 47
writer of masques 47, 256
Davies, Mary (Moll) 85, 292
Deane, Sir Anthony 370, 3H4
Declaration of Breda 31–2, 50, 121
broken promises 121, 391
Defoe, Daniel 175, 188, 190
A journal of the Plague Year 175 fn, 279
Moll Flanders 279, 404
Robinson Crusoe 279
deforestation 156
Denham, Sir John 69–72
Cooper’s Hill 70
death of 253
gambling addiction 70
poetry 70
and the rebuilding of
London 215
Surveyor of the King’s Works 69–72, 196, 197
Denne, John 126
deportation of 411
see also nonconformism
divine right ofkings 260, 347, 388
division of labour 424
Dobson, William 21, 262, 346
Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of 240, 276–7, 297, 364
Dorset, Countess of xii Dorset Gardens Theatre 300–1, 363, 416
Dorset House 299
Downes, John 82
Downing, George 51, 58, 127 fn
aggressive trade policy 148, 149–50
ambassador to The Hague 350, 202
anti-Dutch policies 151–2
diplomatic missions 149–50, 315
espionage and 150
pursuit of regicides 127 fn
tax reforms 150, 392
Downing Street 333
The Downs 28
Drake, Sir Francis 49
drolls 48
Drury Lane 233, 301
Dryden, John 43, 51, 70, 225, 274–5, 291, 292, 294, 296, 302, 372, 373, 440
Absalom and Achitophel 389, 434
Annus Mirabilis 214–15
Astraea Redux 43
and censorship 389
The Conquest of Granada 299
The Duke of Guise 392 The Indian Emperor 236
Latin translations 441
The Maiden Queen 231–2, 235, 237–9, 295
Marriage à la Mode 332
poet laureate 387
quarrel with Rochester 387
and the Restoration 43
satiric treatment of 364
street assault on 387
support of the King 43, 386–7, 389, 434
Duck Lane 160
duelling 377–8
Duke of York’s Theatre see Dorset Gardens Theatre
Duke’s Company 79, 80, 293, 299–300, 363, 371, 416
Dummer, Edmund 369–70
Dumonstier, Pierre 346
Four Days Battle (1666) 200
sale of to France 135
D’Urfey, Thomas, The Royalist 392–3
Dutch East India Company 64, 98, 99, 310, 322
Dyck, Antony van 21, 77, 261
Eaglet (ship) 258
East India Company (E1C) 15, 23, 98–9, 146, 304, 313, 318–24, 373, 450
and Auglo-Dutch peace talks 247
charter 98, 99, 100, 265–6
and the coronation 101
enforcement of monopoly 266–7
importance of Bombay to 324
logistical effort 324
Lord Mayor’s Show 383
military actions 450
rejuvenation 99–100
and the slave trade 123, 321, 428–9
sovereign powers 100, 266
spice trade 322, 323
unofficial personal trading 320, 322, 324
East Indiamen 318–19
Easter apprentice riots (1668) 395, 406
economic growth 373–4
economies of scale 424–5
Edinburgh 8
Edward the Confessor 94
Edward I 96
Edward III 96
Edwards, Daniel 352–3
Edwards, Sir George 383
Einstein, Albert xviii Elizabeth 115, 63, 98
Ellam, Andrew 26
empiricism 112, 182, 224
Enlightenment to6, 437
epidemiology 131–2, 171–2
see also hills of mortality
erotic literature 401–2, 403, 404
Escorial, Spain 69
espionage and intelligence gathering
Aphra Behn 288, 289–90
George Downing and 150
John Thurloe 25, 48, 58
John Webb 71
Samuel Hartlib 108
Thomas Killigrew 78, 288
William Scot 289
Essex, Earl of 419
Etheredge, George 357, 364
Love in a Tub 293–4
The Man of Mode, or, Sir Fopling Flutter 371
Evelyn, John 23–4, 49, 72, 107–8, 142, 299, 311, 406
account of Charles’s return to England 38–40
An Apology for the Royal Party 24
clean air proposals 95, 97
Commissioner for Sieh and Wounded Seamen 186–7
condemnation of the theatre 297
on execution of the regicides 55
on fashion 263–4
on the Frost Fair 420–1
on Ccorge Downing 148
on the Great Fire 211–12
on the plague 184, 186, 187, 192–3, 195–6
and the rebuilding of London 216, 218–19
and the rebuilding of St Paul’s Cathedral 198, 199, 203–4
Royal Society member 105
on Sir John Denham 69
Sylva 155–6
on Thomas Osborne 326
word coinage 445
Evelyn, Susanna 346
Exchequer 211, 220, 243
City’s distrust of 308–10, 314
Great Stop 310–12, 328
modernisation of 327, 328
see also finances, public
Excise Office 219
Exclusion Bills 388, 389, 391, 418
exclusion crisis 386–7, 388–9, 391, 395, 417, 419
Exeter House 223, 375
The Experiment (ship) 143, 171
Eylcs, Francis 306
Fyles, John 306
Fairfax, Sir Thomas 71
fairs 85 fn, 420–1
Farrincr, ITiomas 205
fashion 263–4
Fenchuich Street 210
Fermat, Pierre de 166
Fermat’s East Theorem 166
Filmer, Sir Robert
Observations upon the Original of (Government 260
Patriarcha 260, 388, 447
finances, public
bank loans to the Crown 103, 244, 308
crises 243–4, 310–12
effect of the Great Fire on 244
effect of the plague epidemic on 244
Great Stop 310–12, 328
money supply 146
national debt 311
reforms 326, 327, 328
Second Anglo-Dutch War and 152, 192, 244, 312, 417
subsidies from Louis XIV 285, 328, 381
see also Exchequer; taxation
Finch, Sir ffeneage 53
firefighting system 205–6
building demolition 206
water 206
First Anglo-Dutch War (1652–54) 149, 170
Fish Street 230
Flamsteed, John 336–7, 444
astrology and 390
King’s Astronomical Observator 337–8, 341
fleas 157, 167–8, 169, 174, 186, 190, 191
Fleet prison 382
Fleet River 218
Fleet Street 101, 344, 353, 354, 404–5
Fletcher, John 80, 84, 332, 404
Fon dynasty’ of Dahomey 62, 290 fn
food production 156
footpads 28z
Fort Corniantin, Ghana 140–1
Fort Elmim, Ghana 62
Fort St George, Madras 319
Four Days Battle (1666) 200
Fox, George 141, 411
Foxcroft, George 320
Anglo-French treaty (1654)
anti-French sentiment in England 330
Charles’ exile in xiii, 151
Dunkirk sold to 135
expansionist policies 285, 392
Franco-Dutch War (1672–78) 328
French-Iroquois war 257, 258
Fronde 8
Indian trading activity 322
and Second Anglo-Dutch War 199
slave trading 303
and Third Anglo-Dntch War 316, 317
see also Louis XIV of France
Frederick V, Elector Palatine 59–60
free trade 87, 145, 148, 327, 425
eemen of the City of London 10
‘French disease’ see syphilis
French-Iroquois war 257, 258
Frost Fair 420–1
Frowde, Colonel Philip 64
Fryer, John 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324
fur auctions 302–3
fur trade 255–9
see also Hudson’s Bay Company
Galen 178
Galileo Galilei 109, 113
Gambia 87, 88, 139
Gambia Company 303, 304
gambling 70
Carraway’s Coffee House 302, 349–50
Genoa 449
Gcntileschi, Artemisia 344, 345, 346
George 160 fn
Gerald of Wales 63
Ghana 62, 140–1
Ghent, Admiral van 317
Gibbons, Grinling 300
Gibbs, James 439
Gifford, William 428, 429
Gillam, Zachariah 255, 258, 259
Glanvill, Joseph 164, 165, 226, 229, 451
Glorious Revolution 418 fn
Gloucester, Henry, Duke of 36, 53, 248
Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry’ 379, 380, 385
Godolphin, Henrietta 442
gold 61, 62, 87, 88, 89, 139, 308, 374
Gold Coast 126, 140
goldsmith-bankers 42, 94, 95, 102, 103, 220, 244, 308, 313, 373, 374
Goldsmith’s Row 211
gonorrhoea 396, 397
Goree 88
Could, Robert 298, 405
Graunt, John 6, 9–10, 11, 13, 16, 42, 212, 447
conversion to Catholicism 209 fn
death of 335
destruction of home during Great Fire 209
estimates of London population 6
and the plague 175–6
Royal Society member 132–3
study of hills of mortality 6, 131–2, 194, 282, 423
Great Fire (1666) xv, 205–12
building demolition 207, 210
conspiracy theories 212
damage caused by 210–11, 212, 213
economic impacts 244
exodus from I.ondon 208, 211
extinguishing of 210
fatalities 211
looting 208
monument to 230, 366
portents 390
spread of 209, 210
subsequent homelessness 211, 212, 336
see also rebuilding of London
Great North Road 7
Great Plague see plague (1665 outbreak)
Great Stop 310–12, 328
Greenwich Palace 72–3, 338
Queen’s House 67
Royal Observatory 338, 341–2
Greenwich Mean Time 435
Gresham, Sir Thomas 11, 104, 144
Gresham College 11–12, 97, 104, 107, 108, 111, 116, 217, 221
Gresham’s Hall 451
Guild of Goldsmiths 94–5, 102
Guildhall 34
destroyed in the Great Fire 210–11
guilds 10, 40–1
apprenticeships 10, 94–5
closed shops 10
Guinea 87, 88, 321
Gwyn, Helena 21–2
Cwyn, Nell xiv, 21, 402
actor 85, 174, 231–7, 239–40, 250, 151, 298–9
and Aphra Behn 292
at theatre school 233
becomes the King’s mistress 232
children 299
early life 232–3